I can beat your ability to use the forum search function. Lookee here for a gazillion people who make you look like the most fortunate man/woman alive:
Good luck out there!
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As a new user, it might feel like a lot but I assure you, it is not. Don't worry about not winning for awhile, statistics work in your favor and at some point you are likely to win.
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Come on. 3,000 or 4,000, I'd let it slip. But 230 and already talking like it's a very surprising feat...
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for gods sake I was just joking and believe me I don't give any shit if u put me in your blacklist :) And check I did organize 3 giveaways with one of them being won by a scammer and I am dealing with him right now! But it seem you are a rich boy who's only interest is to look good in front of people! Oh and by the way the 3 games I gave away cost like 25% of ur 44 giveaways :) Look I am telling u what I WILL ADD YOU TO MY BLACKLIST :D I just don't want you to bother with it :)
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I don't give any ***** on what kind of people you see I've been here for like a month and you for a year and if every month I give away 100$ so in a year I will be giving away 1200$ compared to your 440$ ;) Isn't that funny you asked me to giveaway more when you did not even check my profile :) I like idiots like you they always give me someone to make fun of! Now please go away and I don't care if you believe this is a joke or not :) And I have you on my blacklist why in the hell are you still able to comment!
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with that kind of shitty attitude, you can expect to end up on more blacklists than only his
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No, simply not reacting like a 12-year old kid. Oh, and about your claim that your giveaways are worth almost 25% of his :
Real CV for Sent Gifts on account JPkfoury: 10.5$
Real CV for Sent Gifts on account BlankTerrent: 324.4067$
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The value showed on profile is not the actual value. Bundled games only count for 15% of the Steam store price. Also, it seems that the price for Edna & Harvey is currently bugged, so the value will decrease when this get fixed.
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You are also added to my black list. :) Oh no please no now I can't receive giveaways from 2 people with like 50 games a year wish means 5 games a month or 1-2 games a week please please don't do this for me :( I really want to win your 5$ games pleaseeeeee hahahahhahahahahaha Next time I will make sure that people like you and him will be directly added to my black list without even answering you :) Like this maybe I won't look like a 12 years old right? ;)
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Thanks for the add :) I had not added you on my blacklist, actually, but now it's done
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Dude, what the fuck are you doing to yourself? You made a bad joke and it pissed some people off, you need to stop getting so upset at them for being sick of seeing the same post as they see every day. This thread is doing you absolutely no favours except showing more people how obnoxious you can be every time you bump it. Lock the thread, cut your losses and move on. Unless you actually have the goal of making as many people dislike you here as you can, in which case I don't know what your issue is but you're succeeding.
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There's also a difference between a joke and whatever you're trying to pass off this thread to be. Anyone who mentions their blacklist in a derogative sense, i.e. everyone, is just being a complete and utter moron. Just ignore them and don't give them the pleasure of your attention. No good comes out of responding to their false sense of entitlement.
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He came he accused me of crying and not giving away anything when he did not even check my profile what do you expect me to do? Tell him Peace out for example?! And I believe HE IS MAKING HIS CHANCES SLIMMER :) I don't give away any game worth less than 20$ instead he giveaways game worth 2-4-8$'s so who i loosing you think?
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I am speaking about steam price and I had no idea what the bundle thing is before now! I giveaway on 3 other sites than this and none of them had this rule :) So I guess I will just stop giving away things in here when I reach level 2! I am a verified contributor on other sites so I don't really care !
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as I said I don't really care I am just willing to reach level 2 and this is all! And why shall I giveaway a 1$ game?! I prefer to giveaway an old VALUABLE game than a new 1-5$ game :) Anyway as I said I only care about level 2 and I had no idea what bundled games are until now! This rules does not exist on other sites so i had no idea about it!
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medal of honor for example do u really want to compare it to a 1$ released game? REALLY?! Or compare harvey a game that once costed 50$ for those ?! Anyway for me every game released under 10$ ON STEAM is most of the times not worth it! Anyway each have his own opinion!
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you've been here for 2 years so probably you know better than me how this work. I don't! Now I know what bundled is and sorry but I can't giveaway games that will cost me like 30 euros just to get a level or 2 to end up winning a free 5$ game. In this case I would like to get the game for myself instead :) Although I think that this site will check your giveaway level and determine the chance of you winning a game but I am willing to take the risk!
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What? Are you judging me by my GAs? If you open your eyes, you can see the gems between the "cheap jokes".
Also some of those "cheap" games were requested (Besieged and Hotline Miami for example).
You should really gather your salt and delete this thread before it's all over for you...
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wait i did not judge you hey hey hey I did not even talk to you I am talking to rzehooj! And i was telling u that blanterrent is making his chances slimmer not me I did not even talk to you! Do you all guys in here attack people like this?! It seems it is one of the key attribute of this community?!
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lol do u expect everyone to giveaway 50$'s games? Even if they do so they limit it to level 4 or higher people, this means they limit it to people with their same standard so actually they are giving away a game to someone who can already afford it!
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Close this thread. Nothing good is gonna come out of this.
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Well i am enjoying my time but my thread is clearly a joke in the General Discussion I have no idea why people in here attacked me like this and started calling me things! It seems the community in here is really bad :/ If only I did not giveaway some games I would have left by now!
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It's because there are 10 threads like this every day and all of them are jokes.
