So as somebody else asked earlier to give the second copy of his Frozen Synapse Prime
giveaway back to him this leads me to this question : Are you allowed to create a 1 copy GA for this type of game? Since you are not gifting the actual storepage item but still recieve the CV for it.

For those of you who dont know : You get an extra copy on purchase.

Edit : I dont want give it away. I am just curious.

9 years ago*

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Is it within the rules?

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You can only create a one copy giveaway as you can't guarantee you will get the second copy.

Edit: Unless you start with multiple keys/gifts.

9 years ago

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I think you dont get what I am asking.
So with this game the thing is you can only buy two copies at a time. You cant buy a single copie from steam. So if you activate a key for the game a second copie gets in your inventory. I am asking if you are allowed to give it away since you are not exactly giving away what the storepage says.

9 years ago

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Yes you can give it away. See my post bellow.

9 years ago

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I'd say yes, It's the same game, regardless of how you got it.

That said, despite his request, you can't require people to give you the second free copy back.

9 years ago

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Yea I am clear about that. :)

9 years ago

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If you have a copy that will come with a bonus, it can only count as one giveaway.

The game is the same regardless of how many bonus copies it comes with upon activation. You also don't have to send the bonus copies back. If you wish to follow the giveaway creators request it's up to you. You can even do a giveaway yourself with the bonus copy.

9 years ago

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I mean if it is allowed to make a Frozen.... Ga with JUST the bonus copy hence it is not the storepage item.

9 years ago

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Yes. I answered that.

You can even do a giveaway yourself with the bonus copy.

9 years ago*

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Oh sry overread that. It just seems strange to me and kind of a good way to boost your CV if you want to and if the winners are nice to you :)

9 years ago

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It's all good :) It just depends how you feel about it.

Also someone just mentioned bellow to be careful about the bonus copy being region restricted. The bonus copy is normally limited to the region of the person who activates the first copy.

9 years ago

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I think this was one of those games that bugged out when generating gifts. It said it was restricted but didn't actually list the restrictions. Pretty sure devs noted at one point it was supposed to be region free.

9 years ago

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Yep. Somebody said that via chat to me too. Seems kind of weird.

9 years ago

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i'd ask the creator if that's fine with him, it's only fair since he gave away the game.

not that it makes a biug difference since it's bundled, 4.25cv.

9 years ago

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Be careful with the copy because could be region restricted. Example, if you activate the game in SA, your copy cant be activated in USA or Europe, but if you activate the copy in USA or Europe, the copy hasn't region restriction.

9 years ago

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If you create a giveaway you need to give a game which is giveaway for. It doesn't matter if it is duo pack or 4-pack, or how many bonuses are included. If you give a correct game - it's fine. The rest is up to you.

9 years ago

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This is tricky, as the winner could demand a second copy, as it' could be seen as a package so the person who gave it away only sent half of it, if they only sent one.

On the other hand the second copy could be seen as a bonus that comes with the basegame. So it's like giving away a weird directors cut edition that isn't sold on steam, but comes with a bonus dlc or something.

Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure the gifter can't demand someone to give back the second copy - but making a giveaway or just leaving the second copy to rot in the inventory the winner's inventory would be a dickmove, too, in my opinion.

The best answer could be provided by asking support, how they handled these cases in the past.

9 years ago*

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Probably yes. But I wont bother because I dont want to give away more copies of it :)
Because of the first part you have written I have a strange feeling about it ^^

Edit : As a winner you could give the extra copy away lol. No need to let it rot.

9 years ago

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I think the "good" thing to do would be to giveaway the second copy to a friend or give it back to the creator, so he could make a giveaway for a random stranger himself :)

edit: nono that's not what I said! I think

9 years ago*

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I see it as a bonus and not something that you are actually purchasing. If the giveaway creator asked for the copy back in return in a decent manner I would follow the request.

9 years ago

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The winner can demand a second copy all they like but they aren't entitled to one. There are several games that function the same way and most of them have been bundled. If the winner had too receive an original copy that spawned a gift the matter would have been settled by support several times over.

9 years ago

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That there are several games that have these promontions doesn't matter, because maybe only a few winner actually demanded a second copy.

I'm not saying they should receive a second copy, or that they are entitled to. I'm saying that this could be a request that winner did and I'm not sure how support deals with it!

9 years ago*

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Yes, because the store page is for the game and not a double-pack. You can mention in the description if it is the bonus game or a double pack, but you are not required to send the double-pack. Goes for any game that gives a bonus copy (and is not yet on the free game list).

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Alright thank you all. Became a lot more clear on what the opinions are in those cases :)

9 years ago

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Interesting question/case...
When you create a giveaway and select Frozen Synapse Prime it states

Frozen Synapse Prime

So it's clearly a giveaway only for the app and not for a package. So the giveaway creator just has to make sure the giveaway leads to an activated copy of that app on the winners library.
When you purchase the game from the store you in fact purchase a package ( This package grants a gift upon activation. So the giveaway creator can ask for people to return the extra copy. But this would actually work like a special rule which isn't allowed (cannot be enforced anymore). So the GA creator cannot do anything if the copy isn't returned.

