If people want to filter by ratio they can simply make a private giveaway and put it behind SGtools.
And in case you're talking about public gibs, well that's just how it is. The levels were introduced to simplify the system, this would would complicate it again.
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I put this up as the retarded alternative to adding more blacklist slots onto the already 1000 member long list.
And also, this wouldn't really complicate it much more than it already is. It would be 1 more variable to enter into the giveaways as well as 1 more viable to see in their profile to filter by.
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To be honest 1000 slots is already way too many, they should cut it down in half.
But I still think that public gibs rules should be kept as simple as possible because that's where all the newbies start and we already have enough people complaining for dumb stuff because nobody reads the f*cking FAQ.
I insist, if someone wants to make giveaways with more restrictions they can use SGtools. If they are that picky about their winners they shouldn't even be doing public gibs in the first place.
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Agreed but they still want to push for it, so if they are going to push for that, I would rather push for this, an alternative to theirs that would actually work and do so with much lower server strain than trying to manage a bunch of people with insanely huge blacklists and would actually serve as an incentive to encourage users to gift more.
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You can't give people everything they ask for, for the simple reason that there's always someone asking for something stupid that would cause more damage that it's worth it.
We shouldn't even be pushing to try to find a solution, they're a tiny minority, we should just say no and move on. And if they keep asking for it, then just ignore them, listening to a small but very loud minority is not a good idea if what they want could throw the system out of wack for everyone else.
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But I still think that public gibs rules should be kept as simple as possible because that's where all the newbies start and we already have enough people complaining for dumb stuff because nobody reads the f*cking FAQ.
And the fact that some people don't know how to math and so they set their giveaway wrong. Some users already find the region restriction option to be confusing-if you select Germany, does it mean that only Germans can enter, or that everyone but Germans can enter? It'll make everything more confusing.
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How would it make it easier? People who fill up their BL-slots are still gonna bl everything or want more slots.
If they really want to make a ratio-based GA then they can use sgtools or do group GAs. Or invite only after checking manually.
Also, the site would have to do a lot more checking if you're eligible to enter.
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It would make it easier for the server with the ratio than the insane blacklists that some are talking about adding. And the main people exploding their blacklists, this is logically about the only thing I can think of that would have them blacklisting that many over.
Would prefer this to having someone asking for 50,000+ blacklists.
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It doesn't make it easier for the server, it's an extra check it has to do before deciding wether or not it can show you the GA you clicked on.
Just because some people want more blacklists doesn't mean they'll get them.
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I would prefer they do neither of them, was just putting this forward as the reasonable alternative between them because their idea of the extreme blacklisting of the site is irrational. While this would resolve what they considered an issue without a huge strain on the site and would scale instead of asking for increase after increase of the blacklists
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You could give them a 10,000 people Blacklist, in a year they'll be back complaining. They're the vocal minority. Also, I think you're overrating ratio. In the majority of sgtools GAs I've seen ratio is hardly a factor. And that's people who actually bother to make sgtools GAs.
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I personally chose the ratio as that is the one thing I keep seeing them blacklist over. I personally could care less about it myself. The level system takes care of about anything I would want anyways. Not me overrating it, just them overrating it.
What giveaways I do, I just throw a level 1 requirement on it and that is it. I don't care about their ratio and I don't care about if they say thanks afterwards. Didn't post it for some appreciation.
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It's a website about free giveaways, i.e., people who give games away because they want, for pleasure, not pressure.
Though It looks like some people want their giveaways to be exclusive for some kind of "elite" who fit their own requirements, so they keep blacklisting the world as if it was some kind of punishment.
That sounds so childish. There is already a lot of ways to filter giveaways. If they're not happy, they should go making their giveaways somewhere else.
People are not eager about their precious games.
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they should go making their giveaways somewhere else
I see. Thank you for pointing that out.
I will have done over 600 giveaways in a few hours time but in the future i will sell all my leftover keys lying around (~ 350) on the grey market for profit instead of giving them away for free here.
Steamgifts is way better off with people like you who did 17 giveaways in the two years you are registered on this site and of which 90% were region restricted.
I understand that now. How could I be so blind. You are a real pillar to the SG community! I am just a nuisance.
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That's what I was talking about. Again, the website is about giving away. You give if you want. No pressure.
But people like you think they can judge people considering on how many giveaways they did or if they are region restricted.