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well you gonna laugh but actually I had no idea we can view other threads because I had a hard time finding my navigation around this site! And today I knew how to search, well apparently it was too late and I got attacked but well as we are here why don't I enjoy my time :) I love when riches try to fight me! Judging my giveaways as if I have the same standard of living they do. Well guess what in my country u earn 400$ a month or even less with most of it going to living so at least I AM GIVING AWAY WHAT I CAN! And I hate when they want to start judging and throwing their negativity around as if everyone had their same living standards!
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I forgot to mention that I hate when they put a level limit because all the VALUABLE games are given away to people who can already afford them :/ I never and will never limit a giveaway for a certain group of people, if I can I will put that the maximum level like 1 or 2 so people who can't afford the game will win it! But someone with 6000$ value in his account why does he even need the game, did he even have the time to play all of them? I seriously doubt it!
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On that point I actually agree with you but most people sooner or later run into trouble since a lot of (but far from all) Lvl 0 users don't mark giveaways as received since they don't understand how the site works, trade away games they win and are in general a pain in the ass to deal with. That's why many people limit their giveaways to at least Lvl 1 (or higher) to make sure the winner understands how this site works.
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yeah level 1-2 is great I think! But seriously if I can afford to reach level 4 or 5 for example I certainly can afford to get the game for myself! Anyway I don't have huge problems in here it is just that the community is soooooo aggressive!
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Actually this community is quite cool with a few exceptions... There are just a few things you can't do...
One of those is asking why you haven't won yet (most people see that as entitled)
Or to put it more general don't try to make a joke-thread unless you add a GA. (or it is a real badass joke)
Learned that last one the hard way too :D
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Well it seems u are the only one who is nice in this community! Anyway I posted the same thread on 4 different sites including this one and the community on the other sites were not as aggressive but I guess I expressed myself wrong! Anyway as I said I will stop giving away at level 2! Some other communities deserve it more than here!
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You are right but well the people organizing the giveaways should also think about the less fortunate! And I guess someone who can afford to giveaway 1000$ or more does not need a new game! I saw someone with 400 games in his account and he plays only 3! So he took 397 games out of speople who actually wanted them!
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That's true, that's why there are level restrictions. In this way people who contribute more have a great chance of winning a game they'd like to have and people who can't afford that much can also enter many giveaways so they might also get a game they would love to play. People create giveaways without a restriction, with a low restriction or with a high restriction. As long as it's balanced, everything is fine, I think. :)
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well what is good in here is that the amount of giveaways is huge but no much AAA games exists! Anyway I hope to see more of those! If no then there is other giveaways site to participate or I can just put some $'s aside and instead of buying games for giveaways I would just buy the game I wanted! Your argument is true and I completely agree with you! But I always ask myself people with 200 games why do they need more?! But well no body knows each have his own opinion!
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True. :) I also think it depends on what games people have, not how many. Personally, I have about 150 games of which I got many free by participating in special offers, i.e. for example when devs give their games away for free, often at indiegala.
I simply like to collect games, I don't need to play them. When I win a game here though, I will most likely play it, but then there is the well-known backlog... I hate it. I currently plan to finish all the games I want to finish; hopefully, I'll be successful.
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i was kidding around it is shown in ":P" smiley and the show me yourself part! And I had no idea about the search function wish I now know about! Anyway if u could not understand it I am sorry next time I will make sure I don't post anything in this community, because it seems it is a bunch of attackers waiting for any post just to go on full attack! I just wish I knew this before I gave away some games!
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Ah, ok. So no actual joke here, just a smiley icon? With as confusing as this internet thing is and all the different ways people try to express themselves and often fail, I don't think its going to catch on longterm.
As for "show me yourself", do you really think people want to post naked pictures of themselves on the internet for all the world to see? Yeesh, that part is definitely not going to catch on!
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wait as I said I did not know that there is a search function I just wanted to see how many peoples are on a loosing streak and by show me yourself I meant tell me your number but it seems I did express myself wrong! I am part of 4 giveaways website I posted the same thread on the 4, I've been only attacked in here! I just hate the fact that I did giveaway games in here!
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The problem is the forums are literally littered with this type of thread and oftentimes it will get on everyones nerves. Especially with such a low amount of entries as yours. Even people who are patient with this thread the first 5, 10...20 times, and try to be more helpful...even they give up and are annoyed too.
Its not about ganging up on the newcomer but more about hating this particular thread in all its forms, day after day. Especially when its obvious the person has no concept of statistics and how they work.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are people on this site who enter 200 giveaways in one day as quickly as points regenerate around here and how much they want to win regardless if they never care to play the game. So your "joke" doesn't really play well.
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Only 230 entries? Hell, I have that more losses than that on one game alone. It takes time. Some people can win on day one, some people can't win in year one.
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You should have closed this thread hours ago. these kind of topics are bad in our community.
Even if you didn't try to be funny these guys will cut your throat just for mentioning the number of joined giveaways in combination with the word "win".
Instead of teaching people how our community works they flame you for beeing "dumb". Of course not everyone treats new people this way but most people do.
So.. welcome to SG.
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Do not get probability and statistics confused ^^ they are related, but different things. I'd even say they are sort of opposites, probabilty examine a process which has some random factors and try to determine the possible outputs, while statistics examine the output and try to figure out the process that would explain it (sorry if I'm being too serious :D)
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Up until now i've entered 230 giveaways and counting and won none :P So who can beat that show me yourself :P
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