Which do you collect?
actually, just decided (after having a few anyway) collecting Beer Opener Magnets - those that you put on the fridge ;)
and i always though you collect young ladies
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which of the two?
i'm guessing not the women accent ;)
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I only buy what I actually intend to play and since I don't really idle all that much, I don't pick all the freebies, only the ones that interest me.
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I do not actively collect games. Amassing digital bits and pieces is an utterly ephemeral and transitory activity with no meaning to me. I am not at all proud or satisfied in the least when I see that I somehow ended up with over 2000 Steam games in my library. In fact, I'm a little ashamed of it. It's just something that happened, not a goal I actively pursued with any purpose or meaning. That number represents nothing but a lack of impulse control, bad judgment and worse financials. Not everything is worthless on there, of course. Some of it I am happy I have, cherish even. I still am interested in games I do not own. But it's not for the point of owning them just to have them. There's a lot out there that I want to experience still, and haven't even among the things I already do own. But let's be honest, the crap far outweighs the good.
I do not get people who celebrate their [insert number] games owned "milestones" and throw lavish parties at the fact that they embiggened their already enormous digital junk piles. Good for them, I guess. Or not. Acutally, I do get it. It's that Pavlovian saliva reflex and the dopamine high that only a +1 can give. I know this feeling all too well. Being an avid music listener, film enthusiast and reader, I used to collect records/CDs and DVDs/Blu-Rays and of course books with a religious fervor. Still do somewhat. I own several hundred of each that I painstakingly and meticulously collected over the years. I was a sucker for limited deluxe editions with the numbered original film strip, Japan-only albums with the obi strips and the bonus track and fancy hardcover first pressings. But those things I can hold in my hand. They take up actual shelf space (of which I became acutely aware each time I moved house). They have presence in the world. Unlike the code that lives somewhere in a data center on the other side of the planet until I choose to temporarily store a bit of it on my hard drive. If somebody collects physical games (PC only meant I stopped doing this a long time ago), I am more inclined to empathise, but digital only libraries are so oppressively pointless.
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I try my best to collect games I will play eventually. Always look at these bundle threads and see people saying "I don't have 2/5 games so I'm buying" like sure it's $1 or whatever but seems pointless to me. So does collecting stamps so who ami to judge?! Plus they could always giveaway or trade the spares for CV farming and profitz :3
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Enjoy that 6 million! Show me and make me regret not collecting stamps :3
Don't underestimate the power of the Rats of bad D:
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M3rc don't disappoint my stamp curiousity... slams suitcase with 6 million on the SG table
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It being pointless or not can largely depend on what those two games are. Regardless of what you do with the other three if just one of the two you don't have is one you're actually interested in then you're unlikely to get a better price than that bundle.
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Surely not card idling - I started collecting long before Steam introduced Trading Cards ;p
I generally do colect stuff, in real life as well, I have way over 2000 original DVD movies, I have hundreds of books, so why not video games as well? ;p Also since I basically win most of them, wouldn't call it a massive net loss ;p
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Oh mate, I know what you mean, I'm a serial collector. I have comics everywhere, books everywhere, dvd's everywhere. Warhammer models, pokemon cards....I'm awful for the +1 collectors collecting.
You win 2 much, git out of ma group! :( jokes you lucky bugger! :D
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Not sure about hands and knees but I can hook you peeps up with replacement hips if need be.
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"Yeah u got many games, innit. Get in me car and have a brew while we talk bout games, innit. That 'ills just as big as me library. more English nonsense you are better off not listening to because he misses out all the letters :/
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Any game could be a new experience to explore, you can find interesting stuff you never knew existed.
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I only "collect" Daedalic Entertainment games, that Daedalic Entertainment has developed and/or published. Still, it's not that much of "collecting", since I usually play all of their games, except some of them, like Blackguards and Shooting Stars!, for example!
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I only try to collect +1 hours to beat that massive backlog I've amassed due to bad time management and too much stuff to do at work/family/friends. Besides that I intend to play every single game I have, even if it's the last thing I'll do ;D. Okay, tbh some I've got just for completion's sake since I already got the boxed version etc., but dunno if that really counts ;). Maybe should have done some for card idling, but somehow that feels wrong to me, either for supporting bad games and their publishers/devs or like pure disregard for the craftsmanship and dedication some put in their games. Don't get me wrong, not judging anyone who does, it's just some quirk of mine...
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I just like to collect.
Many people like to collect coins, figures, various memorabilia etc. I like to collect games. I like seeing the number go up. I like buying bundles/deals on Steam that add +1 to my library. A huge majority I buy, I have no intention of playing. But whenever I feel like gaming, I'm never at a loss for choice!
Being able to get cards from them, for me, is just a bonus.
