ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

8 years ago*

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I have a problem and no idea what im doing wrong.
I activated rust and want my alts to play it at the same time.
if i give now any of my alts the command !Play 252490 they reply done but still show as online only and dont paly it
Only my main seems to really start "playing" it.
Any idea what could be wrong?
Edit: it seems its because they are limited. but it should still work, sicne i dotn want to drop cards ratehr then gain hours for other reasons.
there should be a setting, but i cant find any for it. anyone who can help me?

7 years ago*

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As far as I know ASF is build to farm cards and too many people possibly complained about "it's playing, but not dropping cards" so archi disabled it for limited accounts. I thought manual playing still works, but I'm not sure.

Maybe try putting it under GamesPlayedWhileIdle.

Just to make sure. You redeemed Rust on all of you bot accounts and !owns 252490 shows that?

7 years ago*

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thats contra productive, make it off as standard for the people who arent able to know card drop rules, but why putting a function out?
dont see why i sohuld own the game on all accounts since it has family share, they dont need to have it. and i have it setup already under playwhileidle. to bad that was the only function form asf that would been useful. now i have rust for ntohing activated
"Of course, in default settings no, because it's pointless. But ASF does offer hours boosting as well, if configured appropriately. "
but i cant find neither in the faq nor anywhere else such a function.
Hope still that the function somewhere is and im only not able to find it
otherwise it would be nice to know which older version of asf didnt had that crap of restricting limited user in.

7 years ago*

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hm... I am not sure if ASF can use family sharing.

As I said, I was pretty sure play and gamesplayedwhileidle still work. (Probably try it with a game the bots own or a f2p game)
But I am rather unsure if ASF is able to play family sharing games. Have you taken care of, that your library is not beeing used?

hours boosting = play and gamesplayedwhileidle

The restricted stuff should be somewhere around page 3 or so on the release page ( look for limited in the change notes). But I do not recommend that and I think the problem is trying to use family sharing instead of limited accounts.
But I am not sure about that.

Maybe wait for archi's reply.

And I am not sure if you get itemdrops, when playing over family sharing.

7 years ago*

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Replying instead of editing, in case you already read my reply.
Family sharing will not work with 99% certainty. You do not grant acces per account, but per computer.
And since ASF is recongnized as a different computer by steam, you have to allow ASF itself from ASF within. Thats not possible.

7 years ago

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i have to wait for someone in my group, but from what i know he is doing right that. using asf to idle time via family share.
will give play and gamesplay with a owned game a try
edit: you are right with an owned game it works, did porbably misudnerstood it then. will have to wait for the user to come online to get more details.

7 years ago*

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Now it works. It seems logging into each alt and starting rust manually once did the magic. when i start asf now they auto idle rust

7 years ago

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Probably because simply attempting to play given appID does not mean that ASF will automatically use family sharing for that, and request responsible for asking to access given appID from family sharing is not reverse-engineered, and not planned to - this is out of the scope of ASF.

If it can work with !play, that's great, if not - out of luck.

7 years ago

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After starting the Games once manually on each alt they start now normally with the gamesplayidle function

7 years ago

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That only confirms what I said. You trigger that request with manually starting a game once, so Steam network knows that further play request should use family sharing.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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That's great, because I play games as well - especially my SG wins. But I also have 4k of bundle trash I bought myself and I have better things to do than playing them.

And thanks for blacklist :3.

7 years ago

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I just reported Grid to steam... because you know, some people drive REAL cars.

7 years ago

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I started using Archi's recently and noticed my Steam client is laggy when accessing inventory, etc. Is this normal? Also my refresh button is gone. Is this happening to anyone else? If I contact Steam support about it and they find out I was using Archi's, will they ban me?

7 years ago

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Since your inventory is set to private: How many items do you have ? My inventory always takes a few seconds to load but that has nothing to do with ASF but rather because I have a lot of cards. There was a noticeable difference after I used a lot of them for crafting last sale.

I highly doubt they would ban you but I would also be flabbergasted if they can help you with that issue since it's most likely just Steam being Steam. Or how much of a lag are we talking about ?

7 years ago*

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Also my refresh button is gone

There is a refresh button? Or do you mean rightclick->refresh? That is not availiable if the page is not fully loaded.

Other than increased loadingtimes, due to increased items in the inventory there should be no sideeffects. At least assuming a somewhat normal bandwith above 100kb/s.

