Do you think that most thanks'ers are bots?
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No, not most or all of them, but a good deal are bots, as evidenced by a few giveaways I've run in tandem where there's almost always a bunch of people who enter multiple giveaways at the same time and post the same message with the same time stamp. It's a little depressing actually. Not all of them are necessarily bots, mind you, but they might use an auto-entry script with an auto-comment portion which I find to be just as bad.
That said, I find meaningless thanks to be annoying whether or not they're from a bot, especially if I have five or more giveaways ending at the same time or if I'm expecting a response in a thread and I get a billion generic thanks flooding my notifications.
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In my own defense, I have to say that it could also be that it's someone new to the site who sees other people leaving such messages and thinks that's what's expected and proper, copies a generic message, opens all of the current GAs they're interested in to sift through them, then goes through them in quick succession pasting the message and submitting, then entering the GA. Scripting or using a bot never even entered my mind, and wouldn't be worth the trouble for me, but I do like to be efficient.
Now, I quickly found the notes about blacklisting due to generic messages and stopped doing it after a day or so, but I'm honestly still annoyed by the situation because I've seen other people threatening to blacklist if you don't leave any comment at all, and I really don't have time to write a custom, meaningful message on every GA I want to enter every single time. For all I know, I've been blacklisted on both sides.
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I know that feeling; juggling when you have to comment and when you can't. I never blacklist people for not commenting, though I do on occasion for commenting (only if I say it beforehand), though I try to be careful and not blacklist people with good ratios because they weren't reading every description one day.
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I can follow you all the way except for this part
"and I really don't have time to write a custom, meaningful message on every GA I want to enter every single time."
If you don't have the time, don't enter. The giveaway creator had to spend time buying a game, creating a giveaway for it and ultimately sending the game to the winner. The very least you as an entrant can do is show the good (wo-)man a little respect for it. Not saying you should automatically give in to every demand or feel bad about yourself if you can't think of the best joke ever, but just something to show you acknowledge the effort the creator has put into it.
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Absolutely agree on general principle, and if I were to win I would always thank the person. On the other end of it, when I'm giving something away, that's absolutely sufficient for me. If a person has time to drop a note when they're entering to express their gratitude that's great, and appreciated, but I don't expect it.
There are definitely days when I'm in a hurry to get out the door or something, check the site quickly, see something I like and click Enter. Or other days when I have almost 300 points, haven't won anything (ever), and click on 50 GAs like I'm playing the slots. Given that there are often thousands of entries for these GAs and only tens of comments, I don't think I'm in the minority here....
So, maybe this is a sub-poll: Is entering (especially a public) GA when you don't have time, or maybe even just aren't in the mood, to craft a meaningful message disrespectful (assuming the poster didn't specifically give instructions in their GA)?
Like I said, I'm new here, so I'm honestly just trying to get to know the community and how to be a good "citizen".
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I would say no. if I did a a public ga without a description the only thing I would expect to see is a thanks from the winner. Everything else is bonus.
On private and group ga's where I do post a description I would like people to read it. And sometimes follow instructions (for example in my current thread I'd like to cheer up some people who really need it. You don't have to state why you think so. I won't set a bar on the ammount of sadness you must feel (as if I could). So anyone is free to decide for himself if he;s entering. I made clear for whom this thread is supposed to be, so I'd see it as a sign of disrespect if one would enter who is the most happy and priviliged kid in the world...)
To me it's all about respecting eachother.
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I just checked - out of the 22 GAs I did this (my first) week on here, there were a total of 8291 entries, only 113 comments, and only 3 thank-you's from the winners. Personally, that 3/22 number bothers me a LOT more than the 113/8291.
Oh, and two still haven't been claimed after 5 days, which I also think is very rude...just waiting for the one-week mark according to the FAQ to contact them directly.
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This is exactly the reason why a lot of people set a minimum level requirement (to weed out the leechers and bots use a 3/4/5+ level) or do only group ga's. I find myself doing this also more and more. But to the community as a whole, that's not a good thing. Not all low level members are bots, regifters and leechers. Maybe they're new, maybe they don;t have the financial capabilties. Who knows?
But if I give away a game I'd hate to see someone sell it on the market for some bucks. Or regift it to get a higher level to win even more games to give away or sell. Sadly it;s necessary to take measures against this type of beheaviour. Buy setting the bar at a high level, making it group only, or a private one including bottraps in the description (or a puzzle!)...
PS: 3/22 thanks and 2 still unclaimed are extremely bad stats. Hopefully it gets better for you there really are a lot of nice people here :)
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After I hit level 1 I started setting them at 1+, and I think that's generally a good idea. It's not hard to hit level 1 even just with bundle games, so I think it's reasonable to ask for that much before giving someone access to better GAs. If you're really so bad off that you can't afford a $1 bundle once or twice for a few GAs, then you should be really happy with ANY game you can get on SG for free.
I also like the puzzles (though many are way too hard for me - I haven't read the guide yet) and hidden/disguised GAs in the forums - I think it's a nice way to bring people together on here, while keeping out bots and discouraging leeches that won't bother spending the time. When I found these boards, my engagement in SG went from "I have all of these old keys that I won't use - I might as well give them away, and then enter everything I can and see if I ever win anything." to actually spending time on here just because.
I'm glad to hear you say that my stats aren't wasn't the end of the world, but I wasn't very motivated to go out and find more to give away.
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When I was new here I actually though you had to also write on the giveaway to participate because I saw a lot of people doing it, lol.
