Do you think VR is the future of gaming?
I don't care until they figure out how to simulate weight/pressure/texture with gloves or something similar. The sensation of touch is needed to make something seem real, otherwise I just feel like a ghost that's possessing items to move them around.
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Of course it is. However, it has a long way to go before it transitions from expensive gimmick to totally incorporated tech.
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None of your choices suit my opinion. VR is fun, but no reason to presume it will entirely replace other video games. People still play old timey video games, people still play board games, people still jump rope for Zod's sake. New things don't replace the old, they just expand our options of things to do.
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It is, but we still need more efficient and comfortable controls. Unfortunately VR glasses still have too many technical issues, that make headsets unappealing to a large number of potential customers. Its asking price is also a bit too high, considering the amount of games available, and lastly, VR marketing is very-very difficult, because one can't really promote an experience without allowing the user to take part in that experience. In other words, selling VR to people, who have never tried VR is not optimal.
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They won't replace video-games, but they will create an awesome alternative to the usual.
I'm quite curious how it will all look in 10-20 years... Hopefully it will be crazy advanced like in sci-fi movies!
Then we can truly enjoy por- GAMES. Yes, games.
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The failure of the VirtualBoy should be the lesson of today's VR.
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"This one thing didn't work, so we shouldn't ever try to innovate in that direction ever again."
With that attitude, we'd still be hunter-gatherers.
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I have not tried any of the modern VR setups, so I can't form any opinion about it. I have no desire to wear a thing on my head or to move around while I'm gaming, so in general I'm turned off by the idea. I mean, I don't even like mobile phone games with tilt controls. Call me old fashioned. :P
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VR. like those useless 3D tv's/movies give me headaches.
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it looks like companies will keep investing in this tech and research will improve, but unless those headsets start working in a way that don't make me dizzy and stop giving me headaches, i will stick to classic gaming with a monitor. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
reminds me of autostereogram books, i could never see a damn image in them. -_-
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I haven't tried it, but yes. Definitely yes. The way we are doing it now? Perhaps not. VR in general? Absolutely.
It's one of these things people won't ever stop trying to achieve - True immersion in every way. The VR headset way is extremely "concept" and not very practical at all, like the first car; not very practical, more of a concept for what the future might bring. The ultimate goal is, obviously, to virtualize the real world as a perfect or nearly perfect clone; sight, touch, feel, hear, or even smell - not only for video games, but for the heck of managing such an impossible task. It's like going to the moon, nobody really gained anything from it aside from some knowledge we didn't particularly need, and yet we were proud of the accomplishment, because this is what science is about.
VR is part of our future, I'm sure of it. VR Gaming? Probably as well, because once you'll have VR, you'll have VG gaming. It won't replace old fashioned gaming, but it'll be an addition to the range of platforms where one can access and play everyday games.
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I really do not have an opinion about it. I mean, I have hope we gonna have in the future a VR like Sword Art Online.
I never tried it but I know the actual VR is a very good experience but I only will adquire interest when the movements in-game not interfere in real life. So if this happen, i say YES! ps: I know it is a immature perspective.
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I am very anti-VR, but THAT sort of tech has nothing to do with putting your consciousness into VR. At least not if practically made into reality. It'd be more about giving your brain control over something other than your body while also routing feedback signals back into your body. All of which is currently possible /IF/ you are willing to have needles stuck in your brain. A human brain can control a completely different person's body with the proper setup.
It will be several decades before that sort of technology is capable of any commercial use though. Three at the barest minimum.
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I am aware sticking needles into the brain is one step in that direction but that's not very ... convenient and not possible with the headgear shown, they even say there's scanning involved in canon so I took the logical assumption route first, not the easiest developmental one.
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Of course. That is why I said it would take decades to put that into a state that it could be used as closely (as in, with no needles) to SAO as we'd probably get in our lifetime. And my guestimate is mostly citing my friend who is currently working in robotics. Accurate? Reliable? Iunno. But I'd believe it. Several decades and we'll have it. Though we'll all be so old who knows if we'll want specifically that by then.
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VR is still in early development, I just upgraded to HTC Vive Pro and seems a step oneward but must be refinated.
Common problems like price, space and human problems as to be fixed before they take part on the game habit of everyone.
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My current ENTIRE income is based off of my VR headset and I can assure you that THIS "VR" is far from the future of gaming. This is a market opportunity to sell something that promises the dreams of many be fulfilled several decades before those dreams can actually be fulfilled. It is designed to appease a crowd for which "close enough" is good enough.
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Please provide brief explanation if you said either Yes or No. I have not personally tried a VR game, so I am in the not sure category.
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