Sorry, I can't change the region I am (even if I did, Steam would block me for that and, again, people like you would be judging me for being blocked), so of course my gifts are region locked.
And sorry if I don't have much money to make generous giveaways, so when I get some money, I buy games I want to play (ohh, it's a sin! Send me to hell!). And sometimes I do giveaways. Sometimes. That's enough, since it's not never and since I don't want to be bankrupt just for the sake of being accepted or loved by a lot of people I don't know or famous among them. Sorry if I don't even have the pretension of being a pillar of relevancy for community like some people here have or think they are.
Sorry if it annoys you or other people. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ You guys can punish me for that with your superpowerful blacklist of death, so I will be so worried that I will never be able to sleep calmly again. ;/
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+1 I don't get why so many people care about ratio. If they want to trade games, why not go to actual trading sites? I do understand that they want other people to give at least something and I feel the same way. I don't like people that never give either, but if they show that they are willing to give, it's enough for me.
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for pleasure, not pressure.
the discussion is over, OP can use SGtools for its desires
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It's a website about free giveaways, i.e., people who give games away because they want, for pleasure, not pressure.
Some people play for profits.
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a little annoying seeing people with thin skin
Okay there. You may disagree but your passive aggressive tone undermines your argument.
Also, +1 fo Axelflox comment.
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way too many people on here hung up on ratios, which especially means nothing when you can buy an Otakumaker bundle for $3 or whatever and get keys for 60 crappy games, meanwhile as per your fixation with this criteria it counts 60 times more than 1 good quality store-bought game
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I used to be one of the peeps who were big on ratios.
It can be a bit annoying to see someone constantly take and make excuses about how they can never give. If you don't wanna gift, fine but at least have the courage to say it out right instead of pussyfooting around. Now I don't bother because peeps like that are worth my energy /shrug.
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I thought it said "filter by radio."
I thought, "Who is going to use that?"
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"Gifts Won
169 ($1,300.89)
Gifts Sent
42 ($648.59)"
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Yep with over $100 in giveaways pending. Your point? I will have it balanced within about 2 months.
And why is it that the higher peoples level seem to get on here the thinner their skin becomes? It is like they are trying to judge their self-worth based on this website.
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Even if you have $200 pending you still with a negative ratio (even seeing the RealCV).
And i'm not trying to judge my self-worth, i just want to point. If this become happen (i don't think), you will lose a lot of giveaways.
Youre free to suggest what you want.
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I know it would cost me, I don't care about that. You either go with it even when it doesn't benefit you or you don't go with it at all. To do less would be hypocritical and this system would still be superior and scale better than those people who want infinity+1 blacklists trying to catch them all.
And actually, the way ratios work, it wouldn't be negative, it would just be below 100%. As it stands my ratio is about about 50% and after the current giveaways I have done it will be at about 60%.
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You either go with it even when it doesn't benefit you or you don't go with it at all.
Wow, you couldn't have gone more black and white there...
Also, you keep talking about people having "thin skin," while you're the one that is getting all worked up about it...
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Not getting worked up, as I said before, I honestly don't care if it gets passed either way. I was proposing this as the alternative to the suggestion to increase the blacklist count which would actually not address the issue they were trying to get at.
And I was referring to the people with "Thin Skin" as the people who try and get all blacklist crazy for every little offense.
Sorry if you took what I said as me getting worked up, I honestly wasn't, just saw this as something that would actually serve a better purpose than the other suggestion I keep seeing up here about making the blacklist longer when 1,000 people on it is already long enough as it is if not too long.
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Where exactly do you see those suggestions though? I have not seen anyone say they want to increase the blacklist limit in a long time. I'm not claiming I see everything, but I check this site multiple times per day and have not seen a thread like that in months...
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Ok, never bothered to actually readjust my sent/received base on SGTools, which is still a 1 to 3 ratio instead of the 1 to 2 ratio I have now still not a horrible one and as I said and still one I am in the process of fixing if you bothered to check.
Yours by comparison is 2 to 3 so probably about where I will be in about 2 months, maybe less.
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Because it is ironic as hell to see someone want a feature that would deny people of >1.00 (or any other number) ratios to enter giveaways, while he himself falls into the category that would also deny him those things. It is like if someone would start a thread to make region-restricted giveaways earn less CV, while they are on 80% region-restricted ones.
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I have no issue with doing something even if it hinders me if it is something that is better overall. And as I said before, I would prefer this as the alternative for the people talking about infinity+1 blacklists trying for this instead.
