So first things first, I love playing with any kind of games and I buy most of the games that I really like (for their stories, etc.), but I also downloading games too, that I can't afford ATM or what I just want to try out.
Is it really that big problem to hate and judge someone for this?

9 years ago

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Do you hate people's who judge others for downloading torrents?

View Results
I'm an unicorn. I don't hate anyone.

Prepare to be banned for talking about piracy.

9 years ago

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you shouldn't get banned if you don't help others to participate in piracy.

9 years ago

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I don't help anyone, just want your opinions about that topic.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Did not know you can get banned for asking questions.

9 years ago

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I think you can.
Is tpb really the best torrent site to download torrents, or is x better?

You can disguise anything as a question. :P So yes you can get banned for questions.

9 years ago

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You live in North Korea?

9 years ago

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my thoughts exactly

9 years ago

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No, they don't have access to internet. So they aren't here...
Does the site has rules and Guidelines? Yes.

9 years ago

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Do you hate people who have a different opinion than yours?

9 years ago

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No, I hate people who hate me for my different opinion :)

9 years ago

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Someone should stop that hate chain reaction.

9 years ago

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I hate it when people try to do that.

9 years ago

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I hate haters, they're the worst.

9 years ago

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I hate people who hate haters. Literally hitler.

9 years ago

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How long the chain reaction will go?


9 years ago

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Can't believe patato is losing!!!

9 years ago

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Unicorns rule! :D

9 years ago

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in dwarf fortress unicorns are freakin murder machines... never piss off unicorn

9 years ago

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Unicorns are no match for an army of tame elephants or a fall of 12 z levels to a floor of spikes and doom and spikes D:

9 years ago

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Which are no match for zombie whales... Well, maybe not 12z fall. Or are they? Never got them myself.

9 years ago

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Zombie Whales are dangerous only in water, more horrible are zombie werebunny that can spit acid from his mouth D:

9 years ago

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I'm sure zombie whales go on land no problem, being dead and all they don't need water.

9 years ago

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Mmmmm... but how do they move? Oh wait... is dwarf fortress, i forgot about dwarf physics and magiks D:
Nvm about Unicorns... he survived the 12 z fall and also killed a forgotten beast, i pretty much sure he is from the master race type D:

9 years ago*

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nobody remember carp's anymore

9 years ago

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Carps are just a message from Arnok to tell us that even "harmless" fish can kill you or trampled your dwarf in shallow water... D: Is like psycho raccoons or killer bunnies D:

9 years ago

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Unicorns for the new masterrace! :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That's what I think too. I downloaded the Half-life 2 not so long ago, because I really loved the 1st and I wanted to try out the 2nd. Then when I played throught the 2nd chapter I bought the Complete Pack on Steam and it's really worth it. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I tend to try it if it runs, if it fits devs promises etc... were fed too much bullshit these days

9 years ago

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i pirated every single game in my entire gaming histroy. i play it for an hour or so and than i decide if i want to buy it. this tactics turned out to be preatty good considering i didnt lose money on few of the worst games ever (COD Ghost, Watch Dogs, Assassins creed)

9 years ago

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Especially since devs pretty much abandoned demos/trials/any kind of trying games before you buy it.

9 years ago

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Exactly. If they wont release a demo, then Ill keep pirating to see if the game plays well and lives up to the hype before I buy it.

9 years ago

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Better yet, you used to be able to resell games you don't like. These days you're just stuck with them.

9 years ago

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I don't hate them, but I find really annoying when people brag about it or just do it for lazyness.

Can't afford a game? Wait for it to drop in price, like I do, I used to have a lot of "superlegit®" copies as well but I was younger, then I developed patience :)

9 years ago

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But who would be hurt if you actually play the game while waiting for discount? You're not helping the publisher by waiting for the discount, in the end he will get the same money. It looks like you're punishing yourself for being unable to afford it or just making life more difficult for yourself.

9 years ago

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That way of thinking works as long as you enjoy the game or you really want to buy the game in the first place. What if you don't like the game? Will you still buy it? What if you enjoyed the game but still want to invest the money for something else? In most of the cases it's just an excuse :p

9 years ago

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You should believe in yourself. If you really think that buying a game is a must if you played it even a little, then you should have no problems with finding the money. You don't need to put restrictions on yourself to help you fight the temptation. But if you want to invest money into something else, then you should admit that the act of buying wasn't that important to you in the first place.

