This was supposeed to be serious, and not a troll, it seems that some of you guys know what that title weighted, but here's the video:

8 years ago*

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It's softcore-porn

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It isn't but it should be banned
It is, but it shouldn't be banned

They released you again?

8 years ago

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I missed something?

8 years ago

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Trolling, he got suspended and that period seems to be over.

8 years ago

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I know that, but i was wondering about the "again"?

8 years ago

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I was never gone, search me on the comments ;)
Just need to scan something

8 years ago

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i'm confused

8 years ago

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And no, this isn't a troll mind game

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i just saw this sh*t yesterday, its freaking weird..

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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RIP michael mcconaughey

8 years ago

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you haters, racists and trump lovers! in 10 years all SJWs will defend pedophilia as a new achievement of democracy and progress. it worked with homosexuals, it will work with pedophiles

8 years ago

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Wait you don't like trump but are sporting pepe? This seems like a ruse.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Pepe has nothing to do with trump. pepe is a meme frog

8 years ago

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That, and your second statement contradicts your first or is extremely poorly worded.

You don't like SJW but also don't like trump lovers?

also your pepe is not rare! i am very confused

8 years ago

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no contradiction, SJWs are as bad as some trump supporters. and the first statement was a sarcasm. and pepe is pepe, he is higher than trump clinton hysteria

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This is scary.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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After you posted this, I started looking into it and I don't think there is any pedo ring or anything sinister going on.

I believe "Webcam video from" is just a default naming scheme for a certain webcam or webcam software when you don't add a filename.

Some of the thumbnails looks like clickbait, but I think it is just a coincidence. If you watch any of these videos, there is no nudity and nothing intentionally sexual in them. With our perverted adult minds, we may see something as sexual, but it is not to a young innocent child. If you click on one of these videos and then view their account to see all their other videos, it is almost always just a young kid that started a youtube account and is uploading a bunch random, dumb videos. The one video out of all their videos that happened to look like a sexual thumbnail ended up being unintentional click bait and gets tons of views while all their other videos don't have many views.

I think the person that made the video linked in the OP here either didn't watch any of the videos or is outright lying to try and make a viral video to get views. He says "there are underage children doing sexually explicit stuff", that is a complete lie.

There may be some videos where there are young girls trying to look sexual by dancing in a provocative way, but you can tell they are just imitating what they see on tv like slutty music videos. There is still nothing wrong with these videos, the only thing wrong is the pedophile minds that see the kids as sexual objects.

The worst video I found was of a young girl singing a song and another girl dancing behind her (maybe older sister?). The dancing girl was wearing a tight shirt with no bra, so you can see her poking through, but I don't think it was intentional. This video now has over 1.6 million views because of the unintentional clickbait thumbnail. If you view the other 30 videos on the account, it is just a bunch of junk videos of the kids singing into a mic or messing around. There are some other videos that are also titled "webcam video from" on this account, but with nothing remotely interesting in them.

Here is the youtube account for the video I just mentioned above, check it out for yourself so you don't have to believe the pedo hype. This is just a link to all the videos on the account, I'm sure you can find the unintentional clickbait thumbnail if you want to. Also remember, this is the worst video I have found, but there is nothing wrong with it, no nudity, no sexual content, just some unintentional pokies from a kid that perverts got up to 1.6 million views.

This link is safe for work, it just goes to a kids youtube account. You may not want to click on the specific video mentioned above though if you are at work because even though there is nothing wrong with it and it was most likely an innocent video, I could definitely understand if someone walked by, saw you watching it and thought you were a pedo.

Edit: I should also mention that there are a ton of videos put up recently to troll people ever since this video was put out talking about it. They all put "webcam video from" in the title with a much worse clickbait thumbnail than any of the original videos. This is making the whole "webcam video from" videos look much worse than they are. You can find the old "innocent" ones that started it all by sorting by most views or by date and then go back before people started talking about this.

8 years ago*

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But its easier to run around and scream pedos
edit: whats even worse, are this sick people who start using pretty bad / abusive language on videos of little kids.

