First i want to say something. What puzzles did we solve? A chess puzzle which the goal was beating me, a blind themed puzzle which i used braille, a voice puzzle which i used sign language etc. And now we will use pen and paper! In my last puzzle, entries didn’t even reach to 10 :D So, i guess people didn’t like my puzzles. That’s good for people who liked because that means more chance to win! I don’t like to give the code in an easy way or a really hard way. Just want to make it in a fun way. I even helped a lot of people who got stuck or couldn’t understand the accent. Even made a Japanese version for someone by request. Anyways like it or not i always try to do unique things. The giveaways are good games that i had fun while playing. Not perfect but i believe they are good. Specially the last one!
I liked making puzzles. ‘’I liked it and i was good at it.’’ Walter White. End of speech. Puzzle time!

Background music. My favorite!

Did you see a patern on my puzzles? First you needed to see, second you needed to hear and now you need a pair of hands to touch. Our 5 senses. Wait to see what i am going to make you taste! This one was really hard to make but easy to solve. Now you need few things to solve this puzzle. I am listing them:
3 A4 size paper (someone solved it with sticky notes), one pencil, a scissor and a small paper for taking notes. That’s all. If you are too young to use a scissor, get some help from your husband or wife.

1. First we need to do 3 of this: FİRST STEP
2. Now draw these on them and cut out the parts that i marked. Be careful when unfolding: Looks cute
3. What is the common shape? Count them you will need it. Little ones too in first one Mine triangle
4. Write that shape’s name on a paper. Use a pen. Stay away those electronics
5. You can make another 2 meaningful words out of that only using the letters once. Find them. Biggest hint
6. Write them under that original word: Make sure the letters are at the same line
7. Now you will find another meaningful 3 letters word in the middle when you read from upside down: Almost done
8. Write that and do this: First letter shift 13 , Second letter shift 16 , Third letter shift 12 You can use this
9. Now add 25 to that count that you made on the third step. I know how to count!
10. YOU GOT İT! All lower case 3Letters2numbers Congratulations!

Did you have fun while solving it? Bloopers


I don’t know how i can add a solution to this. So, here is the first cart of the train. You can see the lovely participants cute sharings about how they solved it on the last cart.

Side Note:

Actually, i didn't want people to solve it for games. That's why i don't say what are the giveaways are. So, when you solve the puzzle and had fun, the giveaways are just an extra. The road that leads people there is a game itself to me in the first place. The texts that i wrote are also your compilation messages for this game. I hope i could express myself. Thanks. :D

2 weeks ago*

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First Bump

2 weeks ago

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Oh, i wanted to write something there myself :=( but thanks :D

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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If you are too young to use a scissor, get some help from your husband or wife.

I think there is something wrong with this line... at least I hope so!

2 weeks ago

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Hmm there might be 🧐

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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I make origami and I have all the materials and I think I could tackle the puzzle, after reading it all, pretty well. But I'd hate to do it all just to discover it was a game I have or don't want. So, lack of motivation will give others more chances.
Very original puzzle btw. I couldn't do anything with the voice one, but this one looks nicer.

2 weeks ago

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I just checked it for you there are no games that are in your wishlist. I don't say what games are they because i don't want people to solve it only to get a chance for free games. Main reason here is just to have fun while solving a puzzle. I believe it's a fun one and worth to try but thanks anyway.

2 weeks ago

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Bump! Glad I gave it a chance ;)

2 weeks ago

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Heh I don't even have a single sheet of paper in my place. Have fun, people.
Cool puzzle but you might have overestimated the crafting capabilities of your core audience (I'm all thumbs lol)

2 weeks ago*

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I saw a comment under the giveaway dude made it with sticky notes and they were great! So, that's not an excuse. :D

2 weeks ago

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Haha crafty! I don't have sticky notes either (besides the ones my gf leaves me every time she goes but I'm saving those and they are heart shaped anyway so I don't think that'll help)

I'm sure I'll be luckier with the tasting puzzle since that's my wheelhouse and there's very little I don't have on hand :D

2 weeks ago

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Stuck on step 3, all three sheets have unique shapes for me 😃

2 weeks ago

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You might make it wrong cause when you cut it you have to see the shapes i am talking about. They are so obvious. I did choose an easy shape.

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, I might cut it wrong a bit, but got the answer it in the end 😂

2 weeks ago

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I applaud your ingenuity when doing puzzles for our community. 👏
Might give it a shot later.

2 weeks ago

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My engineering degree failed me... Hopefully I can try again later and get it this time!

2 weeks ago

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Paperless solved bump!

