I actually like this significantly more than the typical "Win 1 give 1" rules that many groups have. I think it should encourage a better range of games being given, etc...
The biggest problems I see is the extra overhead involved for the group administration.
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I do agree with you about the editor, but right now you can use this guide. It's fairly easy to use after you get used to it ;)
Or you can use that Steamgifts Plus script/addon, it adds an editor, making it much simpler!
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Ratio-bases systems don't USUALLY work because you'll get someone giving away something like a AAA game, or a collection of games like the 2K Complete Pack and they won't receive many entries or no entries at all because people are worried about the massive hit they'll take to their ratio.
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I understand your point, so the thing is to find a way to refine the thing.
However, you can stablish limits up and down, for example I doubt Anyone buys 2K complete packs at full price, so you can stablish a maximum amount of value a game can contribute.
For example the 2K pack (I am just making up prices) cost 100$ but it will still give you a maximum amount of 60$ so wont probably give away that game unless you buy it on SALE, if it cost you 40 or 50 you will still get 60$ that way you still get more than you paid for, and people will be more willing to enter or to make them, or not make them using only games with a better price range.
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That'd have to rely on people being honest in regards to how much they paid for a certain item, and when you've got a large group to deal with it could be more time consuming having to check each game for it's current/past sale prices.
It's just more efficient to not have a ratio-based system when it's dependent upon CV value given/won.
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Don't you think too much math is involved, where's the fun?
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The incentive to give away is based on increasing one's own chances to win which is essentially the same as most other groups on here. It's a concept that I'm not too fond of, but I digress. I guess if you're tired of the whole "win one, give one" set up, this can be an alternative assuming you have the resources to run it efficiently.
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Nope I am not IN ANY of those kind of groups, it makes NO sense win one give one.
If you give one game a month you can win all the giveaway, is just luck, you could also not win anything, so no, One game a month is a great thing no matter what you win or how many.
My Idea is more towards the idea that games be kind of equilibrated, not like you always give good games, and people get away giving cheap awful games.
The wallet fund is to encourage to give better games, actually the wallet could be reset every month, that way what you will do is to make the giveaway as soon as possible and with a good game so you have more wallet to enter more giveaway that month.
Next month you will have 100$ again so is a new decision every month about what to give and when.
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nice copy of AWLG. ^^ But I take this as compliment.
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Well - I don't want to be harsh, but it basically seems like 1:1 value ratio group just with a wall of text to explain the basic concept ;p you can win games of the same value you've given away, just with +100 modifier ;p There are already groups like that ;p
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Hello Guys, I am on many groups in steam, I have been invited to them I guess because I am Kind of active in the giveaway area.
I don't say thanks that much, so I don't have a big ratio giveaways/comments, but I do giveaways as much as I can, right now I am not because I have a kind of delicate economic situation at hands that I wasn't expecting.
However that is not the point.
Some of you will probably remember me from a post a some time ago about how I felt in live :-)
In any case I have been thinking a lot about how to improve these giveaway GROUPS, maybe it can work for steamgifts too, I don't Know the main idea was for groups.
So the thing is, is great to be in those groups, and I really try to make good giveaways, nice games everytime I can, other times I Can't, if you check my list of giveaways you can see, there are good games mostly I think.
And this may seem contradictory because good games doesn't mean EXPENSIVE game, however here is my idea:
I was thinking about creating a Private group with this set of rules (maybe these rules already exist in some groups and my idea is not new, sorry for that):
So up to this point nothing seems different than other groups, but here is where I think everything changes:
Every member start with 100$, every time you win a game you will be discounted the value of that game, the value of the game is declared when you create the giveaway by the price the game has in steam in the moment you create the giveaway, it doesn't matter how much it costed to you.
For example 50 people do their giveaway if every game there was 10$ you can only win a maximum of 10 games or if you win a game that cost 50$ you will have only 50$ left, that means you can win another 50$ game or 2 25$ games or whatever combination you want.
But wait let just say you gave away a game that cost 50$ well instead of 100$ you will have 150$ so every time you giveaway a game the price of the game on steam by the moment you created the giveaway will be added to your fund account, that way you will be able to participate in more and more giveaways.
Of course that can create the same problem that it creates on SG, the research for very cheap games in order to have more Funds in your pool, but being a reduce group give also more control over this, there are cheap good games that deserve to be counted and some others 1$ game that are clearly just to get CV that can be completely banned.
This also let you be more flexible, for example, in SG people dont give games like Bastion or Limbo because they have no contribution value, however in a close group these great games can count for the wallet fund.
And the same as SG you Wallet fund are not increased until you do actually give the game, so if you want to participate in a 40$ giveaway and you only have 20$ available, well you have to make a giveaway for at least 20$ before the 40 one finish.
I know that almost everything is basically the same rules SG have, with the difference that the wallet fund, decreases while you win games, this way encourages you to not only give the cheapest games you can find, but also good games like Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Company of Heroes 2.
But how you mean? well being a small group is easy to control that for many reasons:
So your game must be desiderable for other members to risk their fund wallet, so yeah you can give away cheap or bad games, the question is will the other risk?
Is not the same to give a Bioshock Infinite that you bought for 5$ and has a value of 60$ than give another crappy game that you bought for 1$ and has a value of 20$.
Well that is my idea what you guys think about it?
Is stupid? is ok?
AND PLEASE let's try to be respectful here.
My Idea is more towards the idea that games be kind of equilibrated, not like you always give good games, and people get away giving cheap awful games.
The wallet fund is to encourage to give better games, actually the wallet could be reset every month, that way what you will do is to make the giveaway as soon as possible and with a good game so you have more wallet to enter more giveaway that month.
Next month you will have 100$ again so is a new decision every month about what to give and when.
However, you can establish limits up and down, for example I doubt Anyone buys 2K complete packs at full price, so you can establish a maximum amount of value a game can contribute.
For example the 2K pack (I am just making up prices) cost 100$ but it will still give you a maximum amount of 60$ so wont probably give away that game unless you buy it on SALE, if it cost you 40 or 50 you will still get 60$ that way you still get more than you paid for, and people will be more willing to enter or to make them, or not make them using only games with a better price range.
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