So I am fairly new to this site only been a month since I joined. I love the idea of this site. I actually found this site because I was trying to get a DLC for ai wars for free because I am currently Living in another country that I came to have surgory for something that I have been dealing with for 3yrs now and I am unable to work witch sucks cause if I had money I would do more giveaway sad yes I know anyways reason I came here is cause my parents live here and where able to get a doctor to do all the operations I needed here cheaper I'm telling this story so you guyz understand Im not all about just recieving I actually was able to do a give away witch was cooler I think then winning a give away anywayz the advice Im looking for is the other day I joined a giveaway for a game that I thought was something else and low and be hold I ened up winning it after I won it I realized my mistake I believe you should only join a giveaway for something you intend to play and I know I won't play this game So what do you guyz think I should do I dont wanna regift it cause I think thats just wrong and I am thankfull to the person who gave it away even though I didn't want it/ So what do you guyz think I should do should I just keep it or maybe give it back to the guy who gave it to me or maybe just give it to wanna of my lil cuzin for their steam accounts and hopefully the will play it . pls help can't get this out of my mind! ps sorry for my bad typing its hard to type in bed laying on my back.

12 years ago*

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You cannot re gift the game u won. u have to active it immediately. next time dont enter for games u dont want to play for.

12 years ago

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no, regifting is not allowed, you must activate all games you win, otherwise give it back to the giveaway creator and he can ask for a reroll

12 years ago

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depends on what game is it, there are some games that I didnt like at first and I eventually liked it when I played it. Keep it IMO, you're lucky to win that, its hard to win in draws...

12 years ago

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If you don't want the game, return it to the gifter and ask him to request a reroll. If you regift it or give it to someone else, you'll be suspended.

12 years ago

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Talk to the person who created the giveaway, explain the situation. They can ask for a reroll, and nobody should get in grief.

Thanks for being honest about it. Hopefully the positive karma will mean you win something else soon.

12 years ago

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yea dont plan to regift i know its against the rules but is it ok to contact the person who gave it to me and give it back to them also I did say It was a mistake I cliked the game in haste didnt realize that i thought it was something else!

12 years ago

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yes, you can give it back to the giveaway creator and tell him to ask for a reroll

12 years ago

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Longest run-on sentence ever. Trying to read that with no punctuation made my eyes bleed.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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i dot know what your talking about i can read it just fine you just have to parse everyhting in your head its the easiest thing to do if you went to school i mean really cmon are you stpid or something dont be such a fucking grammar nazi anyway yeah dude you cant regift cause its against the rules though i dont know why because like i get something who the fuck are you to tell me what im supposed to do with it havent you heard of property rights or something but i guess the sites rules are the sites rules and they have to be followed i guess so yeah dont regift it or at least don be obvious about it though someone will probably be checking your profile now so maybe set it to private i dunno anyway since thats sorted i guess theres not much to discuss so yeah thanks for skyrim

tldr: "Word."

12 years ago

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advice? use "enter" every now and then. Oh and what Shad0WeN said.

12 years ago

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Enter does nothing on this site.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I lost track of where I was while reading, I had to almost read the whole thing again to find where I lost track.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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K so yea Im gonna give it back and ask for reroll since thats seems to be ok. Thanx for the advice and sorry ifI i made your eyes bleed.

12 years ago

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Long, hard-to-read paragraph with made-up words and without punctuation = you get no advice from most people.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by CapitaLeny.