Per a mod's suggestion, making this minor feature request due to an issue I encountered because of some misunderstanding.

I had a GA I won where I received the key, but it didn't activate due to geolock. It seemed wrong to label it as 'not received' since I actually did receive it, but I also thought that it would activate once I changed location. In any case, the suggestion in the poll would have prevented this issue.

7 months ago

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Change to "Key Received?" to "Key Activated?"

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7 months ago

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Sounds logical to me since nobody should be clicking that button until the game has been activated. Regifting isn't allowed, so you should never accept a game, but not activate it.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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agree to whatever rules are in the giveaway's group/description.

Custom rules are not allowed for a reason. If users don't agree with group rules, then they can be removed by moderators. And no custom rule should take precedence above general SG rules by writing them in a description.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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By your logic, we should just only ever join one group or join a bunch of groups with the same rules.

No, you should remember what groups you joined, and what are their rules. General groups that accept anyone, just to puff in size (e.g. curator-focused groups), have no rules. Ratio-based groups have specific requirements, that need to be followed and regularly checked by the participants, in case of anything changes. Usually, they have a requirement that GA must be exclusive for the group to count towards the ratio. That's why it's a good idea to subscribe to group announcements on Steam, to not miss any changes. And then it's on the group moderators to moderate groups, and remove people who don't follow rules.

In general, if I join groups, it's hard to see which groups are which giveaways, so having more official support for such group rules makes it easier to follow group rules.

What is fine is to add a reminder in the GA description about group rules, so people have a quick overview (e.g. groups where you need to play your wins add to the description how long you have to beat your win). What is not fine is to add any rules that overwrite SG rules, or "by entering this giveaway you are required to add me on Steam and send me $5 and only then I send you your game".

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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No, I shouldn't. SG should do it for me.

You sound like users caught with inactivated wins, complaining that "I win 100s of games per month, support can't expect me to remember and activate every single one!".
What if you don't pay the electricity bill in full? "Because I need to pay rent, electricity, water, heating, waste, phone, internet, cable TV. You can't expect me to remember all of that"?. It's not the electric company's obligation to triple-check if someone adjusted their direct debit to reflect that the bill went up. You don't bite off more than you can chew. If you don't have time or don't want to follow any group updates - don't be part of groups you are not really interested in. Or just wait for mods to remove you if you stopped to follow the group rules.

This feels like off-topic, so I will end here. You didn't read my message properly, as I said there is no issue with writing "group rules reminder" in the description, which looks like what you propose. To not have to check group rules yourself. The only thing that is not allowed is making custom rules inside GAs, or "by entering you agree to" phrases.

7 months ago*

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My user opinion:
The "Key" and the "Received" are separated by a significant space. Mostly because you can give a key, but you can also give a gift [Steamgifts].

The "Received" is, as far as I know, refering the game you just got.

7 months ago

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It's talking about Game Received, not Key received. Sometimes a link or gift will be sent to you, you won't receive a key.

lol, Pizurk beat me to it.

7 months ago

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I don't feel as though there's a reason not to change it. People voting "No" don't see a point for them as more veteran users but as I see it, if it reduces less confusion for new members, I'm all for it. Especially when it's such a simple change (probably).

I'm sure it's obvious to everyone that it's "Game received" and not "Key received" if they just think about it but that's not a reason not to change it imo.

7 months ago

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It doesn't say "key received" tho, it just says "received" as in "game received".
I don't really see the problem here.

7 months ago

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I Have No Strong Feelings One Way or the Other

View attached image.
7 months ago*

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Won't that be a bit confusing in a different context, for someone who receives a key that was previously activated... before they ever had it in their possession? When they should be marking it not received, because it was activated.

7 months ago

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As other mentioned it doesnt say anything about a "key", it just says recieved.
To add to the point: There is also a big warning at the top.

Please remember, all games you receive need to be activated on your corresponding Steam account to remain in good standing. Users failing to do so will receive a suspension.

It clearly says the game needs to be activated to YOUR steam account to remain in good standing and that you will receive a suspension if you fail to do so. I dont know how anyone can read this and think they should mark it as received when they havent even activated the game?

7 months ago

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What about well, the thing in the name of the site. You know Steam Gifts? That is gifts bought on Steam? Those are not keys I presume.

7 months ago

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As others have said, no need for that as FAQ & guidelines are quite clear and "received" on the won page is for the game, not the key (in case of direct gifts or gift links).

7 months ago

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As long as you take out the "Key" part, sure, it's a good idea. The fact is, rules prohibit receiving a game but not activating it. Ideally, there would be two distinct checks, one to say you received your gift, and the other to say that it activated properly. This could help support staff cancel giveaways with region restrictions faster.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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