ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

9 years ago*

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May be just me but the reload config feature isn't working on last pre-release

2017-01-31 18:43:22|ASF-14648|INFO|ASF|OnChanged() Global config file has been changed!
2017-01-31 18:43:22|ASF-14648|INFO|ASF|RestartOrExit() Restarting...
2017-01-31 18:43:22|ASF-14648|INFO|ASF|OnChanged() Global config file has been changed!
2017-01-31 18:43:22|ASF-14648|INFO|ASF|RestartOrExit() Restarting...
2017-01-31 18:43:27|ASF-14648|INFO|Antoine|Stop() Stopping...

8 years ago

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ASF is simply waiting for your bot to gracefully disconnect.

8 years ago

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ASF has been trying to farm this unreleased game for most of the day: Seems the unreleased game detection is not working 100%. Yes, I have had the latest version since yesterday (

8 years ago*

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It happens some times (I remember Reptilians Must Die and Balloon Popping Pigs).
Just add them to your blacklist and remove them when you can buy them on Steam

8 years ago

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Yes, but the new update was suppose to solve this so that you don't have to blacklist manually.

8 years ago

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The new update also broke several things because of this.

Check if you can reproduce with latest stable

8 years ago

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I'll check once I get home from work, thanks.

8 years ago

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Worked correctly with \o/

8 years ago

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How to update mono environment? just download newest pckg?

8 years ago

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Depending if you're on Linux / OS X, but usually yes - just install latest one via package or package manager.

8 years ago

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worked thx:)

8 years ago

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why did you remove !statusall command?

8 years ago

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I'd be happy if people started reading changelogs.

8 years ago

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i saw that you removed them, just can't seem to find why :(

8 years ago

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Then maybe you should read entire changelog and not part of it. Or find out yourself what !status ASF does.

8 years ago

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Removed !*all commands, such as: !lootall, !statusall, !startall and !ownsall. Use newly-introduced multiple bot targets, such as !status ASF for previous !statusall.
Removed !lootall and !ownsall commands, use !loot ASF and !owns ASF instead.

8 years ago

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but there's no why in that statement.
i just don't like that uppercase thing, more stuff to write. wouldn't mind asf part to be case insensitive

8 years ago

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Hello Archi,

Can you implement 1..10 work as 1, 2, 3, ..., 10 (inclusive range of numbers) and Botname1..10 as Botname1, Botname2, ..., Botname10 (also same pattern working with "Number..BiggerNumber" like 1..3Bot or B1..5ot) ?

status Archibot1..21
Bot Archibot1 is not idling anything.
Bot Archibot21 is not idling anything.

loot 1..5Botname

I think that would be a lot more convenient to use with the new changes to the *all commands, especially considering a lot of people just use a range of numbers to name their bot configs.

8 years ago

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This is valid suggestion but it's hard in implementation. You can always keep your bot names and copy paste them. Or if you want to execute on all bots at once, you have ASF keyword for that, as stated in changelog and wiki.

8 years ago

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Let's say you have 100 bots, want to run !loot command 5 times on 20 each time.
Copy pasting bot names won't be a reasonable alternative for such numbers and running loot on all at once is not the best option either. Well you don't even need to have 100 bots even for 20 or less during steam f*kups like big sales etc network can be a mess and you'd like to run commands like loot for a small number of bots each time.

It's allright if that's hard, while suggesting I thought that'd be quite easy to do, something like an easy string manipulation etc since you already changed the command pattern to accept multiple botnames.

8 years ago

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Fine, you convinced me - added :3.

8 years ago

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Wow that was pretty fast, thank you :)

8 years ago

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You could do something like
Archibot{1..21} or Archibot#1..21
or so. this way you have a unique identifier, when this is used and parsing should be easier.

you then could evaluate regex or arithmetric patterns as well ;-)

PS: mathematical default for continuing lists is ... (3 dots).

8 years ago

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This actually complicates the entire thing even more, and Regex is definitely out - there is WCF for advanced scripts supporting.

This is simple enough and doesn't cause headache - I'm only not sure if I want to stick with .. or ... - .. is better as 3-dots is sometimes "special single-character" in some languages (I found it out during localizations), and it could not work with ASF detection if somebody used that instead. So I prefer to keep ".." for now.

And I don't want to over-complicate it either. I can find usage of "..", but regexes and advanced stuff is really out.

