First look at this:

We can see many peaks, the screenshot was taken just after the last one which shows over 1000 sacks sold for over 1€.

When you place a buy order, you will first automatically buy the cheapest items, and if you can see on there are still thousands of sacks available around 0.60€ (and actually there is over 10K items under 1€ at this time), so reaching an average of 1.16€ by buying 1011 items is impossible without manipulation…

Last but not least, even if it was possible, why someone would want to buy 1000 items in a single hours for twice the AVAILABLE price?

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10 years ago

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Interesting. I saw peaks like that on other items probably due to wallet transfering but never on commodities.

10 years ago

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Yeah, sack of gems can't be used for wallet transfert. Other popular items like tf keys don't have such peaks.

10 years ago

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someone found a bug > someone is happy exploiting a bug

10 years ago

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It's probably a bug

10 years ago

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Hard to say.
In the past there were incidents where items were put up at a high price, then bought with stolen credit cards or hacked accounts.
But now that you can't choose any more what item to buy (for the most popular items) this is getting harder to pull off.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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No way they don't look like triangle to me, if its the illuminati they will raise the price slowly and make it fall slowly too so it can make a triangle

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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You have to zoom it in very closely.

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10 years ago

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I can confirm.

10 years ago

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that's probably a market script that bugged and bought a bunch of items till the owners' wallet ran out of money.

at least that's why i like to think and it makes me laugh.

10 years ago

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it's impossible because even if you set a buy price of 100€ per item you will still buy the cheapest first as i explained ^^

10 years ago

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then it's gaben buying stuff directly from the server, there's no other rational explanation. :)

10 years ago

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The cheaper price? Yes, but just until they ran out, so makes sense to me,

10 years ago

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With over 1000 items at .60€ available and over 10K under 1€ available, how can you explain you reach over 1€ average by buying « only » 1000 items?

10 years ago

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Oh my god, who the hell cares?

10 years ago

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I do, first i saw this unnatural .10€ jump in price (still, someone could buy every item between .50 and .60 to artificially do a price jump and maintain stability after the jump), and then i noticed the peaks whose values are impossible to reach mathematically considering a normal use of the market ^^

10 years ago

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Sounds like a bug.. I'Ve noticed before that the same item I was trying to sell was being sold for the same amount or 1c over even though I placed mine first and was alone on that offer. Currencies play a role into those, wouldn't explain those high prices being paid by someone though..

10 years ago

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I am.

10 years ago

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Reported, please stay in position for the internet police.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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seriously guys. if theres 1000x0,6€ gems listed on the market and i hit the buy button and insert 1000x100€ ill get 0,6€ gems but the price history will likely show 1000 gems purchased at 100€. or atleast thats the simplest explanation.

10 years ago

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I doubt that the computed averages are based on what you type at the time of buy, it has to be generated by some cron job and based on actual buy values of transaction in database…

10 years ago

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i am illuminati :D

10 years ago

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No your not.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Sorry senpai... Im dont speak english irl :(

10 years ago

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Reddit didn't seem overly concerned when it was brought to their attention.

10 years ago

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Your hypothesis of a bot removing items to sell at higher prices is interesting, but to reach the average over 1€ it would require to remove the 10K sack of gems under 1€ (supposing the 10K items are all owned only by bots) and only let the items over 1€ and wait people to buy them during one hour only and put back 10K sell orders at lower prices. It also require there are less than 1K items in these 10K that are not owned by the same bot otherwise it would have to buy them and the average could not be reach (remember, only 1000 items were sold during peaks).
We are very close to the definition of impossible ^^

10 years ago

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Not my post, just happened to see it after seeing your post.

I like to think it's just a hiccup in the system as that's the easiest way to explain it. :p

10 years ago

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Last time I checked (some time ago, it may changed), Steam had non intuitive way of matching orders. For selling, you would get what you set in order, even if pending buy order specified higher price. Same thing might be for buy orders.

10 years ago

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That's why there is a notice « maximum price you pay » when you buy, because you won't buy the highest price matching your offer first but the lower ones first (i made several time the mistake with decimals entering for example .60 instead of 0.06 and hopefully i got the 0.06 items ^^)

10 years ago

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Strange! Did you send a support ticket for clarification?