9 years ago

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It doesn't work like that, you must learn to wait for things, it's not like I'd Steal a ferrari and slowly pay it back with a massive loan :p

9 years ago

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I would totally do that if I could afford to pay for gas!

9 years ago

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So the whole thing is just to learn to wait? Well, self improvement is a good thing, but waiting isn't a universal answer. You should learn to wait, but you should also learn to distinguish a situation where waiting is really required.

9 years ago

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You're just talking about a shortcut to get something you want in a quicker and easier way, it doesn't work like that :) Or you pay full price or learn to wait, you can't have both unless you can afford it.

9 years ago

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It's not about waiting - it's about doing what's morally right!

9 years ago

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If you're going to buy it later anyway, what's wrong with playing it in the meantime? The seller gets the same money either way, he won't be happier to know that you abstained from the game while waiting. Nobody get happier from this, only you suffer from your self-proclaimed morale.

If your religion or personal beliefs say that your suffering is a good and puryfing experience, even if it isn't for the sake of other people, maybe you should try flagellation instead.

9 years ago

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This is an argument I don't count. Either you have the right/license to play a game or you don't.

It's an argument you would (or could) never bring up for physical goods. It's similar to take something from a shop, saying you ain't stealing cause you will pay it later when it's on sale. Why would it be a valid argument for pirating software?

The other thing is you'll never know if the game will sell at one point for a price you're willing to pay.

The point is people (Devs, publishers) took a risk and invested money and/or time and certainly they want and need to profit from that invest they made. Otherwise most of them just would stop doing it. They are the ones to decide when a game will go on sale and for how much.

If everyone would have a mindset like yours, there were no games to play (well, there would still be f2p or p2w, but we're not discussing about those).

Don't get me wrong, I don't judge people pirating software. And I agree, it's not stealing. I've been there and done that. I know people have their reasons to behave like this. And yes there are "evil" companies that don't deserve your money. And many more reasons.

One (who pirates games/software/music/films) should only accept it's not right and stop pretending it's ethical.

9 years ago

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Well, all the analogies with physical good way work poorly for digital goods. I cannot copy an apple and my book store doesn't tell me that the book is for my eyes only so I cannot lend it or sell it.

I agree that developers' labor should be rewarded. But most of the time the money from sales goes into completely wrong pockets. You should pay not when you want to play the game (before even knowing how it plays), but when you want to support those who made it and you're sure they'll receive your money.

9 years ago

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I agree with you, that analogies with physical goods are not perfectly suitable. And I also agree with you that a lot of the money does't end up where I'd like it to end up.
I also liked the time when you did buy a physical disk with a game on it and you had ownership of it just like with a book or any other physical good. Back than you could decide what to do with the game after you played it - you could sell it and there was no loss in quality even if it was "used" a dozen times. But since people actually feel that software cannot be compared to physical goods, many people don't have problems "sharing" something they are not supposed to share.

That's actually why we ended up where we are now. DRM-free games are a niche market and even there you don't own the games any more.

Yet all this doesn't mean I'm entitled to pirate the games. In fact in doing so it'll hurt the gaming community in whole.

9 years ago

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You wouldn't download a car, anyway.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Damn, technology's going far.

Next thing you know we'll be able to download Ferraris to go about everywhere. :v

9 years ago

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As I was younger and had no money and income I pirated every game and software. But nowadays I'll buy the games I want to play. I rarly pirate them in order to test them (performance, gameplay, story).

9 years ago

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Yeah, me too :)

9 years ago

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That poll's question isn't worded well. The assumption (given the choices) without reading the actual question would be that the question is "Do you hate people who download torrents?", but the question is instead inverted and about the people who hate the people who download torrents.
It's weird. IMHO.

9 years ago

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It maybe because of my bad English :D Sorry :D

9 years ago

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A unicorn. I am a grammar Nazi.

9 years ago

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It bothered me too.

9 years ago

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Teach me, please. Why?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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For testing games ok, downloading when you ant afford and probably wont buy it, thats nope from me. There are too many bundles and f2p games to looking thrills somewhere else.
Not mentioning many free games giving from time to time.
Its up to you how you feel about stealing. Would you like to work for free ?

9 years ago

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Ok, thats understandable, so lets say I have a mac and theres a game breaking bug in a AAA game like with the darkness 2 and I download it to try to see if I have said bug, with every intention of buying it after if its fine. Thats cool? Or if you live in a country the game is banned in like with Hotline Miami 2? I personally think both of these cases I wouldn't care. In fact I think everyone is entitled to their own doing and I don't judge nonetheless but I'm cool with people who finds the above cases acceptable!

