Thanks to everyone bumping the thread, and you are all welcome, it's a pleasure doing this for you guys!
I hope you stay along until we're done here.
I don't want to reply to each and every comment because it's not really practical and would probably be bothering to you all and me as well. But I greatly appreciate the support. :)
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Hey, everyone! Ready for Christmas? If you're celebrating, of course. Otherwise, ready for other people to celebrate while you have an ordinary day? I'm ready for both.
I've updated the thread last night.
We have about 80 other games ready right now. I think that number will stay.
The first round is going to finish in a few hours. Unfortunately I won't be home until this evening (1 PM here at the moment), but don't worry, I'll get all the games ready when I get back. The second round is also going to be the final round, thanks to the cool staff for offering support in this matter.
Besides MKX and bundle stuff, now I also got This War of Mine ready, as I know it's an awesome game, and it's wishlisted a lot... and I got a nice deal for it. So there will be a few nice games, no big surprises. Also a few key drops besides the giveaways here and there. As a total, with the first round and everything, we'll reach ~115 games.
The better games will have a little higher level requirement, but I also bought some stuff to give away with no entry level.
But honestly, guys, the first levels are no big deal to reach, and sharing is caring. ^^
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the event, thanks for being here. Have an awesome day! :)
Later edit:
Guys, something came up and it seems I won't be at home this evening and cannot create the giveaways until tomorrow.
Really sorry for the delay. I'll make a short announcement tomorrow when everything is ready.
The keys have been sent for the first round. So until the next one, winners, enjoy your new games. :)
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Round 2 is up and ready.
There are actually over 130 games in total, with the extra keys and all, if it matters to anyone.
Good luck, if you've got any problems just leave a comment. Also bump when you can.
I've made sure every level gets something this time too.
Check the descriptions for some more game keys.
Hope you enjoy the giveaways. They will be running a week from now, with some of them having an extra day for various reasons (DLC or extra copies).
Would have posted more if I could, but I have emptied my wallet. xD
Have fun exploring and have a great day! :)
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I have answered some of you, but there are many replies and I don't wanna spam answering all, so I'll write here.
I'm really really glad you all stopped by for a bit, and that you also enjoyed the giveaways. Maybe we can do this again sometimes.
Happy holidays, guys! You're awesome. :)
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I've found one game that has been one of my favorites since a long time ago.
I wouldn't want it to be missing from people's libraries, so I've added one more extra wagon to the back of the train (level 4+ access).
Check it out, it will run for about 3 days, hope someone interested gets it and has fun with it. I know it is a little outdated, but it was great for its time and I still think it's an overall good game. :)
Since I'm posting kind of late, it will be linked in the OP for about a day. Cheers.
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The keys have been sent!
I also took off my Santa hat and beard.
Fortunately there weren't any problems with the giveaway winners.
I really really hope you guys are going to play the games. If not all, at least some of the higher level ones for which I care a lot.
Tell me what you think of any of them if you want to, afterwards. :)
There are a few still running GAs:
Realms of Arkania's DLC, for level 2 and up. And the next ones for level 4 and up: Half-Life 2, TIS-100 and Volume.
These will end in about a day, so make sure you join if you haven't yet.
The thread will also close at that time.
Thanks everyone for joining, hope you enjoyed the event. Have a wonderful new year!
P.S. I am still very surprised by the number of people commenting here and showing interest. Since this was my first time creating a thread and a giveaway train, I had not had great expectations for their success. I'm happy it worked out well, thank you very much. :)
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I try to save every penny looking for the best deals, I don't mind waiting. I usually buy bundles to make GAs, but a few months ago I started getting non-bundled stuff to giveaway because the community here is so great and gave me so much that they deserve more than bundle trash. :)
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I wouldn't call all bundle thrash. From time to time there's really good stuff. Things like Legend of Grimrock 2! I'll post that later. I haven't played it, though, but I looooved the first game.
And there are some really neat indie games that just needed more recognition and got packed into bundles. :P
But yeah, you're right. That's what I had in mind too when making the last purchase. I had that shift of perspective quite recently. ^^
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Of course that all bundle games are not trash, that's just the way these games are usually called here on SG. More joke than truth. :)
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Thank you and bump.
I buy mostly bundles if there is game I am interested in, but I also bought some in sales for good price. Almost none for full price I think, because I have so many games and would like to play them all, so I don't need to buy any hot new games, I can wait when they will be discounted because still have others to try in the meantime :)
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1,223 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by XJ777
13 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by RileyHisbert
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11,070 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by jbondguy007
97 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Ilan14
Check here for the latest announcement. :)
My blabbering from the creation of the first round:
Hello there. Before I start, let me get this out of the way:
Level 0+Level 1+
There's a "first round" in the title because I can only manage to create about 35 giveaways at the moment, and I plan to at least double the number until the end. So I'll start with some little, low entry level, maybe not the best games to give away. But take a look, maybe you'll find something of interest.
When my GA slots free up again, I'll announce the next round of goodies. Those that come are a tad better games and I might set their entry level a little higher.
This is my first thread and first time creating a train. If anything's wrong please tell me or even give me some tips about fixing what I screwed up.
While preparing for all of this, I have made a purchase of a game that's not bundled with the purpose of giving it away here.
I'm talking about Mortal Kombat X. It will be posted here as well, later.
I don't have the game nor care about it enough, but I've seen it on the community wishlist scoring relatively high, so if I could, why not.
This is the first game not bundled that I'm giving away, and come to think of it, I don't really buy games unless bundled. Very rarely do I find myself buying a game even in sales, don't know if I ever bought one at full price.
I think bundles are amazing, especially for people like me with basically no income. Great way of getting good games at low prices. Sometimes not good, but okay. Sometimes awful. But hey, all are experiences nonetheless. :P
Most of which I buy are from Humble, but lately I've been a bit disappointed about HB's focus on store in contrast to bundles. Hope they fix that. They're not the only ones, though, so shoutout to all the distributors, keep up the good work.
I'm curious how many people do the same. Do you wait for years after bundles or huge sales trying to save every penny or do you buy a lot of non-bundled AAA games just to share with the community while sailing your yacht over the Pacific or something? :D
How do you guys manage your stuff (Steam purchases, giveaways, your wallet)?
I also want to take this opportunity to say thanks to all the awesome people here.
I started browsing the discussions not a long time ago, and while I found out that the SG community is not perfect, I think it's the best community I have ever been part of, it feels great.
Besides games, I've won a lot by being here. I wish to give a bit back.
Happy holidays to everyone!
My blabbering from the creation of the second round:
Here comes the round 2 train, with all the remaining games packed.
I suggest you go through all the giveaways, since there are random key drops in some giveaway descriptions. Tell me if you take any. Otherwise, start wherever you please and enjoy! Bump when you feel like it for others to see too. :)
Start here orJump to level 1
Jump to level 2
Jump to level 3
Jump to level 4
Announcements and updates below.
TL;DR version:
I'll post over 100 games here. (~140)
Some good, some okay, all from bundles. Except Mortal Kombat X & This War of Mine. Now also HL2.
Bundles are nice and I am poor.
Thanks guys.
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