ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

8 years ago*

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N00b question, FarmingOffline true or false not working here,
somehow I still online while Im idling, what I missed here guys?

7 years ago*

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ok noticed my mistake, I just had to change the option on config.

7 years ago

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Im having issues installing or running this, im on windows 8.1

7 years ago

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Could you describe which kind of issue are you having?
Before trying anything else, make sure to install the latest release of .NET Framework if you haven't already.
Then, take a look at the wiki, and check if yours is listed among the common issues.

7 years ago*

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There seems to be a bug with the loot command - it's ignoring one of the Steam Awards cards an alt dropped.

I've tried using loot and lootall, and the bot only sends the non-foil cards. This one keeps getting ignored. I'm not sure why. I've had no issues with other cards or boosters. Anyone else have this issue?

(Running, Windows 7 64-bit pro)

7 years ago

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Did you mark IsBotAccount true?
IsBotAccount: false = !loot Cards (without foils) + Boosters
IsBotAccount: true = !loot Cards (with foils) + Boosters

7 years ago

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I had apparently not! I could've sworn I had. Apologies, and thank you for the reply.

7 years ago

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I used extra time due to Steam downtime and coded this.

Read carefully, you know where to donate :3.

7 years ago

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That's all fine and dandy, but when will the bot be back online? :3 :D
EDIT: Oh, it's back. OK :3

7 years ago

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I pulled and compiled at home without reading the commits, because I was in a hurry before heading to my parents place...

So to say I was confused as fuck, why I had voted and all cards for today ;->

Very very nice feature. I think it's out of scope as well, but I won't complain^^.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

Completly unreleated question. Is your steam wishlist ranked or just random positions?

7 years ago

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I tend to keep it sorted, good that you reminded me to ensure that it is - thanks! Yeah, those are games I'd be happy to get eventually in order to play them, I don't want to pollute my wishlist too much, so I'm only putting titles there that I indeed want to play. Thanks for considering! :3

7 years ago

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And yes, it is out of the scope - you can read my official message in the link above. I added it because people asked me to, I don't really consider it top priority or anything that should be worked on, that's why I coded something that works, and I'll keep it in pre-release, but not in any stable version. I'm happy to hear that it works for you too, which ensures me that this code is quite decent, even if I don't consider it important.

7 years ago

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"just casually coded", eh?

7 years ago

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I should have known it was you :D
I was starting to wonder if my alts were compromised but it seemed strange that somebody would get access to my account just to do the discovery queue thing and vote for me :D

7 years ago

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This is great! However, my Windows 10 is blocking it (Windows SmartScreen block). I have turned it off and ASF works fine now. Is this normal?

7 years ago

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the new version's .exe sometimes do that, as they are unknow to Windows, just click "run anyway"

7 years ago

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I didn't see a "run anyway" button. I turned it off in order to use ASF.

EDIT: Sorry, I was blind. Yes, I can execute it clicking "run anyway". Thanks, MaduRUDE.

7 years ago*

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two questions:

  1. the vote goes randomly among the listed games or all votes goes to one specifically game( e.g. first one ) ?
  2. is there any way to turn it off for one account? downloaded the zip file and there no new lines in the example config. i kinda like to do my discoveries manually maybe i find some appealing games :)
7 years ago

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  1. Random. It was first one for some short time when I was implementing it, but I doubt that it went alive to any pre-release.
  2. No, this is temporary function that will disappear in a few days, it's not worth it for me to implement any kind of config for it. You can always disable yourself as bot if you don't want to, or use stable release.
7 years ago

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And have a nice read while we're at it ^

7 years ago

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wow 5000 alts?

he should be living of just boosters without doing anything.

7 years ago

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Oh no the farm will die!

7 years ago

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Fucking Christ, I need to step up my game.

7 years ago

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Is this guy for real? Come on, that has to be a troll...

7 years ago

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jesus fucking christ

7 years ago

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Hello. Could an option be added to have the "Sent by ASF" message in description of trade disabled? It would just be my preference if I could disable that.

Merry Christmas

7 years ago

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Well but aren't these messages only send to your own account anyways?