9 years ago

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I try to dont judge anybody.
Banned games ok. Even devs of hotline miami 2 said to pirate it :).
Bugged games also ok.
Games that are nowwhere to buy also.

9 years ago

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i still do to test it before buying it.
i don't care what others do or think that much..if asked for advice i tell them to buy games they liked to support developers.
fuck publishers though.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I kinda understand dling to try the game out (whether for hardware compatibility or to play 30 minutes to find out whether I like it or not), but I do not take the "I do not have money but I really need to play this game" as an argument. It's not like there are not tons of bundles and other legal ways of getting games to kill time and the new one you want is gonna get a discount soon enough, is it so hard to wait few months?

So yes, feel free to download a game to try it out if there is not a demo available, but please learn some patience and do not dl games just to have them this very moment. Well, that's at least my point of view, no point trying to force it on anyone. :O

9 years ago

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There have been all kinds of free games made available for third worlders to play without needing to worry about having any money. Stealing other ones because "I want, gimmee THIS one, not THAT one." Is just plain dick-ery.

9 years ago

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You really think torrenting games = stealing?

9 years ago

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Yea, I don't try to argue semantics to self-justify crime.

9 years ago

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I don't think it's a crime when there's no harm done.
If you don't buy it, the seller gets no money. If you buy it, the seller gets money. That's it. Nobody will praise you for your sacrifice of restraining from playing a game you cannot afford. The publisher won't be happier if you don't buy his game but honestly promise not to pirate it.

9 years ago

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But if the seller gets no money either way, how does that make the pirate entitled to play the game? What it really comes down to is the pirate's greed and morality, and the rights granted to the seller under social contract. If you don't agree with that contract, feel free to move to a country that isn't a signatory to the Berne convention.
Also your notion that it's not a crime if there's no harm done is ridiculous. Are you saying that you don't believe trespass, speeding, or attempted murder are crimes?

9 years ago

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Basically, you say: it is bad, because it is prohibited by my country's law. I don't accept the idea of blindly following the law without thinking of the meaning behind it in general. Sometimes the morally right choice is illegal.

9 years ago

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Nope. I'm saying it's bad because society has agreed that it's bad, including a lot of people who are more experienced in socioeconomics and politics than you or I, which is why the law exists in the first place. What you're advocating is basically anarchy - that you should be free not to follow the law if you don't agree with it. Civil disobedience doesn't get laws changed; democracy does. If you don't want piracy considered a crime, then protest for the abolishment of copyright. Only vote for leaders that will remove laws securing payment for work, market forces considered. Go on, see how far that gets you. Then we'll what happens when you work for months and the company stops cutting your pay cheque, and there's no law to back you up.
Morality is an aggregate, not individual choice. I may feel that it's morally right for me to kill anyone I like. Will you support me in this choice? Or do you perhaps agree that we should collectively define such rules with a view to achieving the greater good, ie. utilitarianism ie. democracy?
Which do you feel is more important: the right for a person to be remunerated for their work and to set their own conditions of sale? Or the right for you to impinge on someone else's rights to derive entertainment value which you could easily obtain by a multitude of other means that don't breach those rights?
That's a rhetorical question, there is of course only one sane answer. Ultimately it comes down to pirates' sense of entitlement, a result of and a contributing factor to the 'Me Generation'; pirates want to play games! But not just any game, THIS particular game. And they can't wait for it, they want it NOW. In this sense pirates can basically be summed up with two words: Veruca Salt.
Then of course, later on comes the cognitive dissonance to justify these actions. They know piracy is bad, that's why they come up with excuses of why it's ok for them to do it. Oh it's the wrong price, I can't afford it, I'm poor, I don't like DRM, the game might be bad, I might not like it, it's the wrong resolution, piracy is free promotion for developers (also know as the "I Won't Buy It But I'm Elitist Enough to Expect My Peers to Subsidize My Crime" argument), blah blah blah you all know how it goes. Correct one complaint and they'll just come up with another ad infinitum. And of course, all they ever do is come up with excuses of why they won't buy it; ask them to justify the huge ethical leap from "don't buy it" to "steal it!", and they can't. Because there is no such link. At best they come up with the old "but either way they don't get money, it's the same" line. Of course if that were true, it would also mean the pirate could, God forbid, miss out on playing a game on release date, and it wouldn't be the end of the world. But these drama queens can't accept that, they literally don't even consider it an option, evident by the multitude of "the developers MADE me steal it", as if simply going without for some period of time were unimaginable.

