Which do you collect?
In countries like Russia, Brazil, Poland or any other place with a weak currency, you can get decent stuff selling cards, because the price of the cards is global, the price of games, however, is regional,.So yes, farming cards in some places is really profitable. For people from the US/EU it don't matter very much.
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Because I'm an attention whore who likes to see peoples reactions (who do not know anything about steam) seeing the amount of junk games I own. I also used to buy bundles just to fullfill my attention whorish disease but money started to get tight.
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+1 not because I can relate to this, but just for your honesty. :P
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I wouldn't call that net loss. 90% of my games are bundle trash I'm buying via group buys on IG and alike, every game costs around 0.10$ if not less, it just adds up. My first alt has over 238 games by now, all free, so there is also many games that simply popped up in the meantime.
I like to collect games, I never had enough when I was a child, so I'm filling my childhood dreams of having big library of games to play. When you add to all of that steam cards and other goodies, you will soon find out that while you're not "gaining" anything on those games, you're definitely not losing much, as bundle addiction is much cheaper than smoking or drinking, at least in my case of spending maybe 10$ per month max.
I'm very rarily buying games that are not 0.10$ though, and 90% of those buys are for giveaways. This is also what is a bit misleading - you see 4500 games, but you don't really know that 4000 is bundle trash I got on -99% discount. Big number, I know, but when you divide that by actual money I spent on that, you get 400$ across 3-4 years. That's not much.
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Good answer.
Yeah I can see the merit for sure in adding a +1 to your library, I just never got into it, fascinating seeing peoples motivations. Living the childhood dream though certainly is a good example of why you collect. I know friends who have every single pokemon card but haven't watched or played Pokemon in years, simply because they always wanted to as a child but couldn't!
I am definitely addicted somewhat to adding to my library, but not to the extent that I get every freebie or group buy bundles. However like I say, I have literally no idea how much money is in mass trading cards or selling them for profit. I just idle when I can be bothered and undersell everything by a penny. If cards can fund the +1's why the hell not!
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I try to get freebies, as I can farm them on alts if I have it already, but I'm not spending too much money on bundles either. I'm very often skipping even lowest BTA tier on HB, just because I don't feel like 1$ / game is a good price, and those are usually really good games, not some cheap digital homicide category.
Many people underestimate the power of cards. ArchiBoT has over 640$ in steam trash alone, and it's not even my primary account, as I have crapload of cards and other things valued at 263$ total on my main. Even selling is not satisfying anymore, I'm just wasting that money crafting virtual badges :3. I'd have much more than 1200$ if I didn't spend it on leveling up my account.
Like I said, net gain maybe is still negative if you consider buying bundles for cards, but with IG group buys of 12 games for 1.17$ or so you can really make a decent deal, and get nearly all your money back, sometimes it's even "pure profitz", although if you want to really profit on cards then you should move to Russia and buy cheap games on sale from Steam directly. I don't consider spending 10$ per month as something bad, I have lots of fun from writing ASF and being steam kingpin than this 10$ would bring me otherwise.
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All hail ArchiBoT!
As someone who doesn't really understand coding, hell, I sometimes struggle to understand existing bots, I find idling cards to be totally not cost effective, the amount of time and effort it takes me to earn 6/7p I could have earnt £10+ by working. However when people who are magic like yourself(I refuse to try and understand C++ or whatever sorcery you use) can obviously make a lot of profit by automating the entire process.
I wish I could just spend lots of money on upgrading my profile, I really want the Saber stuff and Steins;Gate stuff amongst a whole host of other things. $10 a month is actually cheap for a hobby! I spend way more than that and I don't collect! I just buy games I wanna play!
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I find idling cards to be totally not cost effective, the amount of time and effort it takes me to earn 6/7p I could have earnt £10+ by working.
Idling is the important factor there, sure, you can earn more by working but that involves working. Why not idle whilst you work and get £10.06 instead?
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True but the point still holds. Past the initial setup of your idling application of choice there not really any effort involved. I don't idle when away from the computer either but there are plenty of times I'm at the computer but not gaming when it's not costing me any more to idle. Even non-collectors will likely have card drops to come and with a sale coming up the funds from drops could make all the difference, especially to said non-collectors who are more likely to have assigned a fixed budget.
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I don't. I just activate/enter gibs/accept gifts on my account of games that I'm really interested to play... even remotely.
I only have one exception: free games or very cheap games that have cards. the rest surely goes for gibs.
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I'm the same, I don't even activate free games, I have no alt/bot/2nd account. It all seems like more effort than its worth to me personally.
However I'm sure people look at my account and think I own some dross, I can assure you only around 60-70 of the games I own I have no intention of playing.
If you compare the time I've been a member of SG and the amount of giveaways I've entered, compared to most people that have been around a similar amount of time you'll see I only enter for things I'm interested in playing. Even If I haven't managed to play a lot of what I've won, SG is more addictive to me than Steam....which is worrying!