7 years ago

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I was using an older version and today i updated becouse i couldn't use the comand !redeem.
I had the program in english. But now evrything is in spanish. Can anyone tell me where to change the language to english again?

7 years ago

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Pre-releases are experimental versions that often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please download latest stable release instead. Pre-release versions are dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback - no technical support will be given.

7 years ago

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I don't think it's a bug since i'm from Argentina i guess it automatically changed the language to spanish, but i was allready used to see evrything in english.
Anyways if there is no easy way to change back the language to english i will try to get used to see evrything in spanish.

7 years ago

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CurrentCulture "en"

7 years ago

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That worked. Thanks a lot.

7 years ago

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keep getting disconnecting and trying to reconnect when starting

7 years ago

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There should be a message, why you are disconnecting.

Maybe the Password is wrong.?

7 years ago

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nope, it just random did it for like an hour

7 years ago

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If it works now, I would assume steamfuckup.

7 years ago

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has someone a tutorial for me to do a web card farming from a cloud or something to gain cards even PC is off?

7 years ago

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get a server

7 years ago

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Hum, i may have found a bug or a steam fuckup (which seems to be similar to this one), 3 games are being farmed but connection to steam is being lost approximately each 10 mins and playtime isn't increasing ( it's being like that for 3 hours) log:

7 years ago

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Okay, so it's seems that by posting this message, volvo have solved everything (playtime is at 4 hours and cards are dropping).
edit: Never-mind, i changed ASF config and it solved everything, pretty sure it's ASF side.
edit2: config that fuckup ASF :
and I'm pretty sure it was working before latest beta update or its just because it was only one game being farmed.

7 years ago*

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There is no issue - either your network is extremely unstable, or Steam one. No response from Steam after waiting 2 minutes since sending a request indicates serious networking issue, not ASF bug.

7 years ago*

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Sorry, I have a noob question about secondary accounts... (I checked the various FAQs, and couldn't find it being addressed.)

So I have two accounts, one was created earlier this month for my kid, I added plenty of games for him and farmed cards through ASF. This week his account got unlocked and I was finally able to run the !loot command on it... Only, nothing happened. So I logged into the account, and noticed the offer was pending 'mobile confirmation'.
However, my Steam app doesn't show me a confirmation request for the offer.

So, the noob question is: do I actually have to... log off from my Steam mobile app and log into it with my son's account, in order to get confirmation requests? I did that and didn't get a confirmation request either. So I canceled the pending trade, then re-sent the !loot command, and this time I got the request. Is the only point of the !loot command to bypass the need to create a trade manually, but you still have to login to the original account before you do that? Do I have to disable 2FA on the secondary account and do confirmations by e-mail..? Wouldn't that be a bad thing?

7 years ago

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You didn't get confirmation because you just ran into Steam fuckup number #8203293-A, and you're now jumping on conclusions based on that while there is no logical explanation why you didn't get one in the first place, so don't do that with Steam - logic does not work here. Don't assume anything based on a single incident.

Automating sending trades is possible if you link ASF 2FA as stated in wiki Escrow section - only this way ASF is able to send trade and confirm it automatically. There is no way today to disable confirmations entirely, you either have to confirm by e-mail, or confirm with 2FA, but thanks to ASF 2FA, ASF can automate 2FA confirmations for you, assuming you'll import your 2FA credentials into it.

And if you can't do that or want to confirm manually, then it doesn't really matter whether you use 2FA or e-mail. 2FA is better because of no trade hold.

7 years ago

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I'm not "jumping on conclusions", I was just asking for help from any non-noob.

Thanks for the help, I was able to configure my ASF. The only issue I met is that ASFui doesn't support entering text when requested by ASF, so I had to reset the db file and just launch ASF stand-alone. After that it went fine. (Please point out in the FAQ that you can simply paste the DeviceID with a right button click.)

7 years ago

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You can if you enable quick edit mode in cmd, and ASFui is out of ASF concern.

7 years ago

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Quick update: just tried a !loot, it told me it'd successfully sent the trade offer, but didn't mention accepting it, and I don't have the new card in my inventory. I did everything as indicated, and ASF told me the DeviceID was correct etc. Not sure if there's supposed to be a delay... ASF, ASFui, Android 4.4 (rooted) French with latest Steam app version (set in English, not that it should matter.)
I'll edit if this gets fixed. I need some sleep for now...