9 years ago*

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Yeah, pirates are drama queens, totally not like copyfags.
Here is a site for your education
These laws are old, you can say. Newer laws are made by wise people who care about their common folk. Yeah, this would work in some utopian society. In real world, laws are made to serve the interest of the upper class - bankers, industrialists, owners of record labels and other capitalists. And also to give the exploited masses the bare minimum to keep them from revolution.

I found you proposal of changing the society instead of downloading a movie rather amusing, so I'll play along. The first step is propanda. The capitalists have all kind of media to promote their ideology. Can you dance faster than the White Clown, shout louder than Mr. Gimmick' and the parlorfamilies'? If you can, you'll win your way, Montag.
Step two. I gather enough supporters and make a really big demonstration. Those who in power are in fear for their wealth. We are suppressed by the police, I go to prison for a sack of drugs which the kind policeman puts into my pocket during the arrest.
Step three. By an unbelievably fortunate chain of events, I became a hero of people and they literally break prison wall and help me escape. As a cheerful crowd we march to the main government office and secure it (along with the post offices, telephone, telegraph, mobile operators and ISPs). We form a new government, start making some good laws and prepare a countrywide referendum to approve them.
Step four. Our and foreign capitalists are strongly against our policy, they pull all the strings and push all the buttons to stop us. They give money and provide weapons to all kind of nationalistic and religious fanatical groups. The country descends into civil war, the bordering counties start an intervention, eager to get their slice of territory.
Step five. We are either extremely lucky or extremely good in diplomacy and warfare, but we managed to win in a civil war. The county is united, the borders are secured. The only problem is that the war disrupted all the agricultural works - the farmers were busy fighting, and now the threat of hunger arises. We distribute food to the families according to the number of 'eaters'. People start to think that they lived better before, foreign propaganda promises them all kind of help if they help to restore capitalism.
Ok, I can go on with this or you can read a history book.

9 years ago

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Copyfags? Are they the same people who think copyright is capitalist 1%-er oppression, and that by stealing the latest movies and video games they're sticking it to The Man? These are the same morons who, in the same breath, will tell you that piracy makes no difference and doesn't hurt anyone, right?
I loved your link, too. It perfectly proves my point, if the laws are dumb and unenforceable, they won't be enforced (usually dumb laws won't be repealed because of the waste of time and money it costs to do so). Looks like the system is working as intended.
Hey I guess if we just arbitrarily classify any law we like as "dumb", we could do anything we like. Hey, I think laws against rape and theft are dumb, let's just ignore them. First step would be to include them on your dumb laws website, so we can gather public approval.
BTW here's a website for YOUR education: (I can only assume you didn't read my mention of the Berne Convention before, since you only seem to be reading a fraction of my posts, as evident by your failing to address the motivation and justification of pirates before going on your anti-democracy pro-anarchy rant, which I'm sure in your mind definitely doesn't show signs of being a pirate drama queen)

9 years ago*

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Well, the copyright laws are exactly this: dumb and unenforcable. Copying a file takes so little time and resources so you cannot forbid it, and - most of the time - even notice it.
I am surely able to google (you should also try it if you find some unknown words in my speech), so I know what Berne Convention is. What I don't know is how does it prove your point of view.

9 years ago

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Still dancing around the issues then? Guess I'll just assume you cannot justify piracy.
You keep stating copyright laws are dumb, but provide no argument. I'll assume you have none.
Copyright laws are enforceable, they are constantly enforced. What happens when they get enforced? Blah blah blah DRM is evil, boo hoo hoo greedy corporations sue for millions of dollars or cut off my internet after 3 warnings, something something my Batman can't glide. But it's OK! Thanks to pirates, now nearly every game is a freemium, pay to win subscription-based MMO with 90% of its content as DLC, so we don't have worry about piracy any more!

I can see you're still confused about the Berne Convention, so I'll state it again: if you don't like copyright, you're free to move to a country that isn't a signatory. I hear the fireworks displays in Iran are the bomb. It wasn't to prove a point that pirates are shit, that was in the other several paragraphs you didn't read.