It's definetly doable, but I guess archi will give it a very low priority if he considers it at all ;->

7 years ago

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I was thinking mainly in terms of it being an obvious indicator to valve that I'm farming is all.

  • Enjoy your day
7 years ago

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implying Volvo gives one about

7 years ago

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And you think they wouldn't know otherwise, if they would be interested in this?
(they would, if they would care)

7 years ago

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Jeha, but guess we have a bunch of harder indicators for that^^.
Volvo seems to not give a damm, and if they do, the will start with the people having 1000+ bots, cause these make trouble ;->

Thank you and have a nice day / christmas as well.

7 years ago

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If you think that they wouldn't know only because you're not including that message in a trade, then you're deeply wrong.

They knew you're using ASF the moment you launched it. And they can ban everybody who ever launched ASF as well. But guess if it's profitable for them to do so.

The way entire ASF is coded is simple - openly state to Steam Network that we're not Steam Client, we're ASF. Openly state to Steam Network that they can tell us to stop the process anytime they like, and openly state to GabeN that if he doesn't like what ASF is doing, he should e-mail me instead of trying to fight with the problem. ASF is efficient, cooperates with the Steam Network, doesn't attempt to abuse it or spam, and is for personal purpose.

It works.

7 years ago*

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I have a question: around a week ago, when new version of ASF was out (I have the latest version installed), I notice a weird bug with comment notifications on my profile. I just not receive about a half of this notifications, like if I got 10 new comments on my profile, I will recieve only 5 notifications. So the actual question: can ASF somehow sometimes dismiss it? Like DismissInventoryNotifications do when new item drop to inventory. Or its simply Steam fuckups? Also, maybe someone have this issue too?

P.S. my config for main account is always disabled and DismissInventoryNotifications set to false. Tnx for answer(s)

7 years ago

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Not ASF bug, comment notifications are VERY important to me and I made sure that ASF doesn't dismiss anything you could make use for. Regardless if you're dismissing inventory notifications or not, comments should stay in-tact. I do dismiss inventory notifications, but all notifications related to my profile and other threads are in-tact. So I suspect Volvo happened, or you have something else dismissing it.

7 years ago

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Ahh, I see. I have only 2 apps left, what related to Steam: SDA and Idle Master, but they cant dismiss notifcations. And this bug exactly only for profile comments, the rest like trade, inventory, friend invite or comment notifications for something that I subscribed (like thread on Steam forum) are worked great. Thanks for answer, hope Volvo fix it... someday :D

7 years ago

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For the last day or so, it seems ASF on hasn't been able to connect to any of my accounts. On boot it gets stuck in a cycle of being disconnected and attempting to reconnect, while I haven't tampered with any of the settings since it was last working.

7 years ago

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Delete ASF.db and try again. Probably it's because of big Steam downtime recently.

7 years ago

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Hmm, didn't seem to have an effect. I also tried redownloading ASF and setting the config up fresh, but it didn't have an effect for me either.

7 years ago

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Hello, I've a problem with the login to the main acc (2 twinks are ok). I see an error "unable to login to steam: invalid password".
I've already read the FAQ, trying to change the pass or copy/paste the settings folder - nothing happened.
Currently I'm using steam authenticator, should I try to change it for ASF authenticator?

7 years ago

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Try deleting the BOTNAME.db and check if the password in the .json is correct (or not set).
If it is not set, you will be ask. Then enter the correct password.

If you have another authentificator that should not be a problem. You just need to enter the 2fa code in the start.

7 years ago

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I've deleted all .db files - nothing
Typed my password in the mwin screen of ASF - nothing
Password is obviously right, I used it to login in a other steam linked places.
I dunno what to to, I just see "invalidpassword" again and again.

7 years ago

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Does the password contain special characters?

7 years ago

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Big and little literas and numbers

All was ok for a long time, but in the one moment broke.
upd. Afted typing and code in asf I can login for the first time, but if I reload the ASF I can't login automatically again. Even cant to type pass ans code.

7 years ago

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Do you have any password encryption enabled?

