Are you watching it?
Oh it's out already? July really flew by didn't it.
Never watched the series growing up and only started for the 1st time earlier this year. Currently watching season 3.
My heart sunk a little too when I saw news of the reboot. No way this isn't gonna be a desperate cashgrab that ruins the show's legacy, I thought. I'm surprised now to learn that I may well be wrong about that. :)
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I dunno. As far as I remember it had a nice ending. So, given all the cashgrab we see in the industry, I'm not hoping for much. But perhaps I'll be wrong. Still, not a fan of reviving shows that ended (like had a clear end), so gonna be interesting to see how it's justified.
Also, reading some of the episode titles, seems some will be about topics that are not relevant anymore, or at least not on the same level, like the bitcoin mining, binging lots of shows (which was done during Covid mostly) and vaccines. Getting cancelled is still a thing, so I guess that is still very much relevant.
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The ending was fairly, well final, so I was also skeptical. But the new season picks up seconds after the last one ended and moves from there, they don't try to wipe it under the rug or reset the status quo luckily, it's really similar to what they did with the end of the fourth movie and the start of the next season with the previous revival.
I have not looked at the episodes titles, but the binging one is the main plot of the very first episode, and it's mostly making fun of hulu and how they greenlit a show that got cancelled multiple times. The whole thing is more of a parody of how quick and cheap some shows are made and how they get cancelled half way through production.
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Don't have Disney+ so I won't be watching the new series but I'm somewhat optimistic and hopeful that it could retain the same quality that made it one of my faves. It did the first time it was brought back. And the second. (gosh, how many shows have this many lives!?) Here's hoping the Disney influence is kept at bay for a while, it tends to tarnish things....(Bambi live action? Seriously? 😱)
It was such a breath of fresh air when it first aired for me; I had thought it would just be the Simpsons in space but it turned out to be a well written, funny and often emotional take on not just sci-fi tropes but wider issues in general (as any good sci-fi should).
Oh, and totally nerdy 🤓. But it was never a slave to nerddom, nor vicious, but always respectful to the paths treaded by others (the s4 Star Trek episode ties with Galaxy Quest for me as the best examples of giving a respectful nod while poking fun at the same time)
I've never understood that this show, with it's great characters and meme-able content, has struggled so much to stay afloat while shows like the Simpsons seem set to outlast Western Civilisation itself. (They should really think about calling it a day....while it's still remembered somewhat fondly)
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I actually didn't watch this show as a kid because I also wrongly assumed it was just the Simpsons but sci-fi, it took me until the mid 00's to start watching it and fall in love with it, so I there for the hype when it got brought back a few years later. I was definitely not expecting it to get yet another chance tho, at this point it feels like one of those characters that keeps reviving no matter how many times they're killed XD
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I adore the first 4 seasons, but didn't care for it much after that. I'm hesitant to watch this new season, but I'm sure at some point I'll check it out. I don't like it when shows get too topical, and from the trailer I saw it looks like this will be super heavy with that. I just want to watch nice stories about the human condition; stuff that I can view years later and get the same feelings.
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Hard to tell from just two episodes but the first one was the usual piss-taking at the corporation producing the show, used to be Fox but now than that's not a thing anymore their target became Hulu. The second one was a continuation from a dangling plot thread from... season 3 I think.
It's not like they're new to tackling topical things that get quickly outdated tho, remember the Napster episode?
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Nope. haven´t watched Bender in possibliy decades ..
thx for the gib ,)
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No. They ended it on a perfect note and had NO reason or way for a continuation.
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I love Futurama but I had no idea there was a new season going on, to me the ending was kinda definitive, and I really don't care about streaming services either, Thanks for the heads up, OP. Even if it's "meh" it will be good to revisit the series while I wait for more Disenchantment.
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Yeah, the ending was very definitive, but thankfully they haven't undone it, rather just picked up right where it left.
I have yet to properly watch Disenchantment, I checked out a few episodes years back when the first season came out, but then I kinda forgot about it. Is it actually good?
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I was extremely skeptical when it was announced that Futurama would get a new season after almost ten years of being cancelled for the third time, specially because the up until then "final" final episode was an amazing conclusion to the series, I feared they would screw it up by needlessly bringing the show back from the dead. But I just watched the second episode of this new season and I'm liking it so far, sure there's no way to know that they won't fuck it up later down the line, but in general the show seems to be roughly as good as the previous revival.
Do you guys have any opinions on it? Or am I the only one bracing for disappointment? I should probably mention this is probably my favorite animated sitcom and that's why I was ready to get angry, specially after a few years ago another one of my favorite animated shows, FLCL, got revived after more than a decade and the new seasons where so meh I couldn't even bring myself to finish them.
BTW, the new episodes are streaming-only as far as I'm aware. They're on Hulu for the USA, but I'm watching it on Star+ since they're handling distribution for the rest of the world because they're what took the place of Fox after the Disney acquisition, thankfully this one is almost simulcasting unlike some other stuff that shows up on Star months later for no clear reason.
Mandatory giveaway
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