Are you cool?
Yay - itstoohard thinks I'm cool! :D
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Once upon a time there was a magical creature called the Noodle Snorter. He did some snorting under the effect of the LSD. Once his saw Jon Snow, the son of the President Snow who held the Hunger Games. Jon didn't like his father's actions and decide to polish his spear and read the "Lusty Argonian Maid". His mother saw her polishing the spear and decided to bake a bread. Sadly it didn't fit in the oven. So she decided to change that! She had to change! She did dome ooni baloony magical sh!t and transformed into a Megatron, the lady with the biggest oven! Sadly, Jon burnt during that process. His mother didn't transform back to remember her horrible fate and she skated on a dragon's nose, with her mouth wide open and tongue sticking out. The dragon was also depressed because he needed a wizard to eat (He didn't know that Gandalf was on his way) so he flew away and ate Princess Leia. The princess died quickly. Soon the master Yoda baked a pie in honour of her and turned took a tiny monk out of his pocket. It wasn't his pocket though, it was some weirdo's pocket. That weirdo was high as f$ck. Then Gandalf arrived and ate a cucumber to feel young and pretty again. Soon Mr. Mario ate their sausages an ran away. After all, it's just a parallel universe an that might happen there right now, so never think something's impossible.
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"Who is Jon Snow's mother and why it is Megatron"
-A short essay plaugrized by someone too cool to write his own.
Who is Jon Snow's mother and why it is Megatron? As many fans know, Megatron, Lord of the Transformers and ruler of the universe, has lived in this planet for over 5000 years. In his autobiography "All hail Megatron", he wrote some pages about his childhood, and how it was filled with violence and electricity abuse. His parents and brothers all were addicted to high levels of electricity, one of the most common drugs there is in the Transformers universe.
He dedicated 2 chapters to this issue, both quite short, in wich he explained the emotional scars this childhood left in him. This scars led him to also become a drug abuser, and lately into prostitution and street fights. One of his clients, Dick Snow, had a severe bipolar disorder and during sexual encounters he used to beat Megatron and force him to do things that were forbidden by his religion, such as the space position, and other sexual moves in wich mostly toys were used to induce pain to the user. A while after that, Megatron decided that it was time to leave behind his job as a hooker, and moved into the bussiness of conquering the New York Broadway show.
So he became a dancer, and in a few months, he was even more famous than the prestigious and brilliant composer Mux Thander, one of the greatest dancers and Saxophone players of all times. But soon his past caught up with him, and he received a visit from Dick Snow. He wrote in his book that Mr. Snow wildly raped him, forcing him to say he was his "censored" while doing so. This act of violence left Megatron pregnant, and also made him go back in time (for is well known a massive amount of violence creates a vortex in space-time continnum) to 1673. After nine months, he gave birth to a child, who was later known as... Jon Snow.
TL;DR: Megatron was a whore.
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About 4 million years ago, a young Megatron had the dream to become the feared leader of the Decepticons. However to prove his worth, he had to travel to a fantasy realm and stay there for 1 year to learn the ways of another evil leader. The fantasy-realm-traveling-device (FRTD) randomly brought him to Westeros, approximately in the year 280 AL (Aegon's Landing). The realm traveling took up quite a bit of his energy and with his last power, he transformed into a stable maid (in order not to raise too much suspicion until his power would regenerate) and passed out. However he did not take into account the urges of a horny Eddard Stark, who happened to pass by ... when he came too, he already had a little Jon Snow slowly developing in his transformed maiden body. He still did his time (remember, 1 year learning from another evil leader - or several different leaders as it hapened to be in Westeros) before using the FRTD to go back to Tarn (one of Cybertron's many city-states) - leaving behind Jon Snow.
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Who is Jon Snow's mother and why it is Megatron
Well, this story start with one thread on one magical place called, someone noticed the party hard around the site, and wanted to be a part of this wonderful moment, noticed that one Woman ( Jon´s mother) was going to a dark corner. He followed her, but missed that she wasn´t alone.
OMGG she was with the decepticonsss!! The mother had in his hands a powerful crystal. She used it to transform into a gigant android/robot (whatever) and pronounced: IM MEGATRON! Im aliveeeee!!
Sadly, Jon saw this, and after cry, he used his powerful weapon (misil) to destroy his mother/Megatron, the decepticons ran out after this and they promised to revenge MEGATRON!...
