I paid 1300$ for new PC but cant use it because Ubuntu sucks so hard. Honestly.

Nothing works without multiple problems, and even when some programm starts working, it doesnt work as good as with Windows. I'm supposed to play cs:go with 60 fps while with the windows version my fps is over 225. I cant open steamchat/browser while I'm in-game. Everything in the game is bugged because Linux. I cant make in-game purchases, so I have to buy my stuff from market with a higher price.

Then, I managed to get a nice frag at CS:GO. First it takes a long time to even find the demofile from the computer. Then I realize that I cant record it, because there is no working recording programm for Linux. (k, one worked, but with 30 max fps, and didnt have a bind to start te record). Even if somehow I can record it, it doesnt help because all linux video editors suck.

So, whats the good part of this shit? Being a hipster or something? fufu.

10 years ago*

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Ubuntu is that OS based on Linux, right?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Basically every problem you're having is because your tech illiterate.

10 years ago

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In many parts nope.
And even if so, whats the point of doing all in a harder way?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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actually its a very simple way. just not the same as press 1 button and done like windows. The reason for it is because windows dont allow u to do anything. (if ur just a regular web-surfer and stuff u dont even notice), but if ur a programmer and stuff u will notice. So yeah ubunto or any linux-based systems gives u much more freedom

10 years ago

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if "ur" a programmer, you could use WinAPI which provides immense customizability

10 years ago

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Did you ever try to do the same thing for both Linux / Windows? If you did, then you'd know how difficult it is to learn and understand Windows' API, compared to POSIX.

10 years ago

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did you?

seeing advanced Linux users struggling to get a wlan device running due to driver and/or settings problems deters me enough from going that route.

Afaik guis are not even possible without 3rd party libraries like qt, gtk, wxw..

Just tried to get a glance on the Posix Api, took a while to even find something useful, besides links to books or pay-to-get specs, (and wading through man-pages isn't really appealing)..

Good documentation is key, MSDN clearly wins in that regard.

About WinApi being easy or not: targeting some specific function/setting often takes just one or few lines of code.

Depends on what you want to achieve, of course. But no, it's not that hard.

10 years ago

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opening terminal and type "man keyword" is easy and most of times provide what u need to know. If u use die.net or similar to get documentation then u can get wrong information.. In my computer engineering course, everything that needs low lvl access is done with Ubuntu, just because its easier.
I do believe in u, something can be harder due to lack of drivers and stuff but overall Linux is better, that's why Android and SteamOS are Linux-based

10 years ago

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No. Linux is free, that's why its used for Android and other complex, yet simplified OSes. Imagine if you had to pay for Windows on your phone, it would be way more expensive. Just look at the prices for the crap that Microsoft puts out for its "mobile" market.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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60 fps? Sounds like vsync is on :)

10 years ago

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playonlinux is on

10 years ago

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you can configure it. i bet you haven't tried :D
+[]() which Ubuntu do u use?

10 years ago

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Yeah, reading that made me think "This retard is critisizing Ubuntu just because he can't turn vsync off or find good programs?". Dude, Google is your friend.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I kinda agree. Just a lack of compatible software. Not that I've tried it for a long period of time, I could be proven wrong.

10 years ago

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Seeing you talking about a massive FPS drop, i think you haven't installed NVidia/AMD drivers.

10 years ago

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its because of playonlinux quality

10 years ago

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If you have the same drivers as you'd have on windows that wouldn't make a difference.
In fact Ubuntu or Linux in general would be faster because there are less background processes.
But Linux is an OS for more experienced users, which seems where it is going wrong for you.
Mac is easy, but sucks.
Windows is a bit harder, but you can do so much more with it.
Linux is the hardest, but it's also the most advanced. It's like a beast that can achieve about anything if you know how to tame it.

10 years ago

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If you can do anything with it, why its so hard to make even basic things? Logic off.

10 years ago

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Linux clearly isn't the OS of you if you're not even able to understand that logic.

10 years ago

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It's the basic concept of more choices equals more difficulty.

