Or, if you're just not patient, play your FFXII with PCSX2, it works great ! When you play it on full HD you realize that that game just should not have been released during the PS2 generation. It looks as it it really had been meant for PS3/XBOX360 gen. Anyway if you have it I suggest you give it a try on you PC.
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I use original model PS2s with a network adapter and hard drive for such. Got two hooked up, with a 80GB and a 5OGB between the two systems. Rather useful for imports and fan translated games.
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Not always needing a modded PS2... I use FreeMcBoot and it lets me load from backup discs, USB sticks and even hard drives (i.e. my computer's). 99% of all games are runnable through non-disk versions too. Installing it can be a bitch on an unmodded machine though.
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Id does ! What does the international version has ? And yeah, PCSX2, correctly configured, runs it perfect and beautiful as it was intended to be.
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from wikipedia.org
"The game includes twelve License Boards available (instead of the original one), each corresponding to a different Zodiac sign and job. The battle system as a whole has been tweaked; guest characters and summons are controllable by the player, and holding the L1 button doubles the game's running speed. Additionally, the game features the English voices and the widescreen 16:9 ratio support of the North American version, along with a bonus disc based on the one initially released with the North American version. There is also a "New Game+" option, "New Game- (minus)" (where characters do not gain experience), and a "Trial Mode" which allows the player to hunt monsters in 100 different maps to gain items and money]"
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okay, thanks, I was lazy. Nice features actually.
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I wish I still had my copy of FFX International. Sent it to someone as part of a trade (which they scammed me on), and haven't found a replacement since.
Never liked XII though, but I still kept my copy.
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Same, I felt like it was the start gutting the series of their in-depth rpg elements. Don't get me started on XIII. I'm hoping the success of FFX/X-2HD brings SE back to creating real open world RPGs. Can but hope =)
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Makes sense, and I'm pretty sure FFX HD will do well, so FFXII HD is bound to happen
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Is it just me or are the FF fans grouped in this way?
This is after all the years of surfing the net and reading what FF fans had to say about the FF series. Of course, I only derived this from a sample, not the entire FF fanbase, but still...(and of course, there were several exceptions)
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I like V, X, XIII and Dirge of Cerberus, dislike or hate most of the others, mainly for the battle systems. Where do I fit in?
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Well, you'd be an exception. I'm sure I'll find many more exceptions as I continue my search, but these are the fruits of my work (if you could call it that) so far.
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I´m more like a FF6-10+LostOdyssey Fan ;) Even though I like 1, 3-5 and 13 + 13-2 quite a bit too.. pretty much everything except 2, 12 and both online games.
But yeah, I guess most fans will fit in one of those categories.
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I need to play Lost Odyssey. What I did play before my previous 360 got the RRoD was highly enjoyable.
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You should definetly try to get another Xbox for this ^^ For me it was the reason to buy one and Lost Odyssey feels a lot like a sequell to FFX.. not storywise, but in terms of gameplay and design.. pretty much what you could´ve expected from a "true" FFXI.
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I've got a replacement Christmas of 2011, but its the whole start from scratch bit, along with an already overloaded backlog. Plus, I no longer have the free JP DLC which was a pre order for English speaking people. Navigating the store would be a pain in the arse after an old update removed quick access to the DLC page for the current game disc.
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It was decent, but ruined a lot of what was great about FFT. Also the story, GAWD the story. And judges. Fuck judges.
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Yeah, the story was the big problem of FFTA ^^ But in terms of gameplay it was awesome indeed, the second one even better. Would love to see gameplay-quality of FFTA combined with the a story and atmosphere like the original FFT.. would be one hell of a game!
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For me it is just X, X-2 and XII with a rarther big hate on XIII++ . Also I dont care about XI and XIV
Din't play the "old" games, so I'm sure I would buy them (and I probably would even buy XIII if it's on sale, because you know SE likes sales ;) )
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Well, I like IV, VI, and IX. The VII is very good but in my opinion does not have the same replay value. Then X came and I had a very strong dislike similar to VIII in terms of characters. X and VIII could be really great games but the characters are just so angsty and shallow that I can't make myself to get past them. XII on the other hand was a solid game. As for XIII I really don't know since I haven't played it yet.
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Not me. Tactics, 4, 6, 9. 5 probably is good but have yet to play it. 1 was alright. 7 is the most overrated rpg of all time, or rather tied with Chrono Trigger. It's an alright game, but not worth the hype. The rest for the most part suck.
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"Fans of every FF game excluding FF14 and 11." That's me. My favorites though, are 6, 9, 10, and the 13 saga.
I really disliked XII though, so hearing it might be the next HD port is a bit of a disappointment. Meanwhile, I would kill for a full 3D HD remake of 6.
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Most of all I want a Disc-Version of FFX-HD without its retaded little sister X-2 on it. Would pay twice the price for a Single X-HD Disc-Release..
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I thought X-2 was fun, which is rare for the games with the ATB system. The start is silly, but it does get serious later on. I grinded to L45 in the first chapter.
Then lost my save. :(
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If it wasn't for X-2 being so stupidly easy and that .01% that's insanely easy to miss (and the guide even misses it), I would have enjoyed it. As it stands, I finished Wakka's storyline and youtube'd the Perfect Ending, since I couldn't get it thanks to only missing that .01%.
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Its just hardcore-fan-logic ;) I love the series as much as one can love a non-living-thing and FFX-2 was a painfull insult to everything I love about it.. so I neither want that piece of garbage in my collection in any form nor do I want the money I pay for FFX be partly counted to the FFX-2 sales.. and as a collector I still really want to have a disc-copy of FFX HD for my collection.
Thats my dilemma, but yeah.. no normal logic involved ;)
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Im quite indecise between the Vita and the PS3 version.
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I know. Thats the reason that im undecided. The vita versions of both will probably more expensive... In other hand, portable versions of those games are completely worth it!
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Klonoa: Door to Phantomile and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater have HD remakes and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus are currently in development.
Silent Hill was "re-imagined" which is quite similar to the original as was Wild Arms, but not as true to the original. Both of which included graphical updates as far as I remember.
There are also many other games that have received graphical updates while being ported, but perhaps not high enough quality or just not enough changed to class it as an HD remaster.
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Why would they remake the XII one, it looks great as it is. Why won't they make a HD ramake of FF7 for example which the fans are asking them for for so many years. I love FF7, it's beautiful, but I'd be happy to see it with better graphics, nice non-pixelated backgrounds, smoother animations and so on and so forth.
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The thing I love about 12 so much is the gameplay. The characters suck ass, the story is pretty meh as well, but the gameplay was one of my most favorite out of the series. I also liked the "Esper" system and all the rare game trophies and whatnot, it made the game last very long. I'd buy it if it came out on VITA, Ps3, or PC!
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Final Fantasy XII could the next final fantasy title to remastered in HD
"We'll have to wait and see if these remasters are going to be successful, first," the Producer of FFX and FFXIII told us at E3 2013.
"If they do well, I think this will pave the way for more of the previous games to remade in an HD sort of quality."Yoshinori Kitase, a key Final Fantasy Developer.
For me i am excited to here that , Final Fantasy XII was the only Final Fantasy i played and i like so much
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