8 years ago

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Ruby uses .. two dots in a similar way

(1..10).each { |n| puts n }

But you are right about the unique identifier. If someone has ((Random number) + offset) 1991 1962 1903 1804 1115 2216 etc for his config names for whatever crazy reason unique identifier can be the solution.

8 years ago

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I implemented it in totally different way - I sort bots alphabetically and use range from first bot you specified to the last one you specified, so if you had bots like: 1, 2, 3, A, B, C - you could specify !status 2..B and it would work too. This way it's far more flexible than any identifier.

This is also why this implementation is slightly different from your idea - you'll need to do !status bot1..bot4 - but it also allows more flexibility and custom string ranges that wouldn't work otherwise.

8 years ago

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Indeed! I am testing it right now and can confirm it works! number..number or ,, namenumberMix ranges work.
Yes after your message, I saw it. Your implementation splits bot names from .. takes them as full names without making changes on the names. So instead of 1..3Bot, 1Bot..3Bot works. or instead of B1..5ot, B1ot..B5ot
Simple and effective I should say. At worst case, the user needs to change his config names accordingly for the optimal experience.

Thanks again Archi!

8 years ago

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And changing configs is much better than implementing regexes or very advanced algorithms - the way it's right now also makes me happy code-wise, as I intentionally don't want to pollute my code too much. I'm happy with such small addition that fits its purpose, so thanks for nice suggestion as well!

8 years ago

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That with regex or arithmetric was actually a joke ;->

I suggested a unique identifier, since "Hello..World" is a valid botname, if I am not mistaken. So that might cause problems if someone actually named a bot that way. But you are right. As soon as you move away from "standard" letters, you run into language problems.
And jeha the special ... is indeed a problem. guess thats why ruby uses 2.

Maybe ":" would be better (thats matlabsyntax btw). At least under windows, thats an invalid character.

Doing it the way you did is indeed way more flexible and robust than anything else (ok, not more flexible than regex ^^)

But !status BotName{[0-9](a|bc)[0-5]+} or !status BotName{floor(log(sin^2(5+1:20)/2} would indeed be ... something ;->

8 years ago

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Actually not a problem, because Hello..World would not evaluate into a bot named "Hello..World" ONLY if you had both "Hello" and "World" bots, if you have "Hello..World" bot alone, despite of valid names, ASF is not capable of finding "Hello" and "World" bots, so it evaluates it like normal.

And if somebody indeed has "Hello", "World" and "Hello..World" bots, then he has a problem :3. ':' would not solve anything either, as it's valid character for unix IIRC.

8 years ago

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Ah, indeed. Overlooked the conditional.
Ok, guess if someone really has 3 bots named after that pattern, he can not be helped.

Now I just need to create more bots, to really use that feature ^^.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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08:32 - ambidot: devil motherfucking daggers
08:32 - Archi: you need to visit a doctor

8 years ago

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Thank you for this tool, I'm giving it a try. I'm still a bit scared about getting in trouble with Steam, that's why I've never idled before. Anyway this seems to be the tool with the least risk out of all the other idle tools. It's currently busy farming, it says it will need 152 days and four hours to farm 7052 cards for 2015 games.. ;-) Waiting to see them cards coming in without actually having to download and run all these games!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I can never offer legal advice, but I can always offer some statistics - ASF group has currently over 130k members, and probably at least 50% of entire idling population is using ASF (no real statistics here, just assumption). Chances that Valve will ban everybody with no explanation or a warning first is very, very unlikely. Just make sure you're using up-to-date version (currently and everything should be fine!

Have fun!

8 years ago

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It's running just fine! Although it still estimates it needs 152 days, I guess that's because I'm collecting games faster than ASF can idle xD I've send you some gems, hope you'll appreciate. :)

8 years ago

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Thank you! :3

8 years ago

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Would you kindly add aliases for these two very frequent commands:
!owns ASF - !oa
!status ASF - !sa
If it won't contradict with existing commands, thanks! 😀

8 years ago

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Done in

8 years ago

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Thank you very much!

8 years ago

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And with old !*all as aliases, ASFui would not have some buttons broken until update. :p

8 years ago

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ASFui is not dictating ASF development.

8 years ago

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I already submitted a pullrequest concering that matter.
Keeping backwardscompatibility is not part of archis job.

You can either compile yourself or use old ASF.
But since the botlist on start is loaded buttons are enabled and you just can not use the refresh or #all commands.

