Does yuu lik frey gams two kep in Stem?
I registered for Steam to get Portal for free back in 2009 or so, and then I've registered Left 4 Dead 2 and probaly Sniper Elite 2 (I have the game but don't really know why, so I guess this is the reason) that way. I already had Payday thanks to SteamGifts though, as it was one of the first games I won here.
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Yeah but correct me if I'm wrong, many f2p have done that over the years, right?
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Not the same, but Midnight Club 2 had 'Join our group and get this game at XX of XXXX date' a few years ago.
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"On the House" deals aside, there was also the temporary The Sims 2 Complete promotion.
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As some have already mentioned, Origins have this "On the House" promotion and they change games every so often (not sure how often though). Here is the link to the current one: - Ultima™ 8 Gold Edition
I know they had Bewejelled 3 and Dragon Age:Origins. You need Origins account (doh!).
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent was free on steam a couple of days ago xd
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For all I can remember, Amnesia : The Dark Descent, Race the Sun (Standard Edition) and something Grimm's Quest was free for a limited time. Amnesia and the Grimm are still on my account (never had the chance to grab Race the Sun)
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Oh shoot! xD Typed that with sleepy eyes. Thanks for reminding
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Answering to your question, I'm pretty sure you can create a giveaway for a game that was free ON STEAM, because the only way you could get it was activating it for your account. You couldn't get a key or a gift from that. So there is no room for doubt on if you bought the game to giveaway or if you got it for free.
About Lucius, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can't or at least shouldn't. Because they gave keys away. The games that are available at those kind of giveaways that gives hundreds or thousands of keys are removed from SteamGifts. It doesn't matter if you have a gift for it instead of a key I guess. I'm not sure how it works with the giveaways created after those games were given out and before they remove it from the site tho, if you lose the CV, or if you keep it, I dunno, but yeah, you shouldn't, the minimum that could happen to you is to be added to a lot of blacklists...
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1st: I check constantly. On the right You can see a list of the free games you will find around. They are not 100% accurate, but I got there in time for 90% of the games.
2nd: almost always, all games that get free get disabled from the giveaway creation page.
As soon as a game becomes free (in a massive giveaway) you
give it away here. It gets reported and taken down. You can't give away games that participated in a massive giveaway here.
Games that were free on steam to keep forever can't be stored in the inventory. As soon as you click "Install game" on it, it gets activated on your account and that's it.
Also, it's not necessary to install the game on your account when there's a game-for-free promotion on steam, you can just click on the button and you are done.
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Actually that link is also very useful to me.
The list on the right that you mean is "More Bundle & Game News"?
I will remind to check it. I check reddit, but sometimes mods takes too long to approve some posts.
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Actually the best thing to do is to check the "Games for free" list at the bottom of the page!
Of course the offers there may be too old and not all of them will work.
By the way, I always look at the list on the right to know about new offers! Usually they report offers later compared to Reddit or Steamgifts, but I found it far more reliable than checking random forums.
I recommend the site to everyone, I have it always open in a tab, constantly rebooting every 10 minutes (using a chrome extension)!
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I would suggest bookmarking this handy reddit site besides joining several steamgroups who notify these kinds of things as well. Besides the ones mentioned above The sims 2 ultimate edition was also a nice freebie once
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I didn't knew the links Mrpfful and Bombaklats posted, I will bookmark both! The one I most use is this here:
Dunno if its better or worse, but its an option as well. I like having more than one. :)
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133 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CheMan39
So I've been looking through Steamprices for a few different games, and I've seen that some games were free to keep forever. But the catch was you only had a day to install and keep it. Like Payday: The Heist for example. Go check for yourself and see.
All I'm asking is," What other games were exactly like this?"
I'll try to update for games that are fully free to keep every once in a while. Thanks for listening!
Edit as of Sep. 20, 2015: On a note relating to the subject, can I create a giveaway for a game that was free? Like I have Lucius as a leftover gift, but it was free as a key. So will I get anything out of it (ex.CV or some other important shizzlewizzle) because it is in a different gift format or should I refrain from creating it? And thanks for listening once again!
P.S. The poll is for the discussion above, pretty odd isn't it?
A few hours after edit 2: Thanks for everybody who explained, guess I'll gift it to one of my friends then! And as always, Thank you all!
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