Even if they lose, they do so in style which is a win.
I was actually horrified yesterday I was playing against a sniper and I was sure I was beating him to the shots, but I wasn't killing him. I thought I was lagging or something until I read what his items did. 'Cannot be killed by headshots.'
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maybe, but when you call it pay2win, you would imply that you would win, but in non p2w f2p games you still can and I can easily kill those with usual hats, pay2win is it only when you have a high advantage which is not the truth in TF2 and many games like this.
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And you just dont get that you dont have a real advantage but the time. And yeah he asked if it is P2W and we answer it correctly with the definition. Also if you play a game that you like time doesnt matter and if you pay for early acces to items that averybody can get for free it isnt pay to win because it is still balanced.
EDIT: If you just buy the items and you are new to the game you arnt good so that doesnt fit P2W either. You still have to invest much time to become good.
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Well, technically not since you can get everything without spending real money, but practically, yes
Doesn't matter in most cases though, since the main focus is PvE
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Yeah, because tf2 made its money long before they went f2p
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Not really. The most people don't know what P2W really is. Before f2p means p2w for the most people there was a real p2w. You need to pay to get behind the walls in a game and such things. If you don't pay you can't complete the game. This is the real p2w.
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Actually, you can't get hats by drops if you've got a free account, and there are sets which give bonuses (eg the pyro +10% move speed one). Thus, by being premium, you can get gameplay-modifying stuff which the F2Ps cannot get unless they buy/trade it from another user (but since they can't trade TF2 stuff...).
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You either don't know what P2W means or you haven't played many F2P games. PS2, NW, and PoE are not P2W, just to name a few.
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That's PVE game. So that isn't "Pay to Win". But that's "Pay to Have Fun" game.
Warframe is too grindy for farming resources and blueprints if you didn't pay.
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You can farm a warframe blueprint set in an evening with luck. The resources, you should only need to grind for the rare components if you actually PLAY the game. So no, you're wrong.
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Tried it, seems like a giant waste of time with so many other 3rd person shooters that don't make you grind to hell and back.
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Warframe is not a pay to win game. It's more like wait to win.
I have over 300 hours on it, and I think it's totally worth playing.
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It's not pay 2 win. It's pretty fun, if you enjoy jumping around and killing things endlessly (in the same maps with different names over and over again). I had fun when I played it, but as someone said, it's a wait to win game. Did I mention the maps were really repetitive?
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Warframe's the first F2P I actually have stuck with for a while. The biggest restriction is very low warframe and weapon slot space, which if you want MUST be bought. But specific warframes and weapons can all be crafted, with some blueprints rarer then others, only coming from alerts. And orokin catalysts and reactors to double mod slots on your weapons and warframes are relatively rare blueprint drops from 7 day login rewards and/or alert missions.
Having said that, the game is really fun, and is the first f2p I've stuck with for more then a week. It's worth giving a try anyways, and the download isn't that big (1.8ish gigs).
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The short anwser is "not at all".
The long answer is that you can get every single thing just by spending more time playing, except for some mods for the sentinels (which only modify their appearence) and some color sets. The only use for money in this game is if you have a lack of patience and you want to rush things.
Well, to be true, there's another use for money and it is to get Weapon and Warframe slots, but it's not a must have because you can simply sell the old ones to make room for the new ones, and by the time you need more slots you already know if you want to spend money in the game.
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How much wisdom in a single comment!!! sarcasm mode off
Really, why do people insist on misleading (or simply trolling) other people when they just haven't got any idea?
PS: Not a single minute played for Warframe....you really can trust this guy's opinion.
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Hi there,
I saw Warframe has got a lot of popularity on steam and looked it up. It looks pretty cool but is it pay to win? And if not, are there still a lot of features that are restricted to f2p players?
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