for those wondering: you can also sign up using a VPN and it works, although its obviously a crapshoot whether or not you will actually get intothe program
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make sure to check if your IP adress is being recognised as a US one, otherwise it wont be working:
alternatively when you are connected through a VPN, make sure to close and re-open your browser again, just in case. Any US server location should do the trick in theory knocks on wood.
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Myself im using NordVPN (the paid version), though if you want a free alternative just for this survey, I recommend that you use TunnelBear:
the free data it provides should be more than enough to fill up the survey and have it validated.
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im not exactly sure what to sugges then >< sorry :/
anyway hope you manage to figure it out, as this is extremely weird .
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Ok I can get through with browser extension of TunnelBear BUT they doesn't give you a game but a chance to invite you to test a it's not worth at all - "Thanks. Spots are limited, so you'll get an email in the coming weeks if you're selected"
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Oh, that wasn't even listen in the post... as in "obviously everyone in the world already has a Big Brother Google Account" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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There are people in the world without a Google account? Big Brother will make sure that is corrected....
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Ah yes... Reddit!
Don't get me wrong, I use Reddit too. I like the site. But you're gonna try and tell me that comment has any validity in the Redditsphere? It's a circlejerk. It's one of the "free karma" topics. "YeS, mE wAnT PriVaCY!"
All you've linked me to is a person saying "People don't know Chromium has to do with Google", which is utter horseshit because it's a very basic observation disguised as some "Only 200 IQ knows this" type of argument and then he proceeds to link a fucking article that just says that Microsoft is making a Chromium based browser, which isn't inherently bad. Considering the basket of snails that all previous browsers have been for MS in the past decade and a half, it's no wonder they switched over.
This is a non-statement that you've peddled here. It has no explanations, it has no proof of anything and the original commenter is an arrogant ass who knows that saying a general statement like that sounds smart enough to get dummies to agree with him solely because they don't want to sound dumb because they're unaware of what he's talking about. Of course, those dummies don't realize that the original commenter doesn't know it either or he'd have said something to actually make a statement of sorts.
Google's watching us and Google's totally a Big Brother type of company already. I agree with that and there's a reason why I've agreed with it for around half a decade now. But those people who complain and say that they won't use Google Chrome because of those things are the same people who use sites with Google AdSense, Youtube, Google's search engine, GMail, Google Drive or other such stuff without realizing how hypocritical they are. Or even worse, those same people keep advocating for Android devices while shittalking Apple because they're keeping an eye on you.
I have nothing against this btw. Keep protesting Google. But you better stop using Steamgifts then because it literally uses Google's AdSense, otherwise it's a bit ridiculous to just blindly throw out a dismissive "pfft, Chrome" comment :D
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Aren't you the same person who already told me some months ago that basically it's "hypocritical" to remove 99% of Google in your life just because you still use 1% that you don't manage to avoid?
I'm sorry, but your all-or-nothing approach just can't work, it's too impractical for the huge majority of people (everyone but Richard Stallman? 👀). I prefer a "do as much as you can" approach. Ditching Chrome for Firefox is trivial nowadays. At worst, you can keep a Blink-based browser as a backup (you know, the same way that we used to have MSIE as a backup back in the days when some websites were MSIE-only). So why not take this step? Why say, for instance, "oh, but I still use Android, so it's pointless to avoid Chrome, Google Search, AdSense, Youtube, Gmail, Google Drive, etc, etc"? That doesn't seem to make sense. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Back to the comment I linked to, you've got to see the context: the OP was an article on the dominance of Google Chrome's engine. As I understand it, the comment just points that, as per the article in OP, there is a flaw in the commonly heard argument "Chrome is bad, but Chromium is okay".
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Aren't you the same person who already told me some months ago that basically it's "hypocritical" to remove 99% of Google in your life just because you still use 1% that you don't manage to avoid?
Actually, I remember that conversation. Never actually said that there though. I said that people who say Google's watching them don't realize how big they actually are. That they say they don't support them and that they don't use their products, while writing that comment on their Android phone on a website with Google Ads/Adsense and after that just go to Google Drive to upload their coursework onto.
I said it's hypocritical to judge others for using Google products, while still using them themselves. Claiming to know the truth, while in ironically ignoring the existence of 80% of that truth because it's inconvenient for them.