Now about the CV:
This could easily be seen as constant Steam API failure. Similar to sale times it happens to other games that appear in packages and where the steam API returns the price of a package.
The CV is always calculated according to Steam API feedback. So there are giveaways that require 0P or require 100P even though the game cost only 20$. The CV is actually the same.

If you actually want to know if it's fair or not, that's another question ;)

9 years ago*

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obviously took me some time to write up that reply and lots of things are mentioned above already...

9 years ago

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little question: some packages lead to the same app, don't they? That's why support has to add packages manually.

edit: oh I think I misread your comment D: jeah ._.

9 years ago*

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It's not completely the case.
AFAIK everything that has a page in the Steam store is returned with a prize (can be 0$)
Any package that hasn't got a store page has to be added manually (for example bundles etc.)

9 years ago

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Ah I think I understand it now.
Thanks for the info!

Maybe it would be a good thing if the package gets added to the giveaway list, too. (if there were enought support members to do all of this) It's really confusing with all those different urls.

Anyway, thanks again for the clarification!

9 years ago

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The problem with packages like this (multi-copies) is, that they cannot be checked upon. It's easy to check, whether someone activated a win or all games from a package or if they didn't. There's no way to check though if the activation spawned a extra copy that went to the inventory.
And it would surely confuse people who want to make a giveaways.

I don't think these kind of packages should be added as valid giveaway

9 years ago

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I thought that some people might be confused, as they don't know if they can give away a" single-copy package" on this site.
Having the option to choose between a giveaway for a multi-copy or a single-copy giveaway could clarify this.

That it can't be checked, if someone actually received a multi-copy wouldn't be such a problem, as both give the same cv and this site already lets the winner do what they want with their additional copy, when they receive one.

9 years ago*

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true dat ... So I guess you're right and it could help people.

9 years ago

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It was not about fairnes but more for the rules since I already gave it away multiple times and felt bad for the first one who only got my bonus. The other two got the 2 copy versions.
Thanks for the long reply.

9 years ago

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Another thing to add as well. You could purchase a key from another website and it may only state that it's a key for Frozen Synapse Prime. Many sites including Indiegala and Bundlestars don't always mention that the edition of a game you are actually getting is the one with extras etc.

9 years ago

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The site where I got it from when I created my GAs mentioned that. But I thought it was a regular 2pack.
The whole thing is weird but it seems like almost 90% think it is fine and since it is the nice forum people I would go with them.

9 years ago

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Have that game in my inventory as well, and had the exact same doubts about giving it away.

9 years ago

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Apparently you can :) So go for it but watch out for the hidden region lock as mentioned before by people here.

9 years ago

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Oh right there was that region lock, too.

Though, it wasn't hidden when I last checked. Weird.

9 years ago

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Here's how it's been detailed to work:
(For packages that don't have a one copy version for sale but only a generate-free-copy 2-pack base version- for games that do have one-copy versions, if you post for a 2-pack but only provide one game,that's obviously not acceptable.)

1: When your giveaway ends, your winner needs to receive one, fully functional working steam copy of the game in question. Whether that's a gift copy, a two-pack, or even the game with extras thrown in, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that they get the one copy of the game- that the game listed shows up in their library after the giveaway ends.

In the case of 2-packs (where no 1-copy purchase is available), this means, YES, you can turn around and repost the second copy back as a giveaway- though, note, it's considered rude not to note that it IS a gift copy, since some people specifically only want to win 2-packs, so they can play with a friend/partner/family member.

2: (AFAIK:)
You may ASK for the second copy to be returned to you, if you put up a 2-pack, but there is NO obligation to do so. Rather, the reason 2-packs are treated so casually is because there's no potential for CV abuse- the original creator can't post the same game twice, due to one copy having to be redeemed to a Steam account.
At the point that any creator tries to strongarm a return of a copy, that's when they're trying to exploit the CV system- getting CV for posting the game twice [if that's not their aim, they could have redeemed a single copy themself to begin with].
Morever, they've given you a single activation key- at that point, the product is yours, so if you choose to give the second copy back, that's you being obliging or generous, not anything you necessarily have to do.

As a legitimate example of why someone'd want to ask for a copy back, if I wanted to put up a ROW 2-pack rather than have my NZ friend activate the game first, to avoid any issues with the second copy being region-restricted, that'd be something I could do.
But, as far as I'm aware, there's no assurance that I'd actually get that second gift copy back.

9 years ago*

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Damn what a wall of text :) Thank you very much.

I was just very curious how to handle such things.

9 years ago

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