7 years ago

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Sorry, I don't know what is it.
I saw some new options about password's format, but I did nothing with them.

7 years ago

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You have not stored the passwort in the json?
So you have these two lines in the BotName.json?
"SteamPassword": null,
"PasswordFormat": 0,

7 years ago

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Set your password to null or empty sequence and type it in ASF console once asked. Make sure you have .NET 4.6.1+ installed as ASF requires. There should be no problem, as it works for everybody else.

7 years ago

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Framework is ok (asf is telling me about it every time).
If I typed the pass in ASF it works for the first time, but if I reboot the programm I cant login again (invalid password).

7 years ago

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And did you wait 10 seconds to see if you still can't log-in, when ASF attempts to reconnect? It's very well written in the FAQ that InvalidPassword has many reasons, and your case looks like login key issue that ASF is aware of.

7 years ago

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I've done everything: changed pass to null, typed it in console, waited etc
It doesn't change anything
I have no access to PC (only teamviewer from the phone), so I made few screenshots:

I hope smbd will help me, I don't know what to do.

7 years ago

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I can't see your issue with InvalidPassword there, and 403 error probably comes from invalid API key.

7 years ago

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I've already changed API 2 days ago :(

7 years ago

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I'm the guy with question...for the new "looting module" that was introduced in the 0 would be for game inventories?

7 years ago

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No, ASF fetches only community Steam items, so appID of 753, context of 6 -

Game items are in entirely different category, that is not being fetched, and not going to be - ASF is still for cards farming only, not for inventory management. I simply made it possible to use various combinations such as sending emoticons, backgrounds, trading cards, foil trading cards, and more.

0 is unknown, so any steam community item that doesn't fit into any other category. I don't know if such item exists for now, this is bullet-proofing for future mainly. Wiki quite clearly states that you should not include this unless you understand that ASF can by accident send your entire inventory if e.g. Valve starts talking crap and marks all items as unknown. So if you want my strong tip, do not include 0 in the list, ever.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This looks great but I am not gonna take the risk even if it is really small

7 years ago

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how is this risky, it is open source.

7 years ago

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I am talking about the risk of getting banned. In the FAQ it said that while it is very unlikely to get trade banned but there is still a very small chance.

7 years ago

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There is also a very small chance that you will die in a car accident in the next 5 hours.

Actually that chance might be much higher than the chance that you will get banned for using ASF.

I'm not stating that it's safe to use ASF, because nobody can guarantee you such safety. But claiming that there is a significant risk is not true either. I guess you're not staying in home 24/7 being afraid to die in a car accident, same thing applies to using ASF.

But the decision should still be yours, and nobody's else. I'm not offering legal advice, neither stating that you will be 100% safe. I can however clearly state that ASF is now being used on over 106k Steam accounts and everybody but 1 person is fine.

7 years ago*

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I know this was just a metaphor but I am actually very terrified of car accidents and I leave my house much less than I would like to because of them.
I might think about downloading it now. I did not know there were so many other people using it.

7 years ago

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Well, in this case sorry for bad example, but you understand the comparison I used.

7 years ago

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Most accidents happen at home, so it's actually safer to go outside.

7 years ago

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Worst case senario, I think we would get a warning or unban pretty easy if thousands of people use the program. It would create a huge community backlash if everyone got banned for having a game they purchased open for a couple hours to get the card drops. Steam has a system in place for restricting card drops, they can change then when it becomes a problem. As of now, you only get for example 3 cards per game, and to get more you need to spend $9 on the game to get more, or create boosters/buy them on the market from other players. If anything, they will deal with the developers making indiegames and giving away 100,000 copies, but even there, they probably don't care as people are using up steam wallet to create badges which are just digital pictures on a profile.

7 years ago*

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51 cards, about 1 day, 3 hours
Damn Archi, ruined the joy of checking every 10 mins if they are done yet?

7 years ago*

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Just started using ASF a couple of days ago and I have to say it is a fantastic tool!
Thanks Archi!