8 years ago

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It was just a little joke. I'm sorry both of you took it so serisouly, it seems... :s

8 years ago

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Seemed like a valid suggestion ;->
But happens to the best. Written language is just not suitable for jokes I guess ;->

Luckily I modified the botlist at start being created from files and not via !statusall. Otherwise ASFui wouldn't work at all now ^^

8 years ago

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+1 for this
or let us define our own aliases in config files.
would love to actually shorten my redeem commands

8 years ago

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they are already shortened here (scroll to bottom of the page)

Some commands are also available with their aliases, to save you on typing:
Command Alias
!redeem !r
!redeem^ !r^
!redeem& !r&

8 years ago

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i wanted a bit shorter, like !re^ to be !redeem e_bot

8 years ago

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Rename your bots to 0 1 2 3 4 ... u v w x y z or you have more than 36 bots ?
it will be !r 0 !r 1 e.t.c.

8 years ago

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or... 000, 001, 002,... :P

8 years ago

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Updated my ios Steamguard mobile authenticator extractor. It now supports ios 10 backups as well as the older ios 9 and earlier backups.
Latest Release
Source code

8 years ago

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This is really nice, I'll add it to escrow section, thanks!

8 years ago

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Done, let me know if you want to edit anything in iOS section in Escrow on ASF wiki. I'm sure many users will appreciate this tool, even if I don't own iOS myself :3.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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If ASF can't establish connection with Steam in 2 minutes since sending initial packet then you have serious networking issues.

8 years ago

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I tried understanding what LootableTypes really Means, but i cant get my head around it, what does it mean in simple?
What happens if i remove all 3 taps? 1, 3, 5 ?

8 years ago

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Search for: LootableTypes
There is a table, which number means what. Selected numbers get send, so if none are selected you just disabled loot.

8 years ago

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If you used ConfigGenerator then you wouldn't need to know what those numbers mean at all.

8 years ago

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I have used the ConfigGenerator and everything is working perfectly, i am asking out of curiosity, because i like to know Things that i dont know.
I have already read this entire section down, everything about the configuration and i especially read the part for LootableTypes as well, several times and that is why i am saying that i "tried" to understand and i couldnt get my head around it... I was hoping on a simple explaination, plain out what it does, thats also why i asked the simple question. What happens if i remove tap 1, 3, 5 ?

I am sorry if it seems stupid, but i understood everything els but that LootableTypes part.

8 years ago

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If you remove 1, 3 and 5 types from LootableTypes, then you'll have empty collection [ ] and empty collection means that ASF will not loot anything, as there are no defined types to loot.

8 years ago

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I see, its just that i recieve Cards and when some time passes its like they disappear? I dont understand that and it makes me feel abit uneasy using the program.

I tried checking if it was Steam or the Program, but it only happens when i use the program, i get Cards.. my inventory increases and some hours later i have the same inventory amount so im back where i started?

I will try and write Down the Cards i get this time and when my inventory gets lower Again, i will try and see if i can see if i still have the Cards i looted, because its just weird.

Edit: P.S. What happens to the loot, if it does not get looted by ASF? Will the Cards just not arrive in the inventory? and will it just empty the account from available Cards? In the end, unlocking all games, but getting no Cards?

8 years ago*

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Ok. So here is how it works:

  1. ASF plays a game for you and steam drops a card (as it would if you play the game yourself)
  2. The card stays in the inventory of your account / your bot, unless:
  3. You have loot on farming finished (bot sents cards to master after finished)
  4. You use manual loot (bot sends cards to master)
  5. You sent the cards away or sell them manualy.

So there is absolutly no way of cards just vanishing! If that happens, Check your trade and market history. The cards have to be somewhere. ASF can NOT delete them or stuff.
Only thing that doesn't show up anywhere is turning into gems, but ASF does not do that.

PS: There is some rare case of steamfuckup, where certian items in your inventory are not shown by steam for a while. Thoose appear later again. But that happend to me once in like 5 years and the items "vanished" for like 2 hours. So thats rarly an explanation.

8 years ago

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To @KlappPc
Thanks for the explaination, thats also how i thought it should Work, so no matter what, i will always be able to see if a Card earned on my account leaves in any way by trade or given away, no other explaination can explain them disappear otherwise, there should always be trace that i can use to see where things went, right?

I am not saying ASF is doing anything wrong, it seems to be working perfectly as it should, but i am more believing Steam is doing something atm that i cant explain, must be Steam thats playing tricks on me!

