owning a dog is worse for the environment then the creation and use of a car because of the amount of meat it eats
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No doubt the article raises a good point, which is sometimes forgotten. Although hypocrite of the author to write about it, while acknowledging she/he consumes meat.
It is important to note that the US has weak food regulations, which not only leads to meat being packaged from dubious sources (with little control over their production), but also produced more than necessarily. Both of which aggravate the environmental impact. Moreover feeding any being, pets or otherwise with 4D meat is disgusting 🤮
The definition of carnivore, only implies that cats and dogs have certain requirements, like Arginine, Taurine and Vitamin D.
Plant-based pet food has all the required nutrients to thrive. An important thing to mention is that cat and dog urine pH is slightly acidic. However companies generally include vitamin C to balance the alkaline levels in their kidneys. In this situation, increasing water consumption will also benefit them. Just as a side note, our blood pH is naturally alkaline.
Since the companion animals are removed from their natural habitat, it is only sensible to try and make them the healthiest they can be given the circumstances. There is a list of vegan suppliers.
It needs to be said, that this is easier done in dogs, than in cats. As always, do the research and make sure the food is appropriate, including frequent monitoring. But I think it is a good trade-off, when possible in favour of vigorous health, for either dogs and cats.
Substances from a predominately plant-based diet like fiber, anti-oxidants, pre/probiotics are fundamental for gastrointestinal health. Since these are not present in meat, they are either added or supplemented anyway. Included non-vegan human food of course.
Gut flora is one of the most important functions of the body, since it is there that food is absorbed and processed into nutrients to be released into the bloodstream for the body to consume. This applies to all species. Interesting enough, the gut has a brain of its own, thus operates independently of the main brain.
Additionally I wish some people didn’t consider their pets as being owned, but as a part of their family, like they do if they have children. Perhaps then, these beings would be looked at with a different perspective, taking their health and wellbeing with the utmost importance.
Selective breading is also something that should be looked at with critical eyes. There are many ways to contribute to the wellbeing of the wildlife, and this is not one of them. I always prefer to let nature take its course. Let them breed naturally. But first PLEASE rescue the poor souls who have no home to stay 😕
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From the multiple studies I've read, they estimate that nearly all ocean life will be gone before the turn of the century (2100).
I beleive it will happen much sooner then that; going by the data, all phytoplankton will be dead around 2050-2060, and I know that if there are no plants, there can be no animals.
I wonder if pollution can eventually cause our atmosphere to escape into space... then their will be no life, period.
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Seeing that ocean death is not so far off, is really perplexing to say the least. If ocean depletion is to happen, there won’t be anymore life on land either.
Destroying its ecosystem is a combination of plastic pollution, agriculture runoff (such as toxins), global warming, oxygen depletion and noise.
I’ve learned about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch as well as Dead Zones, which is conclusive that urgent action and care must be taken by all of us, not just those who are directly involved in protecting it.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will be adding more information to the topic.
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I'm pretty sure most life on land will still be there if the oceans life die off. As we get our food from plants that are on land.
Sadly most island/coastal human homes, will have to find another food source that is not fish. This will lead to a ton of starvation deaths, and even possibly war over arable land.
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Phytoplankton in the ocean does account for a large portion of oxygen production on the planet, however--almost half, according to Wikipedia. That'll have a huge impact on life on land.
There are plenty of other consequences to marine die-off as well. For example, your concern about food sources applies to the natural world too! There are tons of land-based ecosystems that have large marine components. Bears, birds, and lots of other animals feed extensively on ocean fish. When the fish disappear, these species will have to adapt or die, which then affects their predators or prey.
The loss of ocean life will also disrupt the nutrient cycle. Everything runs to the sea eventually, and without biology to keep things circulating, it will stay there.
Those are just a few of the consequences of marine die off. I'm sure there are many more.
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70% of the oxygen every animal in the planet (including us of course) breathes, is directly created by marine plants. In contrast, 30% of the CO2 emissions are absorbed by the oceans, the rest is marginally absorbed by the rainforests.
