So, there is currently a sale on Origin on FPS titles and I think some of these are worth looking into as they are the all time lowest I believe:

Anthem - € 23.99
Battlefield 1 - € 9.99
Battlefield 4 - € 4.99
Battlefield V - € 29.99
Battlefield Hardline - € 12.49
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 1 - € 4.99
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 - € 7.49
Star Wars Battlefront II - € 4.49
Star Wars Battlefront I - € 9.99
Titanfall II - € 3.99

I have personally got Titanfall II and SW: Battlefront II for story campaigns. I am especially looking forward to the Titanfall II one because I saw a run at AGDQ 2019 and it looked amazing.

5 years ago*

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That's cute.
I'm not gonna buy any of those.
All I want to see... is a recent NHL game being available to pc gamers. And discounted, of course. Wouldn't buy the new NHL at 60-80$.

5 years ago

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I always bought the prior year's version on x360/ps3. Stayed 1 year behind and never paid more than about $5 or $10 for the game. And since I don't have ps4/xbone I've spent $0 on them the last few years :)

5 years ago

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Wow, I didn't know you could pick them up for so cheap. O_o
Eh, I haven't gamed on a console since PS2. I think I have it... somewhere. With NHL 2001.
Actually, I don't really care about the NHL franchise, I just want a really good hockey game on pc. :o/

5 years ago

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5 years ago*

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Hmm if by Canucks you mean Vancouver's Canucks. Nah. I'd be more prone to cheer for the Montreal's Canadiens.
a team that haven't won the Stanley Cup since 1993 [sigh]

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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That sounds like they dropped the ball puck for this one. O_o
(but it's not even available on Origin, right? Don't recall seeing it)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Yeah, I heard only good things about that game and I was told that the campaign was exceptional ... and from what I saw I believe it :)

5 years ago

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only titanfall 2 is Worth it from the list above

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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both campain and multiplayer are awesome , but anyway at that price the campain alone is more than Worth it

5 years ago

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Origin MP achievements are a pain in the @$$, too low number of players care about Origin achievements and in BF games boosting is out right against ToS.

5 years ago

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Does it say anywhere when this offer ends?

5 years ago

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It doesn't sadly

5 years ago

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Thanks,also if you have the Sub, you get 10% off...go for it.
Titanfall II shows as $4.49 for me

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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I take when a game is free on Origin but otherwise I don't really consider paying anything. They should bring back their games on Steam.

5 years ago

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I have a question - why should they? It would be the same case as Ubisoft games with your game requireing 2 launchers instead of one (every time you launch Ubi game on Steam it starts Uplay hence you have 2 background apps running instead of one)

5 years ago

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when ended the offer?

5 years ago

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There isn't any date for the end of the sale and they haven't mention it anywhere. Not even twitter.

5 years ago

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Oh nice, might have to pick up Titanfall 2 for that price.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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EA gots a lot of bad rep ... some of it is justified, some of it isn't. Did you for example know that they are supporting indie devs and let them keep all the profits? EA is the only reason why games like Unravel were made.
Up to "refuse to provide good games for a while" I can just say that I totally disagree - Unravel, Apex Legends, A Way Out, Fe, Mirror's Edge 2, Battlefield 1 and many, many more are just recent examples of excelents games. A lot of games went out as buggy, but even Mass Effect: Andromeda is pretty amazing after the patches (and buggy launch doesn't mean a bad game - just remember Kingsdom Come or anything from Fallout or TES series)

And fpr Origins accounts getting deleted - I have literally heard the same thing about all online publishers from Bethesda, Steam or GoG to Epic games.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago*

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I just give up since you are presenting your subjective opinion as a fact. Have a nice day :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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you should then learn the difference because you apparently don't know it. Anyway have a nice day as I said :-)

Edit: Also facts don't start with "I believe ..." :D

5 years ago*

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EA has indeed become one of the worst publishers out there, I also believe they are the one started MTX, season passes and loot crates I could be mistaken though... even their app "Origin" has tons of issues.
You said "I believe nobody should give money to EA as they refuse to provide good games for a while now.", but what about the actual good games... Titanfall 2 is the most title mentioned in this thread it is really a great game... so should the players who don't own it prevent themselves the pleasure for someone else's fault
You think the "€ 3.99" price is what will keep EA publishing shitty games.

In case you don't know what milk tons of cash for EA, it is an annual game series I'm sure you heard of called "Fifa" ... you have no idea how large its fan base is and the shit loads of money they drop on its MTX ... and no offense to anyone but those insane fans don't come to GA so they won't read your "precious" warning.

I have been on Origin since "Ironically" July 21st 2013.. six years and though I had many issues with the client itself I never heard of an account just gone up in smoke like it never existed.

5 years ago

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I'm waiting for Dragon Age: Inquisition to go on sale.

5 years ago

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When it does, make sure you get the GOTY edition. It has all the content and is usually cheaper than even 1 DLC, and there is no DLC-only upgrade package if you buy the normal version. Also, you definitely need the Trespasser DLC, which has the real ending, and the setup for the next game. ;)

5 years ago

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Actually DLC bundles were added for all Dragon age and Mass Effect games in autumn :-)

On the other note I totally agree - GOTY edition is totally worth it. I even liked The Descent and Jaws of Hakkon as DLCs

5 years ago

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I knew about the ME bundles (still waiting for a good sale) but not that they added a DLC bundle for DAI. The DLC bundle is €29.99, and the GOTY is 29,99.... Does EA really think people are that stupid?

Yea, I love the lore in JOA and Descent. Really looking forward to seeing where they take the ending from The Descent in DA4.

5 years ago

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They actually already had sale on those - the complete DLC bundles were 66% off. They are just really terrible at communicating sales honestly.

5 years ago

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Thanks for letting me know. :) I'll definitely be on the lookout and wait for the GOTY Edition to go on sale.

5 years ago

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Quick addition: Took a lot of hunting for the GOTY now that they no longer list it as a separate purchase; it becomes an option once you go to buy the game on the final "Choose your edition" screen.

The base game + DLC bundle bought separately is €50. The GOTY is €30 without being on sale. So yea, definitely get that one. :)

5 years ago

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Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. :) I'll make sure to add it to my wishlist and also track it on Is There Any Deal, too!

5 years ago

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titanfall 2 is tempting

5 years ago

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Trying to buy Titanfall 2 with PayPal, but there's an "issue" with no details I can use to sort it out.

Edit: Tried credit card and Alipay and still no joy.

5 years ago*

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weird, I used paypall for both games with no issue. You may want to try to use different browser, that worked for me in the past

5 years ago

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Got myself Titanfall 2. Thanks!

5 years ago

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Battlefield Hardline $2.99 in Amazon

5 years ago

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or just buy a month of origin access and play them all for basically free? lol

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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its literally 5 bucks, and you play every origin game you want, thats like a penny per game.

so yes. free lol

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Origin Access is good for games that you will play for less than a month and then forget all about it.
But most of those games in the OP are the kind of games that you play for a long time, subscription service for them will milk more money out of you.

5 years ago

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Battlefront II at 4.99 sounds great

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Ascate.