I'm sorry, but your all-or-nothing approach just can't work
I never went for an all-or-nothing. In fact, I'm the one who always says that it's hard to avoid it completely since I always say that they're almost everywhere these days. But I also said that you can avoid most of those things (which is a thing you also said) and it's hypocritical to stop doing it if it's a bit of a hassle. Like saying that you think Microsoft is a terrible company while being on Windows (alternative there being Linux) or playing on an XBox (with the alternative being a PS4, Switch, PC).
Practice what you preach. Like with every type of massive cause like this one, you can't avoid the whole idea of what you're opposing 100%. It's like being waste-free. In reality you'll produce waste. But you can cut out a lot of it. But it is hypocritical to say you're waste-free while ordering a frappuccino to-go from Starbucks after coming from the grocery store where you have multiple plastic bags instead of a cloth or a paper bag.
Most people champion a cause while not actually committing themselves to it. It's not as difficult to actually practice what you preach, but it does require effort and minor self-sacrifice. But that's too much to ask for most people. They tend to use the same argument as you just did. That I'm asking for them to change everything and become a hippy who only lives off of sunshine and happiness. Saying that is an easy way to bypass the fact that you could probably improve yourself to help your cause. That you can actually sacrifice things for the greater good. But there's the rub. It requires sacrifice and it's hard to do it.
There's a reason I don't champion many causes. Because I'm not mentally strong enough to actually do it. It's tough to actually champion a cause. It's easy to say something's wrong or whatever. It's lazy and it's disingenuous in my eyes. For example, I won't buy Black Ops 4 because they removed the single-player campaign. I want to try it out, I really do. I think it's a fun multiplayer game and I've heard the BR mode they added is great fun. But I won't buy it, because I'm championing that cause; the cause of wanting single-player campaigns to not be completely erased. Even if the game was free, I wouldn't touch it. I can live without it.
You might say "Well, that's a small-fry issue." and I agree completely. This is just an example, but it's also to show that I haven't taken on anything massive. I can't go through with it yet.
Look, I do hope that you're practicing what you preach. That you don't use an Android device, don't use Google, stay away from sites that use Google Ads(ense), don't use Google's offshoot products and so on. I'll take your word for it. But my point stays valid regardless. We need more people like you. People whose words aren't just some empty gesture. I admire that. I'm just not strong enough for it.
Shit, I went way off-topic and I apologize.
As to the linked Reddit comment. I read only the comment since you had linked that in specific and didn't look at the general thread since I thought the link would've led to the main thread otherwise, so that's my bad.
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I said it's hypocritical to judge others for using Google products, while still using them themselves.
Fair enough, but please don't phrase as if this applied to me then. The only Google products I fail to avoid yet would be:
As for AdSense, lets just say there are ways to deal with it... that's not the best option, but if you plainly refuse to visit any site that contains AdSense, Analytics or ReCaptcha, you won't go a lot farther than the websites of the Free Software Foundation, Diaspora and the likes, and, very ironically, Facebook and Amazon 👀
Most people champion a cause while not actually committing themselves to it. It's not as difficult to actually practice what you preach, but it does require effort and minor self-sacrifice
I agree, but I still think it's better to preach and not do much than to not preach and not do anything at all. At least it shows the person realizes there is a problem and tries to act a bit.
If they do nothing, yeah that's hypocritical and I would be tempted to think they just don't mean what they preach. But if they do a bit, I'd rather encourage them to go farther than just say "hey you're a bloody hypocrite, get off my cause". I can't help being annoyed by those people (and that's actually a reason why I very often take breaks on the privacy reddit, there are so many of them there), but at the same time I realize they got their life so invaded by Google that they just don't know how to live with it. I'm lucky enough to have known Internet before Google (yay Alta Vista), so avoiding Google is basically as easy as keeping doing what I already did. Many were "babysat" for their first steps on Internet by Google (and a few others), they need time to adapt, and I believe the easiest path is to go progressively.
Shit, I went way off-topic and I apologize.
Meh, not that much, the OP requires people to use Google, so the use of Google seems on-topic-ish 👀🙃
Plus everybody likes free bumps :D
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Might wanna try changing your OS for that. Since you have an Android, you'll probably be able to switch it to a mobile Linux based OS.
Yup, that's one of those unavoidable ones. Haven't figured out much for it since even basic functions online (like banking) can require ReCaptcha.
