"Wrath of the Lamb is essentially an expansion pack to Binding of Isaac"
Doesn't change the fact that you are being a hypocrite here...
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What did I say that was hypocritical? :o
Mabry said that Wrath of the Lamb is Aesthetic, but it essentially adds a whole new world, variations of Basement, Cave, Depths, and Womb, adds 2 new characters, a TON of items, and a new mechanic. The closest definition is "Expansion Pack".
Drumoff was being hypocritical, not me.
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Yeah I mixed up some things, I need sleep I think...I mixed that up with what he said, I thought he meant that the dlc he bought didn't count or whatever, yeah I am gonna stop typing now O_O!
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You bought DLCs. You are supporting DLC system too.
At least this one is actually meaningful, unlike those Darksiders 2 item dlcs.
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If they are a decent length with a good amount of content they can be viewed as mini expansions sometimes. :-)
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First of all a gun isn't an aesthetic DLC. Second, why should it already be included? It doesn't change the gameplay at all, so why bother? All it would do is delay the release. Third, if they have nothing better to do and people want them, why shouldn't they release aesthetic DLC? Does it impact you in any way?
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You forgot that those things are not "new". They just cut them out of the game (or don't put them there in the first place) and sell them to get profit. It impacts me as I'm a gamer and I have the right to speak my mind about this. If some people like it and think they're worth the money - so be it. I can understand that. But I don't, period.
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Err, most DLC isn't cut out of the original game. There are some cases of that, which in my opinion is bullshit, but I'm fairly certain this isn't one of those. I still fail to see how this negatively impacts you if the devs are making some extra money on things that some people enjoy buying that doesn't detract from your experience in the game.
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This DLC that is available now is just some minor weapon or something. That doesn't count. And those kind of DLC don't even appear in Season Pass. There will be 3 full, story oriented, single player DLC's. New story, new content, lots of it. Every for a few hours of gameplay, hopefully.
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Still need to beat the game.
Although it's been quite awhile since the game was announced. It's actually nice the wait was so long.
We know it was actually made after the game was done, and not taken off the disc or anything.
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That's what the developers said about 4 month before release. Everyone wanted to boycott the game, but the developers said the truth, and that's why I love 'em! :D
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Hopefully it'll be a dlc that makes the mediocre gameplay into something decent.
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Finally! I hope it's some additional plot line. Tbh, the gameplay is meh already so I'd rather have it expand on what's good and that's the story.
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Please. Bioshock are (well, used to be) about feeling helpless in a place where everything wants to kill you.
An environment where you know exactly where to go because the game leads you there (hinting is alright but the game flat out points you towards where you need to go) without having you explore; in fact, while lacking an option for exploration completely, you don't feel helpless anymore. You feel safe and secure. You know exactly what you're doing.
The first two Bioshock games were much too scary for my wimpy brain to handle but Infinite was a cakewalk. The player is just. Not. Scared. For a reason, too. There is nothing to fear. You know exactly where you want to go and enemies that will pop up are scripted to pop up. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not Bioshock.
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In regards to your point about the giant arrow, it was put in there for the dudebro audience. While I do agree about the hand-holding the game was not exactly terrible, but it was not exactly superb either.
They did include a 1999 difficulty mode for those that wanted a greater challenge, though they could have made it more difficult still.
Keeping the story stuck a rapture was pointless as there was not much more to it I feel.
Plus they were going for a new look with a different environment, not everything has to be super scary.
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I'm still annoyed by enemy spawning though, I didn't feel that spawning are scripted even once in bioshock 1 or 2. But in B:I the enemies feel so scripted, maybe that's the tradeoff for having a larger maps, you need to script the mobs to actually make it work.
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Well, Infinite doesn't want to scare you, after all you're not the only sane person around, you're participating in a resistance, dammit. It's just a whole different game, and maybe you're right, and it should not have been called Bioshock.
That said, the asylym level was quite disturbing.
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I feel if there were more parts like that end bit with the Boys of Silence, the game would have been better.
It was the most tense level for me in the entire game since I barely had any supplies or ammo left, and it was a constant struggle to survive.
More of that would have definitely made the game better for me. That type of game play and level design mind you, I don't want the silence boys pasted everywhere.
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I don't think the 'horde mode' is included in the season pass. I WANT THE DAMN RAPTURE DLC!!!
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Wait... This means there will be only 2 story DLC's...? FFS -.-
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From what I can tell, horde mode is 1 of the 3 DLCs (the other two are both set in Rapture). Looks like a lot of people will feel let down.
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