I'll make it more convenient for those that just want the giveaways.

Dance Dance Revolution 4
The Sims 3 Demo

And now there were only 4 people left on this thread. 1 just skipped too far to get the giveaways, 1 came on this thread and their browser froze so they can't close it, the third one is me, which leaves the 4th one... you.

You're an odd specimen, you know that? I mean, it's literally just a birthday thread. It's not even a good one at that. It's not a cool age like 16;18;21 or any other round number. It's 19... who even cares about 19? It's also not a thread with cool giveaways... or even with a train. It's lazy and boring. Not to mention, I'm not popular. I'm not one of those people that you'd see on the forums and say "Oh, it's that guy! I know him!". I'm pretty much a nobody, making a boring thread.
So that has left me wondering why you really are here. I mean, if you just wanted to read something then you'd given up by now and just found something more interesting and controversial to have a discussion over. It's the search for a hidden giveaway, isn't it? Well, I have to disappoint you. There is no hidden giveaway... Really. Check my profile if you don't believe me. I'm too cheap and too lazy to hide stuff these days. What you see is what you get.

...You still haven't left? Is it just your morbid curiosity for possibly depressed fat people that's keeping you here? Well, okay, fair enough.
I'll entertain you for a few moments more then. So, what have I been up to this past year. Well, I got into university, where I'm studying to become a teacher. What teacher, I don't know. I might change majors, so nothing's certain, other than that I want to become a teacher. My family life is still as exciting as possible. Those things I tend to keep private. The few that know say that my situation's awful, but I don't think it is, considering that almost every week on SG someone trumps my issues (which makes sense) and this is a gaming forum. If things like that are that common here, I can't imagine what they're like in real life. Personally, I don't sweat it much. The mental damage has already been done and the physical can be mended, so I don't really worry.

I think the funniest thing is that despite all the shit around my life and the public life stories that I've decided to consume, I still forgot my birthday (which should technically be probably a highlight in my year). You probably have figured out that I started rambling in the last two paragraphs, so I'll just cut this short. It was good to vent, even though I think it did more harm than good to my bottled up emotions. Thanks for reading. Whatever it is that kept you reading, I hope you don't regret wasting these few minutes with me.
I've already become less active on the social side of SG, so you'll probably see me less and less. (Though, again, I doubt that you even know of me)

7 years ago

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Do you give a damn?

View Results
I just want the giveaways...
Sure, why not. Just give me the gibs now!

Hey, man, happy b-day.
When I was your age I also wanted to be a teacher.

Best wishes.

7 years ago

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What changed?

7 years ago

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Found out I'm not good with people in general.
I guess those who truly love teaching have some kind of gift. I kinda envy them, it's a very noble profession, pretty cool indeed.

Oh yeah - and being 19 is awesome. Hope you enjoy it :)

7 years ago

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Happy birthday!!!

I don't know you, but neither you know me... Now, row, me laddie, for in the same boat we are!

7 years ago

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Happy Birthday!

7 years ago

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Happy Birthday =)

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Happy bday. :)

7 years ago

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Happy Birthday, young'un.
Back in my day we typed 3 walls of text in 6 feet of snow both ways to the library.

7 years ago

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And a gallon of milk was a nickel! Now these dang Obamas, Trumps and Bushes make everything worse! Who even votes for a man named after shrubbery?! When our boys came back from the war, we just danced the night away. That's when I met Leonard! He wasn't only a good dancer, if you know what I mean...

7 years ago

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Happy birthday. And 19 is a prime number, which is cool.

7 years ago

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It's 19... who even cares about 19?


7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Happy Birthday! I'm glad you're not too worried about whatever issues you have and I hope all will be mended and better in the future. Your life awaits you :)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Happy birthday!!!

7 years ago

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You are a Squirrel Knight who wants to be a teacher = "Just shut up and take my money!" :)

7 years ago

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Happy birthday. I'd love to be 19 :D Good luck with your endeavors which will probably change 10 times before you are 30

7 years ago

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Your ramblings made me laugh! Thanks!

7 years ago

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Give me back my minutes ya young thing. Yes @_@ Happy birthday Teach :f

7 years ago

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I misread that as 16, 118.21, which is actually an interesting age. P

For myself, I have discovered that as I get older and older, birthdays become more and more insignificant. I've got lots of things going on in my life which are far more interesting than my date of birth, so I usually don't even think about it. Oops, there goes another one.

7 years ago*

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Happy b-day! 🎂

7 years ago

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Happy B-Day!
And good luck with becoming a teacher!
Also good luck with your family :)
19 is a nice age. I'll have to raise the 1 to a 2 for me this year :| ;) :]
Have a great year! Enjoy it! And lots of nice games along the way :)

7 years ago

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I just got to 25 2 days ago lol happy B day to you .18 B day was the last B day party for me after i don't care about it any more lol

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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"It's a statement of fact."

7 years ago

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I will no bump this, i don't want to do thing against my will

7 years ago

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I died on the forums as well
you probably don't know who I am
but I honestly wish you the best
good luck with becoming a teacher
and I hope you achieve your goal

7 years ago

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I actually genuinely recognize you from the forums :D

7 years ago

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I have not celebrated my birthday for quite some time alrdy..(celebrating it in army camp :S)
Well happy birthday. Have a good year ahead!

7 years ago

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How's the conscription been anyways? I remember you talking about it a while ago.

7 years ago

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Well its better now as I'm currently been posted to a more slack unit,currently a support and I'm currently able to bookout everyday(YEA ABLE TO GO HOME :D). However, when there's shit to do, I've to stay back and cover the stuff, but hell yea finally be able to leave camp everyday :P

7 years ago

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Damn, that's nice then. For us, most people get to go back home at best once a week for the weekend. Usually, it's around once every few weeks to a month though.
Good to hear good news :)

7 years ago

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Same that's what I've been through for the first four months. Sometimes unable too go back for 2 weeks to a month.(Normally only able to go home once a week during Friday and book in on Sunday night.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by zeruel132.