Back in the day, I would always test the specs of my new rigs with the 3DMark software. Not sure if that's still a thing but worth taking a look
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I googled "most demanding PC games 2023," and then did a quick search through your library.
One of these would be a good place to start:
Metro Exodus
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
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Definitely worth a try. I don't blame you for being curious about the potential existence of a website or program that could do it for you though. That would be pretty cool.
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I haven't had the courage to go through your entire library, but most of your games look relatively old.
But maybe try this ?
Logically after scrolling a bit, your most demanding games should be among the latest released.
But maybe get a slightly better pc to avoid later regrets ?
My PC is almost 7 years old too, if i had to buy a new one today, i probably would seach a bit better than the current one. Maybe 8go -> 16go ram / GTX 1060 -> GTX16xx or RTX 2xxx
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to be frank, if i see the trend of modern games even 8gb vram wouldn't be enough. would rather consider a gpu with atleast 12gb. on Nvidias side that would be 3060 12gb ... is too weak for my taste, ignore the 4060ti 16gb like a plague! and the 4070 is a decent gpu but as it is the case with every 40s nvidia gpu overpriced to the moon. on amd side there would be the 6700xt, 6800(xt), 7700xt and the 7800xt ... intel might be interesting but their drivers are too hit and miss for my taste. if all options were too expensive then also consider the rx6600. depends where you are you could get better performance as the 1660ti, 2060 and the 3050 for the same price or cheaper
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Thanks for your advices, i heard that newer RTX graphics cards consume 2 or 3x more electricity than older GTX, but i'll keep that in mind in case of ! :D
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to be fair, that isnt the case with the 40 series, they are overall very efficent, same goes for the rx 6600, that and the rx6800 were the most efficent cards from that generation ... i link you the newest gpu review from techpowerup
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Very nice link, thank you very much i bookmark it !
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atm it is Alan Wake 2 and Cities Skylines 2
edit 1: also when i think about it, BeamNG can get extremly CPU demanding ... managed to fully load a 5950x
edit 2: want to build your own pc or do you want to buy a prebuilt?
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I've decided on getting a prebuilt one. I've build quite a lot of PCs in my time but nowadays it feels more like work then fun so I decided that I'm okay with paying a bit of a premium for prebuild one.
I avoided going into details about specifics because this feels like a topic everyone has much too strong opinions about and I've never been one to enjoy actually discussing differing opinions.
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fair enough, the only thing that is important for me is that you search for a prebuilt that uses retail parts and not those shitty oem pcs where anything isn't interchangable ... also most pre builts skimp on cooling, that might be point where you could consider changing the cooler and adding some fans
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Momenan sind wohl Starfield, Alan Wake 2 und Cities Skylines 2 die hardwarefressenden Spiele des Jahres.
Aber eher auf Grund technischer Mängel im Hintergrund (Engine alt oder unoptimiert, Entwickler entwickeln auf High-End PCs).
Also würde ich sagen (falls Du es hast) Cyberpunk 2033 in hoher Auflösung und Details und je nachdem Raytracing.
Ansonsten wie schon erwähnt:
Control (Für Control gibt es einen Mod von einem der Entwickler bei der man noch mehr einstellen kann)
Metro Exodus
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Wenn ich Deine Spielzeiten angucke stellt sich jedoch die Frage "Warum?" 😉
Edit: Meine Schlechtschreibung war auch schon mal besser ...
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Manche Leute bauen sich Bunker, manche Leute horden Waffen, andere kaufen sich off-road oder Sportwagen, wieder andere haben immer ihr Lockpick Set oder Nähzeug oder was auch immer dabei...
Und alle vereint, dass es nicht dafür da ist weil wir wissen, dass wir es brauchen sondern weil wir uns freuen, dass wir könnten wenn wir müsste 😂
Aber es ist auch ein bisschen so ein "Ich sollte mehr Spiele abarbeiten, vielleicht motiviert mich dass 'nicht verschwenden' ja dazu" 😉
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Wenn man nicht gerade 'ne High End CPU und GPU hat (4090 mit DLSS) dann machen die neuen Spiele jeden Rechner platt bzw. die Frameraten unspielbar bzw. ungenießbar.
Ich hab übersehen daß Dein Rechner 9 Jahre alt ist. Dann mußt Du natürlich aufrüsten, unerheblich von irgendwelchen Benchmarks 😉
Edit: Was vergessen.
Wenn es um das "etwas-neues-haben" Gefühl geht, schau Dir mal das Hyte 70 Touch Gehäuse an.
Ein gutes Gehäuse gibt ja 10 fps mehr ... 🧐
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I know this is a very vague question but seeing how I'll hopefully be getting a fancy new gaming PC soon, does anyone know if there is any way in which to see which of my owned games would be most taxing to test it out? I know this should be looked at the other way, find my favorite game and see how well it runs, but to be honest, most of the games I spent most of my time with actually still run fine on my 9 year old machine 🙈 And I felt like "What do I spent so much time at work for if I don't indulge myself in 'useless' stuff" 😉
I'm not even sure what I would hope it to look like, seeing how I can't imagine one specific metric to sort by, but I thought I'd ask, who knows the internet is full of weird sites.
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