All plants need water to survive, some only small amounts like the cacti, but still none can survive without it. Rainfall won’t be a sign of prosperity anymore, once it starts raining oxygenless water, slowly destroying crops and all the plants the precious land animals need to eat to survive.
Coral reefs absorb 97% wave energy, that includes currents, storms and waves. Without it, many islands will simply be engulfed by the water. As a consequence, many cities near the coastline will flood. Who knows how much more land available there will be.
Without coral and plankton, the water will be severely polluted. Ignoring we can survive without 70% oxygen supply, I do not think there is enough filtration systems, to filter all the toxins and bacteria needed to drink clean water.
Let’s not forget that marine ecosystem is the largest of all, and it covers 71% of earth’s surface. Of the primary production created globally, 30% comes from the ocean. That is no small feat.
Fun fact: life originated in the ocean. I’d go so far as to say, it starts and ends in the ocean.
Very few species will survive without oxygen, the jellyfish will most likely be amongst them, but that won’t be the humans.
Pretty sure there will be other effects, apart from human extinction that I do not know of. Climate change will certainly be affected in other ways.
The illusion that men doesn’t need the ocean to survive, I am afraid it’s just that. Although nature’s ability to adapt and survive the harsh stresses imposed by mostly humans so far has been certainly impressive.
It is no coincidence that there has been constant efforts by the United Nations since 1995, more specifically the UN Climate Change conference to deal with greenhouse gas emissions, as any change in temperature has a devastating impact on the ocean.
The last negotions came out of COP25, which had some oppositions. United States, Russia, India, China, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. It is unfortunate that these countries only care about themselves, but funny enough not their future.
On a positive note, the European Commission has vouched to lower its emissions to zero by 2050.
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Geoengineering in general, can have largely unknown implications. It is a massive experience on the environment with damaging effects. Not to mention the large carbon tax. The sahara desert case is certainly interesting 👍
Chemtrails point to weather modification, which should really be referred to as ‘contrail’ or 'engineered draughts'.
I’ve found more information here (which also has some interesting ideas about propaganda/fake news)
Speaking of fuel, oil spillages are one of the most damaging things to the environment. I dream of a world where everything is powered by electricity. Hopefully electric cars are not too far off from the norm.
After Edward Snowden leaked the mass surveillance program by the NSA, people should be alert. Most governments/corporations hide something. Most are doing unequivocal bad things against the common citizens. They do that to stay relevant and in power ⛓️
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over, you almost never get it back." - Carl Sagan
Revealing the truth is certainly not conspiracy. Thank you and stay informed!
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tin foil hats are working well against emps since 10000bc
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Certainly. The annoyance is part of the problem.
Solar power has a lot of potential, yet to be discovered. Nonetheless, wind power must also be on the same level of development.
If we could power data centers around the world entirely on renewable electricity, that can set the standard. It is a great position to be in!
I have not investigated enough EMP implications, besides 5G. Even then, the evidence is poor. But perhaps you are referring to this potential future of electricity. As long as we have hope, there will be always hackers around to counter-act the big institutions :)
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Hey guys,
Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a hostile discussion. The objective is just to raise awareness. Please keep the negativity to yourself.
If we all change a little, the world would be so much better.
Unfortunately not everybody thinks about what goes on with the environment behind the scenes. Our behaviours, including the choices we make can be disruptive or worse destructive to something else (it/they). I believe most don’t think or understand the consequences that their decisions or purchases in life has on the planet and other species.
While growing up I made the same choices as everybody else, regardless of what they implied. Part of it was culture, or family traditions, which does make your opinions very narrow.
I’ve always been a person that identified with nature, although I was never much of an outdoor person. Even then I thought I was doing enough. Sadly it couldn’t be further from the truth.