10 years ago

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It's hard because we "Linux users" don't care about the Qtk (windows) we just use command-line for everything. And it's not just that it has to be hard, is that people who use it have a reason, programmers, hackers, crackers, who like basic stuff, Windows users just want to click a single button, but doesn't care about the whole command process in the background. Linux users want more control about what the computer does.

10 years ago

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so it's between using the OS to work & play or working on the OS

I know which one I prefer

10 years ago

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you can do far more with mac than windows, both mac and linux are unix based

10 years ago

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Mac is so simplified... At least with Windows (7) you can mess around with the program files. Also - USBs, cost, and compatibility.

People buy Macs so that they don't ever have to do anything computer related. No viruses, optimization issues, or trojans. With Macs, you're set. With Windows, you can game. With Linux, you can get frustrated trying to write complex command processes you don't quite understand, but at the same time feel empowered.

10 years ago

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so macs is for babies, windows for normal users and linux users want to be more powerful while not knowing what they are doing? dude, if you are a linux user, normal one not like OP, you SHOULD and DO understand what are you doing.
Linux is not for everyone, no need for name calling

10 years ago

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It is nice for development purposes, a Linux OS with a decent GUI and it's free!

I still stick with Windows for gaming though.

10 years ago

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Don't play games on Ubuntu. Get Windows.

10 years ago

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no money
and I would rather rape a child than pirate Windows.

10 years ago

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Paid $1300 for a computer...can't afford windows. And I dunno why you would say something like that.

10 years ago

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Yeah it's so strange :P

10 years ago

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Totally. It's not even related! XD

Besides, Defias is right. Windows is good for playing games. And that's what I use it for. For programming, nothing better than a Unix or Linux based OS, in this case, Ubuntu.

10 years ago

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you sir are one SICK f---

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Is that funny?

10 years ago

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because 1300$ was all what i got.

Anyway I get more money later. But it hecking sucks to wait. I even sold my working computer.

10 years ago

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Pirate? You can get Windows keys from Steamtrades for like $3. Chance time?

10 years ago

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Seems totally legit.

10 years ago

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Yeah, it looks iffy, but been using mine from there for months now. Not revoked by MS and authenticated, so it'll do for what it's worth.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Wow, just wow

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I was lucky, it didn't destroy my Windows but when I had to turn it off I could only restart it: no hibernation, no sleeping, no shutdown

10 years ago

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do you happen to have Windows 8?
I know Ubuntu has issues with being installed together with Win 8 regarding those functionalities you just described.

10 years ago

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It's because you didn't set flag "Active" to Windows partition.
And there is something like 0,0000001% of breaking Windows when doing Linux install correctly.

10 years ago

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I've dual booted Windows 7 with multiple different distros of Linux and it worked fine every single time, on multiple PCs.

Never had even one issue.

I'm guessing that you did something wrong when partitioning, which is what caused your problem.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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use wine

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Wine sucks

10 years ago

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PlayOnLinux use Wine

10 years ago

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I'm sorry but linux sucks for gaming

10 years ago

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it actually doesn't (besides the support for it, but that's up to the developers of the games, not the developers of the operation system) but you need to have knowledge of how to configure it properly

10 years ago

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It actually does.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I'm going to disagree. Games are designed for Windows. Linux is just a port. A generally shitty one at that.

10 years ago

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Have you tried gaming on Linux recently? I'm using it exclusively and have a great experience. =]

10 years ago

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It's best of the Linuxes out there for those who don't have time to put effort to get it working. And then it sometimes still fails to work...

10 years ago

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every os has it's pros and cons
but lemme just sum it up a bit

mac is basically the most easiest to use but isn't quite as powerful
windows is for the general user and basically has the most support
now linux is like a beast, it's very powerful but you first need to understand it and tame it

there's always one of these three operation systems that fit with a person
but in this case you reached too high, it sounds like the appropriate os for you would be windows

10 years ago

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I really do enjoy your wise words

10 years ago

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You keep talking about Linux being 'a powerful beast'.
Can I ask just what it is you think Linux can do that Windows can't?

10 years ago

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Manage your OS basically

10 years ago

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Most things a user could do with GNU/Linux, a user could also do with Windows. A Linux system just generally does things better; has better stability and is more efficient. Regardless, one thing you could do with Linux that you cannot do with Windows_NT is modify your kernal and redistribute it.