8 years ago*

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The thing is: there are some videos that are monetized, i opened some before i finished watching pyro and managed to see some old videos, i saw some ads, which leads me to believe that there was some intentional uploads by some fucked up people, but that's just me

8 years ago

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That doesn't change the fact that there is nothing wrong in the videos. I spent about an hour and probably looked through about 50 videos and there was nothing wrong with any of them. There may be some pedo perverts out there that can look into an innocent childs video and see it as sexual in their own twisted and disturbed minds, but there is nothing sexual in the videos I found.

I didn't check to see if any of the videos were monetized and I think every channel I opened was just videos from the same person and not a bunch of collected videos. It is possible that someone could be going around online and collecting videos from these different kids channels and putting the suggestive ones up on one channel and monetizing it. That is wrong and the channels should be shut down because they are taking someone elses content and monetizing it on their own channel, but again, there was nothing wrong with these videos to begin with.

I didn't look until probably 12 hours after the video talking about this was put up, so it is possible that there was worse videos before I looked and everyone flagged them and had them removed, but I doubt it because none of the videos he talked about and showed the thumbnails of in his video looked bad. He mentioned the video of a girl holding up her underwear a few times, but it's a girl talking about her underwear, that's what girls do, who cares, it's not like she was changing into them in front of the camera.

8 years ago

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I think op's video are talking about not this channels but fake channels that take this girls' videos and uploads it to a certain viewer type.

8 years ago

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That doesn't change the fact that there is nothing wrong in the videos. I spent about an hour and probably looked through about 50 videos and there was nothing wrong with any of them. There may be some pedo perverts out there that can look into an innocent childs video and see it as sexual in their own twisted and disturbed minds, but there is nothing sexual in the videos I found.

I didn't check to see if any of the videos were monetized and I think every channel I opened was just videos from the same person and not a bunch of collected videos. It is possible that someone could be going around online and collecting videos from these different kids channels and putting the suggestive ones up on one channel and monetizing it. That is wrong and the channels should be shut down because they are taking someone elses content and monetizing it on their own channel, but again, there was nothing wrong with these videos to begin with.

I didn't look until probably 12 hours after the video talking about this was put up, so it is possible that there was worse videos before I looked and everyone flagged them and had them removed, but I doubt it because none of the videos he talked about and showed the thumbnails of in his video looked bad. He mentioned the video of a girl holding up her underwear a few times, but it's a girl talking about her underwear, that's what girls do, who cares, it's not like she was changing into them in front of the camera.

8 years ago

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Yeah i agree with the part that videos are innocent. But people are not so probably that's what that video is talking about i guess. I can understand not showing girls on his videos though. Nobody would want their face attached to something like this publicly.

8 years ago

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I wasn't saying that he should of shown any of the videos, I agree that he should not show them. He was just making a big deal over the videos and saying they are sexually explicit, but they are not. I don't think any of the videos he showed thumbnails of are sexually explicit, they just had thumbnails that may have looked that way because the girl may have made a webcam video showing what she learned in gymnastics class and the way she is bent over may look like a sexual pose to an adult mind when paused in that position, but if you watch the video there is nothing wrong with it.

8 years ago

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Nudity does not equal sexual activity.
My parents are not pornographers or members of an underground paedophile ring (Pyrocynical was evidently too upset to spell paedophile correctly) but they have film of my brother and I playing in the nude from our childhood. It was not child sexual abuse.

8 years ago

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Pedophile is the american spelling, aka the right spelling, jk.. But did they upload that to youtube and monetized those videos?

8 years ago

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Yeah, but peadophile is the correct spelling nowhere, and that's what he used in the text at the start of the video.

8 years ago

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No, paedophile is the european spelling, it's correct

8 years ago*

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Which part of Europe? England spells it paedophile.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Γιατί όμως φτιάξαμε πρώτοι εμείς αυτήν τη λέξη; xD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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So, I guess I'll continue to stand by my point from my first, second and third comments, that the way that Pyrocynical spelt it in his video (peadophile, not paedophile or pedophile) is incorrect.

I may as well take this opportunity to point out that the general public's belief that paedophiles, as defined in psychology, and child molesters/sex offenders are the same thing is not correct. Child sexual abuse offenders can be paedophiles but this is often not the case. Likewise, paedophiles do not necessarily become sex offenders.

Here's a paper about prevention of child sexual abuse:

8 years ago

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