7 years ago

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Late to the game here! This is an awesome program in C#. How can I tell if it's really working? I logged in to my Steam client and see that my profile is "In Game" but the hours played is not changing.

7 years ago

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That's normal, steam community is not counting stats in realtime. Give it a few hours (2-3), and you'll notice cards dropping, and ASF switching games.

7 years ago

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Thank you dude. Very helpful. I just saw that I had played every game in my inventory. I logged 50+ hours... but I really didn't play :)

7 years ago

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Hi, I've started using this program yesterday (or today, can't remember). There are atm 43 pages on this thread and won't read every post here, Does the program use bandwith to farm? The speed it's quite slow whenver it's farming.

7 years ago

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Should not be more than a normal steam client running (without downloads).

Unless you have 100s of bots that is.

Have it running while playing onlinegames without noticing any difference.

And happy cake day.

7 years ago

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It's farming Minion Masters. Could be that it's an online game and that's why is slow? Obviously read your reply.

7 years ago

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What ASF does is basically tell the steam network you are playing a game. (It is the same for all games).
These "reports" are lightweight requests and should not use any significant amount of bandwidth or influence your ping.

Does the log read anything that look "not normal" (errormessages or stuff)?

Under windows, you can use the taskmanager to tell what programm uses bandwidth or monitor your router.

But ASF is really small. For me it uses 50MB RAM, 0-3% CPU and 0,1Mbits/s (thats the lowest value taskmanager shows, real value is way below).

7 years ago

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I heard that ASF can idle "game time" like putting the account and setting it into -- | In-Game Playing "game" | seems a little cool so how do i apply this to my bot? and where can i find a link with listed commands / infos i can do with my bot?? or on my alt acc, Thanks!.

7 years ago

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Check the first post.

7 years ago

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got it, thanks.. oh how dumb am i not to read the post / and see that fml.

7 years ago

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Hello Archi,
earlier when I was farming cards and I got a new game with cards, ASF immediately checked steam and knew about the new game, but it doesn't work like that anymore. ASF doesn't check steam immediately. Is it a bug or a feature?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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ASF knows better than you when it's worth it to re-check badge page for new games, and when it can wait until later.

7 years ago

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Hello Archi,
In your last version, is it normal that with the command !api the password appears in clear text with AES configured?
With the ASF-ConfigGenerator.exe when I want to configure what to loot, I've got 2 times the same item (see extract bot config next) each time I open the collection. I tried to delete the duplicate entries without success, they came back everytime

"IsBotAccount": true,
"LootableTypes": [

7 years ago*

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Thanks for report, fixed in

7 years ago

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For my first interrogation you don't answer me, with !api command the password is in clear text, is it normal?
New problem, in version, when I enter !loot <bot> and in the config file of the <bot> in lootabletypes I have selected all types except tradingcards, ASF loot everything without distinction, I missed something?

7 years ago

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Yes, it is normal - API includes BotConfig. It's named API for a reason. AES is for storing password in the file, not for the process - process must know password in clear text, way of storing is up to you.

in lootabletypes I have selected all types except tradingcards, ASF loot everything without distinction, I missed something?

Then ASF loots "all types except tradingcards", like you set.

7 years ago*

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I precise, ASF loot everything, my inventory was purged, tradingcards included ;-)

7 years ago

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Hm, there is indeed something still wrong with that, removing default entries doesn't work for some reason, will be fixed in

7 years ago

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Now with this version it's perfect, thank you so much. There is a new problem :) when you modify a parameter with configgenerator the bot shut (that's ok) but never come back to life "Bot 0 is not connected"
If I can abuse of your time, could you create a function to loot only full set? O:-)

7 years ago*

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If I can abuse of your time, could you create a function to loot only full set? O:-)

More complicated, and out of scope. (or he meant only the bot-bot part^^)

7 years ago

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Nice to see there is fork of ASF project :)
Good idea for the command transfer bot bot ^^

7 years ago

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Can't reproduce, works for me perfectly fine both with manual edits and CG. Maybe you simply set Enabled as false.

Looting full sets is out of the scope of ASF.

7 years ago

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You're right, I tried again and this time no problem. Thanks for your help.

