Online multiplayer ? You're probably out of luck there, nowadays everyone needs to buy their own license (or you go for something that's free to play). Although if you're lucky, the games are available in 2-packs or 4-packs at a discount.
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Any of the LEGO games, though they only have 2 player co-op from what I understand.
Then you also get a lot of split-screen / local multiplayer games, there are too many to mention so it would be best to look through steams selection of these games.
Overcooked 1 and 2 are excellent, it has 4 player local co-op, the games are stressful and will result in a lot of screaming to get specific actions done but its a fun experience haha.
Magicka 1 and 2 are also quite fun, can be played 4 player local, the spell combinations are a bit tricky at first but hey one gets use to it.
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HoMM 3 on GOG. Play hotseat, show your kids a real game. You are welcome :)
upd. actually, now that I think about it, a lot of drm-free games with multiplayer will do what you want. So I recommend looking towards GOG anyway. For example, I'm pretty sure you could buy 1 copy of Terraria and install it on yours and your kids' PCs to play together, since you can run server locally.
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So can you actually play online/lan-coop games with gog buying a single copy ?
For example if I buy borderlands on gog (I don't even know if borderlands is on gog, it's just an example) will I be able to play with my brother with a single copy or there is an id or something that will say "buy a second copy, you monster" ?
I played divinity original sin in split screen, if that is possible I would buy the sequel on gog and play it in lan, that would be definitely more comfy.
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Read my comment below. Borderlands uses their servers to play online, unlike my example Terraria, so no, you cannot do that. But as a rule of thumb, I would say DRM-free version of the game which allows you to host + doesn't require any kind of registration to play online can be ran multiple times to play together.
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Borderlands doesn't use online servers, one player has to host.
If the game has LAN or direct connection support, you can put Steam in offline mode and play them coop over a LAN. I've done this before. I used to have my old gaming PC set up so I could play games with my niece or friends (I didn't try Borderlands though).
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That's good to know.
Anyway that doesn't make sense, in games like divinity you can already play in split screen, so 1/2 of the monitor is ok, but a better experience in lan with 2 monitors hell no... and nope, I'm not going to pay x2 just to play a game with my brother, I'd rather skip that game completely
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I think that this is not the idea of drm free.
Just because you bought one copy of the game it does not mean, you can just copy it for your kids to play several copies at the same time...
And some multiplayers on GOG still need a "Key" to use the multiplayer-mode...
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I'm not sure where you guys saw me saying drm-free = play whatever amount of copies. I said that there are a lot of games, which allow online play by hosting the server yourself and them being drm-free removes another layer of inability of running multiple copies of the game. For example, what I said above - Terraria. I didn't try that, since i'm mostly a steam user, but remembering how online play works there, I'm pretty sure having drm-free copy of it (which exists on GOG), will allow you to use this copy to be ran multiple times and connected on your server.
And yeah, of course it's not the idea of drm-free, but that's what OP asked, and my answer is perfectly valid, so I'm not sure what do you mean by your comment.
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I said that there are a lot of games, which allow online play by hosting the server yourself and them being drm-free removes another layer of inability of running multiple copies of the game
You're still not supposed to have, for instance, 4 people playing on the same license (unless explicitly stated otherwise). That would be 1 player legit + 3 pirates. Not judging here, just stating the obvious.
of course it's not the idea of drm-free, but that's what OP asked
I don't think OP asked about which games could be pirated.
A game that would fit (except I'm not sure it's playable with children unless they're old enough) could be The Jackbox Party Pack, where many players (4 to 100, depending on the game) can play together on a single license by design.
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This games are currently on sale and have the local co-op tag. Change the currency to the one you use, and or remove tags as you see convenient.
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"A way out" is prob. not a game for your kids (depending on the age) but:
If one person is buying the game, the person can invite another person that does not own the game and the person can download the game for free to play with this person.
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Play any "worms" game in hot seat mode :)
Can't think about anything else that wasn't mentioned already.
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Constant rising water levels always gave great tensions & excitment in matches between me and my cousin, sometimes when its down to our last worm for both, we'd just call for peace and try to survive the flood panickingly, good old fun times.
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I was always playing with people who will rather let "computer" team win then agree for peace xD Good fun anyway :)
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If they like Minecraft, Creativerse is quite similar (from what I've been told - I've never played Minecraft) and it is free to play. There is premium content (like being able to fly) behind a paywall but it is unnecessary.
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Rocket league i would suggest yeah its hard on start but needs time.Match of 5 min full of action allways trying to do something else a lot of cheap dlcs for cars but if u dont want u have free items drop after matches so u can trade of make better ones from them.There its allso a lot of events where psyonix gives free decyprators (keys u can open but u cant trade that items) so u can open yourself some sweet car,wheels and more :)
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Fight n Rage.
Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara.