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there are also scripts with ENTER+autocomment buttons, which is as bad as a bot since the user doesn't even care about descriptions made by the GA creator.
and no, being lazy is not an excuse. if you are lazy to read a desc. or manually enter and comment, then get out of here and buy your own games. :3
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Well, there were times in the history of this site, when saying thank you was considered a basic courtesy when entering a giveaway.
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True. :-) Fewer giveaways, fewer comments, no annoying notifications. :-)
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I would be really happy, if CG gave us an option, to lazy-load images.
Right now I've ~5 giveaway and ~2 discussion open in tabs. And at least one of them is loading and loading and loading and...
Because someone attached a >=5MB gif from a shitty image host. :(
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I'm not, I try to make my "thank yous" different depending on the game like if it's something big. But I hand type every thank you, even if it's the same, after entering every giveaway.
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I threw in a few thanks on my early entries out of courtesy and under the idea that it was customary to appreciate the opportunity but soon came across some giveaways that asked not to spam their notifications with a thanks. Since then I stopped doing it when entering as I realized it's more annoying then anything. Found that out first hand when creating my first giveaway.
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It depends, I guess. Personally I usually write "thank you" / "thanks" / "thanks a lot" etc on the giveaways I enter. I'm not a bot though :P
I don't have a problem with people writing "thanks" as long as they don't do it on every single giveaway of a train or whatever. That annoys me then because it comes off as them being a bot imo.
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There's definitively a good share of bots/script users that just don't care about the description.
There may be, sometimes, people who read the description, didn't understand anything, and just said thanks. Maybe once in 2k giveways, you'll find one.
I think there's no reason to block "thank you" users more than silent ones.
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And that's why most people don't comment.
The leecher culture is divided into people thinking that spamming fake gratitude saves them the trouble of being blacklisted. The elder ones of their tribe know that entering quietly can be better in this case, but noone's fucking with me. I'm checking entries, bitches.
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From his comment I would've thought that he blacklisted both the happy bots who says thanks all the time and the silent, more sad bots, so.. Well.. Everyone who signs up for his giveaways? (I most probably just misunderstood everything he said ^^)
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It's not that simple. When I have done many simulatenous public giveaways in the past, I could easily see who was auto-commenting with the exact same comments only seconds apart.
And sometimes I tested out if people paid attention to what I'm actually saying in the description and depending on the time and effort I put into it I would go through entries, seeing who didn't comment and blacklist those with terrible ratios. Like... Really terrible ratios.
This was when I did public giveaways tho. I am done with them for this and several other reasons .
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No, he just removes people who do not comment on his (whitelisted) giveaways from his whitelist, I believe. :P
PS: Now that I think of if, I should apologise to Downward for doing what I said earlier in a group of his past whitelist giveaways. In my defense, I sometimes comment with a delay. Also, you can join my whitelist giveaways without any "guilt" from that former "incident" - tbh, I completely understand why he might be upset on me and I don't mind at all when some user removes me from his whitelist, but I am a bit upset when he does not enter & discuss the subject in the description of my giveaways anymore. :(
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Well, sorry, the second part of the comment was addressed to DownwardConcep, of course, but I got a little carried...
Anyway, as Alpe said, the only way to check if you are on somebody's white or black list (or neither) is to check the person's giveaways. For example, click on my profile and check the public Beep giveaway and white list Apotheon giveaway - you can see the content of the BEEP giveaway, which means that you are not blacklisted, but you cannot see the content of the Apotheon giveaway, which means that you are not whitelisted either (sadly).
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Well i mostly read what is in the description and if something specific is asked i'll do my best to answer or supply the asked gif. If i'm on my mobile i'll answer the best i can but if no one asked something or leave their description blank i'll just use a copy-paste. I think many people think i use a bot but i can assure you i don't. I find it important to at least thank someone for the game given and i would like some comments back if i make a GA aswell, simple as that, even if it is a copy paste. The rudest thing you can do is just entering without saying a thing and especially after you won something.
Also, using the same 'thank you' message once in a while doesn't mean the person is always a bot... he is just less creative and doesn't know how else to thank you after entering+commenting a 100 GA's :)
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I think that very few people use scripts with autocomment functions. Some simply don't read descriptions (this grows exponentially with the size of description :D) and just post "thanks". I don't mind either way in public giveaways.
PS: Blacklisting for "thanks" is rude (unless stating that you will do so in description).
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While I don't care much about generic 'Thanks' (or even worse 'TY') posts, I wouldn't blacklist a person for that. I don't like when people use a bot to enter giveaways, but in the end I care more about their ratio... not that I'd blacklist people that have a 'bad' ratio (unless it's really bad), but if somebody posts a generic 'Thanks' on more than two of my current giveaways within a minute and has a 'bad' ratio he might end up on my dark side.
tl;dr: Just post a one liner that makes it clear that you really are happy about the giveaway than a generic 'Thanks' or 'Thank you'.
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I find it awkward to thank someone for a chance to win a game when there are so many entries. I'd say thanks after(if) I win.
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Sometimes you see fake giveaways or regifts, and ppl commenting things about it in comments, and there s always some ppl who keep thanking ignoring all the comments of an obvious fake or regift giveaway, I think those ppl are really bots, but obviously not all who thank are bots, so is hard to tell.
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I always wonder if those people who always reply "thanks" to every GA they enter are really bots. Many people are blacklisting thanks'ers so if anybody went through the trouble of writing a bot then it would make more sense not to comment at all. My guess is that people with little to no proficiency in English would write a simple "thanks" instead of going through the trouble of translating a whole paragraph. I am learning Russian so I can really relate to people who are too lazy to read sometimes. Depending on your skills it sometimes requires a lot of effort.
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