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Same here but a little less hardcore xD.
My golden rule on steamgifts is enter only in what is on my wishlist... and what is on my wishlist are games that I really want. That's why my wishlist have no priority order... That's because I use my wishlist only for steamgifts purposes or, eventually, a very good discount with our regional price.
My numbers reflects, actually, low opportunities. Since my backlog is increasing (I always try to achieve 100% out of the game that I choose to play), I decided to enter mostly in gibs that I have low chances/games that I really want to try/never be able to buy. That way, I can conciliate my backlog with my added games.
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To see if I could handle any game genre no matter how bad or good by completing them.
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Interesting! So the intention is to play the games you collect?
I'd say I'm inadvertently a collector, most steam users would scoff at the size of my library as its comparatively small to be a "collector". However I collect games that I intend on playing in the future, or have played.
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I kind of mix the things.
Generally I "collect" games that I enjoyed playing, looks like I'll like or, or I'm really interested in them. So far sounds like every normal player, but I'm interested in a little too many genres, so the pile started. :)
At some times I just go "omg cards" and I buy a shitty bundle, or one of those Steam bundles that costs 9 cents because it will make a profit, so why not, right? Another time I just despise that I activated a free, similarly bad game from IG (because it doesn't give cards)
I try to play my games, at least quite the majority of it, but mood swings and attention disorder makes any kind of organization really hard, as some free to play games (LoL, paladins) are too accessible and easy to play - I try to spend more time on proper games and less on playing just the same out of repetition.
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I like video games. I enjoy playing a variety of games and I normally don't care about quality. I enjoy playing shitty games because then when I play average or games that aren't really good, but aren't bad, they feel like really good games. I put myself through some absolutely garbage games, but at this point the main thing that bothers me are poor controls.
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To have games for when I can't buy them anymore, probably.
Or maybe because I like wasting money.
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I don't really know, i begun to collect Games since i am on SG. Its so addicted. but i have my goal to 1000 Games now and stopped that :)
Edit : ok i don't stop, but its not like it was in the beginning.
And like MaxThunder said, maybe for the Time when i have no more money, then i have much games to play haha :)
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As many already said, this is a cheap hobby. Also I'm fulfilling my childhood dream of having a bunch of games. I probably won't be able to play them all, but knowing that I own more games that I can play is not something necesarilly bad in my mind, just kinda impractical.
I spend between $10 to $15 per month so it's actually less that what I spend on hardware each year. Hear me rationalize my addiction like a proper addict does. At least my addiction can't kill me... I think.
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I try not to buy junk junk games that I'll never play just for +1 unless I can break even or profit from the cards. It's true collecting these games are a cheap hobby, especially if you only buy bundle games that are worth it or cheap. Collecting is addictive... it's like bargain shopping.
It's the games that I "think" I'll play but not have enough time to play all of them while collecting more games that I end up staring at in my library!
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I like playing games, so I grab the games I'd want to play... even if I don't have enough time to play them
I'm also a completionist, so if I have, say, 3 games of a series that has 4, I want the 4th game too. Or if a game has DLC, me want!
I also grab free games so I can farm them for Profitz, but those are hidden in my library and I pretend I don't have them.
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While I may or may not play every game in my library, I only add games to my library that I would like to play, with the exception being a couple of odd ones from unnamed key dumps. I like the option to play games that interest me. At some point, I may be more interested in a certain title than another and it is nice to have the option to play a game I like when I am in the mood to play it. That being said, the main reason I haven't played through more of my backlog is time.
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I do not collect games/cards or anything of that sort..in general. Thou in past few years my steam library grew exponentially ( still very small compared to some of the people here ) . Two main reasons i guess was discovering bundles ( yes before like year or two ago i didint know about them and was only buying on steam sales ) and joining SG. At first i had bad habit of just entering everything and that filled my library with some trash games. Now i'm more aware of what i'm entering thou from time to time i still enter some trash games and then regret even clicking on that 'enter giveaway' button :D
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I used to collect Steam profile backgrounds, but I am still looking for something else.
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Straight off the bat, I want to say, there is nothing wrong with this at all I'm just curious.
Why do people collect games for the +1? You know who you are, Mr. 5,000 Steam games spending most his gaming time hunting that free game or bundle with one game he doesn't own! Was it initially for profit of idling cards that got out of hand? Because surely most these accounts are at a net loss? Was it just because you are a completionist even if that means owning the entire steam library? I'm actually annoyed that I got excited when I first found bundles and activated everything, so now my library does have some junk in it I'll never play.
Same goes with those amongst us that collect any kind of virtual +1, be it friendslist, cards, anything to do with steam.
I personally collect "achievements" and I'm a self confessed score whore, but I use it mainly to drive on my willingness to play games. I will not(or VERY rarely) buy a game to 100% and solely to 100% it. In fact I don't think I've ever bought a game with the express desire to just 100% it.
No giveaway unfortunately as I'm saving all my money for the winter sale.
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