why do you love puzzles so much?
If you have problems because you do not speak English primarily, then let me know what your native language is and I will use google translate to make another phrase for you. It may make it worse since google translate, but the Portuguese version translated well :)
the answer will still be the same for the puzzle; so once you figure out your phrase you should be able to get the English version; I will try to make sure it has at least some of the same words/meanings
I hope these are translating right... and helpful...
The puzzle answer will still be in English, so if it is not translating right, or there are different meanings for the words I do not know, then it might just make it more confusing.
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I added some picture hints, if that helps. I might add more later, I would hate for the language barrier to be the reason you can not solve it :( So if any words pop into your head from the pictures, try to translate them to English, it might help you find the words I am looking for.
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Ok, I'm a complete and admitted idiot. I can never figure these out.
Not like I'll win anyway......
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Nope, I have no idea how to even solve the puzzle! :P
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I just looked up what "unscramble" means and I'm almost giving up... Not in a mood to bruteforce it.
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i think i checked with all the tools, and still no idea how to go on
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If you say so...I've seen just about every tool in there used, and have tried every one that seems at all relevant. Either something's not right, I'm an idiot, or it's not just about applying the right tool, but requires finding the right twist on using it, which is escaping me.
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i dont know where to get the second part... solved the first, just stuck....
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How 16 people have solved this is a mystery to me. Maybe it's my English.
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I actually had one of those words in mind, but I wasn't getting anywhere until rclbob translated it to Portuguese below and I was able to make the connection. :)
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not sure if this will help or not, but I used google translate to make the phrase into Portuguese
so you can try to make words from this instead: gosuemsrtsdeoi
although the translation wasn't perfect, if you can figure this one out, you should be able to make the other phrase :)
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Okay so I speak English perfectly well, and I'm stuck..
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I hope you didn't use multiple cyphers to encrypt the giveaway link code multiple times because the combinations alone would mean no one would ever figure it out.
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it certainly is difficult, but I'm trying.. I think I figured out the first cipher, but it turns to gibberish.. and have no idea what to do with it next so...
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I know what tool I have to use, but I can't get the message right.
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100% sure about the tool, but it's not working. Will come back tomorrow. I need some sleep on it.
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everyone else seems to be getting the first part fairly easy, just pick out letters and start making words and then try to make more words with the remaining letters. I am not sure if there is a tool to unscramble it for you, that is why I took the spaces out. If I put spaces or only scrambled up the individual words it would be way too easy.
I would add hints to what movie it is from, but I'm not sure it would help... I'm not sure a lot of people here have even seen the movie lol
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Good thing I already bought DL, otherwise I'd have the urge to get in and try solving this :)
so, here, have a free bump! :D for being nice and bringing a quality prize for a quality riddle..
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Bump for completely solved. I was right, all I needed was sleep. xD
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Well I finally made the puzzle, I was going to try to make a intricate well-thought out puzzle with lots of questions/answers and loops/dead ends... But I am too lazy for that and I couldn't seem to figure out what I wanted. So here is the simplified version of what I had planned. It is probably going to be pretty difficult.
I might give hints if there aren't enough solvers. Actually I will probably give hints becauseI'm such a nice person :) There are now hints, and you will definitely need zelgh's guide which won't actually help you until you get through the puzzle.Level Req: Level 1+ (for dying light?!) I wanted to make at least part of it easy:)
Game: Dying Light
GA ends: Nov. 9th
first rule of fight club is that we don't talk about fight clubsecond rule of fight clu..Sorry I think I copied the wrong rule list... I think you know the rules :) No sharing hints/answers/links etc... etc..
Have fun!!?
Sorry I took so long, I went out of town for a bit and didn't have time to post the solution right away.
The puzzle answer was 'too many secrets' which was found by either using a specific anagram solver from google search or if you understood the picture hints for secrets you could then take the remaining letters and make 'too many' out of them. (The sneakers picture was just to show what movie it was from called Sneakers(if you searched for secrets+sneakers on google it would also allow you to find the anagram/solution).
The puzzle revealed a Base64 code that would not reveal anything, that is why I hinted that you need to decode it first using another cipher.
I put passphrase in bold on the puzzle to indicate the other cipher used, and to hint at the passphrase needed by saying "unscramble the passphrase". The only cipher that I know of that specifically asks for a passphrase is Vigenère cipher, which would come up if you search google for passphrase+ cipher. There is also the OTP cipher that basically works just like Vigenère but has different passphrase rules and does not specifically ask for a passphrase but it would also work in this specific case (both of these are linked on Zelgh's guide)
So if you decode FofchOE= using Vigenère with the passphrase "secrets", you get NkdldVM= which then would decode using Base64 to give you the 5 letter GA code 6GeuS. The reason the passphrase is "secrets" and not "too many secrets" is just based on how the cipher works and that is why I suggested reading about it on the wiki if you were stuck at that point.
Basically the passphrase only needs to be as long as the phrase being decoded (or shorter), so "too many secrets" would be too long and includes spaces, which do not count anyways.
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