1.) Your conscience helps. If you have one. If not, just enter competitions for games you're likely to play.
2.) Well that's reddit.
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That's another thing I don't understand: What competition? Besides clicking a button is there something else I could do to secure a 'win?' Either way, I think it's pretty cool that people are being so generous with their extra copies when they could just as easily head over to /r/gameswap and get something in return.
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In early development, CG had the idea of giving a certain amount of points out to the givers depending on the price. So if the giver gives a brand new 59.99$ game he would get say.. 10 points.. and each point could be used for extra chances. (These aren't exact numbers nor are they thought out, so if this ever happens this is only an example and non of this means it'll be like that). This gives the more generous population more chances to win thanks to their generosity.. (maybe a karma system :o )
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Gauging by the replies to my post so far, I shouldn't feel the tinge of guilt that I have for entering so many giveaways; that I should enter as many as possible and hope for the best. Are my assumptions correct?
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Well the only thing I'd request is that people don't enter a giveaway for a game they already have. Other than that, yeah I'd say enter whichever contests have games that peak your curiosity.
Oh and since there's multiple giveaways for the same game right now, if you enter one and win, you should remember to go to the others with the same game and remove your entry.
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If you win duplicates of the same game, would there be any damage done? Would the second copy still be gifted to you? Will you be able to re-gift it if you forgot to clear all of the other contests?
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Well another problem with giving to somebody who already has it is that they may just trade it with someone else for something they want. There is the chance of people entering who don't have the game and doing the same thing though. People should only enter giveaways for games they want, and that they don't already own, or they are taking the chance away from someone who actually does want the game and doesn't have it.
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Umm...guys, you can't even receive the game that you already own. If you have, say, Half Life 2, and someone tries to send it to you, they will get the error saying that you already own the game, and they can just gift it to someone else. You won't get it as an extra gift to do a giveaway of your own.
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If that is the case, then the burden is going to be put on the people trying to give games away, which really sucks. They will have to re-post the game if the winner already has the game.
I wonder if it would be possible to do two things:
Seems like this issue needs to be figured out and a fix implemented right away.
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right... so let's say you want a game that I don't have. for the sake of argument, let's say this is "Sid Meir's Pirates!" (I don't know if you have this game in real life but let's assume you don't). There happens to be and is going to be a total of 100 giveaways for this game in that week (present and future). Of course you do not know this. You enter the giveaways as they come along without winning any until you realize you have reached this "limit". assuming, through chaosquall's suggestion, that the limit is 50, you will now miss out on 50 opportunities to enter for a CHANCE to win this game.
May I point out that you do not win every giveaway you enter. With the number of entries being high for each giveaway, your probability of winning is really low (assuming winners are selected randomly). In one instance (which I didn't enter for) there were some 800 odd entrants... your chance of winning is 1/800, which is 0.00125 (or 0.125%)... i.e. if you entered this draw 100 times, you would still have 0 (technically 0.125) wins.... Typically, giveaways have around 150-200 UNIQUE (or more) entrants for a popular game. Assuming your limits cause entrants to be selective so that there are only 200 entrants in one giveaway. that gives any 1 entrant a 1/200 or 0.005 (0.5%) chance of winning the game. Again this means that if you entered the giveaway 100 times you would have a 50/50 chance of winning. Chaosquall's proposed limit would put it at 25% (if all that persons 50 entries were for this game he would have a 1 in 4 chance of winning. Although this is a fairly good chance of winning, this is only possible if you enter all the giveaways for the same game in that week 50 times...
If limits were placed in, people would be more selective of the giveaways they entered and this would reduce the number of entrants and thus increase your chances of success, so your suggestion is not without merit. However, this would limit the chances for someone to win a game he/she wants especially if he/she wanted to play only certain games. I understand everyone's frustration though; the number of entrants are very high and this lowers the chances for others to win. As in all giveaways and lotteries, however, the number of entrants will always be high, especially if the outcome is desirable.
I am however, against people entering to giveaways for games they already own. that's is just low...
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should be a limit 50 at least any more is madness and greed
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Personally, I've just been entering all the ones for games I've wanted to play. Since there's a very small chance of winning any individual giveaway, you might as well enter them all (for a particular game you want). I won a giveaway, and made sure to remove my entry for all other giveaways of that game. Hopefully this sort of thing can be automated as the site progresses.
There's a (very small) chance that I might win more than one of the same game, but in that case I would just regift a copy or give it back to the submitter.
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Maybe there should be some sort of cooldown timer or something when you enter. You click enter on 1 game, but you can't enter another one for a hour or some set time. At least it would slow down the spamming of entries, and maybe make you think harder about which ones you really want to enter.
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Will only help right now because in about a week or so gifts will be coming on a much less regular basis!
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Exactly. Creating restrictions right now when the site is new doesn't make sense because when it does slow down, there won't be any need for said restrictions. It won't be long when everyone will remember the "good old times" entering in over 100 giveaways upon registering.
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55 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by xurc
I really like the idea of this website. But I'm confused, misguided and anxious about a couple things.
1). I'm fairly new to the Steam community. Granted, I created my profile in like 2009, but I didn't start gaming until a few months ago. That being said, I'm not sure how this whole gifting thing works. If I have the chance to win (randomly?) a bunch of titles I haven't played, why wouldn't I sign up for every giveaway to better my odds? There should be a limit, or some sort of reasoning in place why I shouldn't enter so many giveaways. Or does the reasoning go that if I'm genuinely interested in playing the game then I should enter the contest? Help me out here.
2). An "About" page that gives some detail on the website and maybe some history on other websites like this. I keep reading references about another steam-gift-give-away website (play it forward?), but I'm unfamiliar to all of this because, again, I'm new to the Steam community.
Please let me know if my noob is showing.
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