10 years ago

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Since your first statements are vague, subjective and unsubstantiated, I'll simply ignore them. As to your point about being able to modify the Linux kernel but Windows, yes that's true. However that is not functionality the operating system provides. You also can't download Windows legally for free without an MSDN subscription, and you can't legally create your own Windows distro. Nor can you go out and buy Linux at a store.
These are not the 'features' I think of when someone says that a piece of software is "a beast".

10 years ago

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there are distros you pay for, it's not like you can'y buy it, if you want to ;)

10 years ago

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The issue is you assumed that Linux being 'a powerful beast' meant there were things that "Linux can do that Windows can't." From the perspective of an average user, there aren't. That is what I meant by my first statement.

My second statement addressed in general a couple ways Linux is 'a powerful beast' regardless of the lack of the superficial ability to do something that Windows can't. I was vague because it was only tangentially related to your question.

Lastly, the users freedom is the catalyst for the strength of Linux. In general GNU/Linux allows the user freedom over much of the OS, but I had left GNU out of it because much free software in general can run on Windows. So, that leaves us with the essential case of the kernals in question. If something is broken in Linux or you want to customize it, you have the option to change it and share your result. With a Windows kernal, you have to wait for Microsoft to fix it. Even if Linux isn't currently 'a powerful beast' by whatever measure, it has far more potential than Windows.

As a side note, you do have the option of purchasing a Linux OS. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a good example.

10 years ago

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CS:GO isn't even out for linux yet, so you are complaining that wine is not as good as native windows ? Just shut up

10 years ago

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And that shit pretty much sucks. And I guess wineversion should work even OK, not hecking bad.

10 years ago

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It is working pretty ok for me

10 years ago

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Did anybody said that wine was as good as windows ? No, so just please, do the world a favor, stop posting on the internet until you are at leas 10.

10 years ago

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Your argument is normally used by a 11-year old.

10 years ago

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Then stop acting like one and calm down. It's nobody's fault but your own that you had no idea what you were doing and shouting at everybody won't get you any help.

10 years ago

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I should calm down when he says that I said something that I didnt say. Okay then. Thats just so annoying.

10 years ago

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"I'm supposed to play cs:go with 60 fps while with the windows version my fps is over 225"
Ok so you are not exactly saying that it should run as good, you complain that it runs only at 60 rather than the 225 that you get on windows. Very different.

"I cant open steamchat/browser while I'm in-game ..."
Again a wine problem, there has been problems recently with wine and the steam overlay on some games.

Does ubuntu tell you that you will be able to run this windows game at a higher that 60 fps ? Some games don't even work with wine, what would you post then ? "UBUNTU IS SHIT IT DOESN'T RUN GAMES !!!!!!!!!"

You do realize that ubuntu and wine are 2 very different things right ?

And before you complain about the linux of a game not working well, who do you blame if a console port doesn't work as well on windows ? Microsoft ?

10 years ago

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nope lel ubuntu is shit because games are not published for it

10 years ago

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just browse a little bit :)

10 years ago

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Kids won't listen. They behave like someone who is trying to repair car with 0 knowledge and then saying this car cannot be repaired.

10 years ago

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I could be wrong. But isnt Global Offensive not even on Linux? Atleast according to the store page it isnt.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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+1 lulz

10 years ago

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So much this

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Code 18

10 years ago

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Was gonna post this...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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You've stated exactly what I tried to say.

10 years ago

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Kinda wish we could vote or rep people here.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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well. I'm using Linux for a long time and haven't had any major problems. it's not like windows that everything is given to you on silver plate. it's an os you can customize as far as you want to.
I bet you complain because you haven't really tried to learn it but only rage about it not being windows. while it's not made for gaming, if your hands not growing out from a wrong place, you should be able to work things out.
If you don't like ubuntu, you can try so many other distros and find the best for you.
if the only thing you want to do on your pc, you may even try that steam os thing, but be warned, that on non-steam machine it's crap > just reskinned Debian 7 with pre-installed steam

10 years ago

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"that on non-steam machine it's crap"

And considering a "steam machine" is just a pre-built PC with pretty packaging... why would SteamOS be any better/worse on a traditional computer?