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Streets of Rage Remake, you can play it toghether on 1 keyboard, i did so with my brother and we had a enjoyable time and its free too and very customizable, very, very good game.!DddA0aRb!lqLwwCRPrKXKW4ZMpIM4lY7pE_qsa1-hLJSkWr4K9eY
Theres Way Out that you only need 1 copy of for 2 people. Thats all i know of, what youre asking for is extremly, extremly, rare and nearly not ever done, i have to tell you that what youre looking for, is not much in quantinty, you will have to buy 2 copies of a game soon after you go trough these few suggestions, thats the truth in how games are made, 2 copies, for 2 people, 4 copies for 4 people, etc. Once you start looking for those, id recommend playing trough all 3 campaigns in coop with your kids, or let them play by themselves, in Red Alert 3, let them play skirmishes against eachother, try and beat the challanges in Uprising, good games.
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there are entire genre that have same screen co-op.
Like nearly any fighting games, shoots-em-up and beat-em-up.
outside of those genre sure it gets harder but looking through the 2d or side-scroller tags, you'd get a much higher chance of finding those games.
actually there is the local co-op steam tag specifically for this :
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Yeah great suggestion......never played any of these games so it might be a 'must buy'
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You never played any Streets of Rage games? Huge shame, i myself grew up on those, played and enjoyed them with my brother and cousins, your kids might enjoy them toghether and you with them, you can buy all 3 ones on the steam store, im sure theres some way to play them each with controlers because i do not think they support 1 keyboard for 2 players gameplay BUT i could be wrong, im not sure, but Remake is a fan made game that combines all 3 of those games, does some changes, adds tons of content and supports gameplay of 2 players on 1 keyboard or 2 controlers im sure, CPU partner is also an option of theres only 1 kid present or youre alone but dont want to run solo, not that theres anything wrong with solo. Theres so many good old school Sega Genesis games you could play on 1 screen but theres just no controler or 2 persons on 1 keyboard supports i dont think.
Command and Conquer ultimate collection? Yes, thats an absolute must have, BUT, you can get the West Wood Era games for free and updated from command and conquer communications centre, you can only get the early EA aquisition era games only from Origin, legaly anyway, BUT the EA era, newest C&Cs you can get from steam, mind you, i recommend them for any type of RTS player, but if you want a RTS game that features co-op specificaly, RA3 is what youre looking for, its the best RA in the series overall what it offers in amount, its not for 1 pc only but that shouldnt be a suprise.
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Thats a pitty but its not too late to start whether you like RTS or want to try RTS, you can do it if you want and i recommend it. RA3 is the only one with coop but 2 computers, 2 copies are needed. But i recommend the whole franchise, you start here, even though it realy all began with Dune 2.
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Oh yeah, i totaly forgot, theres also Unravel Two, definetly a game youre looking for
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Don't starve together is also a good multiplayer game. Check it out. It contains 2 copies with single purchase.
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You definitly need to check my curator page, there you can find 350+ local multiplayer games!!! You only need to buy them once and can play with 4 or more players. I have 3 kids, so the curator only covers games for 3+ players :-). they are actually hard to find on steam, because the fitting "local 4-player" tag is rarely used!
Since some overzealous sg moderator just suspended me for 3 days when posting the link to my curator in a similar, 100% fitting discussion, I will not post the link here again, but just check my steam profile to see it! Have fun with the 100s of possible games for your needs!
Sven Evil - Steam's best local 4-player curator. (no link here, since i do not want to get suspended again - check my Steam profile!)
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Since it's in the same household, it wouldn't be wrong to purchase a DRM-free copy of a game from either Humble or GoG with local multiplayer and install it on each of your computers.
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Look for local multiplayer, or DRM-free games from GOG, or free-to-play games.
I'm not sure how old your kids are, but some suggestions are:
Castle Crashers
Lara Croft and the X of Y (first game is 2 player, second is up to 4)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (particularly the 2nd game)
Rayman Legends
Lego series
Titan Quest
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Hidden in Plain Sight
Rocket League
The Secret World Legends
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Okay, so Secret World Legends may be something to save for later, but the rest of those should all work and support up to 4 players.
Oh, and I forgot to mention Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed - a fantastic kart racer.
I have a Steam Link that I use for local couch co-op, but you can also connect to a TV otherwise, or crowd around a computer screen. Xbox One S controllers can connect to the Steam Link via Bluetooth, while older Xbox One controllers and Xbox 360 controllers can connect to the Link (or your PC) via a wireless usb dongle (there's a dongle for XB1 controllers, and one for 360, and both support at least 4 wireless controllers).
And if you have any consoles, I can give recommendations for those too.
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Steam Link is how I've played all the co-op games I have - sitting on the couch is just more convenient. Many of the games I listed are also available on Xbox One, so you can go that route if it's easier.
Diablo 3 for XB1 is also fantastic for couch co-op, and pretty great in general.
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The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. It can be played even in the same computer
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Hi All
Am looking for multiplayer games to play with my kids that i only need to purchase one of.
I bought Minecraft a while back and had to purchase three of them....trying not to keep doing that :)
Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.
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