10 years ago

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Haha, odds that i get a reply by talking to a wall are higher than sending a ticket to steam ^^

10 years ago

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;) [My senses foreshadowed that answer]

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I wonder why a sack of gem is worth 0.60 € right now. Are there booster packs worth more than 0.60 €?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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2 very popular anime games got cards released on the same day and the price jumped from 0,54€ to 0,6€ in 1h after cards appeared.
on the first day bothof these games had about 12k total cards sold. im thinking thats about 4000 boosters crafted,

10 years ago

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Which games? Are they worth buying? ^^

10 years ago

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Neptunia Re;Birth1 and Nekopara if I recall correctly.

10 years ago

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Neptunia has a groovy intro, i bought it with all DLC and plan to play it more ^^ The drama are quite funny too

10 years ago

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This morning i had a quick check on gem price and it lost 5 cents, there was a gap between the first sell order (.58€) and the first buy order (.55€), ZERO .57€ buy order and few buy orders above .50€, all conditions were gathered for a price drop… and all of a sudden:

dfs4f2... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
saf26sg... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
qwa3g4rs... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
as3fg4e... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
sgb1df... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
seg1d2r... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
wes3g54e** a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
g12srgh4... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
asgv3j5y... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
qwgf1s3... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
saf43w5... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
sdg13s... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
gs23h13s... a créé 39 ordres d'achat pour 0,56€
... (it's going on at the time i write this message, i masked part of the « nicknames » )

there is sure some massive bot activity on the gem market…
this bot is buying more than all the buy orders above .50€, that would partially explain why the price is not dropping back to .50€, and how it jumped to .60€...

10 years ago*

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So thats why... I was wondering about those sudden jumps aswell. Time to call Gaben.

10 years ago

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The plot thickens...

10 years ago

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of course there are bots in the market, but i think a more likely explanation is bug or some other thing which prevents selling for a period of time, while allowing purchases. i remember not being able to sell a tf2 item while people were buying it. the price of the item went up and up

10 years ago

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that could explain a price increase but not the mathematically impossible price average of the peaks here ^^

10 years ago

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well, with few particular games buying gems for booster packs could turn into profit - for example Nekopara had an avg for 3 cards at 1.2Eur for first few days. But keeping in mind that you can craft just 1 booster of particular game per day such an excessive buying seems pointless... You can maybe craft 4-5 really profitable boosters per day (assuming you have the game in the first place) them maybe 10 more that on avg will give you a small profit. And that's all. So noone should need more than few thousands gems per day. Maybe someone is farming gems for next Auction event or something like that?

10 years ago

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If they were farming gems they have no interest in keeping artificially the price high right?
3 hours have passed and a lot more of those bot orders were set, here is the current situation:

As a result, actual people bought all the .58€ items and remains the .60€ sell orders.

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10 years ago

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Well - if your margin for making profit over something is 0.65Eur for example it would make sense to set a buy out on bot for 0.6, but like I said noone needs more than few, maybe 15 max stacks of gems per day to make all profitable boosters.

But keep in mind that price does not must be actually kept on 0.6 on purpose. It could be possible that if high enough number of bots farm against each other they put on high enough demand to keep high prices up even if it isn't their intention.

10 years ago

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Only explanation I can think off:
step one: market server got buggy, deleted tons of cheap offers
step two: someone ordered bot to buy tons of gems (I don't think anyone would buy so many gems without checking prices and getting suspicious something is going on)
step three: bots buy 1000 of currently cheapest bags, which means he buys 1000 overpriced bags
step four: market fixes itself to bring back normal-priced gems.

Also, maybe Valve found some bots and figured out a way to force them buy buy expensive buys?

Or simply, Valve screwed something when counting money on that graph.

Ps.: Talking only about OP post, nothing about lower bots and other things.

10 years ago

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maybe valve wants to keep the price of things to a certain amount, so they manipulate the price of things how they want.

10 years ago

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Oh no the price is falling dangerously, let's have another peak! (said none ever)

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10 years ago

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When the bots are not in action you can see the gap between the offer and the real demand (look at the buy offer qty…)

10 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by EyEBURNeR.