Does this affect you?
For me is just no more buys of wallet money using satoshis
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Does this also affect "gift cards" bought directly on Steam?
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It goes directly to friend you sent to (can't forward further), and there's minimum time you must have been friend. As phone scammer, that's going to be really hard to explain and you give victim a lot of time to realize IRS isn't going to ask you do this.
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If I understand it right - you won't get any "code" when sending digital gift card (I'm not sure since I never sent or received any). So I guess when they talk about "codes" they only mean physical ones. Not that it makes situation much better....
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Whoa, I just learned about these changes and went ahead redeeming one wallet code which wasn't in my local currency and it redeemed just fine, so I'm wondering when it's going to be ultimately implemented. As of now it still seems to be working but I wouldn't wait too long redeeming remaining wallet codes. ;)
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'Are there country restrictions on Steam Wallet codes?
Yes. Each Steam User Account is associated with a specific currency, which you can see in the top right corner of your Steam Client. You may encounter an error if you try to activate a Steam Wallet Code issued in a different currency than the one of your Steam User Account.'
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Street banks are closing fast.
Some shops have stopped accepting cash.
The future:
You will need a bank account + an internet broadband contract + a modern smartphone with latest software.
Poor people who don't have these things will suffer.
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Or u can have all free if you are a clandestine...if u are illegal immigrant u can have a smartphone with illimited credit, an house with Intewrnet, electricity,water and all..for free. if you are a poor italian who closed his activity cuz Revenue Authorities asked 11k euro on 16k euro revenue...there is something very wrong in my country. If you are Italian and you close a small activity u don't deserve a single € while democrat government, that no one voted,spend 5 bilion every years of italian money for clandestine's the case to yell: WHITE LIVES MATTER, here in Italy. now pls, enjoy your ego and BL me
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Magari non ti informare su "il giornale" ed altre testate propagandistiche che non sono buone neanche a fare da carta igienica.
E studia invece di dare la colpa a questi inesistenti clandestini con il Porsche
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inesistenti?? avwete la faccia come il Bip..guarda proprio ieri aprelavo con una mia vecchia amica che lavora in posta...e , aprole sue, mi ha detto: se gli itlaiani sapessero quanto e cosa sboarsano, attraverso Le Poste, scopperebbe la rivolta sociale: questo me lo ha detto dopo che ho aspettato mezz'ora che 2 vs risorse, senza distanzxiamento e in 2 allo sportello, finissero di ritirare i bancopsota mensili..alla faccia degli ex artigiani come me, a cui nn spetta 1€..altro che documentarmi io. ci vuole la vs faccia di bronzo anche solo a parlare dello schifo che è il business dell'immigrazione clandestina..sostenuto x foraggiare la rete di cooperative e finte associazioni che danno lavoro ai portatori di voti della sinistra.Se solo ci fosse una magistratura libera e non al soldo del vedsremmo delle sappiamo tutti come funziona la cosa..nonostante l rivelazioni shock delc vaso palaara...tutto è stato insabbiato..alla faccia della Costituzione di cui sardine lesse (tutti militanti di sinsitra e sindacalisti chil)e i piddioti si riempono la bpocca nelle trasmissioni delle TV di propaganda sinsitroide come LA7 e rai3..direi che Infdormati, lo puoi tranquillamente adare a dire a qualcun'altro..magariu ci fosse un'informazione libera nella repubblica delle banane che è diventata l'Italia. qui prima o poi sdcoppia la guerra civile, grazie al vs scomportamento scellerato e antiitaliano. Fidati
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Quante cazzate.
Solo slogan.
10 righe di slogan incoerenti tra loro e scritti in pessimo italiano
Sei vittima di quelli che spargono odio e cazzate per il proprio tornaconto.
Continua ad arrabbiarti con chi ha meno di te e lecca il culo a chi ti ha convinto che la flat tax conviene a chi ha reddito medio-basso.
