Straight off the bat, I want to say, there is nothing wrong with this at all I'm just curious.

Why do people collect games for the +1? You know who you are, Mr. 5,000 Steam games spending most his gaming time hunting that free game or bundle with one game he doesn't own! Was it initially for profit of idling cards that got out of hand? Because surely most these accounts are at a net loss? Was it just because you are a completionist even if that means owning the entire steam library? I'm actually annoyed that I got excited when I first found bundles and activated everything, so now my library does have some junk in it I'll never play.

Same goes with those amongst us that collect any kind of virtual +1, be it friendslist, cards, anything to do with steam.

I personally collect "achievements" and I'm a self confessed score whore, but I use it mainly to drive on my willingness to play games. I will not(or VERY rarely) buy a game to 100% and solely to 100% it. In fact I don't think I've ever bought a game with the express desire to just 100% it.

No giveaway unfortunately as I'm saving all my money for the winter sale.

8 years ago

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Which do you collect?

View Results
Games for +1
Friends on the friendslist
Finely decorated China mugs
Most of the Above

As a Game collector NONE of the above...
I am like 100% sure that I am not going to play ALL the games I have on my Steam Library. I am on Linux and most of the games I have are in Windows , only 2316 Games are available for Linux Gaming.
For me is like an expensive hobby/game that you play with many options.

  1. Buy the game at original price
  2. Wait for a Discount 75% /66%
  3. Buy it in a bundle
  4. Check on Steamtrades for a trade
  5. Check for a Giveaway

The excitement is to hunt down the game you want and get it,preferably cheap without hurting too much your wallet :P
The good thing is that every game will be in a bundle someday, every bundle helps to get most of the games that are on steam. I wouldn't be able to collect games without bundles.
I just activate all the Steam keys I get, even the games that are not available in Linux as long as I dont have that game already.

Well thats all

8 years ago

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Honestly, I feel like it depends on how you view it. On one side of the coin, for all intents and purposes, for the moment I'm a collector. I would never enter for something that has no chance of me playing it, but that's not to say I haven't entered things I've had no interest in (Look at all those 50+ giveaways always on the front page).

On the other side of the coin, I'd eventually like to play most of my games, but depression prevents me from enjoying them for the most part... Which then leads back to more collecting, "Oh this looks fun" then never getting around to playing it. If you take a look at my Steam library, you'll see very few games have any actual playtime that wasn't idling, and for the most part there was some bigger ulterior reason to why I played them besides "I want to have fun".

Too give examples of such... I played To The Moon one day when I just wanted a good story, but didn't have much time. Games like Megadimension Neptunia VII and Tales of Zestiria because I have quite a long history with the franchises, and they bring good memories.

Ultimately, in the end, I probably am a collector at this point, and I really should do something about it. Maybe I should make that a New Years resolution; Although, I'm not too sure I'd feel right deleting most of my library. I'm grateful for everything I've won here, so those would definitely stay. I honestly try to do my best to remember what I've won, and who I've won it from, but I can slip up on that occasionally.

I've won many good games here, and it honestly makes me feel bad having not played them - But I still think the creators would rather I enjoy them than force myself through them while I'm in bad times, even if that is a long time away.

To name some of my bigger wins (And to also thank the creators at the same time, if they see this :3)

World End Economica 02 from toblbg, Dragons Dogma from Skull18, Hyperdevotion Noire from MaduRUDE, Space Engineers from sviat, Legacy of Kain Collection from LadyNarayan, The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky SC from MaitreVaati, and of course I can't forget Ace Academy from you. I'm sure all of these games could have probably gone to better homes who would get immediate enjoyment, but at some point, I would honestly like to enjoy them.

8 years ago

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I'm the same way a lot of the time. I almost always have a hard time deciding whether or not to join a GA, especially private/group ones. Even if it's one of the ones I desperately want, I still always have doubts since even my favorite games can be hard for me to play at times. :P

When I win something, I usually try to play it for at least a while asap, but then it can take me a while to get back to it, even when I liked it. With some games (and animes, too, but that's not what this is about) I quite literally get sick from them, not because I play them too much or they're bad, but just a combination of cute characters and especially when there's a cute relationship/romance, I play until I nearly throw up (Not sure why I get like that, I think it's part jealousy that I can't have it, and part anxiety kind of thing, idk), and from there it might be a while before I can get back to it... But some games/girls I have a harder time taking a break from than others...
Just goes to show how screwed up my head is, I guess... :P

8 years ago

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Seriously? I swear when I'd originally met you, you said something along the lines of "It seems like we may have a lot in common". I'm truly curious how you deduced that, as it's just becoming apparent. :x

