Patrician III and Dungeons - Steam SE haven't been bundled before. Patrician is worth the $1 (and more), but for people in some regions it's better to wait for the Patricians and Merchants pack to go on a 75% off sale.
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But Patrician IV and the Rise of a Dynasty DLC are available in the ongoing Groupees bundle for $1. I fail to understand what were the devs thinking when they decided to put these games in 2 bundles at the same time with different prices.
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Well, if you don't have Dungeon games ( and like the genre ) is a pretty good deal.
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Dungeons - The Dark Lord was featured in Be Mine Anniversary, probably you can get the WHOLE bundle for $1,50-$2,00 if you're into trading. Dungeons will be cheaper on Steam during a 75% discount.
If you want these games ASAP, then it's indeed a good deal, but otherwise I think it's a really bad one.
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If you want all the games ( or 3 out of 4 ) is a great deal.
Dungeons will be cheaper only if you just want only that game.
Patrician III is better than IV ( that in any case comes in this bundle plus DLC ).
Both Dungeons games are solid titles.
If you don't have all the games and you want it ( no matter if ASAP or in 1 year ) you'll never find such deal for 4.25$ - 4.50$ ( actual BTA price )
If you have it, instead, complaining about a good deal because you already have the games, it's like putting of a Mercedes car model, for example, because you already own it.
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Yup. Groupees cut Indie Gala off at the knees. Nice move. Respect to Groupees.
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What do you mean?
IG deal is a flash sale of 4 games that lasts only 3 days while groupees bundle is a bigger 12 games sale that lasts 3 weeks.
They are both good deals and i bought them both.
And most people know that since they buy both without preferring one or another because they are both good ( and different ) deals.
Groupees bundle is a success like last bemine, sold almost 19000 in 8 days and they will probably hit 25000 in 3 weeks that would be a record for groupees, while IG bundle is a success too, sold almost 4000 bundles in 2 days and will probably hit 6000 in 3 days which would probably be a record too for a non-hib bundle of just 3 days ( and with 4 games, not 12 ).
So i really don't get what you mean with "cut off at the knees"...
Unless you are so naive to be a bundle website supporter that is a thing exactly like being a car rental service supporter or a Mall company supporter.
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Don't be an ass. Your post was fine until you got to that last part.
Didn't realize I'd have to explain ... whether intentional or not, Groupees' inclusion of Patrician IV and DLC a week before Indie Gala's bundle with overlapping content effectively reduced the attractiveness of the latter's offerings. Assuming it was intentional on the part of Groupees, that's a sweet move from a competitive standpoint. For anyone to think this does not impact IG's sales would be naive.
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Lol, couldn't they have at least waited until Groupees was over? What was the point in doing this now when it make their offer look so much worse!
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I think this will INCREASE the Bemine8 actually...
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Clearly by HiB sales in the 150K range - There has to be a disconnect somewhere with awareness of other bundles. Yes HIB IMO are the best .. But, for anyone that likes games .. Other bundles, even for min price should be no brainers. The newest Groupies is doing great numbers but no where close to HiB.
And what I meant above was, for anyone that was on the fence about Bemine8, after seening this new IG bundle, they will realize the better deal and buy that one (BM8), IMO of course
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IndieGala is almost always better than Groupees, especially in the 2 weeks bundle with all Steam games like Indiegala Magicka or flash or Colossus ( check the lineup on the web ).
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I'd personally disagree. I tend to prefer Groupees games over Indie Gala games, but Indie Gala have had some big titles like you've mentioned.
To the comments above, Humble Bundle is obviously the champ as they were the first and they've also have had the most advertising and backing from developers. That doesn't explain why people are unaware of the other bundles though. I was there for IG2, BM1, HIB3, IR Launch so I don't know why some people have difficulty finding these bundles.
If anyone is interested in cheap indie games, then a simple Google search of "Indie Bundles" would have shown them almost every site. I think it's just the fact that people are too lazy/stupid/whatever else to use Google as I've seen it countless of other times in other situations.
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I honestly don`t really know why the other bundles get far far less then HiB. As I said before HiB seems to be the superior product, IR and Groupies put off some fine bundles.
Maybe HiB gets more as originally it was marketed more for charity. So perhaps they get a big percent of people thinking they are giving money to those in need - and those people don`t few the others the same. Just a thought.
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I found most of the time IG is just kinda crappy. Yes, occasionally they have had some decent bundles. Namely the 3 that you listed. All the others have been subpar, and I've avoided. Groupees on the other hand, I have gotten many of their bundles and never been disappointed. Also, I hear a lot less complaints about how poor groupee's customer support is (namely I haven't heard anyone needing to use it).
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I remember issues before when a game was in two bundles at once. I believe the one bundle company had a clause in their contract that gave them exclusivity to give the game away and that it couldn't be featured in another bundle for two weeks after or something along those lines.
I wonder if Groupees has anything like that in their contracts.
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That was with the GAAT bundles, specifically with Depth Hunter I believe.
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I remember the issues with Biart7 and GAAT, but couldn't remember if this was what caused it or not.
Looking into it now, Depth Hunter was in IFK and then came out in a Groupees bundle while still in the IFK. I know IFK was the one who had the clause in their contract and based on the fact that Groupees released the game while it was still in IFK, I doubt they have anything like that in theirs.
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I have to say, Im not a fan of their 3 tier thing either.
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The Indiegala crew is going on vacation to Miami.
No new bundles until they return.
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Just launched, INDIE GALA - DUNGEONS
First Tier: ($1)
Patrican III
Second Tier:
Patrician IV - Steam Special Edition
Patrician IV DLC - Rise of a Dynasty
Dungeons - The Dark Lord
Third Tier:
Dungeons - Steam Special Edition
Anyone else think this is mostly a rehash of Groupies..
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