May be ironic but as I said before, you either have to be in favor of it even when it works against you or you have no right to be in favor of it at all, otherwise it is hypocritical.
If this catches on or not, I really have zero issues with it either way. But would rather this catch on then people asking for the already 1,000 slot long blacklist to be extended.
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I would sign up for that one too. Just would rather see the issues resolved in a way that scaled and didn't kick the can down the road.
So either eliminating the blacklists entirely and forcing them to resort on white lists, levels, and groups would work for me as would this. Just didn't like the blacklist suggestion going that didn't fix anything and only made the bandaid they were trying to use longer instead.
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what ratio would it go off of?
if steamgifts ratio then one or the other could be far more inflated then actual real cv ratio. or if sgtools then it won't ever happen cause cg wouldn't reply on another website in order for his own to function.
either one i would pass most peoples ratio standard, but if people started looking at the steamgifts ratio as important then i'd look hella amazing even though my real CV is only ~2.5x higher instead of almost 5x higher that steamgifts shows.
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I would use the ratio given by this website and its profiles so that all can see it easily even if they weren't regulars here of forum crawlers like us. I won't lie, I spend probably more time on the forums than I do actually with the giveaways.
And having the stuff actually able to filter by the ratio like that would not only remove the reason for users to blacklist them but it would also encourage previous leeches to fix their ratios because they would be locked out of giveaways otherwise regardless of their level.
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well it works. but it just isn't near as accurate to what people put into their gifting versus what they take out of it.. for instance people who levelup doing strictly non-bundled AAA giveaways are some of the best gifters there could possibly be. but their ratio could be way off balance if all they every try and win is bundled indie games, even though their real cv sent could be way higher & better then what their real cv won is. (when steamgifts shows the opposite)
edit: typos & clarification
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Yeah, I agree with the difference between bundled and non-bundled. Only $20 of my value is from non-bundled and the rest is literally all bundled I got from Tremor Games because I won't lie, I am broke as crap due and will be till Veteran Affairs does their job which won't be till around 2020 according to what the lawyers have told me.
Question, is the issue with those who give the non-bundled stuff having a low ration a huge issue? I personally haven't checked but most of the one I see giving the non-bundled stuff typically end up being those with ratios of much better than 1 to 1 on dollar amounts.
Of course a workaround would be to have our profiles on here include both values on our profiles instead of having the SGTools to see it and then to base around that if that is the case though.
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i could do AAA's more, but really i prefer buying multiple bundles and making several people happy instead. i could of gotten where i am with only a few hundred gifts instead of a couple thousand keys, but it wouldnt of made near as many peoples day. xD
it really can. someone could inflate the crap out of their sent value on steamgifts artificially by just buying a batch of 1k keys from a developer. steamgifts just calculates what in retail value was sent, doesn't matter if there was any CV gained at all.. it would get reallllllly bad when cg allows free games to be gifted if that too calculated over there (which i'm betting will artificially inflate a ton of people then).
its hard to come up with an example of the opposite, but it too is possible.. they'd have to be only a occasional gifter of really expensive AAA games, but frequent winner of bundled expensive games.
also people frown upon filters of this type as it is, and cg wouldn't want to make it any worse then it already is. not that i care personally about them, i'd pass most anyways. xD
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Yeah, In that case I would definitely make it where the SGTools value was used and just have it added to be value under our normal profile and make sure it explained that bundled games got a discount value instead of full value.
Of course I would also like to have it show the adjusted values of the games in the create giveaways menu to make it easier for casual users to see the effect on their stuff without having to read up on it.
With the ratios, I would still have the requirement be that the giveaways had to be at least level 1 or maybe 2 before the ratio feature could be activated to put a damper on it somewhat. Would be uber-douche to try and put a ratio on a level 0 giveaway. But can see why they would hate it but without it you have people trying to abuse the blacklist to fill that feature instead.
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the thing is. sgtools values = steamgifts levels. the filtering you want to go by exists in level form.
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Yes, you can use those levels easy enough for the purchases part as it shows up on the levels already when you mouse over them but it is missing the equivalent with what you win and you need both to do the ratios.
So we would have to include the equivalent with what you win too or have to go with just the unadjusted values of each.