2 weeks ago

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We have a cheater :D

2 weeks ago

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I just actualised it all into reality :)

Proving that it's accessible to all!

2 weeks ago

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Just kidding. If you had fun no problem to me.

2 weeks ago

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I liked the smiling video. My cuttings where so wrong, I had to guess the solution.But it was fun trying. Now lets see if I can also get the next step.

2 weeks ago

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I see a couple of ambiguities in the steps:

  • In step 10 it says "that count that you made on the first step." Did you mean the cout from step 3?
  • In step 6 it says to write the 2 other meaningful words below. What if I can find more than 2 anagrams? Do I have to guess which 2 you found, and also put them in the right order?
2 weeks ago

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Your first question is right i made a mistake. Fixed that.
In English that word only have two other meaningful anagrams. I tested it couple of times.
Finally you got only two options and only one is meaningful.

2 weeks ago

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I've got 3 anagrams, although one is considered "archaic" so I guess I should just ignore that one. The final answer doesn't lead me to the giveaway though, so I must have gone wrong somewhere.

2 weeks ago

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The last puzzle was groundbreaking and a lot of fun! Thank you for making a Japanese version as well. However, because my ears are useless, I wasn’t able to clear it in the end.
I haven’t had a chance to check it thoroughly yet, but this new puzzle looks really fun too! I’ll do my best to take on the challenge!

By the way, where can I get a wife who helps me cut paper?

I'm already giving it a try. I'm good at origami. However, I hit a wall at No.2.
It says to draw three patterns, but the front, the back, and... huh? Where am I supposed to draw the picture on the far right...?

2 weeks ago*

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"It says to draw three patterns, but the front, the back, and... huh? Where am I supposed to draw the picture on the far right...?"

The far right is for drawing the funny memes.

But in all seriousness [b]Step 1[]/b] states you will need [b]3[/b] sheets of paper.

So each drawing will be on one side of 3 different sheets of paper all folded identically.

I hope that helps! :)

2 weeks ago

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Thank you for teaching me! I needed to prepare three of the same item, right?
I'm not good at English, so I didn't understand it well. You really helped me!

2 weeks ago

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I am happy to have helped.

You should be able to complete the task now and enjoy the adventure :)

2 weeks ago

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What a cool idea for a puzzle! I hope more people give it a go because it's not that difficult or time consuming really. My snowflakes didn't come out the best but I had a great time making them.

Appreciate all your efforts Erhan to bring us these interesting and fun activities.

2 weeks ago

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Thank you. Happy to hear that you had fun.

2 weeks ago

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Bump! ❄️

2 weeks ago

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I seem to have gotten some step wrong (or multiple 😝) even though I was able to complete all the steps.
Thanks for the puzzle! Appreciate the effort you have put in preparing this.
Whoever succeeded, you have won the smartness award hehehe
EDIT: Nvm, I didn't know a detail of how SteamGifts works. Nice puzzle! I gotta go check the previous ones out and keep an eye out if you drop more of these

2 weeks ago*

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1 week ago

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Very original way to do a puzzle . Please have some bump!

1 week ago

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Thank you. It's important to hear that from you.

1 week ago

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bump for solved! very creative puzzle!

1 week ago

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Thanks. I am just trying to make original things. Have got too many ideas. Just wait.

1 week ago

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Bump for a clever and original puzzle!

1 week ago

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Paper is decreasing rapidly in my house :P
I feel like Google Translate makes the puzzle even more difficult....

1 week ago

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I'll help you. I know that feeling. Check steam.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Bump... for being stuck at the begining. I did the the lovely snowflakes. And I am stupid/not knowing English enough to name the shape. I counted the pointy parts and it's confusing already, but I guess I know the number. If I get the shape correct there are two variants of the word. But how am I find the 2 words from it? It should be all letters in every one of them (I don't think such words exist) or two smaller words which could be plenty of options. What am I doing wrong?

1 week ago

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You can use ''anagram'' makers for that if you found the correct shape.

1 week ago

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That was what I was trying to do. Are there will be two the same-length words as the name of the shape word? Or two smaller one words?

1 week ago

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OK, I give up. Two hours of frustration is enough. I am eager for the answer, beacuse this doesn't make sense to me.

1 week ago

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Solution will be added don't worry. But i think you didn't find the correct shape. If you did you would realize it instantly.

1 week ago

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OMG, I got it now...
Yeah, I realize that it can't be right. And started thinking, looking, reading. Maybe if I cut it super precisely I would not lost so many time :O

1 week ago

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1 hour remaining bump!

1 week ago

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