I did end up googling your "copyfags" word. Well I couldn't find it in any English dictionary, so I looked into the dictionary where all the cool kids get their made-up words today, Urban Dictionary. It states: "when a male friend copies the way or style of dress of the other male friend. when one male friend copies the other males friends possessions."
Not sure how that's relevant to the discussion, but if your point was to prove that not only are pirates arseholes and unethical scum, but also homophobic morons, then point received loud and clear.

9 years ago

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Why should I justify the piracy? You want to prove pirates are guilty (and, might I add, fail miserably at it). Now google for presumption of the innocence.

I am free to move anywhere I want, no need for your permission. But if you need a permission from me, here you go: if you don't like piracy, you're free to find another Internet. Go and sin no more.

If you're so bad at understanding the word in context, you'd better abstain from arguing. I think that you don't understand about half of the words you're using, so you end up saying completely something completely different from what you meant. I won't even try to decipher how does your twisted mind works.

9 years ago

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Isn't that what you're trying to do? Justify piracy? (and doing a poor job of it, might I add, what with not presenting any actual arguments, and refusing to even read mine, pretending that I'm failing at
I don't want to prove pirates are guilty. THEY'RE ADMITTING TO THE CRIME YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Are you really that stupid? Something you have in common with other pirates.

Also, the Internet is not a "place", somehow free of international or local laws and treaties. I know how you pirates like to romanticise this idea of the Internet being this magical fantasy land of pirates and faeries and unicorns, where you have your own separate laws and customs and vocabulary, and where The Gubmint should stay out of your fantasy land so you can play 'political activist' by downloading video games like Call of Battlefield: Modern Retard 73 and movies like Michael Bay Presents: Explosions and Robots 11 and pretending that's an expression of your free speech, at the same time you argue piracy hurts nobody.

I'm sorry you can't understand half of the words I'm saying. If you truly feel I've used a word incorrectly, please point it out to me, we can always learn. But don't be foolish enough to think that just because you're a punk kid who cannot grasp simple words, that I must not understand them too. Not everyone is as stupid as you. If you spent more time actually educating yourself instead of stealing shit you don't need and making up bullshit words with homophobic or racist slurs, you'd be able actually understand and rebut my arguments, something you've so far proven is far beyond your means. I'm not surprised, pirates are elitist little fucks who think the world revolves around them.

Please just give up and stay off the Internet. It was built by academics and scientists, for academics and scientists, for the sharing of knowledge. Clearly you are neither, and I'd be terrified, but frankly not surprised, if the sum of your knowledge extended merely to video games and Hollywood movies. Why are you even on this site anyway? Aren't you the one trying to tell me how awesome piracy is and that everyone should do it for the good of 'Murica? Why are you on a site dedicated to distributing Steam games, a DRM SYSTEM for LEGALLY PURCHASED games? Can I assume that the giveaway you created was using stolen Steam key. And that you didn't bother activating the 6 games you won since you already stole them anyway, and activating them would be giving in to The Man and helping the Confederates or the British or something, whatever enemy your narcissistic mind conjures up this week? Why even have a Steam account? It's the very antithesis of your ideology. All it proves is that you're full of shit.

9 years ago*

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You prove nothing and it seems you completely fail to understand how logic works. So I no longer try to explain something to you - you're just too stupid for it. You really like to embarrass yourself and I find that pretty amusing.

As your googling practice shows, you cannot learn, so please address all your rant about education to yourself. Maybe - I say maybe - when you finish school you'll learn how to behave. But I'm not angry at you, a kid is allowed to be dumb and don't be responsible for their words and actions. You sure act like a spoiled kid that saw something he didn't like.

And books were invented by priests for priests, so you shouldn't read them... Oh, you already don't read them, so nevermind.
I also laughed at the words about 'Murica. Again you prove your stupidity by failing to understand there are other countries in the world and I don't necessarily live in the same one with you.

As for my ideology - I an not a fanatic. I don't yell at people foaming at the mouth when they disagree, I don't commit a suicide if I somehow fail to follow the letter of my moral law. So stop crying like a little baby when you fail to understand something. If you ask politely, I may even answer.

9 years ago

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Ooooh, nice deflection. "I have no arguments, or counterpoints to your arguments, so I won't bother addressing the actual content of your posts. Oh, and you're a school baby, I know you are so what am I?"
Oh and I'm glad you liked the Murica line, not coming from the USA myself it's nice to see you're as stupid as the international media portrays you.

9 years ago

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I'm glad that you're glad. Any other happy events that you'd like to share?

