Anyone from Aus tried to get dark sector? it seems pretty cheap but I had quite a few tremor coins left over so I figured I might use it for this game. But looking on steam I've noticed it was removed from Australia since our government thought it twas twoooo scwary. Its not like we have any animals around that actually pose any real danger or anything. Anyway I think since then we finally got an R18+ rating so it should be allowed back in the country but its not there on steam. If I get given the steam key for the game can I use it on my aussie steam account?

11 years ago*

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Not available for purchase in New Zealand either (I blame you guys). Redeemed a bundle key from Bundlestars fine.

11 years ago

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lol thats kind of funny, but its probably true, I would imagine when it was originally banned in Aus they probably just chose an Aus and NZ option to deny selling it too.

My guess would be that tremor games would of bought it from bundle stars, and I'm guessing you got it to work even though it isn't allowed in NZ? Because thats very promising :D.

11 years ago

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Awesome sauce, just tried it then and it worked great. Cheers.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by trustnoone.