Again thanks all for helping, i feel like i have gotten a bigger understanding of how things work now, atleast on the part i was unsure about.

LootableTypes 1, 3 and 5 is purely mainly used in a case, when you have bots(more accounts) so they will send the appropriate Cards or things to the primary account? So that means that LootableTypes 1, 3 and 5 is not really used, if you only have 1 Primary and no bots? Just to remove any confusion.. right? ^^

8 years ago

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Yes, if you have only one account, the command !loot and all settings for that are not needed.

!loot loots a bot account and sends the specified stuff to your main account.

8 years ago

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Pretty sure you're not losing cards but ASF does dismiss notifications that you got new cards (unless you set it up not to) but the cards are still there in your inventory. Could that be what causes confusion ?

8 years ago

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This ^

8 years ago

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To @Sundance85
(I did all this before asking these questions, this has not caused any issues)
Yes that caused alittle confusion when i started out which got me into reading the wiki/Configuration fully and properly, so i made sure ASF would "not" dismiss my notifications and that has been all alright ;)

To begin with when i started using ASF, i only read the quick "1: Setting up ASF"

Thank you very much for taking the time responding being helpful both of you and JustArchi as well.

8 years ago*

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Update to the new version and now I get this error

I can not copy all of the error text because the ASF closes instantly when it exits.

8 years ago

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Start using supported framework version, or don't ask for support if you can't follow instructions that are required to use the program.

8 years ago

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Since yesterday or so it keeps saying it's idling and doesn't farm at all. Is it because I need to download latest version? Older version won't work?

8 years ago

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There is no support for older versions.

8 years ago

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Finally decided to try this, thank you Archi :)

8 years ago

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Is Forwarding now worked only if you enable Distributing too? In previous version I use just Forwarding and all was good, but looks like not in V2.2.2.1

8 years ago

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No, forwarding works like usual. If bot is not forwarding then perhaps all other bots already own given game and there is no point in doing that.

8 years ago

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I checked manually and other bots dont own that game for sure. Its again Steam fuckups? Or I something set up not correctly?

8 years ago

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Most likely incorrect settings - I suggest to launch ConfigGenerator and ensure that the bot you're sending the key to has forwarding set in TradingPreferences.

It works for me.

8 years ago

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Maybe you mean RedeemingPreferences and not TradingPreferences? I re-enabled Forwarding in every bot configs via ConfigGenerator and tried redeem key for another game. Now its redeeming in very weird way, not in order: from last bot to previous and etc. If I have both Forwarding and Distributing enabled, all works good and keys redeeming all in order

8 years ago

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Yes, I meant RedeemingPreferences, sorry.

Order works fine for me, perhaps you're doing something wrong. Show me a screenshot of your reverse order.

8 years ago

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I guess, I fixed it. I extract ASF to new folder and put all my configs too. Now all redeeming in order again. Still cant understand what was wrong, but its gone now :) Many thanks for your help and for ASF in general, its in my top 5 most useful app for all time!

8 years ago

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Glad to hear that you fixed it and you're enjoying the program!

8 years ago

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Hi! I have a problem with the last version. I activated two keys for a game with cards, in two different bots; one of them started farming inmediately, but the other bot just activated it, it didn't farm the cards. When I asked for the status of the "lazy" bot, it says there is nothing to farm, but I know this is not true. What can I do? I have been looking the FAQ and the forums but found nothing.

Also, my ASF has been closing by itself lately, and I don't know why. I have the latest version, the Net Framework… and I can't see any error message in the console. I have been thinking about download the full latest release (not just the ASF.exe file) and copy all my config files. Would this give me any kind of "sanction" in market/trade?


8 years ago

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It's weird,I have been looking the profile account of the bot who didn't farm the activated key. It says it has played a few hours the game and have no available cards. But I activated the key just two hours ago. I don't understand this. In any case, it's not an ASF problem. Maybe it had the game after but it was deleted from the account? Have no idea.

EDIT: Ok, I know what happened with that game. Here

8 years ago*

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When I asked for the status of the "lazy" bot, it says there is nothing to farm, but I know this is not true.

And people usually don't believe me when I say that ASF knows better than you if there is anything to farm :3.

You can try latest pre-release, I fixed some crashes. And yes, without logs I can't help you, but every crash that happened so far had its reason in the log - if ASF crashed without writing in the log why, then very likely it was not ASF crash but something else killing the process - such as your AV.