8 years ago

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Yeah, I remember that, too. I remember I was reading your info box and there were lots of similarities, like growing up playing Tales of Symphonia and being introverted, but being an open person.
But yeah, it seems I'm even more like you than I thought before, lol. :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I collect disappointments

I collect achievements almost exactly the same way as you: I don't buy a game solely to 100% it, but getting achievements does contribute to my willingness to play the game

8 years ago

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I've always had a pack rat mentality. Pretty stones (one large one I accidentally split open turned out to be jade flecked with pyrite), books, game memorabilia, trading/CCG cards, physical game discs, books, esoteric devices (I love my binary, 24-hour clock), now achievements, badges, backgrounds, emotes, and Steam games.

8 years ago

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Because taste changes & family sharing. Ive caught myself playing games that 10years ago I would of bet my life on the fact that i would never play. Taste changes in video games as you mature, or not even necessarily just as you mature but as the worlds "fads" come and go. Currently its all about zombies and pokemon, 10years ago it was vampires & beanie babies.

8 years ago

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I think it was Pokemon 10 years ago, too, though...

8 years ago

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and zombies, but you get the point. xD

8 years ago

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Yeah, lol. Happy cakeday, btw.

8 years ago

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ty ^^

8 years ago

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From another thread not to long ago, I'll say it here too.

I like collecting anime games and VNs so I can interact with as many anime girls as possible, since that is my true love in life... I guess
I like collecting Local MP games so that hopefully someone might want to try some with me, but usually they're only interested in a handful... lol
I like collecting various other games to distract myself from the cruel reality that I'll never be able to protect and cuddle beautiful anime girls... I'm weird, I know ;P
And others still just to add variety and stuff, just in case I feel like something different...

I think it can pretty much be summed up as that I like having other lives I can pretend to live since I don't really like the one I'm stuck in, and then there's other games that come along with those in bundles and stuff...
And I also want to get all the cute anime backgrounds and emotes and stuff too, so there's that...

If I had the motivation to get a job and stuff, I'm pretty sure I'd spend most of my money on Anime Figures, DVDs, Games, and maybe a Dakimakura or 5...

EDIT: I also think my family has a bit of a history of hoarding, quoting my sister from a few weeks ago (when helping clean the house), "Why am I having a hard time throwing away rocks?"...

8 years ago*

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Mostly, they seem like fun games, and i am playing another game at that moment, and i am like ill play it later, and theres so many intresting games. Or they seem intresting and after that you realized you don't like them.

Around 25% from my games i wish i could play but just no time, and also a big part i tought would be fun but didnt like it.

8 years ago

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I was planning to do this before, but once i activated around 5 games i'm not really in to, i see my library will be messy and full of 'junk' if continue to do so, and I ended up removing them from my account. But I do collect badges tho.., only the games i have or only on the games i have purchased, especially badges that are rare, like -- Summer sale, winter sale, nominated games badge etc.. Though they may be bloody expensive costing you at least a 1$ per set, still $$, but i guess it's fine for me because it makes me happy.

I recently bought 2 sets of 1$ 28 games bundle tho, for my farming account, which aims to collect cards without spending $$ on games to farm ( so i rely on free games + trading ) for basically a profit. ( at least )

PS: What does "Games +1" mean? are they the bundles??

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I used to buy bundles to +1 my game count, and having trading cards is a nice bonus.
But I've forced myself to only get games with trading cards since I reached 1k owned games. I plan on using the cards to level up to get more card boosters until I reach level 100 or so, and donate all the cards I've earned to ArchiBot.

8 years ago

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well.. where did my money go...

8 years ago

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I actively won't get free games from places like gleam etc because my time is worth more than the like 20 cent game they are giving away and joining random groups etc. I stopped caring about achievements 4 years ago or so across all platforms because people cheating and boosting is stupid. I can't farm cards either, I tried it for a few days and it just bothers me seeing a game with playtime attached to it knowing I haven't played it.

I just buy games because they are so cheap usually between sales and bundles. I do the same thing with console games.

8 years ago

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Giveaway ending in 10 hours bump.

8 years ago

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I try to bundle only of they are mostly games i wish to play.

8 years ago

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Games, achievements, Christmas themed items/badges.
I don't know, they're not super useful when you think about it (;

Collecting is just... fun, though.

And there's a feeling that things come and go, but when you add something to your collection on your profile, the number won't go down, it's there to stay. Kind of like when I was grinding stats on runescape or whatever.... gold would come and go, but my stats would be IMMORTAL.

8 years ago

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I don't collect.


8 years ago

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