Thanks for your interest, I'll do my best to recommend all the best co-op games for you :)
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I tried it but couldn't really get into it, it's a bit too hard for a party game about the same difficulty as overcooked and I am more into casual party games
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Joined the group and followed! :)
EDIT: All them LEGO games! :)))
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yeah I've played most LEGO games but I feel that the newer games are improving upon the older ones, like LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 is the best LEGO game I've ever played so far and compared to LMSH 1 it's a huge improvement but they're the best 2 player Local Co-op franchise in general and the older games are always worth a shot :)
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I haven't played those yet, but I believe in your judgment! :D
If you don't mind it not being on Steam, this one I used to play a whoooooole lot with my little cousin.
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I grew up playing this, the story was very intense and enjoyable but when I discovered the online servers I couldn't leave it lol 24/7 for about 3-4 years I did everything that can be done there, created my own maps, participated in competitive tournaments, made so many friends and the community was so nice, I might play it again soon for nostalgia :)
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Haha, sounds like you had a blast! Enjoy playing it again, if you decide to do so!
Honestly, I had no clue it had an online feature. Back in the day, we didn't have internet access, therefore it was a true couch co-op for us... Well, more like a true one-keyboard-co-op :D
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Hi StormSonic, I love finding good co-op / multiplayer games to play with my friends and my cousin.
I would like to recommend you to know the game 39 Days to Mars, a simple puzzle game.
Congratulations on the initiative to create this curatorship, I'm already following it and I'm going to join the group. Thank you and stay safe 😉
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Thank you so much for your support and the local gem recommendation, it looks incredible I'll make sure to give it a try asap :)
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yeah that one slipped my mind, they've been requesting that we play it in every session I've had it from the start, it improved a lot and it's constantly evolving, easily one of the best recommends
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Following. Ever since the pandemic started, I've been playing some cool local co-op games with my friends thanks to Remote Play Together. We've also been playing some multiplayer games. I'm always on the hunt for more games to play with them.
The games we've been playing are:
Fall Guys (multi)
Human: Fall Flat (local, multi)
Boomerang Fu (local, multi)
Overcooked 2 (local, multi)
Moving Out (local, multi),
ibb & obb (local, multi - 2 players)
Clue/Cluedo (multi)
Party Hard (local, multi)
Mortal Kombat 11 (local, multi)
I bought a bunch of co-op/multi games during the Summer Sale, but I haven't tried them out yet.
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Thanks for the recommendations, Human: FF and Boomerang FU are easily some of my most recommended games I had so much fun with them
Overcooked 2 is a bit hard for a couch party game
Moving Out is a bit repetitive after the first few levels
Ibb & obb hmm we don't play many puzzle games cuz most of them are idiots or I end up doing most of the thinking lol
MK11 I only played one local multiplayer 2D fighting game before it was Them's Fightin' Herds and it was fun I may try others but there are so many options to choose from
Party hard however I've had it for a while but never tried it and now you reminded me it had local play so I just installed it lol it looks good hope it plays as good
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I get frustrated with Overcooked 2 sometimes, so it's definitely a game to play for like half an hour at a time, and then you can switch to a different one. Otherwise, you'd never want to play it again, lol
I found Party Hard pretty fun. That's why I bought Serial Cleaner, which looks pretty similar in gameplay (not in aesthetics), but I haven't played it yet. I tried playing Party Hard 2, but I didn't like it. Granted I only played it for a couple of minutes, but the controls have changed from the first game, and it just didn't appeal that much to me. And I have to admit it, I love pixelated games!
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Great idea :) Joined and will check out some of the games.
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Thanks for your support I'll make sure to only recommend the best local games for you :)
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Thanks for the recommendations, yes It takes two looks so much fun I'll wait for it to get a bit cheaper and try it out, I've had all the cook, serve games but never tried any of them, I was wondering how the local play works in them tho?
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In the first CSD, duties are divided. It's been a while (been playing 2), but I think one person preps, the other chooses which items to issue and then sends finished items to the customer. That was good for co-op because you were always on the same page while communicating about what was happening. Don't quote me on the exact division of labor though.
In CSD2, either player can do anything. It's more fair, but the only thing we really communicate on is which appetizer type prep-ahead dishes we're making so that we don't duplicate.
I haven't tried 3 yet.
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I really like coop games, but haven't played a lot of local coop, mostly because my friends live far away from me, so I'm more into online. But still, I know a couple of local coop games that I wish could be online (some of them are also online):
I am probably skipping some, but I think this is enough for now :D.