7 years ago

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Well did it sent a tradeoffer in steam?

7 years ago

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It didn't seem to.
No matter though, I just tried again and this time it worked flawlessly (using exactly the same steps). I guess the program needed a few minutes to 'digest' the DeviceID or something...

7 years ago

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normally it shouldn't. But maybe again a steam fuckup.
As long as ASF responds with "tradeoffer sent" there should be one as long as steam didn't choose to ignore it.

But if it works now.

7 years ago

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No, exactly the same thing happened when you didn't receive confirmation either. Not magic, just Volvo.

7 years ago

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can i tell a bot through commands to trade everything to my main account?

7 years ago

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With the !loot command and you can configure what exactly should be looted by setting Lootable Types in the config generator ;)

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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i set those types and typed !loot. i got message that trade offer is sent but i haven't received any offer. tried multiple times, received only message, no offer.
did set masterid for bot account

7 years ago

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You probably forgot to confirm it. ASF sending offer means that it should be available in "trade offers sent" from given bot - and in 99.9% cases it's there.

If not, try again.

7 years ago

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i keep trying and still no offer, just success message

7 years ago

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Ok, let's get the obvious out of the way first because Archi wasn't very clear on that point:

You have set up ASF 2FA (ASF 2 factor authentification) sucessfully so it can confirm it's own trades ?
You can check by requesting a 2FA token from your bot.

7 years ago

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don't have asf 2fa. can't root my phone, so that's not gonna happen.
i don't mind confirming trades manually, just would like that offer sending done by asf

7 years ago*

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Sorry, no idea then without further research which I can't do right now.

7 years ago

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Just to check. Do you use the same phone for the master account and bot account? You have to log into the bot account on the steam mobile app even if they are registered on the same phone to confirm.
Also if you do, you have to log into the bot account first on the app before sending the !loot, otherwise there is a 50% chance the steam app will bug out.

7 years ago

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same phone, know about confirm. but it still should show in browser that bot has sent offer and is waiting for confirmation

7 years ago

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Hmm, the only thing I can think of to help is to edit the .json files yourself then. I started using ASF before config generator was here, so i've never bothered to use it.

the bot.json should look something similar to this .

maybe masterid is in wrong format? or maybe you only set up steamowner id?

7 years ago*

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i haven't used config editor, only editing by hand no gui on vps

7 years ago

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If Steam responds with success and not error, then I can't help you further anyway.

7 years ago

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Thanks for update, but language now different... How i can change language back to english? Russian translate is awful.

7 years ago

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CurrentCulture of "en" or whatever suits you, like I said in comments on Steam.

7 years ago

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Hm... I can't find it in configuration tool. Maybe i should change it in file with notepad++ or something?

7 years ago

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No, you should use latest ASF-ConfigGenerator from the release, it's in ASF section.

7 years ago

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So, version updated 5 minutes ago and i have latest version, but there missing CurrenCulture...

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Wow... It was... not intuitive... i thought, all files updated, but with every update there updating only asf.exe... Thank you.

7 years ago

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@JustArchi ... i think i may have encounter some strange bug
recently when ASF gets to reptiles must die, it never gets anywhere. also my status drops to online, never in game.
i have to quit steam for ASF to start working again. When it restarts, it's not on that game, its on other games and works normal.
Just me?

7 years ago

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No, I blacklisted that game as well for the same reason. Does it even have its cards set up or it's just flagged as a card-enabled game without actual card drops?

7 years ago

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just want to update - it's dropping cards for me now. no issues. running latest build

7 years ago

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If it's not released yet, latest ASF should solve that problem. If it's released, has card drops, but doesn't drop them - there is little I can do to fight with this issue.

You have always blacklist property you can use, but it should NOT be required anymore to blacklist games that weren't released yet. Based on your description I guess that this game was simply not released yet, if your status doesn't change.

[!] ASF is now smart enough to automatically skip farming games that weren't released yet.

7 years ago

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i believe asf auto updates by default, and i've been restarting it, so i assume i'm on latest version.
if i'm wrong, lmk. this has been happening as recently as i posted this comment. several days now.