Vi prendono per idioti e voi gli battete le mani =)
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io nn lecco il culo a nessuno..quello è compito dei Kompagni figli di papa, come Le Sardine o dei Cessi sociali che vogliono impiccare Salvini o chi nn la pensa come lui (non voto Lega dal 2000...unica volta che la votai ndr)e invoca piazzale Loreto e distruggono e sfasciano tutto attaccando la Polizia..tantos anno che i loro amici di magisrtratura democratica , manco li fanno andare a processo (come la Rakete dove abbiam TOCCATO IL PUNTO + BASSO DELLA NS STORIA)QUINDI GLI ULTIMI CHE POTETE PARLARE DI SPARGERE OGIO SIETE VOI.E CON QUESTA passo e chiudo..maestrino dei miei stivali
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io sto aspettando da anni di vedere le gente in strada con i forconi....per infilargli nel culo di quelli che hanno chiesto i 600 euro ad esempio.....per i diamanti, i resort, le lauree, i 49 milioni etc etc. O a quelli che dicono di non usare le mascherine, di non chiudere le discoteche etc etc....sempre fomentare odio e cattiveria.
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ecco l'altro Kompagni di merende che arriva a sostenere il nulla cosmico...e ad affermare ilf also..xchè i primi ad assembrarsi senza masscherine siete stati voi komapgnucci il 25 aprile in pieno tanto voi siete intoccabili e ingiudicabili,dato che la magistratura è al vs servizio..ome si è ampiamente visto e come è stato clamorosamente INSABBIATO TUTTO DA MATTARELLA (PRIMO RESPONSABILE IN QUELITà DI PdR) ai vari servetti dei quotidiani e della TV..la7 in primis...unica rete tv ad essere composta esclusivamente da iscritti,ex amministratori locali e ultrà di sinistra. Gli ultimi che potete parlare e\o dare insegnamenti siete proprio voi Kompagnucci.ADDIO
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Get ready for the chip in your right hand, soon, you will only be allowed to buy and sell stuff if you have it
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Formerly I loved Steam policies. Lately, year after year I'm hating the new ones ...
Step by step anti consumer new rules. Always in favor of monopoly gaming companies for example. facepalm .
First gifts, next cs go keys, and finally that. What´s next? Deleting the chance to sell cards? Seriously Steam what are you doing lately with your platform? Excuses of fraud, scams and even hacks when the real reason is that they increasingly want to make more money at the expense of the consumer ...
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I have all my games in Steam but .. this not means that I will like every new rule that they will put.
Also, this is my opinion. No need to be like that. You can post your opinion too n_n.
My criticism is about how they destroy the possibility of getting cheap games for a large number of people who could not otherwise do it...
There is no reason to restrict exchanging gifts or exchanging cs go keys for example ...The excuse for scams for example is really absurd. If they cheat you, it's usually because of your ignorance.
They make millions daily ...
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Sure it give reasons for that actions...
And the short version is because a good bunch of people exploit their system.
Exchanging gifts ... people in turk., india, argentina and so on bought them cheap and sold them for a higher price but below the price that it would cost the buyer in his own country.
Win for the seller, win for the buyer, loose for steam because of the lower selling price.
CSGO Keys got abused as payment way to avoid the market cut that steam take for using their servers and so on.
Win for the people, loose for the company that pay for the servers and earn then at the deal nothing.
Besides that both ways got abused with stolen credit cards/payment fraud that harmed in the end the buyer, steam and the game companies.
That is only a short list of stuff because i am sleepy and it show enough that you are able to see why they change stuff.
Not to like the changes is ok but in the end hate the abusers/exploiters that force a company to such steps.
It's not (only) greed.
They pay taxes, pay people that work for them and can't say "today we need 1k servers lesser as yesterday" or close offices and such stuff. They must pay for such stuff... so calculate it in at your "they make millions daily..." sentence.
The people that sell their steam games/keys they gathered in some way (not at the steam market) don't pay taxes and can stop from one second to the next without a problem because they don't need to pay for servers, offices, other people and so on.