7 years ago

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PS E:\sss> .\ASF.exe --client "redeem A05 4RIJQ-CX9YZ-KBFJP"
2016-12-29 23:03:17|ASF-6876|INFO|ASF|Init() ASF V2.1.7.9
2016-12-29 23:03:17|ASF-6876|INFO|ASF|IsRuntimeSupported() Your .NET version is OK. Required: 4.6.1 | Found: 4.6.2
2016-12-29 23:03:17|ASF-6876|INFO|ASF|SendCommand() Sending command: redeem A05 4RIJQ-CX9YZ-KBFJP to WCF server on net.tcp://
2016-12-29 23:03:28|ASF-6876|INFO|ASF|ParsePostInitArgs() Response received:
<A02> Key: 4RIJQ-CX9YZ-KBFJP | Status: OK | Items: [54017, Why So Evil]

Why key is send to A02 instead of A05?

7 years ago

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Is maybe distribute keys true for A05?

7 years ago

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Yes, but A05 don't have this game.

After servers restart:

2016-12-29 23:21:15|ASF-5400|INFO|ASF|ParsePostInitArgs() Response received:
<A05> Key: 4RIJQ-CX9YZ-KBFJP | Status: DuplicatedKey | Items: [54017, Why So Evil]

If bot are turned off (shutdown affter idling), key are passed to others?

7 years ago

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Like stated on the wiki. If you don't want to forward then either disable it or use !redeem^.

7 years ago

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Tak, ale mnie raczej chodzi o to, że bot nie posiada tego klucza. Więc pytanie czemu przekazuje grę, której nie ma.
Na wiki nie ma informacji, że bot przewali gdzie indziej klucz do gry której nie posiada.

Sądziłem, że przekazywany jest DOPIERO gdy bot którego wywołujesz tą grę posiada.

Reasumując: przekazując klucz do bota nie wiemy nigdy na którym docelowym koncie zostanie użyty?

7 years ago

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The actual bots order for all of the redeeming scenarios is alphabetical, excluding bots that are unavailable (not connected, stopped or likewise).

7 years ago

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Tego nie widziałem.

7 years ago

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TL;DR, jeśli wyślesz klucz do bota, który jest np. wyłączony (stopped), a ma forwarding, to zgodnie z twoim życzeniem przekaże go gdzie indziej bo sam go aktywować nie może.

7 years ago

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Ok, dzięki za wyjaśnienia.
Sądziłem, że zostanie wybudzony (aktywowany) skoro dostaje klucz.

7 years ago*

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On jest cały czas aktywny - a czy połączony ze Steamem to już inna kwestia.

7 years ago

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Witam serdecznie. Czy jest możliwość po ID gry nabijanie godzin czy tylko farmienie kart??
Jakaś prosta komenda na Linux w vps, bo na tym działam.

7 years ago

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Wiki - !play albo GamesPlayedWhileIdle.

7 years ago

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Dzięki mistrzu, znalazłem, ale nie wiem jak odpalić, bo nie widzi komendy !play a komenda GamesPlayedWhileIdle tu nie wiem jak to wpisać.
Pytanko mam takie, jak wyjdę z putty i potem za jakiś czas loguje się na serwer VPS to jak mogę przywrocic ASF, aby pokazywał co w danej chwili farmi .

7 years ago

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To lepiej się naucz jak wpisać, bo w !play też ci to będzie potrzebne :3. To są appID gier tak jak jest opisane na wiki, a co to jest appID można znaleźć na google. A ASF odpowie na komendę wyłącznie jak poprawnie ustawisz SteamMasterID.

Do putty można użyć np. screena, który też jest opisany na wiki w dziale Mono.

7 years ago

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Dzięki za info. Commende GamesPlayedWhileIdle już obczaiłem. GamesPlayedWhileIdle tylko jeden Appid mogę ustawić czy więcej, jak więcej to jak to będzie działać ?
Z funkcją screen dalej walczę, bo jak wyłączę putty, a po jakimś czasie zaloguje się na vps i przełączę na dany screen to oki przełączy, ale nie widzę co ASF farmi, a Steam widzę ze gram w jakąś grę, czyli ASF działa.
Wiem, że moje pytania wywołują wkurw i wyrywanie włosów, ale uczę się, a w twoim wiki są komendy, a ja uczę się jak je wprowadzać w życie i szukam na innych stronach jak działa dana komenda .

