Not bad.
A must-have feature is saving all owned games in local short-lived cache to avoid asking SteamCommunity for data on each page refresh. You should compare last cache refresh and if it gets older than e.g. 1-2 hours, schedule a refresh.
If you need code samples, you can find some in API calls to my touhou website:
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It seems to me you are the good guy helping every programmer here :D
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It doesn't cost me anything to help, and if people learn how to write better and more efficient code - everybody will gain, not only users but server owners as well.
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Great Work! But lists with hundrets of games make my chrome freaze. Would be cool if it could work in background without freezing anything :)
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Wow, wow, wow! This one actually a very good thing! As OP already said, Compare2Steam have totally bad performance, when I trying to check a big libraries, its will use all of my RAM! And, of course, my PC stopping worked >.< So many thanks to Royalgamer06 for userscript ^_^
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You're a true champion. Thanks for this.
First impression is.. decent. I'm supposedly part of your target audience with over 5000 games in my library and a trade list of over 2000 games. When loading my own list ( it takes a fair minute to fully load. This isn't strange and I actually expected it to take even longer.
Now my two cents:
Perhaps consider a single character margin of error, of the 2000 games listed about 250 of them trigger a false positive. After inspecting these, it seems 90% of these false positive have a special character in the title. :, !, &, -, ~, +, ., `, ® and possibly (though uncertain) all numbers.
Also subs aren't taken into account, meaning all packages of multiple games aren't recognised. Not a huge deal but perhaps something to look into one day.
And just a personal preference: I'd like to see every game at least start with a capital, full lower case always makes me cringe a little.
But it's a very nice start, I hope you can improve it even further.
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Might be a strange request, but could there be a way of checking owned games against the Steamgifts bundle list? -
Why do I want this? About to start trading, and as a bit of games collector I want to hoover up as many bundle games I've missed as possible. First of all I need to identify them/create a comprehensive want list. I think I'd prefer to do a search on the trades section for game titles I don't have rather than click on random trade threads until I see something I haven't got yet.
Did attempt to use compare2steam for this list creation recently after putting together a raw list of game titles only for every game on the bundles list but my library kept crashing it. It seemed to work if I loaded a couple of hundred titles at a time to check but I found that very time consuming and didn't bother in the end.
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So you want a list of games from, which you don't own?
Does it matter to you if that list is in AppID's (preciser results) or does it have to be game names?
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Anything would be fine, and more than great.
I wasn't even initially thinking that the script would make the list. I'd have been happy for it to look the same way as it does in the example picture you posted of this script in action and then for me to manually create the list by copy/paste or even typing the game names out. As long as I could find out exactly what I have and don't have already it would be all good.
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List of bundle games: (code used:
List of your games: (code used:
Removed intersection: (used notepad++ with this regex:
I hope this pleases you, it was trickier than I thought :)
Please accept my steam friend request.
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Well done! I do want to clarify one point:
How can it be so fast?
I am actually ignoring Steam AppID's altogether and only check with game names.
Yes, that may cause some inaccuracy, but I don't think that much.
Specifically, it'll be any games pulled and put back on the market. This will probably only include some games that are 0p.
If you check the name, do you just check a part of the name or the whole name?
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great script, thanks for that. :)
but maybe you should switch to phonetic similarity or something like that for comparison. right now, small things like a missing dot are already enough to let it fail.
mx vs atv reflex => your script says i don't own it, because the actual title is "MX vs. ATV Reflex" with a '.'.
EDIT: simple SG formatting seems to confuse the script, though:
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Nice! I might actually start trading for bundled/smaller games again on SG thanks to this.
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Huge update released!
V1.0 now, because I feel this version is stable and solid.
Besides it offers many features and is fully configurable.
Version 1.0
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Why haven't I seen this earlier? I always used NerdChan's Steam Comparison because it's way faster and more stable than Compare2Steam. This script seems useful, time to install it.
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Doesn't seem to work with GreaseMonkey, even though it installs fine.
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I do have others, but disabling all of them doesn't seem to change anything in this case.
I'm using the latest version of your script, and the GreaseMonkey add-on, with Firefox 49.0.2.
No errors for javascript, though there are apparently some missing css fonts the console says can't be downloaded.
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Yeah, I have the same problem on firefox, but I don't know what is causing it. There is no indication something failed or went wrong. I also tested the code manually, but it seems to work. Maybe it's the greasyfork firefox addon that is having issues.
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[UserScript] SteamGifts Trades - Have List Filter
This uses instead:
I got fed up with Compare2Steam's shitty performance (especially for those with larger libraries) and after I went through their code and saw how absolutely horrible it was, I decided to make something similar it myself, but better. My main focus is speed, performance, accuracy and being userfriendly. I went for an userscript, because it can provide these things. The initial code was actually rather easy to write. It will only improve from here, with more accuracy, features and special cases. See it in action here.
How can it be so fast?
I am actually ignoring Steam AppID's altogether and only check with game names.
Yes, that may cause some inaccuracy, but I don't think that much.
Why doesn't it work for me?
I don't know. Be sure to contact me and provide me the log/error from the JavaScript console, if there is any.
Can I suggest a feature?
Yes, absolutely!
Version 1.4
Version 1.1
Version 1.0
Version 0.3
Version 0.1
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