7 years ago

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I released this version a few hours ago, so no, you're most likely on, not

7 years ago

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Updated to and now my bots don't accept my commads while farming. They work Ok when idling is paused.
The left bot is idle and responds to commands instantly. The right one is idling and ignores all commands until I stop it from left bot and then executes all commands.


View attached image.
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View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Reading changelog helps.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Steam Keys are being ignored
also commands !r or !redeem

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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They are being ignored with the last update, when it changed in auto to my language ES-MX, changed to EN they are being accepted again

7 years ago

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Can't reproduce.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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ok, so how it works, how it can launch game on my account without permissions?
I think it's just same VAC possible as idlemaster, less than SAM

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Stil, don't know how program emulate that MY account is in XXX GAME without permission/being connected.

How bot can emulate that someone else is in game?

This may lead to situation, when empty Steam account can emulate any game and drop cards from them?

How bot know which games i have and which to idle(and for how long without getting into my inventory!)

Is it connecting to any files on PC containing profile info and just get ONLY INFO?

It's hard to understand...

7 years ago

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I'm not sure if you understand what ASF is at all, I suggest reading FAQ on ASF wiki, especially a few first questions.

7 years ago

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'TL;DR - You're using this software at your own risk. It's very unlikely that you can get banned for that, but if you do, you can blame only yourself.'

Hah, but wait, u say we cant get banned for this -.^

So actually...Only difference between this and IM is DLL/own client system :)?

7 years ago

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Not talking about VAC ban in this sentence.

7 years ago

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Yes, you can't get VAC banned for using ASF.

And if you did read Steam ToS, you'd know that you can get steam account banned for anything, including GabeN pointing his finger at you because he randomized your steamID today in his daily "steamIDs to ban today randomizer". ASF only reminds you about this.

Anything can get you banned, even you using your steamID to log in to SteamGifts - ASF can get you banned too in the same context.

But no, ASF can't get you VAC banned by definition of how it works, while IM/SAM can.

7 years ago

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Okay, first time i see that kind of program, thats why im so distant to this.
Thanks for informations :)

7 years ago

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IM and SAM CONNECT to your steamclient
ASF IS a steamclient.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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ASF is very nice. Got it set up idling my trading card games nicely. Also managed to work out how to extract the Steam Guard mobile authenticator data from my iPad, and get it working initially in WinAuth, steam confirmations included.

Finally, along with the unofficial ASFui program, I can now redeem several steam keys from a humble bundle, all at once.

7 years ago

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Glad to hear it works nicely for you :3.

Keep in mind that you don't need ASFui for multiple keys redeem - !redeem X K1,K2,K3... works too.

7 years ago

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New ASF... ¡Ahora en español! XD
Was kinda shocked to see it suddenly in my language, nice feature.

7 years ago

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How do i make it back to english?

7 years ago

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Reading last page of SG discussions of ASF is a good idea, but even better idea is reading changelog :3.

7 years ago

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I dont see here how to change the language back to english
Here too

If you are talking about

because you spotted some incorrect/bad translation, please visit localization and contribute!

I just want it to be in english.

7 years ago

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Added CurrentCulture global config property for overriding default language.

I said read changelog, not read wiki. Why you don't follow what I say people...

7 years ago

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Why you don't follow what I say people...


Here too

7 years ago

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You should definitely add on the wiki a link to the changelog.
My first reaction when I saw that ASF changed was to look to the changelog.
But there is no link to a changelog at (a), nor (b) at, nor (c) in this thread. How am I supposed to find the changelog ?
I do not use github enough to think to use /releases/latest to obtain the changelog, so the only way to find it was to look at the steam page for the project, not the easiest way :)

Anyway, I think my main account auto-accepted the trade from my second account. I don't see anything related to this in the changelog, did I dream it ?

7 years ago

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Anyway, I think my main account auto-accepted the trade from my second account. I don't see anything related to this in the changelog, did I dream it ?

7 years ago

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This was a trade from bot instance to SteamMasterID, not the other way around.
(SteamMasterID is also running a bot instance). This is the first time that happened in my one year (?) using ASF, did something change ? (Again, I might have dreamt it)

My bot on my SteamMasterID has IsBotAccount false, AcceptGifts false, SteamTradematcher false, and no configuration line with TradingPreferences.

Thanks for your reactiveness btw.

7 years ago

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No configuration line with TradingPreferences means that your bot has AcceptDonations so it automatically accepted a trade in which it wasn't losing anything.