As for AdSense, lets just say there are ways to deal with it... that's not the best option, but if you plainly refuse to visit any site that contains AdSense, Analytics or ReCaptcha, you won't go a lot farther than the websites of the Free Software Foundation, Diaspora and the likes, and, very ironically, Facebook and Amazon
Yeah, it's an issue. But then again, AdSense covers 60%. Might seem much, but there's still 40% to be used. Of course it's to limit encounters with it, not to completely stop them.
I agree, but I still think it's better to preach and not do much than to not preach and not do anything at all. At least it shows the person realizes there is a problem and tries to act a bit.
I think it's one thing to acknowledge the issue and realize it's a problem, but if you preach and don't practice it, you'll just hurt your own cause because your word won't mean much once people find out that you don't do the same that you want others to do. Basically wanting a fix without working toward the solution.
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Honestly, it's quite a fun experience. The downside is that the resolution changes frequently and sometimes it will look like you're playing in 144-240p quality. I have decent internet (70-100mbps), but in the current state Project Stream still needs a lot of work. Also, Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a decent game so far. I've only noticed a few bugs and a tad bit of control input lag, but for the most part it has been a very enjoyable experience.
I'm currently level 6, almost 7, and have played the game for about 3 hours so far. I can safely say that this game is completely different than the Ezio Trilogy, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It just depends on the gameplay style that you'd prefer.
Thanks for the heads up that testers will be getting an actual key in the future. I had no idea about that and it's good news enough to continue testing Project Stream.
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I got in but completely forgot about it, so thanks for the reminder. Just played a few minutes and it's pretty cool. The graphics are much better than I expected for a game being played through a browser. And if I just have to play an hour in order to get a free offline copy of the game, that works for me. (Using "offline" to mean "not played through a browser", not actually offline).
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My guess is that since this is a Google project, they are running it out of their servers here in California.
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The U.S. has a wide range of speeds and transfer methods with a fairly stable range of pings. I'm not sure what the EU has to offer that would make it more appealing.
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If you have GEFORCE NOW Beta you can change the region to US through the settings tab and sign up due to Steam's inbuilt browser being based on chromium. The latency will be crap, but you can just idle for an hour.
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my old VPN thingy
Softether Relay VPN
or if You familiar with OpenVPN, You can grab the settings on VPNGate
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I just got a new 15.6inch chromebook..... I hope I get picked!
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Thanks for letting us know, I did apply for it - but not sure if it will go anywhere.
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I just got it. Can anyone tell me if I need to use an vpn to play the game in order for it to count? Btw TunnelBear is too slow according to the program
Well shit my normal internet connection isn't enough. Too good to be true.Can't play it because it says my connection is not good enough.
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Well yeah.... This promotion is US only for a reason.
But I know there's no stopping SteamGifters when there's free stuff involved :D
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I mean, that doesn't have anything to do with connections. They ask for a good connection but people fro EU did this with no problem so the place is not the problem but the requeriments. My internet is fast enough for everything yet this requeriments are too ridiculous.
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It's not your connection but the website is sick dumb.
With TunnelBear I got this error:
"There was a problem running the test
Try again in a few minutes. If the test still can't run, check if your network's firewall is blocking streaming services."
Without it I receive that - Looks like you'll need a stronger connection before you can play
Stable streaming rate: 2 Mbps (15 or more required)
Latency: 132 ms (40 or less required)
Loss: 1% (5% or less required)
Yes my latency to US is that high but my streaming rate is 115 mbps (checked with speedtest on 3 different servers).
Is there any trick to pass this test anyways?
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I got my invite also today and the game worked flawlessly. Looks nice and no lag or hitching so far.
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Awesome. Just got an invite. Will definitely start playing this tomorrow after work. The email invitation doesn't say anything about getting a free copy of the game after the trial is over. It only states that they want feedback, I get $10 to spend in game (no additional spending allowed), and that my access to the game expires January 15.
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Google's Project Stream beta test, first announced in October, allows you to play Assassin's Creed Odyssey by streaming from their servers over the Chrome browser. Originally, the test period was scheduled to end in January and you would lose access to the game and all your progress if you bought the game at a later point. However, Ubisoft has announced today that participants will get a full Uplay copy of the game after the test ends, and will even get to keep their progress. The only requirement to get the full free copy is just to play it on Project Stream for at least 1 hour. Looks like sign ups are still open.
Requirements: Chrome browser, fast Internet connection (recommended 25+ megabits per second), 17 years or older and live in the U.S.
Link to article:
Sign up page:
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