Dziękuje za super program i życzę ci wszystkiego najlepszego w Nowym Roku 2017.

7 years ago

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Do 32 różnych appID można wrzucić do GamesPlayedWhileIdle.

7 years ago

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hey, as SDA github ain't really helpful, maybe you have an idea on how to set up steam desktop authentificator on ubuntu from android phone that isn't rooted?
i compiled sda as asked but it keeps telling me that adb not found, although printing out that adb connected to my phone in terminal

7 years ago

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you don't, has to be rooted

7 years ago

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on sda it says that phone doesn't have to be rooted to use it

7 years ago

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SDA is crap, I'm not shocked it doesn't work properly. Non-root method barely works for anybody anyway, it didn't work even for me, so I'd simply give up.

7 years ago

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I got it without root.

I tried to root my phone with Kingoroot, but for some reason it failed over and over again. Then I found this thread. At first the backup only gave my 1kb file, which is because Steam updated the app to not allow backup.

7 years ago

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Hey there Archi, I've heard of a program of yours that is able to check if Steamkeys are used (and maybe for which game they are?). Is it this tool here? If yes, how does it work, and if no, would you please point me to your creation which does that?

7 years ago

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no, elaborate misinformation, it tells you if it's valid or not, but valid keys will be activated to said account

7 years ago

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You can't check if a key was used without redeeming it but you can know which game is by sending the key to the bot through Steam chat:

!redeem <BOT> <key1,key2,...> Redeems given cd-keys on given bot instance

7 years ago

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Okay, knowing which game it is would already help a lot. Would you kindly tell me more on how to do it? I see a lot of programmer language following your link, and I'm not familiar with any of that.
Like, how do I send the bot a chat message? I would have to add it first, right? How do I do that?

7 years ago

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this requires you to have your own idle bot, or to send it yourself through a group chat
also you will activate the key, you can't just ask for which game it is

7 years ago

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Well, than using the bot makes no sense, as Steam will also tell me what game it is when I redeem it. Thanks though ^^

7 years ago

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no shit yes it will

7 years ago

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Maybe I haven't explained it well, MaduRUDE was probably more clear than me:

valid keys will be activated to said account

I mean, if you send a key to the bot and it was not used, the key will be activated/redeemed in that account. If it was used, it will show as "Duplicated" with the name of the game (with its sub ID). If you are not familiar with ASF maybe you should read the basics in that wiki, some options are a little bit complicated to understand (and to explain here in a few sentences).

7 years ago

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Thanks, orono. It looks like it won't be able to help me then. I got two Steamkeys here of which I'm not sure which one is used or not and which game they belong to. Thanks anyways!

7 years ago

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There's no way to know which of those keys was used, that's how Steam is intended to work. You can't bypass it with third-party software like ASF or any other. The key will always be redeemed if it was not used before. Unlike Steam, ASF will only tell you what game it is (if the key was used, Steam does not tell you which game it was).

7 years ago

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As you read already, ASF does not include some kind of black magic that allows you to do something that Steam Network does not allow you to do. It can help with redeeming keys, and getting information about them, but it works exactly the same as normal redeem try.

7 years ago

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hey, i'm getting "StartFarming() We don't have anything to farm on this account!" while on badge page i still have 17 games left to idle.
ASF V2.2.0.5

7 years ago

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yes me too , It must be a mistake that luck solved soon

7 years ago

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I think something happened to the SteamAPI since I was idling fine this morning until I got a "we can't access to your badges page" (or something like that, I forgot to copypaste the message) two hours ago and now I get the same message ozo2003 is getting.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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If it still happens, save html source from the page where it says that you can earn X more card drops from playing the game, and send it to me on JustArchi[at]JustArchi[dot]net.

