In my opinion since a lot time ago not a good bundle, but still people buy it, the people have no taste or what?, i understand maybe 10.000 but 58.000 for a fail bundle? , really?

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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If you wanna do charity, you could just donate the money straight to a charity. They get a lot more that way.

10 years ago

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+1, HB is a company, they just give a bit more to charity than most.

10 years ago

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Just throwing it out there, but you're able to control how much goes to who. You could give 100% of your purchase amount to charity excluded PayPal fees.

10 years ago

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But many people don't change it, so HB makes money along with the charities.

10 years ago

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Brilliant point, except you can decide how your money gets split up (100% to charity, maybe?).

10 years ago

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In the end however it is not you, who is spending the money to charity, but the developers of some games. You only demand them to spend that money to charity, that you gave them for their products.

10 years ago

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If you want games, you should get them directly on a gaming store.
The developers get more that way.

It is a charity service, not a fan service.

10 years ago

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Little tweaking, and ya got something. "If you want more games from a particular developer, you should get them directly from the developer. The developers get more that way, which they can use to make more games."
Well, as long as the developer actually holds the rights to the game, of course.

10 years ago

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oh I love it when ppl come up with that tired argument

10 years ago

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HB is a company, they started doing mostly good or very good bundles to grow up, after they got a lot of popularity their bundles quality started going down, tons of ppl defending them saying "don't complain is for charity" I say "Oh cool, but this is not a reason for me to buy every single thing that appears in their bundle(I won't spend my money on something I won't use)", but HB as a company should care about quality too, not just increasing price for bundles, putting games in what most ppl won't be interested and making repeats, and if you wanna do charity is as Ytharius said above.

10 years ago

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wut? if they were for charity they wouldnt have made 900.000$ of profit for them selves in the humble store alone, not to mention all the profit from the "humble" tip which is probably in millions, that is NOT a charity, charities DONT earn money

10 years ago

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Duly noted.

10 years ago

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Thanks! Entered.

10 years ago

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Just because it's not to your taste doesn't make it a fail bundle. What's wrong with it? I've heard good things about most the games.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Your avatar = me reading the OP ...

10 years ago

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Believe it or not, there are people in the world who share different opinions than yours (and can express it more maturely than a 12 year old at that).

10 years ago

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Well said. Big +1

10 years ago

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Pretty much any bundle is a great deal if you don't own any of the games and really want to play some of them. Whodathunkit

10 years ago

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only if you plan to play the games

10 years ago

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What's so awful about it? Some of us love playing android games every once in a while too, and getting The Cave with a bunch of stuff was never this cheap on any platform before.

10 years ago

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The Cave for Android was free on Amazon last December.

10 years ago

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Really? I missed it :( Anyway, my phone's internal storage isn't so big.

10 years ago

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Well, considering the fact that good bundles sell 1 mil+ copies, I would say that 58 000 is very low, even for a bad bundle.

10 years ago

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After reading this I was sure their was a hidden giveaway somewhere...

Well now I just saw he was suspended, oh well that's at least something xD

10 years ago

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''but it doesn't have titanfall and dayz and rust and skyrim legendary edition and dark souls 2 so bad bundle''

10 years ago

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:D +1 lol´d

10 years ago

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Oh bugger off, mobile bundles are quite shitty, don´t pretend the contrary, i consider Groupees bundles better even when i buy them for 1 music album.

10 years ago

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Just because not every god damn bundle it's an Origin bundle or some other AAA one that doesn't make it a fail bundle or a crappy bundle. Get a fucking grip already.

And this bundle actually looks pretty awesome. If i had an Android phone/tablet i would have bought it for sure.

10 years ago

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I'd say it's about right. Humble Origin bundle sold 2.14 million times. So keep things in perspective.

10 years ago

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No steam keys, so $.01 gets your 3 decent games and counts as another sale. I'm more surprised at the price rise on the weaker bundles.

10 years ago

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he got suspended xD

10 years ago

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may i ask (the mods) why he got suspended? There was a thread a few days ago about bundles complaining, but i don't think he got against the rules, or at least from what i remember. Now i should re-read the FAQ. However, if this message is seen, may i get a precise quote of the rules explaining the reasons he got suspended? Thanks mods.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Me? Why are you asking?

10 years ago

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i know who you are

10 years ago

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He has won Serious Same Complete Pack though he only has two of the games on his account, probably because of that.

10 years ago

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Oh silly me! Few days ago a mod opened a thread about HB complains, now it is taken the first opportunity to suspend a user that complains about that. Nah, there can't be any relation. What was i thinking?
However if i get an official answer they may be able to remove every doubt.

10 years ago

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Yes, I know which thread you're talking about, but bobo said it was just a thought.

10 years ago

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That makes me sad.

10 years ago

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That's because of my innuendo or someone else's behavior?

10 years ago

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I was the one that hosted the Serious Sam Complete Pack giveaway that wasn't redeemed. :P

10 years ago

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I'm sorry man :(

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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They are actually pretty good mobile titles. Too bad my phone is indisposed, but I'm looking forward to playing them.

10 years ago

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I agree recent bundles aren't as enticing but they're still good deals. Imagine you had to do a game bundle once every two weeks, not so many games are released in the course of 2 weeks that fit the bundle format so in the end, humble bundle has to lower the standards or repeat games, or even make ebook/music bundles to fill the gaps. Still quite a good portion of the payments go to charity so I don't think there's too much to complain about the bundles being less interesting.

10 years ago

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HB "number of bundles sold" goes down, but they're still keep being the best bundle website for now.

10 years ago

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Well, bundlestars is not really that far.

10 years ago

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HB is like Blizzard, a company!

10 years ago

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in other news, apparently the government can approve food as edible by mistake and not notice til its in the already being reported on ;)

10 years ago

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I must agree with the OP, that bundle was horribly bad

10 years ago

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58000 isn't that much for HB, is it?

10 years ago

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They usually hit into the 100,000's. So no, that isn't much at all really lol.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Mareares.