9 years ago

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I cant start to say whatever i want in here and do the hell i want at home. This is just **

Did that ... been there ... never comeback. Its true ... some people dont understand the facts ...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago*

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you can read some before buying books though. in a perfect world all games would have demos and refunds would be granted for broken games. not that i try them by pirating. i'm too lazy for that.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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i think there is valid excuse for pirating as long as there won't be a written rule for devs to have demos for their games and customers will be protected from broken products. even if a book is recommended to me and i read what it's about, i never buy it without taking a peek and reading some. also if they sell me a defected book, they change it if i get it back in a certain period of time. but there is no such thing for games as long as you don't buy it on origin.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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broken games don't have paterns or rules most of the time. some games don't even run seemingly randomly for some people, but run without a problem and witout an extra effort for some. so it's not always possible to know what games are broken or if it'll run when you buy it.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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i'm a customer. not a detective. it's devs responsibility to give me the promised game or they should give my money back. i don't pay for a windows error message or for searching for solution in various sites/forums.

9 years ago

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Define "broken" products.
If we limit "broken" to just game-breaking bugs, I think it is fair enough, but some people deem features that are not enough as "broken game" though the game itself is playable.
Some bugs are also light enough to be still playable, and some even gets fixed up soon. While we may rant at game developers, the gap between beta releases and real releases due exists, due to uncontrollable factors.

Some people also demanding refund for Evolve, for "business model" that the players don't like. The games run fine, plays well, should the gamer get refund for broken game in this case? Or the classic Mass Effect 3, where people demand that the ending be explained even more, some even can't accept the ending that is provided by EA. Should EA provides refund for this people?

Your book analogy can't picture gaming wholly. First, you can't get refund for books you don't like. For example, you think that the book is about action but 80% of the book is about romance, you can't return the book. You can only return if the book is unreadable. Next, games can be fixed up, books can't. Bugs could be fixed, updates and patches could be done daily or weekly, while the physical books could only be replaced by refunding it and getting a new copy.

So, in conclusion, the term broken is very broad.

  • Do you limit "broken game" to bugs and play-ability issues only? Or you do also deem features in the game that are not complete (or not reach your expectation) as "broken game"?
  • Will you give time to the developers to fix their mistake? How much?

Imagine if you are a web developer. You just designed a $1 million website for a client, it took you one year to build it. You have few bugs, which is your mistake. Do you immediately refund the client, or you fix your bugs and keep your money (and maybe provide a little compensation)?

9 years ago

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book analogy is not from me. it was from Yeliena. i just carried it on.

since i don't buy games at launch (because of money and hardware issues) i'm not talking about new releases. i'm talking about games which had decent discount or were bundled (hence i could buy them). other then some exceptions, all games take some time till get a good discount or be bundled so it's obvious devs had enough time to fix their games. yet they don't. those games are my main concern. not games that can be patched (and have devs who are willing to patch them), or games that have minor bugs, or devs'/publishers' business models, or the games' story etc.

9 years ago*

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It's only possible if all humans have the same definition of "broken". What is broken for you, may be not broken for me.
It's only possible also if all humans will be entirely honest, willing to pay full price for the game, instead of taking shortcut by playing for a few hours, having fun, then claim it "broken" to get refund.

So, game refunding issues is also related to the basic theory of humanity, which is "every human will seek to maximize its profits and minimizing its costs".

9 years ago

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well, origin has money-back guarantee or whatever they call it. so i guess it's not impossible.

9 years ago

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EA has a money back guarantee on the games that they make. What do you want Valve to do, let you refund the 20 games they've made up to a week after you've bought them?

9 years ago

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In my country you can download anything for free, but the law says that you have to delete it from hard disk after one day. If I wanna try something (actually, I often try if I can RUN the game, nothing else to try). I would pirate more maybe, but I'm not good at this. The only thing I download for free is music, and I feel bad for this, but the closest shop with music is about 70 km away from my house :/ I would pay more to get to that shop than for music, that would be ridiculous.

9 years ago

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Yes, I'll take "what is a library" for 200$, Alex.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Never seen any where I live. Internet Cafés, I mean.

And let's be honest, there's not much chance to play a game at your friend's house if the game you want to play is not in your friends' taste in games. 'specially when it's shit like "Le Gun Game 2015 EX Turbo with 75% Game As DLC".

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yes, well the main difference between a library and a friend's gamelist is that the library is more of a general catch-all for books. You don't get the same amount of freedom.