You’ve probably heard recently on how the Amazonian forest is on fire. This is critical. I am frustrated because, the news only went public after 3 weeks of it happening and still going. Covering it, or in fact ignoring it is not the solution. You’ve got to understand that what is destroyed won’t grow back. Entire species of plants and animals are at risk. This one is tied to deforestation due to all the meat consumption around the world. Absurd amounts of animals are killed everyday to support our addictions. To grow more and more. To put into perspective, If your pet, dog or cat would be treated or killed like many animals do every single day, you would be happy with that? It is ok to kill cows or pigs, but not your property right? Finding mothers losing their sons every day is such a sad thought.
This is not the only issue by all means. A grave issue has been happening with the coral reefs. We lost 40% of it already, FOREVER! For those of you who don't know, these are critical for all ocean life. Ultimately if affects us too, of course.
At least with this problem now, it could be an opportunity to once again bring awareness to everyone.
Unfortunately a big culprit is the greediness of these companies that think having more profit is more important than the environment. Since when did we come to that? Are they telling me that money (which is a virtual thing), is more important than survival? Why would money matter if we are all sick or dead?
Remember, the power is within the people, not the business, neither the politicians!
Loving animals, also means being more responsible, to what makes them happy and grow. It is their environment too. They must not feel, that we are intruders. Nature is precious to all!
We need nature as much as every other specie in this planet. Those that appreciate forests, or the ocean, then this will resonate very quickly.
Nature gives, without asking anything in return. Sure, we all use resources from earth, but we must respect it!
Furthermore, entire species are in constant danger of being extinct all the time. 99% of the currently threatened species are at risk due to human activities, unlike unpredicted past events, that caused mass extinctions. The impact is unknown, but certainly devastating. Each animal plays a role in the ecosystem and consequently the food chain (which we are a part of).
More than 3 years ago I’ve made a pretty big change in my life. It started with my diet. Reducing all the meat and fish... and eventually becoming vegan. Everything else made much more sense. My health is better than ever, my mind is clear. I feel better knowing that I am doing something good at least. Eventually I started reducing my footprint. Reducing waste as much as possible. My lifestyle changed a lot, along with my decisions. It is a fun and long journey, and not a difficult one if you are willing to give up some of your time to implement it.
A whole-food plant based diet is a dramatic improvement to my health, as well as the environment. Considering all the facts, specially meat consumption being one of the most devastating to the environment, I am happy I've made the change. Just wish I had made it long ago.
We should all ask yourselves... is this the best we can do? just let corruption govern? thriving at the expense of others? when will it end? why do we allow the greedy companies to command what is the best for us? do you want to live in a world where everything is degrading... animals and nature dying, pollution is the norm, diseases are the norm, lack of biodiversity, medicine stagnated, etc? eventually we will be dead too. No matter what, we cannot survive without it!
This is a call for your HELP... to protect the planet we all live on!
I suggest you mark on your calendar (at least once a month) something from the list below that you are going to change towards this goal. Even the smallest thing counts.
Things to get you started (in no specific order):
It's easy to ignore what goes around in the world. I know, but please be mindful. For every action we do, for each purchase we make, we may be severely affecting others and ultimately ourselves. We should be striving to live in harmony, without damaging the most beautiful thing we’ve got... planet earth!
It is all about reducing our footprint, so other species and nature can thrive too. They have the same right to live in peace as we do. We all need each other!
Habits take time to form, but as with anything, the rewards are worth fighting for! Remember every little change is important. With time, changes stick and new habits are created. Eventually it will all fall into place. The healthier the environment, the healthier you will be. Let’s please stop acting like we are not responsible for the planet. Destruction won’t go away, unless we do something about it now.
Do it for the animals, for other species, but specially for your children aka the next generation. We do it together!
You have my gratitude for reading so far. If you have been doing this for a while, my gratitude expands even further :)
Remember, the next generations won't forget us (for better or for worse)!
Greta Thunberg has a message for you!
Also don’t forget to treat all human beings with respect. Help them overcome their issues, even strangers. The happier everyone is, the better we become. Nobody deserves less!
If you need help with this or any other issue, feel free to add me on steam.
Feel free to suggest new ideas, or report dead links. I aim to keep this up to date.
Thanks for reading!
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