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please let me know if jon snow is the brother of the snow white
lol me im cool
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John Snow’s mother is, obviously, Megatron.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, in a universe not dissimilar to our own (except for the dragons, maniacal robots and Greek gods) Megatron awoke and saw Zeus having all the fun with raping poor innocent gorgeous women.
That, naturally, wouldn’t do. He too had to partake in that fun so he decided to kill Zeus and steal his powers. As he decided, so did he do.
I bet you didn’t know it but Megatron was actually gay.
As luck would have it, he took on the appearance of Lord Eddard Stark’s wife and seduced the poor man. Lord Eddard Stark could hardly believe that his wife would come and abandon the North for a night with him, but as he was in desparate need of her…khm… companionship… he thought no more of it and took her.
Only after the deed was done did Megatron reveal his true form and identity and Lord Eddard Stark could not have believed how he was deceived.
Being a honorable man that he is, he took it upon himself to care and provide for the child that was the product of that horrible deed.
That is, naturally why, he never revealed the identity of John’s mother, not even to his closest friend.
Lady Stark always suspected that something was amiss as John's peed diapers (cloth ones, naturally) always smelled as a strange liquid (which we, in our land, call oil) instead of regular pee. That explains why she never could really feel comfortable around him and kept him far from her heart.
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Megatron was actually a woman, so couldn't have been gay!
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I was about to get out my writing hat... but decided to check first if itstoohard consider me cool enough. You know - we don't see eye to eye most of the time. Q.Q
And what do I find? Kitty transforms into some school boy?X()
I am scarred for life now. T.T
Not cool bro. Not. Cool.
P.S. As for characters iterated in OP request - your question already contains an answer in itself. Either it's rigged, or biased, or both. True Kitty's followers and Barbie worshippers are more open-minded to different possibilities! Why not Denethor, f.e.? That would explain his madness... Or maybe even Borg Queen? That's an explanation as to why borgs want so much to assimilate humans despite our many flaws!
P.P.S. ummm... wtf I just typed? (looks at the cup) What the hell they put in this cold medicine nowadays? I think I better go take a nap... >.<
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Snooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow man is a man created from snow and megatron is a robot, i'm so fucking cool :)
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Megatron is Jon Snow's mother because I am too cool and because probably in some language Megatron is pronounced as "mom"
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because 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Your question already contains an answer in itself. Either it's rigged, or biased, or both. True Kitty's followers and Barbie worshippers are more open-minded to different possibilities! Why not Denethor, f.e.? That would explain his madness... Or maybe even Borg Queen? That's an explanation as to why borgs want so much to assimilate humans despite our many flaws!
That's how cool I am. I don't write essays. I get someone to write them for me.
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Why Megatron is Jon Snow's mother
In the mighty almighty knot of the Universe, where all worlds collide, comes this one special magical moment in time once in Keeper's circle when everything collides for the blink of an eye and rearranges itself anew without anybody noticing except the Keeper of the Balance.
When this moment arises the Keeper gets ready, prepares him/herself with weeks and weeks of meditation and fasting to become all clean and pure to protect the balance for just another turn of the wheel with his/her great great powers.
And so it happened on this very special occasion that a little flea found its way into the Keeper's sacred chamber and in this very special magical moment bit the Keepers behind on his pitiful search for food.
Our Keeper got distracted for an even lesser moment than the blink of an eye, but it was till enough to mix up the fate of some people in some of the worlds. Not enough to disturb the eternal balance, but still enough to somehow let Magetron give birth to Jon Snow in an ice chamber in the northest of northern wilderness part of the wilderness.
Upon realizing what had been mixed up our brave keeper restored the order as it was, but there was this little baby with unknown fate which was then given into the arms of his father, who, without knowing, had given semen to the Megatron and....
Well, now you all know it.
There's no doubt I'm cool. Where are my sunglasses when I need 'em?
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I've got 1 copy of Kitty Powers' Matchmaker to give away and whitelist of 40 people. But 40 people is not enough for Kitty! So I'm adding more!
You must meet the following requirements to enter.
1) must be cool.
2) must write a short essay and post it in this thread. The topic is "Who is Jon Snow's mother and why it is Megatron". At least 300 characters (including spaces).
Upon posting your essay you can proceed to the giveaway: here
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