It should be on the badges page.

7 years ago

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seems idlemaster die today and even direct run of game dont drop cards

if use ASF (after laste steamupdate) what time need to idle first card and every other?

7 years ago

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direct run of game

Via the exe that is with IM or downloading and running the game? Second one is impossible (or steamfuckup)

if use ASF

The same as with IM... depending on your account type 2 hours for all games + 0.3-2 hours per card depending on the setting, the developer choose.
It's always the same time, as you would just play the game.

7 years ago

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Not really ... ASF takes 2h for every single game i idled for a first card drop .

I idled like 100ish games over the last couple weeks with idlemaster and they all start to drop @ 30 min

7 years ago

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You can not influence that.
Either you need 2h before the first card drops (then you mark "idle simultaniusly" in IM or "farming algorithm=complex" in ASF) or you don't (not marked, and algo=simple).
If there is a difference between programms, you have the wrong setting in one of them.

7 years ago

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I mean ASF is like nuclear science for me ...

it took me long time to setup that thing for my brothers account and the help of a friend ... and it finally worked ... after literally 1 hour .

So i duno if i setup ASF wrong or anything ... but IM Drop me cards every 30m , ASF does the same most of times but after 2h

7 years ago

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IM = paint included in windows 98
ASF = newest photoshop

I told you above, which settings you have to compare.

7 years ago

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I mean thats very kind of you and all , but im still not using ASF on my main account ... thanks

Just cause something is newer and shinier doesnt mean everyone want to use it .

ASF seems more of a thing that people with many accounts to idle would use ... Im stuck with just 1 ... 2 when i get some spare key for my brothers acc >.>

7 years ago

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No Problem, you can use whatever you want.
The statement that "ASF is way slower than IM" is just wrong and a result from bad configuration.

Btw: Are you telling me, you are using IM for your main and simultainiously ASF for you alts (or brothers acc)?
Then I can tell you why ASF drops slower... Because your alts are newer and have the "first drop after 2h"-status. If you want just switch accounts around and you will see that now IM drops slower...

Edit: I mean my comparison more like more and better features, but more complicated.

7 years ago

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I never used both at the same time .

I Idle once a year this account ... like i used it around holiday sale last year ... and havent idled anything for almost a year ... now i started doing it again .

As for my account the alt of my brother is actually like a year older then this account .
It was originally my alt account but i let him use it when i got a dota2 beta pass on it few years ago .

Then i lost my account to ( probably some russian kid ) who gave me some virus or w/e ... so i made This one :)

So i really dont get why it takes 2h+ to start droping cards on a 5y old account , while this one drops every 30m .

I may try out asf on this one , whenever i feel like killing myself again and going trough the torture to set it up again . :P

Im just bad @ computers >.> Like i type IPConfig and i feel like hacker kinda bad D:

7 years ago

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Did you refund a game with that account? This "drops" you into the lower class as well. (Or got gamekeys removed?, but that does not always trigger it. Got a bunch removed and am still "good", others got the bad algo after one removed key)

Maybe it would not take 2h, but you have complex enabled (so all games get idled up to 2h simultaniously).

But if a single game is running (either via ASF or IM or by playing the game) you get all card drops at the same point in time. No program or anything can influence that.

But anyways, if you are fine with IM, then just stick with it. For one account there is really next to no reason to switch (ok, auto-pausing and resuming if you play a game, accepting tradeoffers, redeeming keys way easier and some other small stuff, but if you only need it for farming, then it's fine I guess.

7 years ago

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The whole auto pausing trading and stuff is so next level ... i think i may need to kidnap archi himself and have him show me IRL how its done :D

As for your question ... i do think i got a game revoked ... but thats on both accounts ... it was one of those mass Gleam giveaways for some shitty game ...and everything got revoked .

I dont really know ... im sure tho that ASF farms the games 1 by 1 so i really have no clue why is that a thing .

I will leave ASF on this account tomorow and see how it does i guess .

Cant now cause gtg to work >.<

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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is it still work and safe?

7 years ago

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same as before.

7 years ago

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thank you!

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.