And spare me the morality lessons about what is and what isn't a valid reason for piracy. People against piracy will bring anything to the table to try to get their point across, as will the people for piracy do the same to get -their- point across.

It's all based on mentalities. Anyone can preach as much about how piracy is evil, and that's in their right to do so. It just becomes bullshit when you have to JUDGE people based on whether they pirate or not, it makes just about as much sense as shitflinging in console 'wars'.

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Oh, then I'll have to agree with you on that front. Entitled brats using excuses for piracy is bullshit, that's what I think as well.

I, for one, know that shit's in a morally grey area, since there's countries that state that as long as you're using it for yourself it's not against the law.

9 years ago

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Come on potato!

9 years ago

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With games I stopped years ago, I'm not a teenager anymore and I don't really feel the need to download everything I see. Now when I buy something during steam sales I rarely even play it, I'm slowly quitting my gaming habits it seems. With movies is a little different, I don't buy them for sure, but I don't even remember the last movie I saw at home... I preferer to watch em at cinemas and enjoy some company.

9 years ago

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So perhaps it's better to play a lot while you still enjoy it without thinking too much of how did you get it? You can buy a game later, but you cannot buy a return trip to the time when you enjoyed it.

9 years ago

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Your last sentence hit me right in the feels.

What you said can be generalised to everything in life and believe me when I say that once you stop counting candles you start having regrets. I, for one, have my fair share of regrets but I also have an advice... Try to enjoy your present, live life to the fullest every day and don't waste it, there is an age and a place for everything, if you miss the moment you might never be able to catch it again.

9 years ago

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If you cant afford it you don't need it. Get a job, a better job, a second job or go to school so you'll be able to get a good job.

Oh, and just to be clear, I don't hate anyone who do shady things. I think everyone has done it at some point but it's better to do things the right way. Gaming is a hobby, if you can't afford to buy games you need to do something about that instead of stealing.

9 years ago*

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Pirating isn't stealing

9 years ago

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Sadly it's a common misconception.

9 years ago

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WHat is? That pirating IS stealing? Or that it ISN'T stealing?

9 years ago

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That IS stealing.
At least that's true where I live, I'm no law expert so I can't tell about other places.

9 years ago

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It's not, and I can prove it quite easily...

9 years ago

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You read it wrong... It's a common misconception that IS stealing.

9 years ago

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oh, my bad :)

9 years ago

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My understanding of the law here is that it's not even a criminal offence, it's a civil offence (or something like that) and it's wholly upon the copyright owner to chase down offenders

9 years ago

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Here things can get pretty ugly if you break copyright laws, but it is mainly enforced towards the distributors of pirated copies, or in general towards the ones that earn moneys exploiting other people's work.
I've never heard of a simple user getting in trouble for using torrent or the ol' good emule, not even the ISP's are allowed to take actions against it's users, they will simply enforce a nation wide IP block to known torrent sites and call it a day.

9 years ago

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This is the only case I'd heard of where an individual had actually been personally fined...well, the only one I can remember hearing, which will make sense when you see how much she was initially fined...that fine has since been slashed dramatically though

9 years ago

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Of course I was only talking about my country's law, but I've heard many horror stories of US citizens prosecuted for these sort of things... What I don't get is how they managed to go that far, I mean, millionaire fines for downloading 20 songs? You know something has gone terribly wrong when this happen.

9 years ago

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While piracy isn't directly stealing, I like to think of it as taking from the developer. While you aren't taking any money away, you also aren't giving any. Just like you do at your job, they deserve to be paid for the fruits of their hard work. If you don't give any, that's like breaking into a soda machine, drinking it, and then returning the bottle. You may have returned it, but you still got to enjoy it for free, and it doesn't justify your actions. So basically, it's stealing SO DON'T PIRATE ANYTHING GODDAMN IT!

9 years ago

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Citing monetary issues as an excuse for pirating is unacceptable.
There are a lot of countries that have less purchasing power (like Asian countries) that also would like to play AAA games.

Want to have a good but expensive game? Save for it! Or wait for a discount. Or work harder to get extra money.
It is a good life lessons anyway : Don't overspent, live only according to your means.

