You can't be serious ...
I would give a 1-1.5$ profit to any trader that has the GAME I want; 'cause he has that GAME and I don't have that GAME. Thats more than reasonable. However a 10$ profit on a single game is robbery and a stupid deal to make.
That's how trading works. And it's a good system. If you don't feel like be a part of it, you can just buy the games on sales, for example.
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I won't forget steamtrades thread where HIB trader links TotalBiscuit video where TB explains that HIBs should be bought at games' lowest steam prices and not exploited for $1. Every time i see this thread i hardly resist to ask him how much did he payed for the tons of HIBs he hoarded. If thats not cynical i don't know what it is.
Or the traders that never say price first hoping that there will be ppl that offer stupidly high price. Imagine entering in store without prices and the shopkeeper waits for you to say the price for thing you want then only agrees on things you say high price - this is what happens.
The reality is that if its not another person interested in playing the games traded its not worth it. Simply because traders are wasting their time if hey don't get your game cheap and give their expensive.
I finally got a guy from Ukr that i trust and Im so happy that don't need to be part of this great system that if you give them the chance they'll get your pants down... and you know the rest :P
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A trade can only be made if both parties feel that it is fair, otherwise they wouldn't trade. Now what you consider fair might not be seen as fair to someone else.
Most traders do try to squeeze as much out of a trade as possible but there are so many traders (especially traders with access to cheaper Russian games) that they can easily be undercut by someone else if they ask too much.
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I agree with everything you said. Many traders don't know how to negotiate and transform a low ball to being just right.
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Everyone wants to trade up instead of down or even. Just look at this asshole's thread.
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Well, if that copy is a steamkey, it could be from gamersgate (on december that site had a price error on the 4-pack).
Btw, even if he bought it for 10$, he could be able to trade it for a bioshock infinite (steam key, thanks to the AMD Never Settle Promotion. There were a plenty of traders selling/trading the game for 12$-15$).
To the OP : He linked his own steamtrades topic. So you can ask directly to him for how much he bought BL2 XD
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I bought it back in December. My sister decided she wanted World of Warcraft instead, so I held onto it.
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They keep 200+ copies of games in their inventory, 'cause they are traders. They made an investment and they hoping they will sell it for profit. But actually, it's too late now, and they will never sell it.
There are lots of sharks out there at steamtrades, but if you have the time, you can find some good ones. Also: Russians.
But you were wrong in one point, giving a kind "No,ty." response to your offer is not a bad thing. It actually helps, so you can search for another trader. Some people did't even respond ...
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I don't think you even understand my point. So feel free to stop responding.
I actually did run into a few very cool traders. So no, I am not saying they are all bad. Just the couple I dealt with in the past few hours.
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You can do both successfully, and it's not actually a 'problem'. OP isn't telling the full story though. :)
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If we knew about your trade details or you had an example dialogue with these 'rude elitists', we could tell you where they or you went wrong.
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This makes it difficult to trade games I have for games I want (in the same price bracket) ask for game offers and all you get are the last old on sale for $2 or humble bundle keys.
"I have X game (worth $20/$7) I want X game (worth $20/$7}"
"hey I have just cause 1 or fortex for it?"
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That does seem to be true for most traders on ST, but at least the rejections I've received have been polite. Game keys don't have a lot of value over there, though. It'd be nice if we could turn out keys into inventory copies. I think that would ease a lot of fears about getting ripped off.
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I started using it a bit over the sale. I made 4 deals that I was very happy with, but I agree that there a lot of people that overvalue what they have. There's definitely some nice people there though, but you do have to wade through a lot of wackos and shit offers.
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Some good advice here. FWIW, I agree with you. I try and stay far clear of that place. I have done a few trades there, but each time I do, I usually steer clear for weeks/months until the next time.
Keep in mind, too, that some of these guys (yes, mostly) are in the game-trading game because it's thrilling to them. This is entertainment. They have a fierce (perhaps quite "overdeveloped") sense of competition. For them, it isn't a good deal unless it's a "win". There are people in business like this, too. Many hard salesmen (especially outside sales) are this way. It serves them well for what they do. And the internet compounds this. Because IRL, if you shit on a potential lead, it may cost you many, many more leads down the road. But at ST, there is no/little such consequence.
FWIW, I currently work in sales. But I deal primarily with extremely high-end clientele. And there is definitely a different way of doing business there. Not always, but often. The boys at STs are still smelling the salt air from the pig sty and pretending they're at the beach.
On top of that, there are scammers and thieves circling that place, too.
If you go in knowing that you're going to have to deal with a subhuman element, you'll really appreciate the folks over there that are actually great folks. I know, because I've run into both of them.
G'luck, and I feel your frustration.
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Thank you, drumm. Sounds like you're justifying the behavior?
And yes, it takes some naivete in order to get scammed, but it doesn't stop the incessant attempts by the cretins to do it anyway.