8 years ago

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Mine says "Now idling ... Still idling ...". Is this normal? Didn't it used to say "still farming" previously?

I have downloaded the latest version and it's still the same.

8 years ago

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Mine is saying this too but it's definitely still functioning correctly, I don't think it's anything to worry about. Simply just a reword.

8 years ago

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Ok thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure if it was working properly so I didn't use it for the last few days.

8 years ago

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Together with localization support I reviewed all strings being used by the program and rewrote some of them. That doesn't affect program functionality.

8 years ago

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It's not much but thank you for the continued support and development :)

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot! :3

8 years ago

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ASF accepted a trade automatically yesterday. a guy sent me gems for some games. since i didn't know the trade was accepted, i waited for him to send a trade offer, and he waited for me to send the game. it was a stupid situation. i am pretty sure i did not configure that. ASF must have changed its behavior with an update. how can i turn it off?

8 years ago

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deny donations in Config

8 years ago

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how do i do that? there is nothing like that in the json file or the config generator.

8 years ago

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the json files should contain all possible keys. it's stupid that we have to search for keys we don't even know the names of.

8 years ago

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You don't have to search for anything - you have ConfigGenerator for that purpose.

8 years ago

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am i blind? AcceptDonations is not included in the configGenerator.

EDIT: could it be that the auto-update function does not update the configGenerator? my ASF-ConfigGenerator.exe is from April 2016...

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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and apparently it's so old it doesn't tell you it's old, as newer versions tell you that you are using an outdated Config

View attached image.
8 years ago

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my configGenerator does not have that option, as you can see in the screenshots. i think the auto-update function does not update it.

8 years ago

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Jep, Autoupdate only updates ASF.exe.

Neither the ASF.json, not the Cofig generator are updated.

8 years ago

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i see. maybe that's something to improve.

8 years ago

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ETA whenever official GUI happens (ETA 2020)

8 years ago

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Well newer one tells you at least, if he is outdated.
The thing is many people do not use the config generator, so updating it every time, would create unnessecary bandwidth or even create that file, if they deleted it on purpose.

And archi said config-generator will be removed entirely once, ASF-GUI is completed, so I doubt he will spent time on this.

8 years ago

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Maybe not entirely removed, but deprecated for sure. CG was only meant to be a simple app that helps with generating configs, so people don't need to do it by hand. GUI app is supposed to include full ASF experience, with managing configs and providing documentation, but like Madu said - probably ETA 2020, I don't feel like coding it at all (at least right now).

8 years ago

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Well still earlier, than an airport they started planning in 1991, building in 2006 and, which was supposed to open 2010 ;->

8 years ago

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Imo changing default property of AcceptDonations to None was counterproductive. Compared to setting it to none for only main account (which is not even needed unless you are actively trading), now it has to be set to AcceptDonations for x number of bots.

8 years ago

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Not really, I changed it to how it worked previously before API key was automated. I don't want to make people wonder why ASF automatically accepts trades from other people.

AND this property has nothing to do with bots, as stated in the trading section on the wiki.

8 years ago

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Ok you are right, thanks for the clarification. So trades coming from your bots and SteamMasterID are still auto accepted, trades coming from other people are not really important for the bots.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you for the support and development of ASF. I'm not a trader, just a farmer and recently bought my first game with the steam account funds from all the cards you helped me get. Can't donate money now, but will try to translate into Bulgarian.
Thank you, Archi (─‿‿─)

8 years ago

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I noticed registering too many API keys makes Valve completely ip-block access to the api-page with

You've made too many requests recently

(on the 10th try to be exact)

Some additional delay there seems appropriate :3

8 years ago

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ASF does not register API key unless it needs to, and this is not really different from attempting to log in on too many accounts at once, so I'm leaving it for user to handle, same as number of bots.

Besides, I prefer to throw an error and let you know that registering API key failed, rather than silently hiding that info making you wonder why your bots are not responding to trades. ASF hides only what it considers absolutely useless, misleading or simply false.

8 years ago

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It is an expected failure which could be avoided through rate-limiting is all I'm saying ;-)

Doesn't need to be silently hidden but can show up as a message "Maximum api registrations reached, next try in x minutes" or similar.

No need to openly run into that blocking scenario :3

(Do you want a Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 beta code?)

