I am talking about support on steamgifts.
Sorry if I am misunderstanding right now :s
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Well with no explanation saying that it happened here, we assume it'll be on Steam as it's a common topic here.
My point still stands though, screenshots proving that the scammer wasn't you will work on SG support, I'd assume.
Otherwise, you'll get attention here if this blows big enough, just post screenshots with removed names to prove your innocence.
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If I understood correctly, he is stated he never traded with the person who -repped him and that it was probably an impresonator of his to do it. In this case I don't think he can provide any screenshots of his innocence.
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Ugh, this is why trading with wallet codes are always a problem.
Still, if the person who traded with said scammer used csgo keys, surely won't have that trade in your steam trade history, if it isn't present, then you didn't scam that person. Just post that you didn't trade.
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I can just proof that I don't own the game luckily but that won't help anyways.
If someone really interested and wants to follow this case and maybe gonna help me, here:
(I don't think anyone cares doe)
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Not sure it would be proof enough :S It might help pointing out there is another person on steam with same avatar and similar nick as yours, maybe? You have plenty of positive feedback though, so it probably won't impact you too much anyway.
EDIT: reading through that thread it seems that person realizes he traded with another account and not yours, just believes it's an alt of yours.
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Thought the same doe, but I am not really activate on here anymore (most reps are over 2 years old), so they might get a bit thoughtful.
I hope everything will go fine. I wouldn't even have the ability to scam someone with high rep, it would just destroy my rep.
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Still, probably would be useful to point to that user that:
It takes long for negative feedback to be removed, however, if you are innocent, I wouldn't worry too much.
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Just move on. Been in the exact same situation where a few folks mistook me for an imposter (I even have a screen cap of him on my main trade thread). But ya, write a ticket and just forget about it. If anyone asks, explain the situation and since you have a decent amount of rep, it shouldn't hurt ya.
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That was what I needed! Someone with already experiencing something like this. Thanks.
I was really upset about that guy raging in my trade topic.
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On the screenshots of your -rep, the name of your impresonator is Fr0$T_F0X³
But you never used this username on Steam. Shoudn't this be enough to prove your innocence ?
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actually I used this name like 2 years ago (-rep is also 2 years ago).
But that doesn't really hurt me anymore. I just tell the story if someone asks why I have a -rep.
But the second is too much.
btw the screens are real I just mistyped myself with "no I don't, I have scamming" I wanted to tell him "no I don't, I hate scamming" -> I was a kid those times and my english was really bad. That is no excuse I know and I can't proof anything, thats probably why I lost the ticket on the rep.
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stayed loyal and didn't gave -rep back
If you check his acc, its always on private btw
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How come this username doesn't show up in your username list on Steam ?
Anyway, most traders are going to check and see that they are from people with low/no rep and probably won't takie it too seriously. Your positive rep is big enough not to worry about this.
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Some guy on my tradelist -rep'd me cause he found me too slow and wasnt interested in my stuff, even says so in my -rep.
How do i remove this?
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Send a ticket to support, they should remove it and suspend him (Misuse of trade feedback : 5 days)
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Yea but i have no proof, the guy instantly removed me from steam, howerver if u see his -rep reason u can already see its stupid and has flaws in it wich makes no sense of -repping me.
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Exactly, so you don't need proof, his stupid comment should be proof enough
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Also how long does it take for it to work? i reported him like 5 hours ago.
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Unfortunately it can take a very long time. Like from a few days to months. I don't think rep issues are a high priority for support
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Since it happend i see a large amount of poeple not reply to my Trade Discussion anymore, this asshole is effecting my reputation like this, thats what is bugging me the most.
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Yeah since you don't have a lot of +rep either, it can scares people away.
Don't worry, it will have less & less impact when you'll start getting more +rep
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Btw I just looked at your trade post and I see that you post comments to bump it but that's not the proper way to do it. You see the Open button top right of the page ? Click on it and there's a bump option you can use 1 time/h
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Contact SG support. And don't worry, if somebody is interested in trading with you, they will read that feedback and dismiss it.
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Ok thank you very much
I just hate seeying reputation damage by little kids
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be sure to take a screenshot of that -rep if you didn't already, in case he changes it.
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I managed to reach out to the guy, on your thread, and he reported the right person instead of you.
Having been a victim of impersonators myself, I know how frustrating it can be to get the other person to understand that he met with an impersonator. I figured he was more likely to listen to someone who has no vested interest in the situation. :)
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A big thanks to you mate! You safed the day :)
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So, a guy which wanted to trade with me, got scammed by someone who probably had same name as me.
He won't accept that I wasnt the traitor of his fall.
How to deal with that?
He also gave me -rep.
I already had a case like that, but that time I got scammed, I kept calm (not like the one guy right now), but the guy who scammed me gave me -rep.
And the bad thing is he won the ticket I created. he has +0/-0 rep
I fear that if I make a ticket now I am gonna lose it again.
Anyone already experienced that? Please help me out.
Thanks in advance :)
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