PS.: Games are luxus. Not each one need hundred or thousands of them. Buy what you can and want is the solution.
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"Are there country restrictions on Steam Wallet codes?
Yes. Each Steam User Account is associated with a specific currency, which you can see in the top right corner of your Steam Client. You may encounter an error if you try to activate a Steam Wallet Code issued in a different currency than the one of your Steam User Account."
Seems inconclusive if you ask me, so yeah, who knows.
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There are scams like this. There are also people who have bought gift cards with stolen credit cards and then sell them on grey market sites etc. Yes, before and probably most of the old codes have always converted into your curreny. But in order to prevent scams and grey market resellers and/or sites where you can earn point to receive gift cards they will/have stop this by only allowing the user to redeem cards that have your local currency that is tied to your account.
Im not sure what more info you want or what you specifically dont understand? We dont have more info than whats provided in the links.
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I live in Africa, we have no credit cards in my country, the closest imports we have come from Europe. When people travel to Europe I sometimes manage to have them bring Steam wallet cards from there, but for some reason Steam decided my country uses US currency. I already have to pay insane prices due to the 3rd world exchange rate between my currency and euros for the steam cards. I have no way to get US steam cards, but Steam doesn't care about insignificant countries like mine I guess.
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Exactly, that´s one of my points in my comment of before u.u.
it's really sad and strange to see Steam follow these steps.
Previously they were a pro consumer and game seller company...
Currently each action they take restricts more and more users for example.
Not counting the 30% that are left from each sale of each game. This also limits the sale offers.
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30% shouldnt bother you as it is developer side and u have nothing to do with it, end price didnt change if they will take 20% or 50%.
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It changes how devs price the game.
When they want to make 20 buck out of a game, they would need to offer it at 29 bucks with 30% cut. With 15% it would be only 24. That's quite a huge difference.
So or so, the someone pay the price. And selling steam keys(via other sides) lower the cut, but that isn't acceptable for steam anymore(and would be cheaper for customers to buy).
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can you tell me which game is/was exactly cheaper on eg than on steam :)? Cause i see no differences in price, even steam taking 30% and eg taking less
Your logic is bad. EG didnt sell any game cheaper than on steam, only devs taking more money. It doesnt matter for end customer, as he pays the same price. Thats why no one understand what is the point of eg taking all new games for themselves only.
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any examples?
And you think they will lower price on eg xD? If they want they have many opportunities to do this, but they dont change pricing even once. They are greedy.
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VPN users probably. VPN in a cheaper country + add wallet funds to bypass local payment restriction (wallet code in this case)
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I've just redeemed a foreign gift card, so either changes aren't already effective or they only care if you suspiciously redeem too many codes ("Going forward, you may encounter an error if you try to activate a Steam Wallet Code issued in a different currency than the one of your Steam User Account.")
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such a pointless change, i wonder what's next up their sleeve.
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We have made some changes to how Steam Wallet Codes are redeemed on Steam, as part of our ongoing effort to reduce scams like the ones explained HERE. These changes should not impact regular customers who enjoy using Steam wallet codes they purchase at retail in their local currency.
Each Steam User Account is associated with a specific currency, which you can see in the top right corner of your Steam Client. Going forward, you may encounter an error if you try to activate a Steam Wallet Code issued in a different currency than the one of your Steam User Account.
If you have questions about your ability to redeem Steam Wallet Codes, please contact Steam Support. If you are concerned about the legitimacy of a Steam code you have purchased, you should ask your retailer.
Please visit our Where to buy Steam Wallet Codes article to find Valve-authorized retailers for genuine Steam Wallet Codes.
Note: This applies to physical gift cards only. Such as you can buy in a store. Not the digital gift cards. On those digital cards there's a "3 day friend timer".
Possible reasons for this change include steam's battle against credit card fraud,
and players using roundabout ways to get discounts using foreign currencies.
Sadly this will also mark the end of physical gift card giveaways at GGPlayers.
But, that'll just mean more games will be given away instead!
Here's a cookie. Don't eat it in one bite.
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