10 years ago

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It's not worse, it's just a skin. I would advise going for Debian itself and configure it to your liking, not to take something like steamos

10 years ago

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Your comment would seem to indicate that SteamOS is better on a Steam machine though... since "be warned, that on non-steam machine it's crap". Seems like an odd stance to take.

10 years ago

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Why? I tried it and didn't like it, so for me it's crap.

10 years ago

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Yeah, windows is like a silver plate. Linux is like a plastic plate, which you can turn into a silver plate by working. I dont want to customize my OS. I just want it to work, which requires a lot of work when using Ubuntu.
Yeah, I havent tried to learn it. I just spend 5 hours looking for an OK recording system for CSGO recording. With Windows I just download Fraps, which is more than an OK record system, atleast for me. Who wins?
All I want is good programs without wineing. But thats not possible.

While I have to use Linux for a while anyway, someone please help me with that record program stuff.

10 years ago

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I have something I used, tho don't know how it's called. I'm off my computer for now, so can't tell now. I could help you, you could add me and work smth out when I wake up

10 years ago

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Linux might start off as a plastic plate when it's not configured at all, but it ends as a golden plate when you work on it, not just the silver plate you get and only can get with Windows.

10 years ago

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If you have such high specifications, just fork X11 and write your own native recording functionality.

Alternatively, use on of the many excellent recording tools that you apparently have had extreme difficulty searching Google for.
Since you seem to be internet-challenged, here's the first result on Google all linked up for you: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/xvidcap.1.html

10 years ago

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Ubuntu is so "hyped" (if you'd call it that) because it's the closest someone like you will ever get to using a true Linux operating system. That being said, no one is making you use it... so why not stop trying, hmm?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Burn your computer for heat, maybe eat a few parts for nourishment. Seems like a better use of your time.

10 years ago

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Maybe 1200$ PC and 100$ OS would be better than 1300$ without working OS.

10 years ago

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Are you enjoying your copy of Windows, because surely you aren't "surfing the web" with an operating system that doesn't work.

10 years ago

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I think he mentioned being on ubuntu... :D

10 years ago

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Well for example.. I cant call with my phone or take pictures, but I can surf on the internet with it. In your opinion, its not broken. OK then.

10 years ago

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I guess I missed the part where playing CS:GO at over 225fps is the logical equivalent to a phones ability to make calls.

10 years ago

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you really think thats my only problem or what
its about programms and quality of programms

10 years ago

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Sorry, the server is intended for linux and not for games

10 years ago

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If you want to do editing and stuff, there is a distro called UbuntuStudio. It is great choice if you want to do that type of work

10 years ago

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That is probably my next problem, first I need to record stuff to edit :D

10 years ago

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You could always try ReactOS. It's a free open-source windows clone but it's still in alpha and very buggy and unstable.

After using that you might actually start to like Linux. :P

10 years ago

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That's just it recreating Windows 2000 so well.

10 years ago

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They were aiming for 100% XP compatibility at some point, don't know what's their goal now. Kinda hard to hit a moving target of that magnitude with only volunteers doing the work.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It's actually a full OS, just like Windows. If you want to run an OS inside an OS, inside an OS, inside an OS (OSception) you can always try using VirtualBox. (Assuming you have enough free ram for all theses OSes running together.)

10 years ago

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linux is awesome for servers, but sucks for anything else

10 years ago

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It doesn't. It sucks only for windows only stuff, like a lot of games, not all, and windows only applications. Bu mostly there is a workaround, just not that obvius to see

10 years ago

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Nice opinion you have there. So you are using Linux for your servers and you have so much experience whith so many distros and Android phones, now you can say it sucks for anything else.

10 years ago

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Seems to be awesome in embedded systems too. Really, the only space that Linux has not dominated yet is the desktop.

10 years ago

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Linux has a lot of nice things, don't need to worry about viruses and such as much... But nothing is nearly as supported as Windows is.
People make things for Windows because I suppose it's the "standard".

10 years ago

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"<insert OS> sucks so hard"

You probably never stopped to think, but basically any OS name appears in that sentence or a variation of it, probably thousands of times each hour on the internet.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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