I have entered a total of 564 giveaways, and have yet to win a game :c Its slightly disappointing, but I'm here to ask you, how long does it take? (TOMATO FTW)

8 years ago

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Tomato or Potato

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around 24 minutes.

8 years ago

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my math says its exactly 2 years 143 days 7hours 5 minutes and 43 seconds but for real its all random and you can win at 1 entry or you can not win anything for 3000 entries

8 years ago

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10 months and still is rising

8 years ago

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Wow, welp I guess I'll just keep waiting

8 years ago

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Depends on whether you enter public or private giveaways. Just keep an eye on the discussions and solve the puzzles created by other users and your chances of winning will increase by a great amount. I have personally won 8 games out of 1010 entries because I mostly enter private giveaways.

8 years ago

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I entered in over 8.5k giveaways and only won around 30-40...

8 years ago

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A random game after 6mnoths

but my wishlist game more than 1year .

it happend for me.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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In general: when entering giveaways with 1000 entries, after entering 1000 such giveaways, the average user has won 1 giveaway. Some win 5, some 0, it's random, but evens out over time.

I can also recommend this script which gives you statistics at the entered giveaways page where you can track your estimated number of wins and see if you're lucky or not.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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That is very very lucky.

8 years ago

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You need to raise you level of participation. With Level 0 its hard to win as there are alot of people entering those GA's including bots. Try to create GA's first. If you can gift just one game you can be level 1 and it will increase your chances of winning.

8 years ago

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I entered 5,699 giveaways and won 6 games (2 of them were group GA with 4 and 17 entries).
It took me a year and around 2000 entries to win my first game.

It really depends of what you do with your points. If you enter every single giveaway, you'll get your first win probably soon (especially with the giveaways with 50-10000 copies).
If you enter only games you really want, like I do (mostly AAA/good games I assume), it can be a pain since there is lots of entries for them.

You may want increase your level to increase your chances and see more (and often better) games.

8 years ago

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It's about effort, too. The highest chances are invite-only GAs (as already mentioned) and quick GAs. So you have to often look into SG, read discussions and solve puzzles. Do the maths (enter only GAs with low participation except you're at 300 points). And then it's just for winning anything. Receiving wish list games is a world beyond.

8 years ago

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I won in my first day there. Game that i really want from my wishlist. But before I spent six months gave away games on SC and get nothing. Don't give up and keep trying! I wish you good luck!

8 years ago

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My first win was around 1200 entries, its all about luck I guesse... some luckier than others

8 years ago

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Do you, in average, enter giveaways with more than 564 participants? If yes, then you cannot still be considered as unlucky because statistics would say you should not have won yet. ;)

It took me over 3000 entries before I won my first one by the way.

8 years ago

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486 seconds.
if you walk backwards

8 years ago

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While listening to Michael Jacksons Thriller album backwards,

8 years ago

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believe it or not i won my first giveaway on the 11-th month on the site, (why was i still trying ? i dont know =)) ) way past more then 1k entries =))

8 years ago

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If You become lvl 1 soon, You can enter a 100,000 copies giveaway. You might have 100% chance of winning this

8 years ago

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Topic number 11,245,325,201,748 on this.

It takes time to win. Some users win on day one. Some don't win at all.
In the 2 years I've been here, I have 18,741 (would have been about 25K before the server reset) and only 74 wins while I've seen users here for 10 months, unsure on their entries, with 200-300 wins.

Then you have that rat bastard Zelghadis with 3 years, 48,499 entries and 2,008 wins.

8 years ago

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The lower bound is one hour, if you enter and win a minimum-length giveaway immediately after joining. :-)

EDIT: No, that's wrong! You could enter and win a giveaway in its last second immediately after joining. The lower-bound is one-second! :-)

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

8 years ago

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Seconds? Hours? Years? Penguins? Hard wooden doors? Pink-painted cadillacs? Who knows...

It depends on which giveaways you enter. The more entries they have, the less chance the users who entered have.

8 years ago

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Alright. thanks for the help! I'll keepon trying c:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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For me it was a week if I'm remembering it right, but it's random so who knows.
Get to level one or more and winning starts to get more frequent, it all depends on the number of entries per giveaway, if there's less people trying to win the game your chances of winning are better. Quite simple.

8 years ago

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