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I don't collect, all games in my steam library are ones that I will play (replay in several cases, since I've bought all games I've played on console/non steam versions and want to replay). I don't try to increase the numbers just for the sake of the numbers. If I discover a good game I didn't know of, I add it to my wishlist, and hope to add it to my library and play it some day, it's as easy as that.
What other people do with their own money, that's their thing, but I think it's a bit sad when someone buys a brand new €60 AAA game, gives it away here, with the intention that someone will play and enjoy it, and it's won by someone who has hundreds of wins, but haven't played a single game, not even the previous €60 AAA wins... winning those giveaways just for the +1 to a collection and some card farming - so much money just going to waste, when that game would have provided some other winner with maybe 60 hours of enjoyment. That's just transformed to a quick rush of getting the wincat for the 8:th time that week, transforming that 5832 library count to 5833, and a "sweet" win of €0.20 in card money :(
I remember when konrads6 made a thread about winning all games on Steamgifts for "card profitz" and buing GTA V after selling all the cards. So many users were upset by that, but looking at several users on the site, even "high profile" frequently whitelisted users seem to be doing that a lot. Only farming the won games for cards, never playing any of them. That's more common than one might think it is.
I try to make giveaways for good games, and I hope that all the games I give away ends up being played. I know I'm going to play all the games I have won (already played about 70% of them), so I'm probably biased, thinking that the average user thinks of their wins as I do.
This isn't anything I blacklist anyone for, I have some bit of hope that even those winners with 500+ wins and every won game still unplayed will get around to playing the great games they have won some day, and have fun with them.
This script can be very interesting to try out, makes it easy to see what users only win games for +1 and card farming, and which ones play what they win.
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I'm very neutral on this addon. While I want to say bad things, I really can't, because although it can be used as a knife, for all intents and purposes, it itself is not a weapon. If someone were to just look at my stats on paper (Provided: See screenshots and description), it'd look like I'm just a simple collector vying for +1. I've placed my reasoning both in the script thread, and this one.
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Im collecting Cards, but not the normal ones since that be to easy and cheap :S
Im collecting only Anime Cards what are really hard to get Hands on in most of Cases.
Dont ask me why because with the Money spent on Crafting instead of selling em i could easily could get higher Priced Jrpgs / Vns (Tales of Berseria :drool), but im a Sucker for them.
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I actively collect cards.
Not for big inventories or profit.
But to trade fairly 1:1 of the same set.
so I can help people complete their badges.
Kinda a kindness thing that grew big.
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I never used to have a lot of games and the ones I did own on various consoles and pc over the years I played to death. Now that they are so cheap to purchase in bundles and I am in a more secure financial situation I find that I am overcompensating. Instead of playing all the demos and the occasional free game that would come on the disc with the odd mag i bought and thinking "I will buy that some day," I am perusing the bundles on offer and buying the ones with games I would like to play.
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Once upon a time, my collections were getting out of hand.
Then I found a free collection I could put together and finally decided that would be the one and only collection I will freak out about.
Really, really, don't do that too. It makes you enrage whenever you see a new coaster at a cafe and you don't have the time to stop by. Also, it makes you kleptomaniac at big food conventions when you can only drink 2 beers at most (for driving purposes) but there are at least a dozen stands with a different coaster. Last time I went to one, I stole 6 different coasters from a stand where I only drank 1 beer and 1 for each stand that had one I was missing, but without drinking from them. Got home with 19 different coasters and a huge guilt feeling. (I feel guilty every time I "didn't pay" for the coaster, that means buying a beer for each one)
My steam library counts way too many games but 1 on 3 were free and 1 on 6 were low price games which cards were more valuable. I actually only activate games I'm really interested in, apart from free games.
I get the "collection" thing (I missed this = I missed an opportunity that may never repeat), but I really don't get doing it on Steam.
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Straight off the bat, I want to say, there is nothing wrong with this at all I'm just curious.
Why do people collect games for the +1? You know who you are, Mr. 5,000 Steam games spending most his gaming time hunting that free game or bundle with one game he doesn't own! Was it initially for profit of idling cards that got out of hand? Because surely most these accounts are at a net loss? Was it just because you are a completionist even if that means owning the entire steam library? I'm actually annoyed that I got excited when I first found bundles and activated everything, so now my library does have some junk in it I'll never play.
Same goes with those amongst us that collect any kind of virtual +1, be it friendslist, cards, anything to do with steam.
I personally collect "achievements" and I'm a self confessed score whore, but I use it mainly to drive on my willingness to play games. I will not(or VERY rarely) buy a game to 100% and solely to 100% it. In fact I don't think I've ever bought a game with the express desire to just 100% it.
No giveaway unfortunately as I'm saving all my money for the winter sale.
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