Devilish indeed. Don't think I didn't see that 30 second timeout. ¬‿¬
I might come back trying to solve this but with it being Diablo 4, I can do it at a much relaxed pace since top down ARPGs are just not my genre.
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That's to deter brute force and favor those that are actually putting thought into their answers.
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That's fine with me. It might be a good idea to mark spoilers for people that might not want to see them.... but I'm not enforcing anything lol.
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ok thx :)
let me share what I found so far with the 3rd image
the eight boxes appear to be faded game banner images, with the letters forming the game name scrambled + extra letters (the number underneath?). Now I figured out what each game is, although one or two of them appear to be missing a letter or two (typo?). Taking the extra letters from each, I'm guessing we are supposed to use them to fill that last phrase of the poem. I'm stuck here for now ;)
any ideas?
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Each box appears to be a scrambled pun/portmanteau of a reindeer and the faded game
I assume the numbers are linked to the order of boxes on the last poem line but haven't worked that out yet
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Yeah, there are some missing letters, I'm not sure if it's a typo :/
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I don't see any missing letters, they're all puns. Without directly giving the puzzle answers, think of something akin to the game "Cross Blitz". The puzzle for "Blitzen" would be "Cross Blitzen", but scrambled. Or "Grim Donner" for "Grim Dawn" and "Donner"
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for some boxes, the game names can be spelled out fully (plus the extra letters, whose count corresponds to the number below each, for a total of 18 extras, same as the number of "?" in the last line of poem), but three of those boxes have a missing one or two letters to spell out the game name. Now I'm thinking these missing letters are significant to the puzzle and not just typos
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Well I'll be. I saw the numbers did add up, and sure enough the extra letters do unscramble to spell out the last line and have nothing to do with specific boxes. It helps to look at the poem structure, too.
Now to do the other 4 parts lmao
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honestly I'm kinda blocked here and couldn't even put the letters together to form the last poem line 🤷♂️
I don't think I'm even close to solving the other images either, not without hints, and it looks like someone else below has figured out a whole lot more than us help plz 😂
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Each box is on top of a faded game, and is a pun of a reindeer name and that game
The pun will add or change letters. The number in each box equals the number of letters that were introduced in the pun. Record the new/extra letters. Ignore any letters that were missing from the original game name
Each resulting letter can be placed somewhere in the poem on top of a '?'. Each block of ?s is a separate word. Pay attention to rhyming scheme. I used an anagram solver when I guessed a word, removed the guessed letters, and saw what other words could fit the poem.
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These guys seem to be making good headway.
The puzzles can be solved in any order/independently of each other.
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Yes, black/burnt out.... though "ship" is not part of it.
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I have spent way too long on this, lol. But solving them is possible! I'm leaving this note to keep track of my progress:
2 - (edit: SOLVED!) Decoded the 5 words, but I don't know how to turn that into the quiz answer.
4 - (edit: SOLVED!) Solved for the 3 question marks (Assuming red/yellow/green mean what I think they mean), but not sure how to turn that into the quiz answer.
5 - (edit: SOLVED!) Decoded the speech bubbles, found the reference, figured out who Smitty is, decoded the bottom symbols. Don't know what smitty saw that was unique, so I'm not sure what the quiz answer is.
Thanks AllSaintOx for all the effort putting this together! This puzzles are very challenging, and very well thought out. If you don't create puzzles for a living then you're in the wrong line of work! :D
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Q4 takes the format "?, ?, ?" but without the parentheses. It's the only one I've answered so far! (Will remove this comment if it's too direct, but I understand we can work together?)
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I updated Image/Question 5 to hopefully make it slightly easier.
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I tried the first puzzle and got most of the words but don’t think I’ll be able to finish all of the puzzles in time for the giveaway especially with hanging out with family for Christmas. Happy Holidays BUMP!
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I made some progress on all puzzles, but so far there's only one I've been able to completely solve.
I'll keep trying, but damn that's not an easy one
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Solved 1, 3 and 4
I found some of the words for 2, and decrypted one of the bubbles in 5, but no idea where to go from there
I'm beginning to think I'm missing some references
Edit : 2 also solved
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Bump! I have been stumped on the last question for days. I watched the spongebob episode. I have figured out the southern phrase is show your ass. I have figured out the mondegreens, but I have no clue what the quiz answer is. I have tried the scripture reference, I have tried a play on words that sounds like the scripture reference, but no luck. Anyone have any hints on solving the last question?
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Isolate what is unique about what Smitty is looking back at.
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Thanks for the hint! Maybe I have it wrong about what Smitty is looking at. I thought he was looking at one of two things: The name of the book in scripture or mr krabs butt. Am I totally off base? Because I can't think of anything unique about either of those.