8 years ago

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No, you can't avoid this - it's enough to restart ASF in order to reset all semaphores, and I won't bother saving state in any form of persistent storage. Not only because it's stupid, but also because ASF is not the only one that can register API key, and having a saved value that is invalid is more stupid than no saving at all.

Moreover, if Valve ever changes that limit, it'll be even worse than currently. For the same reason ASF doesn't enforce any limit of active bots, any delay of logging in, any delay of fetching inventories and likewise. I'm not going to guess how many calls you made and how many more calls are possible - especially because registering key is one-time thing. It's clearly stated in many places that if you use excessive number of bots then you should ensure yourself that they're working correctly. I won't outsmart things that are not supposed to be.

(No, I don't need it, thanks)

8 years ago

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won't bother saving state in any form of persistent storage

Never said to do that

if you use excessive number of bots

I don't think the problem threshold here of just10 is excessive though ;-)

if Valve ever changes that limit, it'll be even worse than currently

Doesn't that apply to basically everything though?

doesn't enforce (..) any delay of logging in, any delay of fetching inventories

huh, but those 2 actually have limiter settings available, and they are set at, guessed or tested, reasonable default values for exactly the same reason that, w/o those, blocking would happen there too.

Honestly I don't understand why you argue so heavily against it.
To compare, if there was no log-in limiter present, it would force the user to manually start each bot with a delay to not get blocked too. Which is certainly not an optimal procedure.
It's the same with registering API keys with the exception that 'the work' can be done manually beforehand instead.

You are right that it's a one-time issue, as such rather low priority and I wasn't even so keen on it being resolved, was rather more notifying about it, as I assume some others have/will run into it.

More-so I have a more important general rate-limiter concept idea for all all commands (or the new ASF notation) to cover cases like these

where the owns command essentially becomes deadly and kills of entire bulks of accounts for longer time periods when used with higher amount of bots, with the most worrying part that the number where it starts being problematic isn't revealed by anybody anywhere.

(and to pickup a detail of that thread before it becomes the wrong focus, as it wasn't an ownsall command there but a single own issued to all bots simultaneously: ofc an asf-instance wide rate-limiting can(should) be included for that command too then.
Similar for loot/lootall and so on)

Otherwise the user basically gets locked out of using those commands (or faces virtual death xD ) which doesn't seem to be a desirable state.

And, I'm not sure if it's the case, but somehow I get the impression you feel attacked, which certainly isn't my intention ^^
I'm just trying to make useful suggestions :3

As a form of conciliation, I suppose your farm is already saturated on woodle trees and deers, right? May I offer you a Masked Shooters 2 then? ヾ(^ω^*)

8 years ago

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Eh, no, the case of current limiters and your case is totally different. Besides, the thread you're linking also doesn't apply to ASF anymore - ASF attempts to use API method of fetching games now, and that one doesn't go through steam community.

8 years ago

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Hey. Hope this is not too dumb. Well, but me just being dumb would probably be the preferred outcome as it would be on me :-)

Even though I have TradingPreferences set as None, trades where I only receive stuff get accepted as soon as they appear.

Anyone else getting this? And I was wondering where rogue stuff kept appearing in my inventory ;_;

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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what kind of a trade are these?

8 years ago

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It was one trading card I think.

8 years ago

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donations from strangers or autoloot from bots?

8 years ago

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It was a result of !loot command on a bot.

8 years ago

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I guess bots have an extra autoconfirm, lemme check. I mean, do you want to confirm all of your loots yourself?

8 years ago

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Yea, otherwise I won't notice them :)

8 years ago

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When you're configuring an alt account, or you're going to execute commands that relate to this bot instance, this property defines steamID which is allowed to control the bot. ASF will also accept friend requests, chat invites and all trades sent by SteamMasterID

8 years ago

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Yea, but this was a trade sent by a bot to the Master account, not a trade sent by the SteamMasterID

8 years ago

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Not possible and doesn't make sense - if you !loot your bot, then you expect to receive and accept the trade, and if you need to review what bot has sent, then you can do that in trade history.

AcceptDonations option affects only strangers, as in - accounts that are not being part of ASF process.

8 years ago

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Oh, so there is no way to have no trade whatsoever automatically accepted on my main?

8 years ago

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At least not at the moment, and for now I don't really think it's needed - I corrected trading section on the wiki a bit to make it clear that AcceptDonations setting is for accounts that you do not control, not for your own bots.