Everything is explained on the wiki.

7 years ago

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that's what I see in the wiki. But I'm surprised, did you change it ? It's not in the changelog and I didn't have this behaviour one week ago.

7 years ago

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Removed SteamApiKey, API key is now automatically fetched by ASF during runtime.

If you didn't have Steam API key set previously, now you do.

7 years ago

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OK I understand now. Thanks again for your responsiveness!

7 years ago

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p.s. since here no options for this
i cant change the language?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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If you didn't use ancient version of ConfigGenerator, I guess you'd see new options getting added.

7 years ago

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How do i change it? I though it would self update? Where to get another one.

7 years ago

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It won't even let me open ConfigGenerator unless ConfigGen and ASF are on the same verison, and if they aren't it automatically guides me to the download so since it doesn't for you I assume you have Autoupdates for ASF turned off ?

Here at the bottom of the page You can download the whole thing and then just copy Config Generator into your ASF folder or you can download Config Generator seperately.

7 years ago*

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you have Autoupdates for ASF turned off ?

No it autoupdates, how would i get my language changed other way duh.

Here at the bottom of the page


7 years ago

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how would i get my language changed other way duh.

Yeah, I know. What I don't understand is how it even lets you run an older version of ConfigGenerator if your ASF is up to date.

7 years ago

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If you're experiencing bot freezes since latest update, check this and let me know if it's better on latest pre-release.

7 years ago

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One card drop (if don't own any DLC):
!addlicense 574990

I need to do another donation to you. Yesterday i had ~70 games to redeem (got cooldown only after 50th activation), luckily Anime! Oi history! was one of these keys and a few hours later game got removed from Steam and making all keys invalid from that point.

7 years ago

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You're welcome :3.

7 years ago

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Auto-updated to today, and was seeing massive failures: frequent disconnects, "!redeem^ bot key" would time out, "!addlicense bot appid" would cause ASF to error out, and it even completely crashed and closed at one point. I tried with the same result. Rolled back to and everything is working normally again. It's bedtime, so I'm not going to provide logs right now, but if you still need them tomorrow let me know and I can give it another try.

7 years ago

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You probably should start reading the changelog, the discconects might be normal now.
Dunno about the crash, though. As far as I know that should not happen.

7 years ago

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I read the changelog. If going from a consistently, quickly-working tool to one that fails every time to run the exact same commands, on the exact same bots, 1 minute later, with no network degradation or other explanation, is expected behavior, then I think I misunderstood the intent and will be happy to stay on and leave those "improvements" for others.

Frequent disconnects means it was failing and restarting at least 1 out of 10 bots every minute without any commands being run and with all bots having cards to farm. is rock solid, farming away happily.

"!redeem^ bot key" sent to any of my 9 bots via chat, with the target being my master account, timed out every time on On it ran the first time, no problem at all. "!addlicense bot appid" - same thing, except instead of timing out, it produced an error in ASF, but again it ran just fine on the first time.

The crash came when I tried to do the !addlicense thing multiple times.

I'm not even going to bother replying to Archi - apparently the knowledge that additional people are having problems isn't useful unless they can immediately prove it and he can immediately reproduce it. No worries, I just have AutoUpdates=false and I'm a happy camper.

7 years ago

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I'm not even going to bother replying to Archi

You know how developing works? If your info is "crash" and you can not reproduce it, you can not do shit about it.
Thats why he asks for Debug-mode and logfiles. Then he can see, what caused the crash and fix it...

And the disconnects... As stated in the changelog, this stuff happened before as well, you just ignored it and hoped for the better. Now you see the disconnects and at least for me it immediatly reconnets and farming is not interrupted.

Whats up with the non responding bots, is a case for someone with that problem using debug mode as well, since archi does not have that problem (and many others do not have it as well).

So tl;dr to fix a Problem he needs information what the Problem is and "crashes" is as much information as no report at all. Thats what he wanted to say.

7 years ago

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I am/was a dev, so yes I understand the process, which is why I offered to send logs in the AM. But as a dev, even if the user wasn't immediately able to give me repro steps and logs, I would still want to be aware that they were having a problem, as it would help me understand how widespread an issue might be, and whether or not I should consider a rollback and/or communication plan until the problem is understood and resolved. I understood from the changelogs that disconnects might be normal, but combined with my other symptoms it was clear that something was wrong. I am not running in debug mode, by the way, and I changed nothing from my configs between and, apart from turning off AutoUpdates.