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Thanks for the recommendations, I am constantly playing Wizard of legend, Move or Die, Blazing Beaks, Gauntlet and Trine 4 and we enjoy them so much
we used to play Invisigun long ago and had so much fun with it should definitely play it again soon
Children of Morta and Assault Android Cactus are very enjoyable as well but no idea why they hate playing them I should force it on them sometime :p
I wonder what's the difference between Horizon Chase Turbo and Hotshot Racing? we constantly play sonic racing games but I am thinking of giving on of these a try
we tried Nuclear throne in local coop but it was so hard we couldn't even get past the second area even thou I finished it 3 times before alone
we enjoyed Redeemer for a bit but then it got repetitive
Enter The Gungeon and Pikuniku and Excellent suggestions I've had my eyes on them for a while and will definitely try them asap :)
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I couldn't stand Blazing Beaks for too long. It got too frustrating after numerous replays xD. Thankfully, I beated it on my third try.
I think Invisigun is one of the best games for casual coop fun (it reminded me my old Bomberman days).
Children of Morta could be because the melee fighting feels a little rough, and it is fairly hard.
No idea the issue with Android Cactus, it is just a lot of fun for me xD.
I am actually wondering the same. That's because I am entering Hotshot Racing giveaways. Sadly, I didn't have a partner for Horizon Chase Turbo, so I can only talk about the single player campaign :(.
Hahaha, I tried to play Nuclear Throne before with Parsec, but it didn't work. It's still my favourite roguelite though.
Honestly, I didn't enjoy Enter the Gungeon that much, but people love it, so I mentioned it (again a game where I failed to find someone to play with).
I just remembered a couple more xD
And two games I haven't played yet because I want to enjoy the coop adventure, and still don't get the companion:
(I will probably end up mentioning every roguelite out there. Most of them are local coop only xD).
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I haven't played any turn based games in local before but worms games in general need no introduction.
All Behemoth games are incredible and I've got my eyes on Pit People if only they'd give it the same discount as the other two, I actually enjoyed BattleBlock Theater way more and with the workshop it has near infinite content, Castle Crashers however we got bored of it quickly and now they refuse to play it at all.
We're constantly playing Stick Fight too it's one of the most games they ask to play if only it had more maps we'd be playing it 24/7
we had some fun with Fury Unleashed but it got boring and repetitive fairly quickly
Broforce is one of the best Local co-op experiences I've ever had, I recommend a full party of 4 for this one tho to enjoy it to the fullest.
Don't worry I've got my eyes on every roguelite there is, even those that I haven't played or don't yet have I am always waiting for the opportunity to get them :p
btw if you haven't tried it already I'd totally recommend Streets of Rogue, it's one of the best roguelites I've played recently and it has local coop support up to 4 players, we can't get enough of it yet :p
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Dead game online, but worth it for local coop
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Thanks for the recommendation, never heard of it before it doesn't have a trailer but looks interesting from the screenshots I'll make sure to watch some footage for it soon
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we already finished Magicka 1, multiple times if I recall correctly and it was a blast, we didn't enjoy Magicka 2 as much tho for some reason and haven't played it for a while but I am thinking of giving it another shot soon, I was also constantly playing Magicka Wizard Wars it was so much fun but sadly it's gone now If only that one had a local multiplayer option...
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20xx is a fantastic game! Me, and my buddy have over 48 hours in it so far, and already tried out 30xx as well. is what me, and my friend are currently playing co-op. It's pretty fun. In order to do co-op though you have to enable the beta through some steps so just a head's up on that but it's been a blast so far with only small bugs.
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Thanks for the recommendations, I've yet to try 20xx but as a fan of Rockman X games this looks incredible I'll make sure to give it a shot soon.
we've played Fury Unleashed for a bit, it was fun but now they hate playing it for some reason, also navigating up, down, left, right through the areas killed the enjoyment for me most of the time
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Thanks for your interest, I'll do my best to recommend the best local games for you :)
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Has no one mentioned .. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime .. just to name one.
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It wasn't mentioned here but I already included it, with 4 capable players it's definitely one of the best co-op experiences I've ever had, feel free to recommend any other local gems you know :)
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yes this modern Magicka lol, I barely touched it although it looks so good, I'll make sure to give it a serious try soon
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Always looking for new and fun couch co-op so followed :)
I'm currently playing Paw Paw Paw with my gf and it's pretty fun but just not as fun as Castle Crashers which it seems to emulate
Recommendations, let's see, some I have spent a lot of hours of fun:
Eon Altar (perfect if you don't own several controllers)
The Cave (really funny and fun platformer with great replay value)
The Deadly Tower of Monsters (hilarious as well with an old B-movie look and kinda hard to play solo so co-op is a blast)
God's Trigger (waaaay more fun in co-op)
Tesla vs Lovecraft
The Trine games
Think of the Children (great to play with the gf before you decide if you want kids :P)
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Thank you so much for your support and your great recommendations :)
I haven't played any of these except for Trine series and Think of the children but they look really interesting can't wait to try them out :)
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Wow, this brought back so many memories... Playing with my sis on a splitscreeen, fighting for who gets to be P1, fighting for who gets the comfy chair, fighting because I always won...
