So its been a while since we heard about free games (Origin On The House, Steam) does it stil happen?

Also if there are other specials going on, tell me please :)

Thanks Alot!

EDIT: What F2P games do you recommend?

10 years ago*

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You sir, are not informed. Let me help you out.


10 years ago

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Why are You so horny? Thanks for the link :)

10 years ago

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Kinda hornless

10 years ago

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"Kinda hornless"? meh I laugh at you MMRhino! You've obviously missed a few classes of mammal history, but no need to grind your teeth and swing your tail! This fat hippo will bring you up to speed.
Thousands of years ago, when the trees could still walk and the grass could still sing, this world was solely inhibited by the bravest of animals, the jellyfish. It was a peaceful time back then, all the jellyfish lived happily amongst each other and the economy thrived. Since the jellyfish didn't have any wars to fight (remember it was peacetime) they could pretty much do whatever they wanted. Some wrote poems, some baked cookies, others rode stones but the one thing they had all had in common was that they worshipped a god named grAPE. (and were jellyfish)
grAPE was a piece of fruit that had gotten stuck in the arse of a baboon and since the jellyfish had never seen anything like him, they chose him to be their god. grAPE was a fair ruler and the jellyfish loved him for that but being the only god on the planet is a lonely job. grAPE missed someone who really understood what it ment to lead a nation. He missed someone who understood his burden, someone he could trust in, someone who liked the real grape and not the god. Reigning over the jellyfish didn't really interest him that much anymore, he lost his appetite, appeared less and less in public and grAPE grew more unhappy with every passing day. Time passed by and grAPE lost so much weight that the unthinkable happened. He fell out the arse of the baboon. It was the happiest day in grapes life, he could finally go wherever he wanted. He didn't have to be this silly grAPE anymore, he was grape again and he was free! His freedom lasted ten minutes and twenty seconds. The exact time it took him to come across two extreme fat jellyfish who accused him of treason and locked him up and infected him with hiv. Without their god, the jellyfish grew violent again so it didn't take long before they declared war on the blueberries. these poor berries didn't stand a chance against the might of the jellyfish and soon their queen was captured and thrown in the same chocolate prison as grape. The now cruel jellyfish forced gRAPE to have sex with the blueberryqueen and threw them both in the wilderness to starve when he was finished. It was a hard life, especially cause gRAPE had gotten the queen pregnant and there wasn't that much to eat. When it was time to give birth, the queen was so weak that she was barely alive. She gathered all her strengh, looked at grape, pushed... pushed and died just after bringing the twin into this world. A grown hippo and rhino. The rhino had a gigantic horn but a small cock while the cock of the hippo was enormous. So this dear rhino is why I don't give a fuck about your horn!
grape died of aids btw.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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That's good and all, but it doesn't change the fact you're a poor man's rhino.

10 years ago

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So hard

10 years ago

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Both twins graduated the top of their class in jellyfish school.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. <<<< Just Cause 2 Monster Truck DLC

10 years ago

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Yeah that's the site I check every couple of days...they didn't tell me about Collapse though :(

10 years ago

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^Try Path of Exile if you like games like Torchlight or Diablo II

10 years ago

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For shooter I recommend 1. ghost recon phantoms by ubisoft
2.Warface by crytek
and war thunder is like WW2 warplane and tank battle MMO it's really awesome
And if you want an MMO like dayZ then H1Z1 is in development by SOE that is gonna be F2P eventually

10 years ago

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Path of Exile is a great game. Plus the new update and 3 month leagues are only a few days away, I highly recommend you try it if you haven't yet. F2P but not P2W.

10 years ago

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I tried it when it was released on Steam... But it wasn't fun for me :/

10 years ago

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I normally go here.
just look on the right.

10 years ago

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Simcity 2000 from Origin.

10 years ago

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edit: you're sooo right my kind sir:)

10 years ago

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lol +1

10 years ago

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Afterfall Insanity (yes, again :P) on indiegala.

10 years ago

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Yes there are, a website full of them called You dont have to rely on games given out for free always.

10 years ago

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Here you go
Not always up to date, but good summary.

10 years ago

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I, Zombie for newsletter subscribers :P

10 years ago

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Is this key distribution already over for this game? if not where would i find it? and thank you in advance :)

10 years ago

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It's probably over. It was developers newsletter that you had to subscribe for free YADZ key when greenlit. I don't think it has been used for anything else :D

10 years ago

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I appreciate it :) thanks for getting back to me on that :)

10 years ago

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I use: TopGamesPro

It's more readable for my opinion. :)

10 years ago

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If you use Hola extension on chrome and go to Origin on the house and put the page to France you can get Dead Space :)

10 years ago

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Play tactical intervention, that game is so bad. But it's that quality kind of bad. The super memorable badness that'll make you smile at how bad it is cause it's a good time.

10 years ago

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I go here

10 years ago

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There is a Borderlands exploit going around, but since it's an exploit, I don't recommend it. And I won't give any links, because I don't wanna get in trouble :p

10 years ago

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If only there were a Steam group of some sort.

10 years ago

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That Lambda Wars Beta just came out.....

10 years ago

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And it's freaking awesome ^^

10 years ago

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other than some older WGN GL giveaways, not that much going on

10 years ago

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Quake Live

10 years ago

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Eggnog +

Basically a superior version of Nidhogg.

10 years ago

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Here's a key especially for the ninjas that never thank the giver : X2PDI-LJ99V-5AADH
You've earned it.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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