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Still don't let a few bad apples ruin your experience. I have met and known some fairly nice fellas thru that site. I noticed you deleted your post? Anyway, you were saying you were trying to offer $70 bucks worth of (giftable) stuff and the guy rejected you. Well if those titles were once bundled, I can prob see why. If they ain't then well look somewhere else. There are tons of traders there and surely someone will accept your deal.
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Yea, its good to mention there are other outlets. TF2Outpost is easier to navigate and find what you want IMO compared to ST. There are also plenty of game for game traders there as well. My biggest issue with ST is just the pain of wading through all the threads and I find my thread gets buried relatively quickly on ST.
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Well the guy said 'no' which is still not too bad really. I have seen quite a few during my time around. There are others out there who couldn't care less to reply and some who outright say stuff like 'never!', 'fucking lowballer' and other much crappier stuff than s single no. Again don't let such stuff bring down your mood, it ain't worth it.
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It's a lot easier to get titles on sale WHILE the sale is still going. Once the sale is over, people are just trying to make a profit off games they bought during that sale. They're hoping to get a good offer from someone who missed something in the sale.
If I get offers for a game I actually want, I'll be more flexible and try to negotiate if I feel the offer is too low. However, if I get offered something I have no interest in and I feel is really too low I'll sometimes just answer with a straight "no". But I usually try to be more polite than that.
I try to keep my trading a pleasant experience but for some it's business an to them, their game will always be more valuable than yours. After a while, you learn to spot those people and simply avoid them altogether. But don't get discouraged if you get a lot of refusal. Unless someone is genuinely interested in the game(s) you're offering, they will always look at the re-trade value before accepting an offer.
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I had a completely different experience. I entered ST today for the first time, some guy wanted terraria and was offering killing floor. I had terraria and wanted killing floor. So I added him on steam, asked him "hey wanna trade terraria for killing floor?" he said yes, we made the trade and that was all. I got terraria on sale 75% off with the 4-pack, the guy didn't ask how much i paid for it and I didn't ask him how much he paid, I just wanted the game.
I think the problem is that too many people want to hear "offers", I just ignore those posts.
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and "offers" usually turn into lists of old bundle keys and old games recently on sale that everyone bought 10 of. best to list the games you want then have a ton of offers you don't want
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I visited ST a couple times, but when I saw the amount of pretty lame offers for pretty good games and the amount of people who simply don't know what they need, I realised that using ST might require much more patience than I have :) The kinds of trades when both parties KNOW what they want should work much better, of course, but I mostly see people looking for "offers" there, so any attempt at trading most likely results in empty guesswork and frustration.
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Most of the people that are asking for "offers", especially the ones that only have "offers" as what they want, are just fishing for suckers. They hope someone will come along and offer them a $20 game (or dare they hope, a rare or removed game) for their sale, exploit, or bundle game.
As bad as those sort are, it's even worse to me when I see seasoned traders with hundreds of rep knowingly low-balling noobs. They will give a long list of possible choices (mostly bundles, maybe a few sale titles) and say "Pick One" or "Pick Two" hoping that the other person doesn't know anything about trade values or what has been available in bundles recently.
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Eh, I dislike the general tone that everyone sees trading with you as a favor rather than a service, but other than that it's a pretty good forum to find games you want for cheap and getting rid of your duplicate games and replacing them with ones you don't own.
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When somebody trying to make trade, offering games from fresh 5$ bundle "2 on choice" for 20$ non-bundle game, hard to expect polite answer and respect. Just saying :)
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From a trader's perspective you must understand that for every successful trade they make they have to reject a dozen offers and talk to a dozen people.
And if I should buy a game for $5 during a sale. Why should I sell/trade it at the same price to you? My $5 would have sat in my inventory and gave me nothing in return. My time wasted to trade games will never be properly compensated.
Of course a person would say NO to things he do not want. You expect people to say YES to every shitty offer or games that don't interest them? Would you buy a car you don't like just because the salesman tell you to?
And this part is pure nonsense. Whether a person has 1 rep or 100 rep, the game is still worth the same.
"The other trader has the same game, but since he spent 7 hours making an insane demands and rules post, his copy of the same game is worth full value."
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What you have in mind is a marketplace. You don't buy a game on sale to "trade" it later on. That's called reselling. Trading is a different thing and doesn't include a profit in monetary terms. It centers around mutual benefit.
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I think you re the elitist here who thinks the community owes you something just because you've given away hundreds of dollars of games. I've seen people with 4 figure CV who don't behave like you. I've given the same amount away as you and I've never asked to be treated differently.
Why should anyone do you favor just because you want it? No one here owes you a living.
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I'm perfectly clear about what I am talking about.
One of the mods here once mentioned it's actually those high CV people who want special treatment. Now I believe him/her.
Throughout this entire thread you keep mentioning how you've given away hundreds of dollars worth of games to strangers and friends. This speaks a lot about your character.
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I was mentioning I give stuff away to emphasize the fact that. I DONT DEAL WITH PROFESSIONAL STEAM TRADERS.
