I don't know if you saw that : http://steamed.kotaku.com/seven-dollar-steam-movie-is-actually-just-a-notepad-doc-1740051729

A guy tried to fund a video (so it's not technically a game) on Steam with early access program and all you had was a notepad file and a few pictures.

He says here : http://steamcommunity.com/app/384540/discussions/0/496880203079516270/ he sold 30 copies before being suspended.
Edit : Dev deleted the thread but Google kept a copy : http://imgur.com/vrjiOpe

30 copies !

Well, this is maybe the worst thing you could buy on Steam (except maybe JOTL) but it's not even sure that you could buy a gift copy with a billion dollars !

9 years ago*

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A series about a serial killer in a hockey mask named Jason? He's lucky, Valve just saved him from a lawsuit.

9 years ago

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It's not Jason, it's Jäsøn. Can't you see it's completely different?

9 years ago

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Maybe it's because he can't type Jäsøn...

9 years ago

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It's described as a satire, so it would be protected by the parody clause in any IP law. It's not like anyone would confuse this with a well-known slasher franchise.

9 years ago

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At a glance, I'd say it's a grey area case. It seems like Jäsøn is deliberately evoking Friday the 13th's character and imagery to build interest, rather than really satirizing or parodying the work.

Not that anyone is going to bother pursuing it. I was just joking.

9 years ago

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Fuck, I was gonna buy a copy earlier but I couldn't find it on the store.

EDIT: Dev seems like a bit of a knob.

9 years ago

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I felt the devs responses to the one review for the product betrayed his Shakespearean eloquence in both their simple beauty and deep insight into the human condition.

"what you call a temper tantrum is just me giving up. it's what you wanted. rubbing your little thing against it, won't make it grow. store will be taken down. i will not have Jäsøn on steam. [expletive deleted] you assholes."

It's a shame that due to internet trolls the Steam community is going to miss out on what would surely have been an enduring work of art that could have been enjoyed not just by this generation but many to come.

9 years ago

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poor peasant "developer", he wasn't allowed to keep scamming people on steam. ;_;

9 years ago

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These "developers" these days...

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Nooo :c
Damn you and your photoshop skills v_v

9 years ago

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Actually it doesn't take Photoshop skills. You only need to be able to crop. It helps to be Mullins ;)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I know that it doesn't take much :P

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I'm not sure we can say he tried scamming people, he used (the already unpopular) early access on a very early stage, trying to fund his project like he would on kickstarter but without the negative aspect of rejection. Valve clearly agreed to. Otherwise it states on the store page "As of now, there are 20MB of few images and pdfs and not much more. We will add more content as time passes." so you know what you buy... at least if you read description.

9 years ago*

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Of course "officially" there was nothing wrong with it. But morally it was, I would say. I mean, it wasn't even a game or a movie. It was basically just a concept. That's not fair at all imo.

9 years ago

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Sure, he totally misunderstood what early access should be (or maybe early access is the problem).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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How the heck did this nonsense get onto Steam in the first place? I don't even see it on Greenlight...

9 years ago

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Do they Greenlight movies?

9 years ago

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Good question ! I was asking the same thing

9 years ago

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On man! I really wanted that note! :(

Greenlight is a great concept, but it needs more than just a bot working on giving greenlit signs. Yes yes yes, It would be really hard and it would take a lot of time, but without it we will see more and more of these scams.

Or shut down the greenlight thingy for good. No headache, no stress, no worries.

9 years ago

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Well, if the film would have had trading cards, they could well be worth a fortune now.
The same goes for any gift copies that may or may not exist in some people's inventory. :D

  • Have one of the easily rarest items not available on Steam anymore
  • put it up for auction
  • make some people aware of it
  • ???
  • $$$
9 years ago

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I've talked to someone who owns a gift copy. So we know there's at least 1.

9 years ago

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Oh dear ... I know that there are some crazy people on Steam who pay unspeakable sums for items like this.

9 years ago

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I do sincerely hope that this sends a message to the Steam community at large; sure there's a lot of less-than-desirable offerings on the storefront, but at least there's a definitive standard. Just don't blatantly plagiarize or make a kickstarter.

9 years ago

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lol he finally deleted the thread which you linked, I wonder why?

9 years ago

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Screen capture added to the topic!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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