Why are you spending your money for trash? You might just as well throw it out of your window. Aren't there some things in your life you would really like to do/own? Wouldn't it be a neat idea to save the money you are about to spend for literal garbage for those instead?!
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Don't want to make things worse, but...
Why do you care? You don't have to buy these games, not on steam neither the bundles.
Really don't see why it should piss you off.
It's another example of free will. Like you can say what you want and people can spend their money as they see fit.
Devs have the right to release their games and we have the choice to buy. Valve is simply giving you more options.
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That I can relate to. I understand the disappointment.
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Ironic, considering that you have 2100+ games... I doubt that you'd pretend that even most of your games are of good quality.
Also, I doubt that you've not spent anything on those games. Even if you traded something for it, you still spent something that has a monetary value. Even if you got each game for one trading card, you'd still spend around as much as he did.
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I guess it's pretty subjective (like with these games), but games like "Operation Flashpoint" are mostly regarded as pretty bad games with some die-hard supporters. Similar to what Medal of Honor: Warfighter did. It's just that that game was way more polished and failed because it was just a copycat.
Also, stuff like Faerie Solitaire is not considered to be bad games per se, it's pretty much a free flash game.
I have almost 1100 games and while a lot of them are of good quality, there's the same amount or even more games that are pretty bad all things considered. At least on this quality. And this quality, according to you, is trash.
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If someone stopped you in the street and said "Give me $1 and I'll give you $1.5 back" (assuming there's no worries about legitimacy) wouldn't you? :3
That's what these bundlestars dollar bundles are.
And before I hear the usual stupid arguments from the same usual suspects it costs me nothing to do so cause I just double click one program that does all the work for me, then I go to my browser and use my addon to autolist everything on the market with 1 click. And no, not added electricity costs either, my pc is already up and running regardless.
Also as much as I hate to agree with the "Justice Squad" you did sound judgemental at your original comment :(
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I didn't intend to lecture anybody btw. No idea why my comment caused such a shitstorm. I am just disappointed by the continuously decreasing quality of the bundle releases over the course of the last two years, and I expressed it by asking a person who actually buys this why he/she does it. Is all.
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On the risk of losing my place on your WL: I agree with them. While your intention might not have been to lecture anybody you did and that's putting it mildly since you kept pushing after you got your answer.
Edit: And even your original question was phrased the most passive-agressive way possible... Have your "supplies" run low eeev ? :P
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The reason was that you're pretty aggressive in your comment.
Immediately attacking his choice and the games that he obtained. Plus stuff like "!?" is seen as pretty aggressive too.
I can imagine that you weren't actually planning on this to happen. God knows I've been in the same position as you. So, if it wasn't your intention then so be it. It happens to the best of us :)
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Thank you for posting GodFeelling. ^^
They are all repeats here. ;-)
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if you want some, i've made as many gibs as i could for them
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have only 2 or 3 of them. finished farming the last dollar bundle only recently after weeks. maybe i'll pass
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No idea.
Unless gay parades include a splatterhouse boss :P
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knowing how the general card prices plummeted, even for farming i wouldnt pick this one up.
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this or 1x used ShamWow ... i think i just made my choice
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Valve have made several changes to the requirements for adding trading cards to games. Games have to reach certain metrics before cards can be added now, they can't just be added at launch.
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Yeh .but i think old games drop cards as before ,they seem to work ok when i'm farming.
That's why i think Fanatical are being quite clever by sourcing all the older trading cards games.
Not sure why other bundle sites aren't doing it.
It does mean i sometimes see green ticks on the game list here but if there's over 20 games they can still be used on secondary steam accounts and profit !
Though to be honest i don't do it so much anymore ,not always worth the time invested.
It used to be fun during the heydays of giveaways a while back.
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Bundle Stars Dollar Loot Bundle
1 tier, 21 games and 4 DLCs total!
Bundle ends in 28 days!
Tier 1: $1.00 / 1.09€
You cannot create giveaways for the following games: "Absoloot, Minimized, Invasion, Under Zero, PixBit"
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
Thanks to kelicottia for notifying me!
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