Russian roulette. Pull the trigger and try to stay alive. Green = loaded chamber, gray = empty chamber.
Agree. When you're a perfectionist, you want everything to be flawless. I can't be satisfied so easy, so when something is wrong and I must fix it asap. I feel super uneasy if I make a mistake, even it's a small one. Fixing something requires time, stamina and mind, so that just makes you tired but you can't stop doing it until it's "perfect".
And also, when I give something "perfect" to someone, but that person gives me back something not "perfect" - that makes me upset.
I feel perfectionism is not good thing at all but I can't get rid of it from myself.
EDIT: Anyway, I survived from the game :)
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It means you only consider something worthwhile if it's super amazing. So you don't enjoy much in life, because there is no such thing as perfect. It's the unjustified belief that you'll only be happy once you're smart, strong, fast, thin, tanned, muscular enough, which you never are.
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You are exaggerating at this point. Perfectionists can be very happy and don't believe everything in their life has to be perfect. They aren't immediately upset if something is not perfect.
Some (maybe most) perfectionist people only want their work, i.e. for instance art or exams, to be as good as possible (not necessarily perfect). Others put more focus on their appearance, even though I would rather classify such people as vain, not perfectionist.
Sure, there are definitely some extremely perfectionist people who lack the enjoyment in life because of this trait, but that's a rare case among perfectionists I would say.
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I am a perfectionist. You're talking about people striving to get better, which is an internal motivation. Perfectionists strive to do better because they believe that otherwise they won't be accepted for who they are, which is external motivation.
There's a huge difference between the two even though the outside observer might consider them the same.
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I agree with what you say. However, perfectionists set a high standard due to both auto-criticism and criticism by other people instead of solely the opinion of others. Hence, the perfectionists' internal motivation you were talking about is a positive aspect of perfectionism. Nonetheless, the negative aspects you mentioned earlier shouldn't be neglected, but neither should the positive ones be.
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Then we have a different definition of perfectionism, because to me the internal motivation is not part of perfectionism.
I use the definition of Brené Brown: “Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: “If I look perfect, live perfectly, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimize the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.”
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That's a matter of opinion then. I, personally, find this definition more fitting: "Perfectionism, in psychology, is a personality trait characterized by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards, accompanied by overly critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations." (taken from Wikipedia).
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Words don't have intrinsic meaning, we are the ones that give it meaning. That's why we need definitions. I agree with your definition as well. I think the only thing we disagree on is wether intrinsic motivation to do better is part of perfectionism. The rest is pretty much the same.
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interesting question. My biggest weakness is my dedication and attachment to people. I cope with loss really badly and when someone exits my life it can leave me devastated for days. There is also huge lack of self esteem, shyness and guilt for everythat that goes wrong.
Also I cant find anything good on me, thats a weakness.
Also.. I am dead :|
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Strength: Fire, Deathmagic, Air
Weakness: Holy, Water, Stone,
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My strength is an undying spirit.
My weakness is pretty much everything else. Arf .!.
Oh yeah I survived btw =p
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My strength is I'm too generous.
My weakness is I'm too generous. xD
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Strength: +STR
Weakness: Low HP
PS1: I need to get a life.
PS2: +1 Up. Now I am good.
PSX: I miss it.
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Well, I survived. Like so often living on the good side of statistics. As for the question ..... hm .... let me think
There is a lot more but those are the first things that come to my mind. Also like said above. Perfectionism is neither a strength, nor existent, nor something anyone should ever wish to achieve >.<
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I lived!!
Strength: I think it would be mental fortitude due to the health problems I've faced, I think if i didn't have good mental fortitude I'd have probably given up on existence by now.
Weakness: Well my illness if you count physical issues. On a purely mental/personality level: I'm a fairly jaded person and I also have fairly bad social anxiety. There's a lot of other weaknesses but I wont list them here, and if I have any other strengths I'm not aware of them.
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I'm fine with telling.
There's a few theories but nothing is confirmed, I've been sick for around 10 years, I've been diagnosed with CFIDS(Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome)(most of the time it's just called CFS or ME but it's a horrible name that belittles the sufferer, CFIDS isn't much better but I prefer to use it and I think it's a bit more accurate) but it's a diagnosis by exclusion(pretty much meaning: "No idea what's wrong with you, you don't test positive to anything but you fit these symptoms so we'll give you this label that no one will take seriously and send you on your way with no help").
My doctor's currently exploring the possibilities that I may have a type of mitochondrial dysfunction or genetic mutation(weather it's the cause or just a symptom of whatever I have is unknown); the other theory is that I may have lyme. Unfortunately the medical fields that examine mitochondrial and genetic problems are only a few years old and don't have much funding or results yet, lyme is ignored and doctors can't treat it without fear from the higher ups and CFS/ME makes people treat as if you are a hypochondriac.
The main theory of my illness is that it's an auto immune disorder, so pretty much my body began seeing it's own cells as foreign and started attacking them.
I go a bit more in depth of my life and experiences in this thread(the thread is about lyme but my post goes into a lot more detail than here(although some of what I said here I couldn't remember when I made that post)):
I also found a scale that is used to judge severity of the illness:(I'm about 45-50 on the scale)
Here's a site that describes most of the symptoms I have:
(sorry if it's hard to read, I got bad brain fog part way through writing the comment; that's why I both took so long writing it and why I had to search for those 2 links to better explain it. hopefully there aren't any mistakes in the comment and you can understand it.)
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Yes, I can understand everything. I've never heard of this disease before. I will ask my girlfriend if she knows this disease, she studied medicine so maybe she will be able to put more light on this for me. (if you don't mind)
The disease looks like hell though from what you've written in both comments :( Are there days that it is a little better or is it going worse and worse everyday? :(
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I don't mind.
My health ebbs and wanes but over all the last 3 years have been a net decline. The main thing that varies is my mental energy, some days I can think competently(still below average for most people though) and others I'm pretty much completely spaced out with almost no cognition.
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wow... thanks RNGesus i lived!
Strength: I can sleep 3 hours a day!
Weakness: I'm a zombie other 21 hours.
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Strength: I can down a ½L mug of tea in less than 20min after I poured the boiling water into it.
Weakness: I can't drink cold tea.
And yay for knowing what numbers people tend to pick when they're asked to pick a number between 1-6! (I picked the least picked one)
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That was my problem since I was little kid - when I was sick I made myself tea because I was thirsty, but then was pissed because I would have to wait till it cools down like normal people do. Instead I was sipping it bit by bit right away. Didn't do that in long time now, I wasn't really sick for about 3 years
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Strength: being strong (psychically) like an icebreaker :D Spontaneity and preparedness for everything. Healthy egoism. Also, skill with languages.
Weakness: hope that every human that stands in my way is good and friendly. Spoiler:they are not. Laziness and couldn't-care-less-ness as well.
dead :(
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Note to self: add steam library to my "life achievements" list.
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Strength: creativity, perfectionism.
Weakness: lack of will, recurring grief, perfectionism.
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