I didn't go into any trade with this elitist attitude that you just now decided that I had. I wasn't really complaining that my offers weren't accepted. I was complaining about a guy that had 10 INDIE BUNDLE KEYS. I offered him 3 keys for 1 of his, and he was extremely rude and insulting about it. Now explain to me. If you think ANYONE would pay 6 TF2 keys for an Organ Trail BUNDLE KEY (not even gift copy) Then you're an idiot. And yes, the person I'm speaking of had an insane list of demands and rules for the privillage of trading with him. I didn't get mad at anyone for not accepting an offer. I got mad because they were RUDE. AND it was only a few people. Plenty of people were really nice. So before you come up with your idiotic theories, try getting the facts first.
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Then don't trade. I've met at least 50 rude and low balling people since the start of the sale. I take it in my stride or I be rude to them in return. Those are idiotic theories to you because you have no clear understanding of how trading works, you think someone should trade with you just because you want it and you have this naive notion that everyone in this world is an angel. Well, they're not.
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Ok so. Some people are taking this wayyyyyyy too seriously and getting offended. It was just a discussion to hide a stupid giveaway.
I forgot this is this internet and a lot of people don't have the ability to see both sides of a coin. Thanks to those of you that engaged in polite debate or helpful hints to my noob to steam trading ass.
Here is the damn giveaway for my last copy of this silly game.
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We're not offended. We're just telling you you have the wrong mindset.
If you would be so kind as to tell us what exactly you were trying to trade and what you wanted in return, we'll in a better position to understand your grievances.
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That is quite true. There are indeed people out there with plenty of weird rules. I have once come upon a guy who very rudely said that my account is too 'young' to trade with him despite me being on steam for a year and more and with more rep on st than him.
There really isn't any much advice to give but just know that people have different standards. Some traders want to get a ton of profit, some merely want to trade for games that they want and some are just being rude for the sake of it. Again, after my time there, the most important advice I can give is, don't let whatever happen there kill your mood, it aint worth it. Forget it and go look elsewhere.
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What the name of that mystery 18$ game, which you attempted to trade for 70$ non-bundled games? :)
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That's not insulting. That's educating.
I have more than 100 rep in Steamtrades so if you tell me what you were trading and what you wanted, I humbly believe I'll be able to tell you what went wrong.
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sorry about that.
yes, it is frustrating to try to get a trade over there, but it takes patience..
i think the biggest thing that bothers me is traders who demand that i sell my games at Russian prices, saying that what i have is really cheap in Russia. Then when you go make an offer to them, they value their games at US prices, and your's are still Russian prices :/ quite frustrating..
but with patience, you can make some good trades over there and meet some nice traders.
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So what were the mysterious games OP was trading?
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i have 50 rep over there and can tell you... EVERYONE wants To PROFIT, to the point of absurdity... stupid offers/lowball happen all the time, and some ppl dont even haggle/understand what trading means...
If you arent getting what you want(in one place), get your things and trade with another, repeat ad-nauseum
It takes tons of patience to trade... /thread
ps. keys go always first... no matter what!
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Im not sure how big of a trader you are, but keys (game keys?) certainly do not always go first. It depends on a few different things. Do you have more or less rep then them? Is a middleman involved? Gift inventory vs cash?
If you are just starting off, (0 rep), and you trade with someone with 300 confirmed trades for their key, you my friend are paying up first.
Also, personally, as a game key trader sometimes, I always get paid first before they see the key.
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I dit a trade with someone yesterday and he had the option to have any 2 games from retro city rampage, bastion and just cause 2,and he chose bastion and just cause 2 for portal 2, which from the sale prices was a really good trade in my opinion, as it was more or less a like for like trade price wise, bastion was £1.74p and just cause 2 was £1.99p, and portal 2 was £3.74p. So It was good for my first trade with someone
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This isn't a thread for trading. I am just baffled by the way some people handle the trading of games and I don't know
a better place to discuss this than here.
I myself am not a big trader. I prefer to just give games away to random people so everyone can enjoy playing games.
This makes going over to Steamtrades (Which I did for the first time yesterday) one of the most irritating things I have ever done.
I have game A. It was recently on sale for 75% off on a special sale. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. So now that game is forever only worth 25% of original value when in my hands. The other trader has the same game, but since he spent 7 hours making an insane demands and rules post, his copy of the same game is worth full value.
People sit on an inventory of hundreds and up to thousands of copies of giftable games, list every one they have and when you make a fair offer for a trade. You just get a "no" response. How is that helpful to anyone? JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT! FUCKINGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHaYKWnHHHHHHHHH! Or at least try to make some form of negotiation.
You can make the argument that maybe people just don't want to play the game you're offering. Well then why are they sitting on dozens of copies of the same game?
I apologize for this dumb rant. I just want to make some trades because I missed a few great deals during the summer sale, and people are making it impossible.
Needed to vent I did.
Now to go back to just giving hundreds of dollars worth of games away for almost no personal gain.
Edit: Just to be clear. I realize there are a lot of great traders. I just had a string of rude elitists and wanted to rant.
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