If I was to recommed anything, it would surely be:
-Aegis Defender, I swear, this game is 10x more fun in coop.
-Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (please make a longer title while you're at it!) because what's funnier then defeating a huge horde? Defeating a huge horde with your friend! Jokes aside, 2 players mode is a great way to experience higher difficulty settings without having to grind like a madman. And it allows many more strategic options as well.
-Grip, it's a kart game. Dumb fun. (Also it's super easier in 2P mode, since the second player automatically replaces the strongest AI...)
-Indivisible, while at first the second player is kinda broken (due to him having skills that P1 still hasn't), as soon as the story catches on, having a partner makes it all more fun. Until P1 gains skills that P2 doesn't get at all, so P2 feels like a burden... Ok, now it sounds like it isn't fun, but I swear it is!
-Outward, I swear, I ONLY play it in coop. That's how much it enhances the experience.
-Sonic Adventure 2, while only having a 2P mode with a couple of stages, it's FUN. I'm almost ashamed of how many hours I've put in that mode alone.
-Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse, just play it. It's the definition of local coop for fun. Just pops in a second Stubbs, with a different colour palette, no questions asked, no limitations, go and have fun.
Okay, maybe I went on for a little too long. But understand me, I grew up on a PS2, local coop was the standard. Like, maybe, 1 game out of 10, had an online mode, but it was mostly you and whoever was so unlucky to get the crappy second controller. When I first got into PC gaming it was quite sad to find out that the roles had reversed, online was the standard and local the side, rarer thing.
But thanks to your curator page I found some titles to put on next time I want some sheer fun with my sibling. Most earned follow!
Also, I'm telling sis to blame you next time I obliterate her at a game you suggested;)
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Thank you so much for your great suggestions, I only played Outward of all these lol but we got bored of it pretty quickly might be worth another shot tho, some of them I didn't even know they had Local Co-op like Dynasty Warriors 8 and Indivisible, Sonic Adventure 2 is also one of the few Sonic games I never played before, I had similar experience with Sonic Heroes it had a local battle mode that we'd play for many hours sadly it never got a steam release :(
I've always been a PC gamer but I used to play local co-op or multiplayer games with my sister too (there was no such thing as PC controllers back then so we played with the same keyboard :p), hope you'll have a great time with your sibling :)
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I am also deep into local multiplayer games and have made rather large lists of 1600 4-player and 500 2-player games. Hope you find something useful there:
3 or more local players:
2 players:
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Thanks for the recommendations that's too many lol, I was asking for personal experiences but your curator is very helpful too
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You mean name search? yeah that's not possible with curator there are only genre filters but there aren't that many games reviewed tho it's easy to browse through
Thanks for the recommendation this one looks interesting :)
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Thanks for your interest and for the recommendation, I haven't tried it yet myself but I've been hearing great things about it
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I see Dungeon of the Endless haven't been mentioned yet. Very fun online coop especially if you got a full party of 4 people. Can be quite difficult and chaotic but that's where coop shines
Also, Torchlight 2 but i haven't played much of it
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They're great games indeed I played torchlight 2 before and haven't played much of Dungeon of the endless but they don't have local multiplayer or co-op
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Thank you so much for the great recommendations, looks like you're more into older local games.
We had a blast with AAC but we haven't played it for a while.
I've been meaning to try one of these Lara croft games in co-op for a while so now might be the time lol
Never alone slipped my mind since forever I forgot it even had co-op should try it asap and Cat Quest 2 is on my wishlist looks great
The First Templar looks really interesting but I am not sure they'll like this graphic in 2021 lol
I haven't yet tried the steam versions of metal slug franchise but played some Metal Slug X PS2 ROMS back in the day
We've finished Trine 3 and Currently Playing Trine 4, haven't played much of the first two games but they might be worth another shot
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So I just made this Steam Curator and I am trying to recommend every Local Co-op / Multiplayer game that's worth playing,
Obviously I can't recommend games that I haven't tried so I only recommend these I've personally enjoyed & sunk many hours into.
I am constantly scavenging the steam store for new local titles that're worth playing and I found various hidden gems but lately I've been playing the same things over and over since the new titles fail to grab my attention enough.
Feel free to recommend other games that you've personally enjoyed as well, I am always looking for new and creative games to play with my relatives.
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