Do you give a damn?
Sorry that you didn't have a good birthday. I hope you are able to persevere through your down times. Take care.
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Eh, it's not that it's a bad birthday, but it's just that when I compare it to everyone else's (from what they've told me), mine's kind of crappy.
I mean, not even my sisters have congratulated me. Neither has really anyone other than my aunt, that one friend I've confided in and my grandparents from both sides.
Still, I managed to get some chinese food at a discount, so... all in all, hard to complain really. People often have it way worse than me, so it's better to have this than nothing, I shouldn't really complain.
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Probably because it's like opening a coke bottle that's been shaken too much. You start to open it, get surprised by the foam running up, try and close it and in the end, regardless of the measures you took, you still got some coke on your jeans.
... Makes no sense, but it's the best I can come up with :D
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I don't care for my own birthdays. Sometimes im even pissed by then - so forgetting? Yeah, tottally normal XD
Thanks for the gibs and good luck with teaching!
Funny thing seeing you wanting to become a teacher- im kinda the opposite while i shouldn't be.
Im from a family of teachers. Even most of my aunts, uncles and even cousins are now teachers(really, its insane).
On every single vocational test i ever took what always showed up for me? Teaching.
More then that i have some kind of natural knack for it- not surprising given my family- but ive been like that since very young and even above my peers; Its just something weird on my particular way of explaining things and being good at understanding others/reading people. Hell, one of my cousins got some advice from me he used to change things up in his class i never worked as a teacher.
Im not just 'natural' i... pretty much talk like a teacher, i casually find myself teaching without noticing when faced with curiosity or need of help.
And the one career i don't want? Teaching.
Go figure.
I wish it was otherwise. I mean, i enjoy teaching.
But i have a crave for creative projects- creating things, each assignment something new and different (purusing a design degree here).
And i know that side of me would suffer in any carreer where things ended up doing the same or similar on daily basis. I mean, i know i can change how i teach, improve and such... but that wouldn't change the fact that i would give the same class on the same subjects for different classes and again the next semester/year and again and...
Im some oddball: i love teaching something... once. Heck, couldn't i have a vocation i enjoyed more or enjoy more mine?
But it does fit my overall lack of luck across the board lol
In short: i dig your choice and kinda envy your commitment XD
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PS: i read out of 'morbid' curiosity + i enjoy random conversations here and elsewhere (even dumb random ones sometimes).
Somehow i find more entertaining the ones that pop up in the likes of 'off-topics' everywhere then in communitys focused on one particular subject. Forum topics for me are like 'Kinder Eggs' you know? Minus the chocolate. I never know what i will get, half or more of the time is something i don't want but often im entertained XD
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Yeah, you're kind of the opposite to me. I like teaching, but I just want to get those first years behind me so I can get into a safe routine.
Different enough by having different kids to teach, but similar enough that I'm teaching the same thing without having to worry about learning too much new.
Hopefully, it'll work out for you too. Maybe becoming an art teacher would be your thing? In that you barely have any real guidelines, so you can really do whatever there. If you want to teach more advanced students then you can go to teach at an art college or if you want to teach the "ittle-bitty-baybies (^_^)", then you can go for an elementary school. And then of course there's high school in between as well.
Also "Forum topics for me are like 'Kinder Eggs' you know? Minus the chocolate."... so basically a surprise, minus the good stuff? :O
Jeesh, man, you're a masochist, you know that? :D
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Hm...never looked at the art angle.
I can see this working. Wow. Adding that to the range of 'possible careers to pursuit', thanks! My actual range is larger then id wish but most of it won't turn out possible by sheer chance and timing (heck, when i entered college job market was one way, now its another, hard to predict) - so the more the better.
...And look at that: i found that useful.
On a random forum topic on the internet.
I mean, perhaps i may be a bit masochist (hey, it is a thing that people like lol) but it comes down to filtering and caring- i quickly dismiss topics and ive become mostly impervious to being triggered by all the amount of stupidity, hate, waste of time and such that litters the internet. Almost- i still can't stand browsing at facebook for longer then a minute..
But come on, compare foruns to any social media- you see titles, user, you click or not on stuff. At the end of the day i enter just a couple of random topics and engage with just a few; On my view its way waaay more masochist those who browse social media all the time and get triggered left and right. On social its unfiltered, in your face, it even makes harder finding interesting content- a sea of garbage for a few fun or interesting shares. Also most forum topics aren't overused/unfunny memes, kitch gifs...
Time sinkers for time sinkers ive found more interesting stuff, links, discovering new things and such on foruns then on tv XD
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Happy Birthday. There is nothing you can't do if you really put your mind to it. Don't give up. Ah, to be 19 again. But that's 60 years ago. So enjoy as life is short and age sneaks up on you so fast. Bump
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I'll make it more convenient for those that just want the giveaways.
Dance Dance Revolution 4
The Sims 3 Demo
And now there were only 4 people left on this thread. 1 just skipped too far to get the giveaways, 1 came on this thread and their browser froze so they can't close it, the third one is me, which leaves the 4th one... you.
You're an odd specimen, you know that? I mean, it's literally just a birthday thread. It's not even a good one at that. It's not a cool age like 16;18;21 or any other round number. It's 19... who even cares about 19? It's also not a thread with cool giveaways... or even with a train. It's lazy and boring. Not to mention, I'm not popular. I'm not one of those people that you'd see on the forums and say "Oh, it's that guy! I know him!". I'm pretty much a nobody, making a boring thread.
So that has left me wondering why you really are here. I mean, if you just wanted to read something then you'd given up by now and just found something more interesting and controversial to have a discussion over. It's the search for a hidden giveaway, isn't it? Well, I have to disappoint you. There is no hidden giveaway... Really. Check my profile if you don't believe me. I'm too cheap and too lazy to hide stuff these days. What you see is what you get.
...You still haven't left? Is it just your morbid curiosity for possibly depressed fat people that's keeping you here? Well, okay, fair enough.
I'll entertain you for a few moments more then. So, what have I been up to this past year. Well, I got into university, where I'm studying to become a teacher. What teacher, I don't know. I might change majors, so nothing's certain, other than that I want to become a teacher. My family life is still as exciting as possible. Those things I tend to keep private. The few that know say that my situation's awful, but I don't think it is, considering that almost every week on SG someone trumps my issues (which makes sense) and this is a gaming forum. If things like that are that common here, I can't imagine what they're like in real life. Personally, I don't sweat it much. The mental damage has already been done and the physical can be mended, so I don't really worry.
I think the funniest thing is that despite all the shit around my life and the public life stories that I've decided to consume, I still forgot my birthday (which should technically be probably a highlight in my year). You probably have figured out that I started rambling in the last two paragraphs, so I'll just cut this short. It was good to vent, even though I think it did more harm than good to my bottled up emotions. Thanks for reading. Whatever it is that kept you reading, I hope you don't regret wasting these few minutes with me.
I've already become less active on the social side of SG, so you'll probably see me less and less. (Though, again, I doubt that you even know of me)
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