9 years ago

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I dont do it with games, as i dont play all that much, or have any reasons to buy a brand new game unless its from Rockstar, so i rarely pre order games, i just wait for sales.
But i do it with movies, i watch too many to be able to afford them all, and some of them were not worth it,, i've wasted too much money going to the cinema to watch terrible movies

9 years ago

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I stopped pirating the moment i got a job.
It's not easy to be a student and it's not easy to fin a job, so i think that pirating games is acceptable if you really can't afford them.
Everybody needs to have some fun, it's as vital as food and air.

9 years ago

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That's like saying countries with much lower wages such as china should get it for free? No, no matter what their is no reason for taking a paid product for free. It's like taking newspapers, you're suppose to give money and take one, not take multiple or take one for free. While you might give it back after, they deserved to get paid for their product.

9 years ago

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I'd give money in my possibilities. If games had prices like the ones we now find during sales or bundles pirating wouldn't have been considered. If all newspapers had a price around 20€ and were the only source of news would you pay for it?

9 years ago

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That's like saying there is only one brand of something in the world, and it's really expensive. Does that mean it's okay to steal it? No it just means you should't have it if you can't afford it.

9 years ago

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There are many brands of manga and the price is more or less the same for all of them, many brands of newspapers, many brands of everything that have comparable prices. Still, if i want to read a manga and i can't afford it I'll borrow it from someone that bought it. Is this stealing? The author still isn't getting money for his job but I'm enjoying it.
If I can't afford it, you're not getting any money if i play it borrowed, pirate it or if I don't play it.
Moreover countries with much lower wages have much lower prices (that brought the problem of region locked games), try searching for Russian Steam prices!

9 years ago

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Yes, publishers are aware of it so they fix the price. However, that doesn't mean if you make minimum wage, you should get shit for free or cheaper. People that live in Russia make about $0.70 or 0.65 euros an hour. Now, if you live in the USA, you make over $7 an hour. Does it sound fair that you should pay just as much as them? No, that's why the cost is reduced.

9 years ago

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I use torrents to download some music because it's faster than direct download, but it's all free music so I'm not doing anything wrong. However stealing stuff is bad, no matter what; you can't afford something? Well, your problem, you're not authorized to steal it, because there's people who cannot afford an house or food, but you wouldn't say it would be right for them to steal for this.
Also, whoever doesn't care about who makes videogames doesn't deserve playing them, because obviously they don't respect the media or its creators.

So yeah, I love videogames and art, thus I hate pirates.

9 years ago

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Pirating isn't stealing though

9 years ago

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Opinions I guess, if I create something and sell it, and someone gets a copy for free without my permission yeah, they stole it from me

9 years ago

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Nope, not just an opinion...fact...and I can prove it easily right here if you're game

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Does that mean you're game?

9 years ago

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I don't understand you

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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OI! Don't give away my schtick! :P

9 years ago

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I'm asking do you want me to prove to you that pirating isn't stealing...

9 years ago

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Considering people don't give out demos for PC games anymore... Yeah, go for it. Who gives a fuck?

Bonus points if it's anything by EA. Fuckers don't deserve any sort of dosh.

9 years ago

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Well just trying a game because you don't have a demo to test it is totally different than pirating and playing the whole thing

9 years ago

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Well, the only difference is how long you play the game.

9 years ago

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More or less, yeah...I personally don't even save if I just want to test a game.

9 years ago

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I do.

Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast's demo had a save ability, so why not.

9 years ago

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Because I just want a feel of the game, I can play it seriously when I actually have it

9 years ago

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What constitutes playing seriously, really?

Not saving doesn't feel like 'playing seriously' more as it feels like a challenge.

9 years ago

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Means I don't care about a "test drive" of the game, I just want to see how it runs and how the gameplay feels so I can buy it eventually and start a serious playthrough.

9 years ago

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Actually years ago I pirated New Vegas and played it for like 20 hours, I formatted my PC and I had to install the game again. The ultimate edition went on sale on steam so I bought it and played it for like 40 hours. If a game is amazing I buy it, otherwise it goes to the recycle bin unplayed and unbought.

9 years ago

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If a game isn't amazing why should you play it?

9 years ago

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How can you know if a game is amazing or not without trying it? Also do not tell me to look at reviews, watching a game is not like playing it. And like someone else said, if the developers released a demo I wouldn't need to torrent the game to test it.

9 years ago

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Usually professional reviews and youtubers are more than enough, but 20 hours is far more than a demo should allow you to play

9 years ago

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Actually at that time I didn't have the means to buy games legally since I live in a shitty third world country, however now I buy whatever I like.

9 years ago

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