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You are completely on base... in both regards lol. Find the unique parts of the name of the book, then think about it from Smitty's point of view.
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This gave me more confidence in how the book is relevant to the puzzle, but I'm still drawing a blank here. Are the "unique parts of the name" literally something to do with the letters/word itself, or something to do with the meaning, historical relevance, origin, etc?
I've tried thinking about saying the name phonetically, how it has to do with "assembly/assembler", reversing the name since Smitty is looking at Krabs's backside, but I'm still lost lol.
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"literally something to do with the letters/word itself"
" reversing the name since Smitty is looking at Krabs's backside"
Both of these are on the right trail.
Find the unique parts of the name of the book, then think about it from Smitty's point of view.
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I appreciate the hints, but I think this is where my trail ends lol. I've tried two/double cs, three es, three ss (though that's not unique among the other books), reversing them, but it's not adding up. Nothing seems to fit the quiz question either, though "three/triple" would make the "hat trick" make sense.
I also don't really understand the mondegreen at the bottom. What Smitty see colon scat/poop/shit? Maybe that's preventing me from getting the answer here?
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Only what the preacher is saying is a mondegreen. The symbols on the bottom are representative of where one could find what the the preacher is saying. The double and triples are the opposite of what is unique within the name.
You're so close! You can do it!
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"within" gave me the answer lol. Now I see what you mean by 'unique', I was thinking what makes the name different from the other books, not what is unique within the name itself.
What the hell does Mr. Krabs's hat trick or Smitty have to do with that though lmao. I spent too long trying to think how it would relate to the Spongebob episode. Trash, assets, something along those lines
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Less than 20 hours left. Anyone still working on it? Have any questions?
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Just started working on it. Joining later is better because there's already a lot of hints in the comments. Wish me luck :D
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Happy Holidays!
Below are some puzzles (in the images) that I have made/reworked recently. I realize these puzzles/riddles (mostly word-based) are not for everyone, but if you enjoy lateral thinking and "aha!" moments, then I hope you find something here that you like! Feel free to work together, I think it is more fun that way!
Winner will have to accept my Steam invite.
Good job to the 3 people who were able to solve the puzzles. I hope you enjoyed them! Below are the solutions:
There was a bit of a recurring theme throughout the set, starting with “It's a coin toss who will win.“ Not only is the winner randomly picked, this was a reference to the many heads and tails throughout the puzzles and clues.
Puzzle 1 - Contronym Conundrum.
Q1: After straightening out the lights and replacing the non-working bulbs, Janus turns tail and heads to do what?
Answer: Trim Tree
This was essentially like making a word search puzzle. The goal was to take Janus words/contronyms and fit them into the grid based on the light pattern. Once you identified the words and filled in the grid (or at least the black boxes), you could have seen the message “Trim Tree", which also has contradictory meanings.
Puzzle 2 - Callipygous Communication.
Q2: Make a list and check it twice, making heads and tail will suffice.
Answer: Fruitcakes
It’s a bunch of pictures of well-known butts overlayed with fruit lol. Cake can be slang for butt. Also, every word you had to come up with was somehow related to a loom…. As in Fruit of the Loom, as in underwear… for butts lol. This is less of a hint and more of a peak into my childish sense of humor lol.
JENNIFER WALTERSMELON – The similarities of She-Hulk and watermelon aside, this one was as easy as Googling the quote to find the missing word – “FABRIC”.
TRACER CHASER – Forget that Tracer and “blowing raspberries” both have origins in London, the important clues here are the phrase and Ana. Ana is holding a Graham cracker and Colombian flag. Ana + Graham cracker = anagram cracker. If we look at the phrase “HOP IN LAMB COCOON” we might notice that we can make the word “Columbian” out of some of the letters. Out of the remaining letters we could make the word “Poncho”. A quick search for “Colombian Poncho“ will lead us to a type of woolen poncho (lamb cocoon) – “RUANA”.
BIKINI-LESS BOTTOM – What’d Mr. Krabs tell you about those hooks, boy? Apparently an upside down pineapple is a symbol used to indicate swinging, which is a big no no (when it comes to hooks anyhow). All of this is irrelevant. Flip the pineapple and you will see a “spongeU” and “spongeN”. Add them to the hook – “UNHOOK”.