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oh.. yeah i see. i'm sleepy, didn't think of that.. the win level value essentially. but sg doesn't actually calculate that level equivalency, only the retail equivalency instead. which means he'd have to add that and from what Kletar says below it was to taxing on the servers and was a feature before (without filters though). i'm kinda with kletar though, even if cg figured out how to re-enable it where it wasn't so taxing on the servers and added a filter, it probably wouldn't even get used hardly at all.
but you can put me on the "i dont care/mind if it does or doesn't exist list" xD
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There are way too many filters on SG already imho. Hell, people are going out of their way to go outside of SG to create even more filters. We already have groups, whitelist, blacklist, levels, and whatever ridiculous filters get added to SGTools next week.
I got all the filters I need, thanks.
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No. Public giveaways are so nice thanks to overall simplicity - if you need super anti-community rules then you can use SGT for that, or simply whitelist people you want instead. If cg adds one thing, then another guy asks for yet another SGT feature, and we'll run into the circle of exclusion powered by crapload of rules that shouldn't be there in the first place. I enjoy very much the way it works right now, and I'd be very happy if it stayed like this. SGT is enough - public giveaways are supposed to be public, level and CV drama is already on so high level that we don't need another one, rather rework or even get rid of leveling system entirely, but that's different case that is not possible to happen today, several people would get heart attack right away.
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Sgtools allows you to do that already. Steamgifts already had a lot of restrictions, then sgtools got created and it added more restrictions, so please, don't make this site even more restricted. xD Steamgifts has been filled with hate and selectivity nowadays. :/
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Problem is SGTools fucks up your profile with Invite Only GAs :(
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If you don't like invite only giveaways, then yeah, true, it fucks it up. Still, I doubt that this site needs even more restrictions. An elite is growing slowly on steamgifts, a group of people that are making giveaways for specific people, thinking that because they're making a lot of giveaways with 5-10 entries each, it means that they're giving back to the community. Of course they can give games to whoever they want to, I understand that. They shouldn't lie to themselves though, because they're not giving back to the community, but, ultimately, they're only giving back to their friends and other members of their elite group. I just don't want to see steamgifts getting filled with restricted giveaways, that's why I have to disagree with this idea. Rant over. Gib me dem blacklists, people! :B
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I don't have a problem with Invite only GAs per se but when you have a winner that has already given away 50 games or more and they have a lot of Invite only GAs that makes it almost impossible to tell if those are legit Forum Invite Only GAs / from a puzzle or if they are just passing around games in a small circle of friends like many people do in small groups. So for me the only easy way to tell if somebody is actually contributing to the community without going through every single one of their GAs is looking at the pie chart and checking the percentage of public GAs.
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I honestly still don't see much point in the thank you's as most honestly don't even bother to check and I personally typically did it when I got to say it personally to them. But since some honestly care about that nicety, I figure I would go ahead and do it anyways.
But yes, every added filter would be an extra strain, but saw this as adding less strain to the server than the huge blacklists being stored on multiple profiles that they would still be asking to make bigger.
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Just for the records, I didn't want 100.000 blacklist slots. I was being dishonest after a sarcasm comment had been taken seriously. I was thinking about similar to this but it's not my call.
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I opt to leave things as they are and remove the Bugs / Suggestions category :D
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You're right :D Leave things as they are including the Bugs / Suggestions category ;)
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As soon this is implemented, let's all create only 1:1 ratio restricted giveaways. 🐐
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Sure, because having 1M account with the max 1k blacklist each, and a few people (like a dozen? two dozen?) wants somewhat bigger BL would impact the performance that much.Or at all. Get real, a simple "hide if on the list" filter takes almost nothing compared to the giveaway archive :)
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Honestly gets a little annoying seeing people with thin skin trying to blacklist everything in site because of their ratios and asking for the blacklist to be increased when their are better ways to do it that would be less stressful for both the users and the server load as a whole.
My suggestion is a simple one. Allow users to filter their giveaways no only by level, region, whitelist, and groups. But also by the ratio of the users as well.
Overall this should be a fairly system to run. Just have the person set the ratio when they do the giveaways so long as it also has a level requirement above 1 and just have each profile have a new variable for their ratio which is set whenever they receive or gift a game and the giveaways filter by.
Please do this as it would be easier for all in the long term than dealing with people looking to blacklist everything that offends them using the ratio and easier on the server load too than having a bunch of people with huge blacklists and would have the added benefit of allowing users to actually fix their ratios and actually get access to more as a form of incentive structure.
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