I certainly gave more information than "crashes". The knowledge that works consistently on the commands I mentioned where fails consistently would be enough for me to keep looking, instead of his "there's nothing to fix" replies. It's always the same with him, so whatever. I just wanted to provide a heads-up that I was having issues, with a little information, prior to getting to bed, with a, very friendly, offer to try to help resolve the problem in the AM if it hadn't already been resolved. All I, and others, get back is his typical snippy attitude, dismissiveness, and disrespect, until we magically provide something that he can reproduce. Multiple people are reporting similar problems, but there's no problem, it's all Steam, and Steam magically works correctly when we roll back to Must be a Valve conspiracy against then. Sorry, my bad.

Sorry, I'm just frustrated by Archi. Every time I suggest anything, or point out anything that isn't working or that I think could be better, he just treats me like an idiot, as he does most people. Most of the time he later ends up doing pretty much exactly what I asked for and he said he wouldn't do, or fixing what I was having problems with that he said wasn't intended behavior. It's just childish, and I wasn't capable of ignoring it this time. It's still early AM - maybe I'll come back with more patience in a couple of hours. :\

7 years ago

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Well, if you read through this thread, most people are idiots (or at least unable to read wiki and stuff). Thats why I completly understand why archi is genereally in an annoyed state.
He linked to a thread with people having similar problems and is triying to fix stuff.

Then again. Keep in mind, that he does not get any money (besides optinal donations) for this. He could as well say "Fuck you and fuck your problems, what do I care?" but he doesn't.

Steam magically works correctly when we roll back to

If you refer to the disconnects... These do happen there as well. They just get ignored and maybe the client gets connected again. The not responding part might be a result of the abanndoning the disconnected client and starting a new one.

7 years ago

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I get it, and that's why I am usually able to ignore his attitude. Of course I am grateful that he shares his work, and I try to be helpful with suggestions, and by supporting other users. Personally though, if I build something and want to share it, paid or not, I would always treat the people that use it with respect at least. It wouldn't be that hard to say "Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Several other people are as well, though I haven't been able to reproduce the problem yet. Please send the logs in the AM when you have time. In the meantime, if you or others continue to see such problems on, I recommend that you roll back to until I am able to figure out what is going on."

"Magically works" was referring to the commands, not the disconnects, which may or may not have been happening silently on

Once I get my work day started here, if there's no update about a fix I'll give the latest build a try. Assuming I see the same behavior, I'll grab logs from and the latest and send them both in for comparison.

7 years ago

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Crash is always unwanted (unless you're already running in Debug mode) - but without logs your info about crash is same as no info at all.

7 years ago

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Created a tool for those that wish to extract their Steamguard Mobile Authenticator data from their iPad / iPhone. The process is to make a Decrypted backup of the device, then run that tool on the PC where the backup was made.

No jailbreaking is required for using this tool.

7 years ago

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The steamapp on OSX still backups completly?
For android the newer version do not include the required information into the backup, for security reasons.
But ... well, you can root your phone and just copy the files normally ^^

7 years ago

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Luckily I managed to avoid that whole hassle with extracting my 2FA token completly because I never used Mobile Auth in the first place but I think for many people with limited technical skills like me rooting their phone is something they'd rather want to avoid if possible.

7 years ago

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Jeha. Forgot to root my new phone before setting it up. That kinda sucks. But I am to lazy to redo it or to install an older version of the steamapp (then you can extract). But since I have my bots for automated trading, I'm fine. Only the market sucks.

7 years ago

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I'm probably missing the point because I'm not fully awake yet (and not familiar with Mobile Auth) but what about the market ?
Can't you just confirm your market listings with !2faok ?

Edit: On 2nd thought I think I get it. So you have ASF 2FA set up for your bots but not for your main ?

7 years ago*

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Jeha. but sicnce I do not sell so much anymore, thats fine I guess ^^ I guess I could do it, but I am just to lazy ^^

7 years ago

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Makes sense then :)

7 years ago

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Any more details on how this is supposed to work? I tried creating a non-encrypted backup of my iPhone on my PC using iTunes, disconnecting the phone from the PC, and then running the tool, but it looks at a few folders and then says that a backup it apparently found isn't valid. That's all it does. Running the latest iOS on iPhone SE, latest iTunes, Windows 10 with latest updates. Does iTunes need to be closed? Is it a version compatibility problem? Am I just doing something wrong?

