Do you give a damn?
No regrets from reading :)
Happy birthday and good luck with everything. Hope you keep a nice attitude towards your problems.
My partner (more than a girlfriend, not a wife) started teaching a couple of months ago, at the age of 35. She loves it more than any other job she had before.
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I tend to stay positive overall yeah. I mean, I was going through ridiculously dark thoughts around 4-6 years ago, but the last 3 years have been pretty good. Even when shit fucked up immensely, I still kind of just "meh"-d at the problem and tried to fix it.
Hopefully I won't regret my decisions for the future either :)
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A birthday is a birthday, so have a cake and enjoy the day.
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For us, the age of 18 was when you were able to drink, drive, vote and so on. 21 was for strip clubs and casinos.
But now, just when I was able to vote for the first time, they opened the floodgates and allowed 16-year-olds vote as well! >:(
Injustice, I tell you! Injustice!!!!
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I know what you mean! Right around when I was 16(driving license allowed WITH parental signature), they changed the driving license rules to needing 2 more years on top of the original 2 before getting a full non restrictive license. Such BS! I had to wait til 19 to get it without parental consent anyways but dang those extra two years of restrictive rules!
Yeah casinos were at 19 for me :P
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Well I dont know you and I am not active so much on the SG forums.
That doesnt change the fact that you are braver than me. You spoke about your problem in a million strangers, you will say it's behind a screen/a username/an electronic identity that can't be traced back to you, I will say and yet... You did it. That is strength.
Keep on your life while fighting even if it shit because you are strong. It needs strength to acknowledge your problems and write them down.
Our nightmare take a stronger form when we give them form , even in the forms of letters, and yet you fight them in front of strangers.
Be well, keep being strong and be the best damn mothafaking teacher your students will see for only one reason.
Because YOU fucking CAN.
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To be fair, not only was it behind a relatively anonymous username, it was also very vague. I mean, I never really went into detail with it, so it's like saying "There's an issue" and then kind of backing off again :D
Thanks for the wonderfully aggressive words of encouragement. I appreciate it :)
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For me being a "teacher" hadnt even crossed my mind growing up.
But now being in university studying vehicle engineering this idea has come to me more and more... Its not really a teacher.. more like lecturer or whatever its called in english.
But I would definitely love to be part time lecturer on subject I love (vehicle construction or something with engines)
What kind of teacher are you studying to become ? Those high school ones that teach physics etc., or something like I mentioned - lecturer in uni
about certain field ?
Happy b-day btw :)
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Currently I'm studying to become an "all in one" teacher for 6-12-year-olds, with a specialization in English as well.
But I'm thinking of going just for English. The issue really stems from that when you go for pure English, you also have to take Russian into the mix, but I suck at Russian, so I'm worried about that. I tried extremely hard to figure it out for around 5 years and I barely managed anything with it.
So, we'll see how it goes.
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Happy birthday old man
Soon you'll be as old as I am (21)
I wish good luck in your life :)
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Happy birthday! I've never wanted to be a teacher, but I became one. I taught a few years at the university, it was fun and rewarding, but the money was laughable, so I moved on. Hopefully you live in one of these countries that cherish education and let teachers live off their salary.
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Yeah, changes are coming finally for the teacher salaries. A few years ago (probably like in 2011 or so) teachers went on strikes and stuff.
Now, the government is aiming for a 120% of the average wage for the average teacher wage. Currently, IIRC, it's around 90%, but it's been on a steady increase. If it continues that route, then the wages should hit that point around a year or two after I've graduated.
I don't care about money too much though. As long as I can live in a relatively nice apartment and be able to afford a PC every 5 years or so without having to count my pennies, I'll be fine.
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To be honest, while writing that sentence, I did have a quick flashback to that week when I became more active again around the more "controversial" threads. You were the first to come to mind as a person that might say something like this.
Hopefully you don't remember me as that opinionated asshole, but instead, that hunky junk boy that generates mediocre ideas. :D
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Happy 19th birthday!
Hope you figure out what kind of teacher you want to be. And that your family matters may better.
May all good things come to you in your next year. May you find love, peace and happiness. May you find someone to be with. May your choices be profound and may your confidence in them be great.
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I hope my family stuff gets better as well... though I'm skeptical about it. Turns out this shit's been going on over 10 years now. I barely know of my family (mostly because they genuinely refuse to tell me), so I'm laying the odds as 10/1. Possible, but unlikely.
Thanks for the good wishes though :)
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Happy birthday! (I hope)
It's never good to bottle up emotions in my personal experience, so it's good that you shared. Just because other people's lives are (perceived as) worse, doesn't mean your problems aren't relevant or are less important somehow. I'm glad you have a positive outlook on it at least, I hope the future will be brighter for you.
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Happy XIX' Birthday, Zeruel and good luck on your road to becoming a teacher! :-)
Thank you for your giveaways.
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I'll make it more convenient for those that just want the giveaways.
Dance Dance Revolution 4
The Sims 3 Demo
And now there were only 4 people left on this thread. 1 just skipped too far to get the giveaways, 1 came on this thread and their browser froze so they can't close it, the third one is me, which leaves the 4th one... you.
You're an odd specimen, you know that? I mean, it's literally just a birthday thread. It's not even a good one at that. It's not a cool age like 16;18;21 or any other round number. It's 19... who even cares about 19? It's also not a thread with cool giveaways... or even with a train. It's lazy and boring. Not to mention, I'm not popular. I'm not one of those people that you'd see on the forums and say "Oh, it's that guy! I know him!". I'm pretty much a nobody, making a boring thread.
So that has left me wondering why you really are here. I mean, if you just wanted to read something then you'd given up by now and just found something more interesting and controversial to have a discussion over. It's the search for a hidden giveaway, isn't it? Well, I have to disappoint you. There is no hidden giveaway... Really. Check my profile if you don't believe me. I'm too cheap and too lazy to hide stuff these days. What you see is what you get.
...You still haven't left? Is it just your morbid curiosity for possibly depressed fat people that's keeping you here? Well, okay, fair enough.
I'll entertain you for a few moments more then. So, what have I been up to this past year. Well, I got into university, where I'm studying to become a teacher. What teacher, I don't know. I might change majors, so nothing's certain, other than that I want to become a teacher. My family life is still as exciting as possible. Those things I tend to keep private. The few that know say that my situation's awful, but I don't think it is, considering that almost every week on SG someone trumps my issues (which makes sense) and this is a gaming forum. If things like that are that common here, I can't imagine what they're like in real life. Personally, I don't sweat it much. The mental damage has already been done and the physical can be mended, so I don't really worry.
I think the funniest thing is that despite all the shit around my life and the public life stories that I've decided to consume, I still forgot my birthday (which should technically be probably a highlight in my year). You probably have figured out that I started rambling in the last two paragraphs, so I'll just cut this short. It was good to vent, even though I think it did more harm than good to my bottled up emotions. Thanks for reading. Whatever it is that kept you reading, I hope you don't regret wasting these few minutes with me.
I've already become less active on the social side of SG, so you'll probably see me less and less. (Though, again, I doubt that you even know of me)
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