8 years ago

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Well I'm asking since that was how it worked until few days ago. Oh well, I guess I will just have to check the trade offer history few times a day to see if anything new came in. Thanks for bearing with me:)

8 years ago

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It was working like that since a few versions already, you're simply affected by the fact that you didn't have API key set previously, and now every bot has one set automatically.

Like I said, you have trade history, and you can configure your bots to issue !loot only when you ask for it, not automatically, so there is never any trade silently being accepted. If you execute !loot, you have an intention of sending a trade, so there is no reason to not accept it right away, especially because you have a trade history. If you do not want to intentionally accept that trade, then probably !loot is not what you should use.

A real "workaround" for this issue is to isolate your main account from your bots, by launching 2 ASF instances, then your primary account will no longer see other bots taking part in the ASF process and treat them like strangers that are affected by AcceptDonations.

Still, I don't suggest going that way. Launching more than 1 ASF instance per IP is something bad in general.

8 years ago

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Oh okay I will deal with it. The advantage was it showing as a steam notification, now I have to not forget to check the trade history page ;_;
I might have Task Scheduler open the website at some intervals, that could be a solution for me.

8 years ago

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Added TradingPreferences.DontAcceptBotTrades for next ASF version.

8 years ago

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You're golden, Archi :o)

8 years ago

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So, as I thought, automatic retrieving api key was a bad thing, because now bot less configurable.

8 years ago

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Adding 100 bots in one go and letting them all register for API key at once is a bad thing, yes. Running 100 bots with key already registered is not any different from having 100 bots with API key set in the config. And you know that ASF registers key only once, and only when it's required.

8 years ago

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And as you can see from the comments above - now you can't avoid automatic accepting trades from bots, like you could before by just not setting api key.
Owners of 100+ bots will be thankful though, as that's -1 step to configuration.

8 years ago

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Which is a valid enhancement that should be resolved with TradingPreferences.DontAcceptBotTrades, not worked around with removing another improvement.

8 years ago

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Hi again!

My ASF is still closing, I don't know why. These are the last lines of the log file. Bot names have been modified. The language has been set in spanish, I tried to put in english but I get an error.

2017-02-05 00:15:11|ASF-6524|FATAL|ASF|UnobservedTaskExceptionHandler() System.AggregateException: Las excepciones de una tarea no se detectaron ni esperando a que terminara la tarea ni teniendo acceso a la propiedad Exception. Por consiguiente, el subproceso del finalizador volvió a producir la excepción no detectada. ---> SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException: Se produjo una excepción de tipo 'SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException'.
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepción interna ---
---> (Nº de excepción interna 0) SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException: Se produjo una excepción de tipo 'SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException'.<---

2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|ERROR|ASF|Exit() ¡Saliendo con un código de error distinto de cero!
2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|INFO|BotnameX|Stop() Deteniendo...
2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|INFO|BotnameY|Stop() Deteniendo...
2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|FATAL|ASF|UnobservedTaskExceptionHandler() System.AggregateException: Las excepciones de una tarea no se detectaron ni esperando a que terminara la tarea ni teniendo acceso a la propiedad Exception. Por consiguiente, el subproceso del finalizador volvió a producir la excepción no detectada. ---> SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException: Se produjo una excepción de tipo 'SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException'.
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepción interna ---
---> (Nº de excepción interna 0) SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException: Se produjo una excepción de tipo 'SteamKit2.AsyncJobFailedException'.<---

2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|INFO|BotnameH|Stop() Deteniendo...
2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|INFO|BotnameM|Stop() Deteniendo...
2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|INFO|BotnameS|Stop() Deteniendo...
2017-02-05 00:15:12|ASF-6524|ERROR|ASF|Exit() ¡Saliendo con un código de error distinto de cero!

8 years ago

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Steam responded with invalid message, fixed in latest pre-release (and stable).

8 years ago*

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Thank you very much, JustArchi! 😀

8 years ago

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After update, I got this from my antivirus (Avast).
Is this just me, or someone else also got this?

Version ASF V2.2.2.3

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Probably because file is too recent and AVs didn't have time to scan it yet. As I usually state in the wiki, it's suggested to scan ASF binary with VirusTotal (or any other web service like this) if you're afraid of it.

8 years ago

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Yep, I know, just want to inform you about this ^^

8 years ago

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I trust Malwarebytes and it never complains about ASF.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Everything is available in localization section, you're welcome!

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.