7 years ago

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I never tested a backup from itunes 12.5.x nor with ios 10. They must have changed the backup format in the mean time. I am currently on 9.3.3, and don't wish to lose my jailbreak. I missed the 10.2 jailbreak boat, due to apple no longer signing 10.2.

Could you run and post the results into an issue on my github, listing the full results. It seems possible that filenames/formats might have changed for ios 10 backups. I may have to get you to send me certain files.

7 years ago*

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I updated that link, in the above post. You should have v1.0.2b.

7 years ago

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Broke down and decided I could live without the jailbreak. As a result, ios 10 backups are now supported by the program. Just grab the latest release from

7 years ago

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Awesome, thanks! Sorry, it got busy yesterday and I didn't get a chance to try what you suggested before. I'll give the new version a try tonight. :)

7 years ago

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An Exception occurred while processing: Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)Done

7 years ago

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Okay, the issue should be fixed in v1.0.4.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Cool - can you provide a pre-compiled download? I'm not setup to self-compile easily right now.

7 years ago

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Sorry about that. I forgot to actually include the precompiled download into that release. fixed now.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Worked perfectly, thank you!! :)

7 years ago

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Am I the only one having problems with forwarding keys funtionality? I have "RedeemingPreferences" set to 1. This was working correctly some days ago...

7 years ago

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When I used it yesterday it was working fine for me.

7 years ago

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Yesterday worked fine for me too, but not now. Another thing that I'vce noticed is that my bots are constantly reconnected.

7 years ago

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I just took a brief look at the console (is that the correct term for the ASF application ?) and everything looks normal here.

7 years ago

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My ASF is now in Spanish, could be the problem?

7 years ago

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I doubt it since afaik the localization should only affect the GUI and not the inner workings of the program.

But since you're apparently not the only one having this problem you might wanna try rolling back to the last version that worked for you as K1R4D3L suggested or if it's not that high priority for you wait a little longer until Archi has ironed out the kinks.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Go back to - the new version is horribly broken for me as well.

EDIT: And mine was and still is in English. I don't think it's a localization problem, but rather to do with the networking changes. See my comment a bit above for more details.

7 years ago*

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Thanks. It looks like works good.

7 years ago

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Thank you.

7 years ago

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I have same problem =\

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I dont understand which comment. I write key my bot - no reaction

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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After updating to had problems with constant disconnects (every 10-15 minutes)
Also !status and !owns commands stopped working (maybe due to localization)
!redeem only worked for current chat, not with <bot name> key.

Rolled back to

7 years ago

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same problem, my bots disconnect every ~15 minutes in VPS and ask steam guard again :(

so i cant farm in this update :(

7 years ago

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Have a log/debug folder of 3 bots getting InitPermanentConnectionFailure().
Used (pulled from an hours ago, compiled myself)
All three bots were farming multiple games. Bots farming single games or idling were not effected.

You still in need of those or did you got enough?

7 years ago

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You can send it as it's most recent, but I doubt it'll help.

This issue doesn't have any freaking sense. Instead, if you can reproduce it reliably, keep an eye on my GitHub and compile on usual basis to see if particular commit helps, I'm going slowly to revert everything back to previous.

7 years ago

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Sorry, was away, since my comment ^^

I'll start testing tomorrow.

It seems (for me) to only happen to bots, that are farming multiple games simultaniously (and only for thoose). Maybe some kind of increased amount of request triggering some steam-limit?

You could use and add output, when a connection times out, to see, if 2.2.05 and really have the same amount of timeouts (before the new one goes into starting a new steamclient). But well, if it doesn't happen to you ^^

7 years ago

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I fixed it already, like I initially guessed - this issue didn't have any freaking sense.

7 years ago

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Jep, saw the new version right before logging off, thought you just rolled back.

So steam didn't liked you checking for unreleased games? ^^

7 years ago

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No, Steam responded with valid response, but it also caused massive network instability after several seconds since response arrived.

There is no logical explanation for this.

7 years ago

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You can start from testing this commit if you're self-compiling, everybody else can help by testing latest AppVeyor build.

7 years ago

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FYI - seems to have addressed the issues I was seeing yesterday. Thanks.

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.