LEMON SQUAT – Phi + lemon = Philemon, a book of the Bible. The sets of numbers follow a format common in book ciphers (Ottendorf ciphers for you National Treasure fans). Philemon is only 1 chapter on one page, so a logical indexing could be verse-word-letter. But the Bible has more versions than Spider-Man, so which one do you use? Those squats definitely don’t look like the greatest of all time, and that yellow with the purple text is reminiscent of the Lakers’ colors. That must be
LemonLebron James! We should try the King James Version of the Bible! This leads us to a secret message and our word – “INTERWEAVE”.PEACH PIT – It’s a shot of Mario’s rear from the Super Mario Bros. movie with an appropriately flat peach emoji (it was an ”issue” before the movie came out). Seen rolling past, or perhaps over the peach (it would explain the flatness) is a Spindel. Also littered around the image are pics of forums. What do forums, Spindles, and emojis have in common? – “THREADS”.
“Make a list and check it twice, making heads and tail will suffice.” is a clue that if we make a list of our words and read the first and last letters we will find our answer.
Puzzle 3 - It's all fun and games until… went down, historically. (Reindeer Games)
Q3. Irreverence will loom in the absence of whom?
Answer: Grandma
Loom is a nod to the previous puzzle. The obvious choice of someone who would be absent here is Rudolph. However, the red-nosed reindeer was a red herring. The poem told you what to do.
"GAMES IDEAL FOR A FOGGY DAY” hinted that the foggy pictures were games. I really wanted to put “REINY DAY” but decided against it. =P
“NAMES OF THE EIGHT WHO PULL THE SLEIGH” referred to the names of Santa’s reindeer (but no Rudolph).
“AIM’S TO COMBINE, MIX, BLEND AND FAY” was indicating that you needed to combine the titles of the games with the names of the reindeer to make a punny hybrid – GEOMETRY DASHER, JUST DANCER, PRANCER OF PERSIA, RAINBOW VIXEN, XCOMET, CUPIDHEAD, HORIZON ZERO DONNER, and NFL BLITZEN.
“CLAIMS OF MISFITS TO DISCOVER”, “AMITY IF YOU DON’T BELONG”, and “UNITY FOR THOSE THAT ARE WRONG” were indicating that you should isolate and use the letters that did not belong in the original game titles to finish the poem. Those letters were ERRARVENETIDONEREN.
“LEVITY RUNS IN WHOSE HIT SONG” not only hinted that the next line would be about a popular song, but also indicated that the song was irreverently joking about Grandma being involved in a hit and run. Seeing that the first word of the last line was a 6 letter word ending in “ITY” and that our letters allowed us to spell “ENTITY”, which fit with the “WHOSE” of the previous line, it was a safe bet to go that route. Likewise, “OVER” seemed appropriate as it would go with the rhyme scheme. Sticking with the theme of the puzzle as well as other two words of the line, a logical (and correct) solution for the last line would be “ENTITY REINDEER RAN OVER”.
8 lines, each with 8 syllables, about 8 games and 8 reindeer, leads us to one entity, which familiarity or Google will tell us is poor Grandma. God rest her soul.
Puzzle 4 - I tip my hat to your masterful mind.
Q4: I think everyone who is coming for dinner is here. Let's eat Grandma and guests!
Answer: Santa, Grinch, Scrooge
“I tip my hat to your masterful mind.” is a hint that this is a mastermind-style puzzle. It’s also a subtle (though not necessary) hint that hats are relevant. “I think everyone who is coming for dinner is here. Let's eat Grandma and guests!” is a throwback to the previous puzzle as well as a hint to use commas.
A green light indicates there is a correct value in the correct position. A yellow light indicates there is a correct value in an incorrect position. A red light indicates there are no correct values in any position. Deducing the answer is a matter of pure logic.
Puzzle 5 - What did he sayyyyyy? Mondegreen?
Q5: Mr. Krabs, you're really going for a hat trick with showing your ____. (This is a play on a southern phrase.)
Answer: tail
“Hat trick” is a reference to the previous puzzle as well as the Spongebob episode “One Krab’s Trash”, in which Mr. Krabs sells Spongebob a novelty “soda drink hat” with a “#1” on it, and then, upon hearing it is worth a lot of money, tries to get it back. This endeavor eventually leads Krabs to a graveyard where he meets #1, A.K.A. Smitty WerbenJagerManJensen. Mr. Krabs steals the hat and fights his way through an army of the living dead.
Throughout the episode, Mr Krabs is an ass. A southern (USA) way of saying this is “showing your ass”.
The pictograms in the speech bubbles represent mondegreens (as hinted at by Olive, The Other Reindeer, as well as the image title). The pictograms at the bottom (not in the speech bubble) are not mondegreens. All of this worked together to hint at “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.”, which is from Ecclesiates 1:2 (Smitty colon poop).
Smitty is looking at Ecclesiastes, which has the unique letters of “LIAT”, or, as seen from Smitty’s POV, “TAIL.”
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